xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/redfish-core/include/registries/openbmc_message_registry.hpp (revision 80e6e25e7d721fa03fcc2b194881d8d8a64fe416)
1 #pragma once
2 /****************************************************************
3  *                 READ THIS WARNING FIRST
4  * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions
5  * for Redfish DMTF defined messages.
6  * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the
7  * parse_registries.py script.  The definitions contained within
8  * this file are owned by DMTF.  Any modifications to these files
9  * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF
10  * github organization.
11  ***************************************************************/
12 #include "registries.hpp"
14 #include <array>
16 // clang-format off
18 namespace redfish::registries::openbmc
19 {
20 const Header header = {
21     "Copyright 2022 OpenBMC. All rights reserved.",
22     "#MessageRegistry.v1_4_0.MessageRegistry",
23     0,
24     5,
25     0,
26     "OpenBMC Message Registry",
27     "en",
28     "This registry defines the base messages for OpenBMC.",
29     "OpenBMC",
30     "OpenBMC",
31 };
32 constexpr const char* url =
33     "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openbmc/bmcweb/refs/heads/master/redfish-core/include/registries/openbmc.json";
35 constexpr std::array registry =
36 {
37     MessageEntry{
38         "ADDDCCorrectable",
39         {
40             "Indicates an ADDDC Correctable Error.",
41             "ADDDC Correctable Error.Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Rank=%4.",
42             "Warning",
43             4,
44             {
45                 "number",
46                 "string",
47                 "number",
48                 "number",
49             },
50             "None.",
51         }},
52     MessageEntry{
53         "AtScaleDebugConnected",
54         {
55             "Indicates At-Scale Debug connection has been established",
56             "At-Scale Debug service is now connected %1",
57             "Critical",
58             1,
59             {
60                 "string",
61             },
62             "None.",
63         }},
64     MessageEntry{
65         "AtScaleDebugConnectionFailed",
66         {
67             "Indicates At-Scale Debug connection aborted/failed",
68             "At-Scale Debug connection aborted/failed",
69             "Critical",
70             0,
71             {},
72             "None.",
73         }},
74     MessageEntry{
75         "AtScaleDebugDisconnected",
76         {
77             "Indicates At-Scale Debug connection has ended",
78             "At-Scale Debug service is now disconnected",
79             "OK",
80             0,
81             {},
82             "None.",
83         }},
84     MessageEntry{
85         "AtScaleDebugFeatureDisabled",
86         {
87             "Indicates that At-Scale Debug service is stopped.",
88             "At-Scale Debug service is stopped.",
89             "OK",
90             0,
91             {},
92             "None.",
93         }},
94     MessageEntry{
95         "AtScaleDebugFeatureDisabledAtHardware",
96         {
97             "Indicates that At-Scale Debug disable is detected in hardware.",
98             "At-Scale Debug Feature is disabled in hardware.",
99             "OK",
100             0,
101             {},
102             "None.",
103         }},
104     MessageEntry{
105         "AtScaleDebugFeatureEnabled",
106         {
107             "Indicates that At-Scale Debug service is started.",
108             "At-Scale Debug service is started.",
109             "Critical",
110             0,
111             {},
112             "None.",
113         }},
114     MessageEntry{
115         "AtScaleDebugFeatureEnabledAtHardware",
116         {
117             "Indicates that At-Scale Debug enable is detected in hardware.",
118             "At-Scale Debug Feature is enabled in hardware.",
119             "Critical",
120             0,
121             {},
122             "None.",
123         }},
124     MessageEntry{
125         "AtScaleDebugSpecialUserDisabled",
126         {
127             "Indicates that special user is disabled.",
128             "At-Scale Debug special user is disabled",
129             "OK",
130             0,
131             {},
132             "None.",
133         }},
134     MessageEntry{
135         "AtScaleDebugSpecialUserEnabled",
136         {
137             "Indicates that special user is enabled.",
138             "At-Scale Debug special user is enabled",
139             "Critical",
140             0,
141             {},
142             "None.",
143         }},
144     MessageEntry{
145         "BIOSAttributesChanged",
146         {
147             "Indicates that a set of BIOS Attributes has changed.",
148             "Set of BIOS Attributes changed.",
149             "OK",
150             0,
151             {},
152             "None.",
153         }},
154     MessageEntry{
155         "BIOSBoot",
156         {
157             "Indicates BIOS has transitioned control to the OS Loader.",
158             "BIOS System Boot.",
159             "OK",
160             0,
161             {},
162             "None.",
163         }},
164     MessageEntry{
165         "BIOSFirmwarePanicReason",
166         {
167             "Indicates the reason for BIOS firmware panic.",
168             "BIOS firmware panic occurred due to %1.",
169             "Warning",
170             1,
171             {
172                 "string",
173             },
174             "None.",
175         }},
176     MessageEntry{
177         "BIOSFirmwareRecoveryReason",
178         {
179             "Indicates the reason for BIOS firmware recovery.",
180             "BIOS firmware recovery occurred due to %1.",
181             "Warning",
182             1,
183             {
184                 "string",
185             },
186             "None.",
187         }},
188     MessageEntry{
189         "BIOSFirmwareResiliencyError",
190         {
191             "Indicates BIOS firmware encountered resilience error.",
192             "BIOS firmware resiliency error. Error reason: %1.",
193             "Critical",
194             1,
195             {
196                 "string",
197             },
198             "None.",
199         }},
200     MessageEntry{
201         "BIOSPOSTCode",
202         {
203             "BIOS Power-On Self-Test Code received",
204             "Boot Count: %1; Time Stamp Offset: %2 seconds; POST Code: %3",
205             "OK",
206             3,
207             {
208                 "number",
209                 "number",
210                 "number",
211             },
212             "None.",
213         }},
214     MessageEntry{
215         "BIOSPOSTError",
216         {
217             "Indicates BIOS POST has encountered an error.",
218             "BIOS POST Error. Error Code=%1",
219             "Warning",
220             1,
221             {
222                 "number",
223             },
224             "None.",
225         }},
226     MessageEntry{
227         "BIOSRecoveryComplete",
228         {
229             "Indicates BIOS Recovery has completed.",
230             "BIOS Recovery Complete.",
231             "OK",
232             0,
233             {},
234             "None.",
235         }},
236     MessageEntry{
237         "BIOSRecoveryStart",
238         {
239             "Indicates BIOS Recovery has started.",
240             "BIOS Recovery Start.",
241             "Warning",
242             0,
243             {},
244             "None.",
245         }},
246     MessageEntry{
247         "BMCBootReason",
248         {
249             "Indicates the reason why BMC firmware booted.",
250             "BMC firmware version %1 booted due to %2.",
251             "OK",
252             2,
253             {
254                 "string",
255                 "string",
256             },
257             "None.",
258         }},
259     MessageEntry{
260         "BMCFirmwarePanicReason",
261         {
262             "Indicates the reason for last BMC firmware panic.",
263             "BMC firmware panic occurred due to %1.",
264             "Warning",
265             1,
266             {
267                 "string",
268             },
269             "None.",
270         }},
271     MessageEntry{
272         "BMCFirmwareRecoveryReason",
273         {
274             "Indicates the reason for last BMC firmware recovery.",
275             "BMC firmware recovery occurred due to %1.",
276             "Warning",
277             1,
278             {
279                 "string",
280             },
281             "None.",
282         }},
283     MessageEntry{
284         "BMCFirmwareResiliencyError",
285         {
286             "Indicates BMC firmware encountered resilience error.",
287             "BMC firmware resiliency error. Error reason: %1.",
288             "Critical",
289             1,
290             {
291                 "string",
292             },
293             "None.",
294         }},
295     MessageEntry{
296         "BMCKernelPanic",
297         {
298             "Indicates that BMC kernel panic occurred.",
299             "BMC rebooted due to kernel panic.",
300             "OK",
301             0,
302             {},
303             "None.",
304         }},
305     MessageEntry{
306         "CPLDFirmwarePanicReason",
307         {
308             "Indicates the reason for CPLD firmware panic.",
309             "CPLD firmware panic occurred due to %1.",
310             "Warning",
311             1,
312             {
313                 "string",
314             },
315             "None.",
316         }},
317     MessageEntry{
318         "CPLDFirmwareRecoveryReason",
319         {
320             "Indicates the reason for CPLD firmware recovery.",
321             "CPLD firmware recovery occurred due to %1.",
322             "Warning",
323             1,
324             {
325                 "string",
326             },
327             "None.",
328         }},
329     MessageEntry{
330         "CPLDFirmwareResiliencyError",
331         {
332             "Indicates CPLD firmware encountered resilience error.",
333             "CPLD firmware resiliency error. Error reason: %1.",
334             "Critical",
335             1,
336             {
337                 "string",
338             },
339             "None.",
340         }},
341     MessageEntry{
342         "CPUError",
343         {
344             "Indicates that a CPU Error occurred of the specified type or cause.",
345             "CPU Error Occurred: %1.",
346             "Critical",
347             1,
348             {
349                 "string",
350             },
351             "None.",
352         }},
353     MessageEntry{
354         "CPUMismatch",
355         {
356             "Indicates that the specified CPU power/current rating is incompatible with the board.",
357             "CPU %1 Mismatch.",
358             "Critical",
359             1,
360             {
361                 "number",
362             },
363             "Install the supported CPU.",
364         }},
365     MessageEntry{
366         "CPUThermalTrip",
367         {
368             "Indicates that the specified CPU thermal trip has been asserted.",
369             "CPU %1 Thermal Trip.",
370             "Critical",
371             1,
372             {
373                 "number",
374             },
375             "None.",
376         }},
377     MessageEntry{
378         "ChassisIntrusionDetected",
379         {
380             "Indicates that a physical security event of the chassis intrusion has occurred.",
381             "Chassis Intrusion Detected.",
382             "Warning",
383             0,
384             {},
385             "None.",
386         }},
387     MessageEntry{
388         "ChassisIntrusionReset",
389         {
390             "Indicates that chassis intrusion status has recovered.",
391             "Chassis Intrusion Reset.",
392             "OK",
393             0,
394             {},
395             "None.",
396         }},
397     MessageEntry{
398         "ComponentOverTemperature",
399         {
400             "Indicates that the specified component is over temperature.",
401             "%1 over temperature and being throttled.",
402             "Critical",
403             1,
404             {
405                 "string",
406             },
407             "None.",
408         }},
409     MessageEntry{
410         "DCPowerOff",
411         {
412             "Indicates that the system DC power is off.",
413             "Host system DC power is off",
414             "OK",
415             0,
416             {},
417             "None.",
418         }},
419     MessageEntry{
420         "DCPowerOn",
421         {
422             "Indicates that the system DC power is on.",
423             "Host system DC power is on",
424             "OK",
425             0,
426             {},
427             "None.",
428         }},
429     MessageEntry{
430         "DriveError",
431         {
432             "Indicates that a Drive Error occurred of the specified type or cause.",
433             "Drive Error Occurred: %1.",
434             "Warning",
435             1,
436             {
437                 "string",
438             },
439             "None.",
440         }},
441     MessageEntry{
442         "EventLogCleared",
443         {
444             "Indicates that the event log has been cleared.",
445             "Event Log Cleared.",
446             "OK",
447             0,
448             {},
449             "None.",
450         }},
451     MessageEntry{
452         "FanInserted",
453         {
454             "Indicates that a system fan has been inserted.",
455             "%1 inserted.",
456             "OK",
457             1,
458             {
459                 "string",
460             },
461             "None.",
462         }},
463     MessageEntry{
464         "FanRedundancyLost",
465         {
466             "Indicates that system fan redundancy has been lost.",
467             "Fan redundancy lost.",
468             "Warning",
469             0,
470             {},
471             "None.",
472         }},
473     MessageEntry{
474         "FanRedundancyRegained",
475         {
476             "Indicates that system fan redundancy has been regained.",
477             "Fan redundancy regained.",
478             "OK",
479             0,
480             {},
481             "None.",
482         }},
483     MessageEntry{
484         "FanRemoved",
485         {
486             "Indicates that a system fan has been removed.",
487             "%1 removed.",
488             "OK",
489             1,
490             {},
491             "None.",
492         }},
493     MessageEntry{
494         "FirmwareActivationCompleted",
495         {
496             "Indicates a firmware activation has completed successfully.",
497             "%1 firmware activation completed successfully.",
498             "OK",
499             1,
500             {
501                 "string",
502             },
503             "None.",
504         }},
505     MessageEntry{
506         "FirmwareActivationFailed",
507         {
508             "Indicates a firmware activation has failed.",
509             "%1 firmware activation failed: %2.",
510             "Warning",
511             2,
512             {
513                 "string",
514                 "string",
515             },
516             "None.",
517         }},
518     MessageEntry{
519         "FirmwareActivationStarted",
520         {
521             "Indicates a firmware activation has started.",
522             "%1 firmware activation started.",
523             "OK",
524             1,
525             {
526                 "string",
527             },
528             "None.",
529         }},
530     MessageEntry{
531         "FirmwareResiliencyError",
532         {
533             "Indicates firmware encountered resilience error.",
534             "Firmware resiliency error. Error reason: %1.",
535             "Critical",
536             1,
537             {
538                 "string",
539             },
540             "None.",
541         }},
542     MessageEntry{
543         "FirmwareUpdateCompleted",
544         {
545             "Indicates a firmware update has completed successfully.",
546             "%1 firmware update to version %2 completed successfully.",
547             "OK",
548             2,
549             {
550                 "string",
551                 "string",
552             },
553             "None.",
554         }},
555     MessageEntry{
556         "FirmwareUpdateFailed",
557         {
558             "Indicates a firmware update has failed.",
559             "%1 firmware update to version %2 failed: %3.",
560             "Warning",
561             3,
562             {
563                 "string",
564                 "string",
565                 "string",
566             },
567             "None.",
568         }},
569     MessageEntry{
570         "FirmwareUpdateStaged",
571         {
572             "Indicates a firmware update has staged successfully.",
573             "%1 firmware update to version %2 staged successfully.",
574             "OK",
575             2,
576             {
577                 "string",
578                 "string",
579             },
580             "None.",
581         }},
582     MessageEntry{
583         "FirmwareUpdateStarted",
584         {
585             "Indicates a firmware update has started.",
586             "%1 firmware update to version %2 started.",
587             "OK",
588             2,
589             {
590                 "string",
591                 "string",
592             },
593             "None.",
594         }},
595     MessageEntry{
596         "GeneralFirmwareSecurityViolation",
597         {
598             "Indicates a general firmware security violation has occurred.",
599             "Firmware security violation: %1.",
600             "Critical",
601             1,
602             {
603                 "string",
604             },
605             "None.",
606         }},
607     MessageEntry{
608         "IPMIWatchdog",
609         {
610             "Indicates that there is a host watchdog event.",
611             "Host Watchdog Event: %1",
612             "OK",
613             1,
614             {
615                 "string",
616             },
617             "None.",
618         }},
619     MessageEntry{
620         "IntelUPILinkWidthReducedToHalf",
621         {
622             "Indicates Intel UPI link width has reduced to half width.",
623             "Intel UPI link width reduced to half. Node=%1.",
624             "Warning",
625             1,
626             {
627                 "number",
628             },
629             "None.",
630         }},
631     MessageEntry{
632         "IntelUPILinkWidthReducedToQuarter",
633         {
634             "Indicates Intel UPI link width has reduced to quarter width.",
635             "Intel UPI link width reduced to quarter. Node=%1.",
636             "Warning",
637             1,
638             {
639                 "number",
640             },
641             "None.",
642         }},
643     MessageEntry{
644         "InvalidLoginAttempted",
645         {
646             "Indicates that a login was attempted on the specified interface with an invalid username or password.",
647             "Invalid username or password attempted on %1.",
648             "Warning",
649             1,
650             {
651                 "string",
652             },
653             "None.",
654         }},
655     MessageEntry{
656         "InvalidUpload",
657         {
658             "Indicates that the uploaded file was invalid.",
659             "Invalid file uploaded to %1: %2.",
660             "Warning",
661             2,
662             {
663                 "string",
664                 "string",
665             },
666             "None.",
667         }},
668     MessageEntry{
669         "InventoryAdded",
670         {
671             "Indicates that an inventory item with the specified model, type, and serial number was installed.",
672             "%1 %2 with serial number %3 was installed.",
673             "OK",
674             3,
675             {
676                 "string",
677                 "string",
678                 "string",
679             },
680             "None.",
681         }},
682     MessageEntry{
683         "InventoryRemoved",
684         {
685             "Indicates that an inventory item with the specified model, type, and serial number was removed.",
686             "%1 %2 with serial number %3 was removed.",
687             "OK",
688             3,
689             {
690                 "string",
691                 "string",
692                 "string",
693             },
694             "None.",
695         }},
696     MessageEntry{
697         "LanLost",
698         {
699             "Indicates that a physical security event of the LAN leash has lost.",
700             "%1 LAN leash lost.",
701             "Warning",
702             1,
703             {
704                 "string",
705             },
706             "None.",
707         }},
708     MessageEntry{
709         "LanRegained",
710         {
711             "Indicates that LAN link status has reconnected.",
712             "%1 LAN leash regained.",
713             "OK",
714             1,
715             {
716                 "string",
717             },
718             "None.",
719         }},
720     MessageEntry{
721         "LegacyPCIPERR",
722         {
723             "Indicates a Legacy PCI PERR.",
724             "Legacy PCI PERR. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
725             "Warning",
726             3,
727             {
728                 "number",
729                 "number",
730                 "number",
731             },
732             "None.",
733         }},
734     MessageEntry{
735         "LegacyPCISERR",
736         {
737             "Indicates a Legacy PCI SERR.",
738             "Legacy PCI SERR. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
739             "Critical",
740             3,
741             {
742                 "number",
743                 "number",
744                 "number",
745             },
746             "None.",
747         }},
748     MessageEntry{
749         "MEAutoConfigFailed",
750         {
751             "Indicates that Intel ME power sensor auto-configuration has failed.",
752             "Intel ME power sensor auto-configuration failed. Power monitoring, limiting and HW protection features might be unavailable. Failure reason: %1",
753             "Critical",
754             1,
755             {
756                 "string",
757             },
758             "Ensure that Intel ME configuration for power sources is correct.",
759         }},
760     MessageEntry{
761         "MEAutoConfigSuccess",
762         {
763             "Indicates that Intel ME has performed successful power sensor auto-configuration.",
764             "Intel ME power sensor auto-configuration succeeded. Determined sources for domain readings are: DC Power: %1 ; Chassis Power: %2 ; PSU Efficiency: %3 ; Unamanaged power: %4",
765             "OK",
766             4,
767             {
768                 "string",
769                 "string",
770                 "string",
771                 "string",
772             },
773             "None.",
774         }},
775     MessageEntry{
776         "MEBootGuardHealthEvent",
777         {
778             "Indicates that Intel ME has detected error during operations of Intel Boot Guard",
779             "Intel ME has detected following issue with Intel Boot Guard: %1",
780             "Critical",
781             1,
782             {
783                 "string",
784             },
785             "None.",
786         }},
787     MessageEntry{
788         "MECpuDebugCapabilityDisabled",
789         {
790             "Indicates that Intel ME has detected situation in which CPU Debug Capability is disabled.",
791             "CPU Debug Capability disabled",
792             "Warning",
793             0,
794             {},
795             "None.",
796         }},
797     MessageEntry{
798         "MEDirectFlashUpdateRequested",
799         {
800             "Indicates that BIOS has requested Direct Flash Update (DFU) of Intel ME",
801             "Intel ME Firmware switched to recovery mode to perform full update from BIOS.",
802             "OK",
803             0,
804             {},
805             "This is transient state. Intel ME Firmware should return to operational mode after successful image update performed by the BIOS.",
806         }},
807     MessageEntry{
808         "MEExceptionDuringShutdown",
809         {
810             "Indicates that Intel ME could not successfully perform emergency host shutdown.",
811             "Power Down command triggered by Intel Node Manager policy failure action and Intel ME forced shutdown. BMC probably did not respond correctly to Chassis Control.",
812             "Warning",
813             0,
814             {},
815             "Verify the Intel Node Manager policy configuration.",
816         }},
817     MessageEntry{
818         "MEFactoryResetError",
819         {
820             "Indicates that Intel ME has ben restored to factory preset.",
821             "Intel ME has performed automatic reset to factory presets due to following reason: %1",
822             "Critical",
823             1,
824             {
825                 "string",
826             },
827             "If error is persistent the Flash device must be replaced.",
828         }},
829     MessageEntry{
830         "MEFactoryRestore",
831         {
832             "Indicates that Intel ME has ben restored to factory preset.",
833             "Intel ME has performed automatic reset to factory presets due to following reason: %1",
834             "OK",
835             1,
836             {
837                 "string",
838             },
839             "If error is persistent the Flash device must be replaced.",
840         }},
841     MessageEntry{
842         "MEFirmwareException",
843         {
844             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered firmware exception during execution.",
845             "Intel ME has encountered firmware exception. Error code = %1",
846             "Warning",
847             1,
848             {
849                 "string",
850             },
851             "Restore factory presets using Force ME Recovery IPMI command or by doing AC power cycle with Recovery jumper asserted. If this does not clear the issue, reflash the SPI flash. If the issue persists, provide the content of error code to Intel support team for interpretation. (Error codes are not documented because they only provide clues that must be interpreted individually..",
852         }},
853     MessageEntry{
854         "MEFirmwarePanicReason",
855         {
856             "Indicates the reason for ME firmware panic.",
857             "ME firmware panic occurred due to %1.",
858             "Warning",
859             1,
860             {
861                 "string",
862             },
863             "None.",
864         }},
865     MessageEntry{
866         "MEFirmwareRecoveryReason",
867         {
868             "Indicates the reason for ME firmware recovery.",
869             "ME firmware recovery occurred due to %1.",
870             "Warning",
871             1,
872             {
873                 "string",
874             },
875             "None.",
876         }},
877     MessageEntry{
878         "MEFirmwareResiliencyError",
879         {
880             "Indicates ME firmware encountered resilience error.",
881             "ME firmware resiliency error. Error reason: %1.",
882             "Critical",
883             1,
884             {
885                 "string",
886             },
887             "None.",
888         }},
889     MessageEntry{
890         "MEFlashEraseError",
891         {
892             "Indicates that Intel ME was unable to finish flash erase procedure.",
893             "Intel ME has encountered an error during Flash erasure procedure probably due to Flash part corruption.",
894             "Critical",
895             0,
896             {},
897             "The Flash device must be replaced.",
898         }},
899     MessageEntry{
900         "MEFlashStateInformation",
901         {
902             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered a problem during IO to flash device.",
903             "Intel ME has encountered problem during IO to flash device. Reason: %1",
904             "Critical",
905             1,
906             {
907                 "string",
908             },
909             "If flash wear-out protection occurred wait until it expires. Otherwise - flash device must be replaced.",
910         }},
911     MessageEntry{
912         "MEFlashStateInformationWritingEnabled",
913         {
914             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered a problem during IO to flash device.",
915             "Intel ME has encountered problem during IO to flash device. Reason: %1",
916             "OK",
917             1,
918             {
919                 "string",
920             },
921             "If flash wear-out protection occurred wait until it expires. Otherwise - flash device must be replaced.",
922         }},
923     MessageEntry{
924         "MEFlashVerificationError",
925         {
926             "Indicates that Intel ME encountered invalid flash descriptor region.",
927             "Intel ME has detected invalid flash descriptor region. Following error is detected: %1",
928             "Critical",
929             1,
930             {
931                 "string",
932             },
933             "Flash Descriptor Region must be created correctly.",
934         }},
935     MessageEntry{
936         "MEFlashWearOutWarning",
937         {
938             "Indicates that Intel ME has reached certain threshold of flash write operations.",
939             "Warning threshold for number of flash operations has been exceeded. Current percentage of write operations capacity: %1",
940             "Warning",
941             1,
942             {
943                 "number",
944             },
945             "No immediate repair action needed.",
946         }},
947     MessageEntry{
948         "MEImageExecutionFailed",
949         {
950             "Indicates that Intel ME could not load primary FW image.",
951             "Intel ME Recovery Image or backup operational image loaded because operational image is corrupted. This may be either caused by Flash device corruption or failed upgrade procedure.",
952             "Critical",
953             0,
954             {},
955             "Either the Flash device must be replaced (if error is persistent) or the upgrade procedure must be started again.",
956         }},
957     MessageEntry{
958         "MEInternalError",
959         {
960             "Indicates that Intel ME encountered internal error leading to watchdog reset.",
961             "Error during Intel ME execution. Watchdog timeout has expired.",
962             "Critical",
963             0,
964             {},
965             "Firmware should automatically recover from error state. If error is persistent then operational image shall be updated or hardware board repair is needed.",
966         }},
967     MessageEntry{
968         "MEManufacturingError",
969         {
970             "Indicates that Intel ME is unable to start in operational mode due to wrong configuration.",
971             "Wrong manufacturing configuration detected by Intel ME Firmware. Unable to start operational mode. Reason: %1",
972             "Critical",
973             1,
974             {
975                 "string",
976             },
977             " If error is persistent the Flash device must be replaced or FW configuration must be updated. Trace logs might be gathered for detailed information.",
978         }},
979     MessageEntry{
980         "MEMctpInterfaceError",
981         {
982             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered an error in MCTP protocol.",
983             "Intel ME has detected MCTP interface failure and it is not functional any more. It may indicate the situation when MCTP was not configured by BIOS or a defect which may need a Host reset to recover from. Details: %1",
984             "Critical",
985             1,
986             {
987                 "string",
988             },
989             "Recovery via CPU Host reset or platform reset. If error is persistent, deep-dive platform-level debugging is required.",
990         }},
991     MessageEntry{
992         "MEMultiPchModeMisconfig",
993         {
994             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered problems in initializing Multi-PCH mode.",
995             "Intel ME error in Multi-PCH mode: %1",
996             "Critical",
997             1,
998             {
999                 "string",
1000             },
1001             "None.",
1002         }},
1003     MessageEntry{
1004         "MEPeciOverDmiError",
1005         {
1006             "Indicates that Intel ME is unable to communicate using PECI over DMI.",
1007             "Intel ME has detected  PECI over DMI interface failure and it is not functional any more. It may indicate the situation when PECI over DMI was not configured by BIOS or a defect which may require a CPU Host reset to recover from. Details: %1",
1008             "Critical",
1009             1,
1010             {
1011                 "string",
1012             },
1013             "Recovery via CPU Host reset or platform reset. If error is persistent, deep-dive platform-level debugging is required.",
1014         }},
1015     MessageEntry{
1016         "MEPttHealthEvent",
1017         {
1018             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered issue with Intel PTT",
1019             "Intel ME has detected following issue with Intel PTT: %1",
1020             "Warning",
1021             1,
1022             {
1023                 "string",
1024             },
1025             "None.",
1026         }},
1027     MessageEntry{
1028         "MERecoveryGpioForced",
1029         {
1030             "Indicates that Intel ME image is booted in recovery mode due to GPIO assertion.",
1031             "Intel ME Recovery Image loaded due to recovery MGPIO pin asserted. Pin number is configurable in factory presets, Default recovery pin is MGPIO1.",
1032             "OK",
1033             0,
1034             {},
1035             "Deassert recovery GPIO and reset the Intel ME back to operational mode. If Recovery Jumper is in legacy behavior, a ME reset (eg. Cold Reset IPMI cmd) is needed to have ME back in operational mode.",
1036         }},
1037     MessageEntry{
1038         "MERestrictedMode",
1039         {
1040             "Indicates events related to Intel ME restricted mode.",
1041             "Intel ME restricted mode information: %1",
1042             "Critical",
1043             1,
1044             {
1045                 "string",
1046             },
1047             "None.",
1048         }},
1049     MessageEntry{
1050         "MESmbusLinkFailure",
1051         {
1052             "Indicate that Intel ME encountered SMBus link error.",
1053             "Intel ME has detected SMBus link error. Sensor Bus: %1 , MUX Address: %2 ",
1054             "Critical",
1055             2,
1056             {
1057                 "string",
1058                 "string",
1059             },
1060             "Devices connected to given SMLINK might cause communication corruption. See error code and refer to Intel ME External Interfaces Specification for details.",
1061         }},
1062     MessageEntry{
1063         "MEUmaError",
1064         {
1065             "Indicates that Intel ME has encountered UMA operation error.",
1066             "Intel ME has encountered UMA operation error. Details: %1",
1067             "Critical",
1068             1,
1069             {
1070                 "string",
1071             },
1072             "Platform reset when UMA not configured correctly, or when error occurred during normal operation on correctly configured UMA multiple times leading to Intel ME entering Recovery or restricted operational mode.",
1073         }},
1074     MessageEntry{
1075         "MEUnsupportedFeature",
1076         {
1077             "Indicates that Intel ME is configuration with feature which is not supported on this platform.",
1078             "Feature not supported in current segment detected by Intel ME Firmware. Details: %1",
1079             "Critical",
1080             1,
1081             {
1082                 "string",
1083             },
1084             "Proper FW configuration must be updated or use the Flash device with proper FW configuration",
1085         }},
1086     MessageEntry{
1087         "ManufacturingModeEntered",
1088         {
1089             "Indicates that the BMC entered Factory, or Manufacturing mode.",
1090             "Entered Manufacturing Mode.",
1091             "Critical",
1092             0,
1093             {},
1094             "None.",
1095         }},
1096     MessageEntry{
1097         "ManufacturingModeExited",
1098         {
1099             "Indicates that the BMC exited Factory, or Manufacturing mode.",
1100             "Exited Manufacturing Mode.",
1101             "OK",
1102             0,
1103             {},
1104             "None.",
1105         }},
1106     MessageEntry{
1107         "MemoryECCCorrectable",
1108         {
1109             "Indicates a Correctable Memory ECC error.",
1110             "Memory ECC correctable error. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Rank=%4.",
1111             "Warning",
1112             4,
1113             {
1114                 "number",
1115                 "string",
1116                 "number",
1117                 "number",
1118             },
1119             "None.",
1120         }},
1121     MessageEntry{
1122         "MemoryECCUncorrectable",
1123         {
1124             "Indicates an Uncorrectable Memory ECC error.",
1125             "Memory ECC uncorrectable error. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Rank=%4.",
1126             "Critical",
1127             4,
1128             {
1129                 "number",
1130                 "string",
1131                 "number",
1132                 "number",
1133             },
1134             "None.",
1135         }},
1136     MessageEntry{
1137         "MemoryParityCommandAndAddress",
1138         {
1139             "Indicates a Command and Address parity error.",
1140             "Command and Address parity error. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 ChannelValid=%4 DIMMValid=%5.",
1141             "Critical",
1142             5,
1143             {
1144                 "number",
1145                 "string",
1146                 "number",
1147                 "number",
1148                 "number",
1149             },
1150             "None.",
1151         }},
1152     MessageEntry{
1153         "MemoryParityNotKnown",
1154         {
1155             "Indicates an unknown parity error.",
1156             "Memory parity error. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 ChannelValid=%4 DIMMValid=%5.",
1157             "Critical",
1158             5,
1159             {
1160                 "number",
1161                 "string",
1162                 "number",
1163                 "number",
1164                 "number",
1165             },
1166             "None.",
1167         }},
1168     MessageEntry{
1169         "MemoryRASConfigurationDisabled",
1170         {
1171             "Indicates Memory RAS Disabled Configuration Status.",
1172             "Memory RAS Configuration Disabled. Error=%1 Mode=%2.",
1173             "OK",
1174             2,
1175             {
1176                 "string",
1177                 "string",
1178             },
1179             "None.",
1180         }},
1181     MessageEntry{
1182         "MemoryRASConfigurationEnabled",
1183         {
1184             "Indicates Memory RAS Enabled Configuration Status.",
1185             "Memory RAS Configuration Enabled. Error=%1 Mode=%2.",
1186             "OK",
1187             2,
1188             {
1189                 "string",
1190                 "string",
1191             },
1192             "None.",
1193         }},
1194     MessageEntry{
1195         "MemoryRASModeDisabled",
1196         {
1197             "Indicates Memory RAS Disabled Mode Selection.",
1198             "Memory RAS Mode Select Disabled. Prior Mode=%1 Selected Mode=%2.",
1199             "OK",
1200             2,
1201             {
1202                 "string",
1203                 "string",
1204             },
1205             "None.",
1206         }},
1207     MessageEntry{
1208         "MemoryRASModeEnabled",
1209         {
1210             "Indicates Memory RAS Enabled Mode Selection.",
1211             "Memory RAS Mode Select Enabled. Prior Mode=%1 Selected Mode=%2.",
1212             "OK",
1213             2,
1214             {
1215                 "string",
1216                 "string",
1217             },
1218             "None.",
1219         }},
1220     MessageEntry{
1221         "MemoryThermTrip",
1222         {
1223             "Indicates that the system memory ThermTrip is asserted by the specified component.",
1224             "Memory ThermTrip asserted: %1.",
1225             "Critical",
1226             1,
1227             {
1228                 "string",
1229             },
1230             "None.",
1231         }},
1232     MessageEntry{
1233         "MirroringRedundancyDegraded",
1234         {
1235             "Indicates the mirroring redundancy state is degraded.",
1236             "Mirroring redundancy state degraded. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Pair=%4 Rank=%5.",
1237             "Warning",
1238             5,
1239             {
1240                 "number",
1241                 "string",
1242                 "number",
1243                 "number",
1244                 "number",
1245             },
1246             "None.",
1247         }},
1248     MessageEntry{
1249         "MirroringRedundancyFull",
1250         {
1251             "Indicates the mirroring redundancy state is fully redundant.",
1252             "Mirroring redundancy state fully redundant. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Pair=%4 Rank=%5.",
1253             "OK",
1254             5,
1255             {
1256                 "number",
1257                 "string",
1258                 "number",
1259                 "number",
1260                 "number",
1261             },
1262             "None.",
1263         }},
1264     MessageEntry{
1265         "NMIButtonPressed",
1266         {
1267             "Indicates that the NMI button was pressed.",
1268             "NMI Button Pressed.",
1269             "Critical",
1270             0,
1271             {},
1272             "None.",
1273         }},
1274     MessageEntry{
1275         "NMIDiagnosticInterrupt",
1276         {
1277             "Indicates that an NMI Diagnostic Interrupt has been generated.",
1278             "NMI Diagnostic Interrupt.",
1279             "Critical",
1280             0,
1281             {},
1282             "None.",
1283         }},
1284     MessageEntry{
1285         "PCIeCorrectableAdvisoryNonFatal",
1286         {
1287             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Advisory Non-fatal Error.",
1288             "PCIe Correctable Advisory Non-fatal Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1289             "Warning",
1290             3,
1291             {
1292                 "number",
1293                 "number",
1294                 "number",
1295             },
1296             "None.",
1297         }},
1298     MessageEntry{
1299         "PCIeCorrectableBadDLLP",
1300         {
1301             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Bad DLLP Error.",
1302             "PCIe Correctable Bad DLLP. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1303             "Warning",
1304             3,
1305             {
1306                 "number",
1307                 "number",
1308                 "number",
1309             },
1310             "None.",
1311         }},
1312     MessageEntry{
1313         "PCIeCorrectableBadTLP",
1314         {
1315             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Bad TLP Error.",
1316             "PCIe Correctable Bad TLP. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1317             "Warning",
1318             3,
1319             {
1320                 "number",
1321                 "number",
1322                 "number",
1323             },
1324             "None.",
1325         }},
1326     MessageEntry{
1327         "PCIeCorrectableHeaderLogOverflow",
1328         {
1329             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Header Log Overflow Error.",
1330             "PCIe Correctable Header Log Overflow. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1331             "Warning",
1332             3,
1333             {
1334                 "number",
1335                 "number",
1336                 "number",
1337             },
1338             "None.",
1339         }},
1340     MessageEntry{
1341         "PCIeCorrectableInternal",
1342         {
1343             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Internal Error.",
1344             "PCIe Correctable Internal Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1345             "Warning",
1346             3,
1347             {
1348                 "number",
1349                 "number",
1350                 "number",
1351             },
1352             "None.",
1353         }},
1354     MessageEntry{
1355         "PCIeCorrectableLinkBWChanged",
1356         {
1357             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Link BW Changed Error.",
1358             "PCIe Correctable Link BW Changed. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1359             "Warning",
1360             3,
1361             {
1362                 "number",
1363                 "number",
1364                 "number",
1365             },
1366             "None.",
1367         }},
1368     MessageEntry{
1369         "PCIeCorrectableReceiverError",
1370         {
1371             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Receiver Error.",
1372             "PCIe Correctable Receiver Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1373             "Warning",
1374             3,
1375             {
1376                 "number",
1377                 "number",
1378                 "number",
1379             },
1380             "None.",
1381         }},
1382     MessageEntry{
1383         "PCIeCorrectableReplayNumRollover",
1384         {
1385             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Replay Num Rollover.",
1386             "PCIe Correctable Replay Num Rollover. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1387             "Warning",
1388             3,
1389             {
1390                 "number",
1391                 "number",
1392                 "number",
1393             },
1394             "None.",
1395         }},
1396     MessageEntry{
1397         "PCIeCorrectableReplayTimerTimeout",
1398         {
1399             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Replay Timer Timeout.",
1400             "PCIe Correctable Replay Timer Timeout. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1401             "Warning",
1402             3,
1403             {
1404                 "number",
1405                 "number",
1406                 "number",
1407             },
1408             "None.",
1409         }},
1410     MessageEntry{
1411         "PCIeCorrectableUnspecifiedAERError",
1412         {
1413             "Indicates a PCIe Correctable Unspecified AER Error.",
1414             "PCIe Correctable Unspecified AER Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1415             "Warning",
1416             3,
1417             {
1418                 "number",
1419                 "number",
1420                 "number",
1421             },
1422             "None.",
1423         }},
1424     MessageEntry{
1425         "PCIeFatalACSViolation",
1426         {
1427             "Indicates a PCIe ACS Violation Error.",
1428             "PCIe Fatal ACS Violation. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1429             "Critical",
1430             3,
1431             {
1432                 "number",
1433                 "number",
1434                 "number",
1435             },
1436             "None.",
1437         }},
1438     MessageEntry{
1439         "PCIeFatalAtomicEgressBlocked",
1440         {
1441             "Indicates a PCIe Atomic Egress Blocked Error.",
1442             "PCIe Fatal Atomic Egress Blocked. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1443             "Critical",
1444             3,
1445             {
1446                 "number",
1447                 "number",
1448                 "number",
1449             },
1450             "None.",
1451         }},
1452     MessageEntry{
1453         "PCIeFatalCompleterAbort",
1454         {
1455             "Indicates a PCIe Completer Abort Error.",
1456             "PCIe Fatal Completer Abort. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1457             "Critical",
1458             3,
1459             {
1460                 "number",
1461                 "number",
1462                 "number",
1463             },
1464             "None.",
1465         }},
1466     MessageEntry{
1467         "PCIeFatalCompletionTimeout",
1468         {
1469             "Indicates a PCIe Completion Timeout Error.",
1470             "PCIe Fatal Completion Timeout. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1471             "Critical",
1472             3,
1473             {
1474                 "number",
1475                 "number",
1476                 "number",
1477             },
1478             "None.",
1479         }},
1480     MessageEntry{
1481         "PCIeFatalDataLinkLayerProtocol",
1482         {
1483             "Indicates a PCIe Data Link Layer Protocol Error.",
1484             "PCIe Fatal Data Link Layer Protocol Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1485             "Critical",
1486             3,
1487             {
1488                 "number",
1489                 "number",
1490                 "number",
1491             },
1492             "None.",
1493         }},
1494     MessageEntry{
1495         "PCIeFatalECRCError",
1496         {
1497             "Indicates a PCIe ECRC Error.",
1498             "PCIe Fatal ECRC Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1499             "Critical",
1500             3,
1501             {
1502                 "number",
1503                 "number",
1504                 "number",
1505             },
1506             "None.",
1507         }},
1508     MessageEntry{
1509         "PCIeFatalFlowControlProtocol",
1510         {
1511             "Indicates a PCIe Flow Control Protocol Error.",
1512             "PCIe Fatal Flow Control Protocol Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1513             "Critical",
1514             3,
1515             {
1516                 "number",
1517                 "number",
1518                 "number",
1519             },
1520             "None.",
1521         }},
1522     MessageEntry{
1523         "PCIeFatalMCBlockedTLP",
1524         {
1525             "Indicates a PCIe MC Blocked TLP Error.",
1526             "PCIe Fatal MC Blocked TLP Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1527             "Critical",
1528             3,
1529             {
1530                 "number",
1531                 "number",
1532                 "number",
1533             },
1534             "None.",
1535         }},
1536     MessageEntry{
1537         "PCIeFatalMalformedTLP",
1538         {
1539             "Indicates a PCIe Malformed TLP Error.",
1540             "PCIe Fatal Malformed TLP Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1541             "Critical",
1542             3,
1543             {
1544                 "number",
1545                 "number",
1546                 "number",
1547             },
1548             "None.",
1549         }},
1550     MessageEntry{
1551         "PCIeFatalPoisonedTLP",
1552         {
1553             "Indicates a PCIe Poisoned TLP Error.",
1554             "PCIe Fatal Poisoned TLP Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1555             "Critical",
1556             3,
1557             {
1558                 "number",
1559                 "number",
1560                 "number",
1561             },
1562             "None.",
1563         }},
1564     MessageEntry{
1565         "PCIeFatalReceivedErrNonFatalMessage",
1566         {
1567             "Indicates a PCIe Received ERR_NONFATAL Message Error.",
1568             "PCIe Fatal Received ERR_NONFATAL Message. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1569             "Critical",
1570             3,
1571             {
1572                 "number",
1573                 "number",
1574                 "number",
1575             },
1576             "None.",
1577         }},
1578     MessageEntry{
1579         "PCIeFatalReceivedFatalMessageFromDownstream",
1580         {
1581             "Indicates a PCIe Received Fatal Message From Downstream Error.",
1582             "PCIe Fatal Received Fatal Message From Downstream. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1583             "Critical",
1584             3,
1585             {
1586                 "number",
1587                 "number",
1588                 "number",
1589             },
1590             "None.",
1591         }},
1592     MessageEntry{
1593         "PCIeFatalReceiverBufferOverflow",
1594         {
1595             "Indicates a PCIe Receiver Buffer Overflow Error.",
1596             "PCIe Fatal Receiver Buffer Overflow. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1597             "Critical",
1598             3,
1599             {
1600                 "number",
1601                 "number",
1602                 "number",
1603             },
1604             "None.",
1605         }},
1606     MessageEntry{
1607         "PCIeFatalSurpriseLinkDown",
1608         {
1609             "Indicates a PCIe Surprise Link Down Error.",
1610             "PCIe Fatal Surprise Link Down Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1611             "Critical",
1612             3,
1613             {
1614                 "number",
1615                 "number",
1616                 "number",
1617             },
1618             "None.",
1619         }},
1620     MessageEntry{
1621         "PCIeFatalTLPPrefixBlocked",
1622         {
1623             "Indicates a PCIe TLP Prefix Blocked Error.",
1624             "PCIe Fatal TLP Prefix Blocked Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1625             "Critical",
1626             3,
1627             {
1628                 "number",
1629                 "number",
1630                 "number",
1631             },
1632             "None.",
1633         }},
1634     MessageEntry{
1635         "PCIeFatalUncorrectableInternal",
1636         {
1637             "Indicates a PCIe Uncorrectable Internal Error.",
1638             "PCIe Fatal Uncorrectable Internal Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1639             "Critical",
1640             3,
1641             {
1642                 "number",
1643                 "number",
1644                 "number",
1645             },
1646             "None.",
1647         }},
1648     MessageEntry{
1649         "PCIeFatalUnexpectedCompletion",
1650         {
1651             "Indicates a PCIe Unexpected Completion Error.",
1652             "PCIe Fatal Unexpected Completion. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1653             "Critical",
1654             3,
1655             {
1656                 "number",
1657                 "number",
1658                 "number",
1659             },
1660             "None.",
1661         }},
1662     MessageEntry{
1663         "PCIeFatalUnspecifiedNonAERFatalError",
1664         {
1665             "Indicates a PCIe Unspecified Non-AER Fatal Error.",
1666             "PCIe Fatal Unspecified Non-AER Fatal Error. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1667             "Critical",
1668             3,
1669             {
1670                 "number",
1671                 "number",
1672                 "number",
1673             },
1674             "None.",
1675         }},
1676     MessageEntry{
1677         "PCIeFatalUnsupportedRequest",
1678         {
1679             "Indicates a PCIe Unsupported Request Error.",
1680             "PCIe Fatal Unsupported Request. Bus=%1 Device=%2 Function=%3.",
1681             "Critical",
1682             3,
1683             {
1684                 "number",
1685                 "number",
1686                 "number",
1687             },
1688             "None.",
1689         }},
1690     MessageEntry{
1691         "PowerButtonLongPressed",
1692         {
1693             "Indicates that the power button was long pressed.",
1694             "Power Button Long Pressed.",
1695             "OK",
1696             0,
1697             {},
1698             "None.",
1699         }},
1700     MessageEntry{
1701         "PowerButtonPressed",
1702         {
1703             "Indicates that the power button was pressed.",
1704             "Power Button Pressed.",
1705             "OK",
1706             0,
1707             {},
1708             "None.",
1709         }},
1710     MessageEntry{
1711         "PowerRestorePolicyApplied",
1712         {
1713             "Indicates that power was restored and the BMC has applied the restore policy.",
1714             "Power restore policy applied.",
1715             "OK",
1716             0,
1717             {},
1718             "None.",
1719         }},
1720     MessageEntry{
1721         "PowerSupplyConfigurationError",
1722         {
1723             "Indicates an error in power supply configuration.",
1724             "Power supply %1 configuration error.",
1725             "Warning",
1726             1,
1727             {
1728                 "string",
1729             },
1730             "None.",
1731         }},
1732     MessageEntry{
1733         "PowerSupplyConfigurationErrorRecovered",
1734         {
1735             "Indicates that power supply configuration error recovered from a failure.",
1736             "Power supply %1 configuration error recovered.",
1737             "OK",
1738             1,
1739             {
1740                 "string",
1741             },
1742             "None.",
1743         }},
1744     MessageEntry{
1745         "PowerSupplyFailed",
1746         {
1747             "Indicates that a power supply has failed.",
1748             "Power supply %1 failed.",
1749             "Warning",
1750             1,
1751             {
1752                 "string",
1753             },
1754             "None.",
1755         }},
1756     MessageEntry{
1757         "PowerSupplyFailurePredicted",
1758         {
1759             "Indicates that a power supply is predicted to fail.",
1760             "Power supply %1 failure predicted.",
1761             "Warning",
1762             1,
1763             {
1764                 "string",
1765             },
1766             "None.",
1767         }},
1768     MessageEntry{
1769         "PowerSupplyFanFailed",
1770         {
1771             "Indicates that the specified power supply fan has failed.",
1772             "Power supply %1 fan %2 failed.",
1773             "Warning",
1774             2,
1775             {
1776                 "string",
1777                 "string",
1778             },
1779             "None.",
1780         }},
1781     MessageEntry{
1782         "PowerSupplyFanRecovered",
1783         {
1784             "Indicates that the power supply fan recovered from a failure.",
1785             "Power supply %1 fan %2 recovered.",
1786             "OK",
1787             2,
1788             {
1789                 "string",
1790                 "string",
1791             },
1792             "None.",
1793         }},
1794     MessageEntry{
1795         "PowerSupplyInserted",
1796         {
1797             "Indicates that a power supply has been inserted.",
1798             "Power supply %1 inserted.",
1799             "OK",
1800             1,
1801             {
1802                 "string",
1803             },
1804             "None.",
1805         }},
1806     MessageEntry{
1807         "PowerSupplyPowerGoodFailed",
1808         {
1809             "Indicates that the power supply power good signal failed to assert within the specified time.",
1810             "Power supply power good failed to assert within %1 milliseconds.",
1811             "Critical",
1812             1,
1813             {
1814                 "number",
1815             },
1816             "None.",
1817         }},
1818     MessageEntry{
1819         "PowerSupplyPowerLost",
1820         {
1821             "Indicates that a power supply has lost input power.",
1822             "Power supply %1 power lost.",
1823             "Warning",
1824             1,
1825             {
1826                 "string",
1827             },
1828             "None.",
1829         }},
1830     MessageEntry{
1831         "PowerSupplyPowerRestored",
1832         {
1833             "Indicates that a power supply input power was restored.",
1834             "Power supply %1 power restored.",
1835             "OK",
1836             1,
1837             {
1838                 "string",
1839             },
1840             "None.",
1841         }},
1842     MessageEntry{
1843         "PowerSupplyPredictedFailureRecovered",
1844         {
1845             "Indicates that a power supply recovered from a predicted failure.",
1846             "Power supply %1 predicted failure recovered.",
1847             "OK",
1848             1,
1849             {
1850                 "string",
1851             },
1852             "None.",
1853         }},
1854     MessageEntry{
1855         "PowerSupplyRecovered",
1856         {
1857             "Indicates that a power supply recovered from a failure.",
1858             "Power supply %1 recovered.",
1859             "OK",
1860             1,
1861             {
1862                 "string",
1863             },
1864             "None.",
1865         }},
1866     MessageEntry{
1867         "PowerSupplyRemoved",
1868         {
1869             "Indicates that a power supply has been removed.",
1870             "Power supply %1 removed.",
1871             "Warning",
1872             1,
1873             {
1874                 "string",
1875             },
1876             "None.",
1877         }},
1878     MessageEntry{
1879         "PowerUnitDegradedFromNonRedundant",
1880         {
1881             "Indicates that power unit is come back to redundant fromnonredundant but is still not in full redundancy mode.",
1882             "Power Unit degraded from nonredundant.",
1883             "Warning",
1884             0,
1885             {},
1886             "None.",
1887         }},
1888     MessageEntry{
1889         "PowerUnitDegradedFromRedundant",
1890         {
1891             "Indicates that power unit is degarded from full redundancy mode.",
1892             "Power Unit degraded from redundant.",
1893             "Warning",
1894             0,
1895             {},
1896             "None.",
1897         }},
1898     MessageEntry{
1899         "PowerUnitNonRedundantFromInsufficient",
1900         {
1901             "Indicates that power unit is not in redundancy mode and getsufficient power to support redundancy from insufficientpower.",
1902             "Power Unit NonRedundant from insufficient to sufficient.",
1903             "Warning",
1904             0,
1905             {},
1906             "None.",
1907         }},
1908     MessageEntry{
1909         "PowerUnitNonRedundantInsufficient",
1910         {
1911             "Indicates that power unit do not have sufficient power to support redundancy.",
1912             "Power Unit NonRedundant and has insufficient resource.",
1913             "Critical",
1914             0,
1915             {},
1916             "None.",
1917         }},
1918     MessageEntry{
1919         "PowerUnitNonRedundantSufficient",
1920         {
1921             "Indicates that power unit is not in redundancy mode but stillhas sufficient power to support redundancy.",
1922             "Power Unit Nonredundant but has sufficient resource.",
1923             "Warning",
1924             0,
1925             {},
1926             "None.",
1927         }},
1928     MessageEntry{
1929         "PowerUnitRedundancyDegraded",
1930         {
1931             "Indicates that power unit redundancy has been degraded.",
1932             "Power Unit Redundancy degraded.",
1933             "Warning",
1934             0,
1935             {},
1936             "None.",
1937         }},
1938     MessageEntry{
1939         "PowerUnitRedundancyLost",
1940         {
1941             "Indicates that power unit redundancy has been lost.",
1942             "Power Unit Redundancy lost.",
1943             "Warning",
1944             0,
1945             {},
1946             "None.",
1947         }},
1948     MessageEntry{
1949         "PowerUnitRedundancyRegained",
1950         {
1951             "Indicates that power unit full redundancy has been regained.",
1952             "Power Unit Redundancy regained.",
1953             "OK",
1954             0,
1955             {},
1956             "None.",
1957         }},
1958     MessageEntry{
1959         "ResetButtonPressed",
1960         {
1961             "Indicates that the reset button was pressed.",
1962             "Reset Button Pressed.",
1963             "OK",
1964             0,
1965             {},
1966             "None.",
1967         }},
1968     MessageEntry{
1969         "SELEntryAdded",
1970         {
1971             "Indicates a SEL entry was added using the Add SEL Entry or Platform Event command.",
1972             "SEL Entry Added: %1",
1973             "OK",
1974             1,
1975             {
1976                 "string",
1977             },
1978             "None.",
1979         }},
1980     MessageEntry{
1981         "SecurityBoot2ndFlashEnabled",
1982         {
1983             "Indicates that the BMC 2nd boot flash is enabled.",
1984             "BMC 2nd boot flash is enabled.",
1985             "Critical",
1986             0,
1987             {},
1988             "None.",
1989         }},
1990     MessageEntry{
1991         "SecurityP2aBridgeEnabled",
1992         {
1993             "Indicates that the P2A bridge is enabled.",
1994             "P2A(PCIe to AHB) bridge is enabled.",
1995             "Critical",
1996             0,
1997             {},
1998             "None.",
1999         }},
2000     MessageEntry{
2001         "SecurityUartPortDebugEnabled",
2002         {
2003             "Indicates that the uart port debug is enabled.",
2004             "Uart port debug is enabled.",
2005             "Critical",
2006             0,
2007             {},
2008             "None.",
2009         }},
2010     MessageEntry{
2011         "SecurityUserNonRootUidZeroAssigned",
2012         {
2013             "Indicates that non root user assigned with user ID zero.",
2014             "User ID Zero is assigned with non-root user.",
2015             "Critical",
2016             0,
2017             {},
2018             "None.",
2019         }},
2020     MessageEntry{
2021         "SecurityUserNonRootUidZeroRemoved",
2022         {
2023             "Indicates that non root user ID is removed",
2024             "Non root user assigned with user ID zero is removed.",
2025             "OK",
2026             0,
2027             {},
2028             "None.",
2029         }},
2030     MessageEntry{
2031         "SecurityUserRootDisabled",
2032         {
2033             "Indicates that system root user is disabled.",
2034             "User root is disabled.",
2035             "OK",
2036             0,
2037             {},
2038             "None.",
2039         }},
2040     MessageEntry{
2041         "SecurityUserRootEnabled",
2042         {
2043             "Indicates that system root user is enabled.",
2044             "User root is enabled.",
2045             "Critical",
2046             0,
2047             {},
2048             "None.",
2049         }},
2050     MessageEntry{
2051         "SecurityUserStrongHashAlgoRestored",
2052         {
2053             "Indicates that password computing hash algorithm changed.",
2054             "Password computing hash algorithm is changed to sha256/sha512.",
2055             "OK",
2056             0,
2057             {},
2058             "None.",
2059         }},
2060     MessageEntry{
2061         "SecurityUserUnsupportedShellEnabled",
2062         {
2063             "Indicates that unsupported shell is enabled.",
2064             "Unsupported shell is enabled.",
2065             "Critical",
2066             0,
2067             {},
2068             "None.",
2069         }},
2070     MessageEntry{
2071         "SecurityUserUnsupportedShellRemoved",
2072         {
2073             "Indicates that unsupported shell is removed.",
2074             "Unsupported shell is removed.",
2075             "OK",
2076             0,
2077             {},
2078             "None.",
2079         }},
2080     MessageEntry{
2081         "SecurityUserWeakHashAlgoEnabled",
2082         {
2083             "Indicates that weak password computing hash algorithm is enabled.",
2084             "Weak password computing hash algorithm is enabled.",
2085             "Critical",
2086             0,
2087             {},
2088             "None.",
2089         }},
2090     MessageEntry{
2091         "SensorThresholdCriticalHighGoingHigh",
2092         {
2093             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a critical high threshold going high.",
2094             "%1 sensor crossed a critical high threshold going high. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2095             "Critical",
2096             3,
2097             {
2098                 "string",
2099                 "number",
2100                 "number",
2101             },
2102             "Check the sensor or subsystem for errors.",
2103         }},
2104     MessageEntry{
2105         "SensorThresholdCriticalHighGoingLow",
2106         {
2107             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a critical high threshold going low.",
2108             "%1 sensor crossed a critical high threshold going low. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2109             "OK",
2110             3,
2111             {
2112                 "string",
2113                 "number",
2114                 "number",
2115             },
2116             "None.",
2117         }},
2118     MessageEntry{
2119         "SensorThresholdCriticalLowGoingHigh",
2120         {
2121             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a critical low threshold going high.",
2122             "%1 sensor crossed a critical low threshold going high. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2123             "OK",
2124             3,
2125             {
2126                 "string",
2127                 "number",
2128                 "number",
2129             },
2130             "None.",
2131         }},
2132     MessageEntry{
2133         "SensorThresholdCriticalLowGoingLow",
2134         {
2135             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a critical low threshold going low.",
2136             "%1 sensor crossed a critical low threshold going low. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2137             "Critical",
2138             3,
2139             {
2140                 "string",
2141                 "number",
2142                 "number",
2143             },
2144             "Check the sensor or subsystem for errors.",
2145         }},
2146     MessageEntry{
2147         "SensorThresholdWarningHighGoingHigh",
2148         {
2149             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a warning high threshold going high.",
2150             "%1 sensor crossed a warning high threshold going high. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2151             "Warning",
2152             3,
2153             {
2154                 "string",
2155                 "number",
2156                 "number",
2157             },
2158             "Check the sensor or subsystem for errors.",
2159         }},
2160     MessageEntry{
2161         "SensorThresholdWarningHighGoingLow",
2162         {
2163             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a warning high threshold going low.",
2164             "%1 sensor crossed a warning high threshold going low. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2165             "OK",
2166             3,
2167             {
2168                 "string",
2169                 "number",
2170                 "number",
2171             },
2172             "None.",
2173         }},
2174     MessageEntry{
2175         "SensorThresholdWarningLowGoingHigh",
2176         {
2177             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a warning low threshold going high.",
2178             "%1 sensor crossed a warning low threshold going high. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2179             "OK",
2180             3,
2181             {
2182                 "string",
2183                 "number",
2184                 "number",
2185             },
2186             "None.",
2187         }},
2188     MessageEntry{
2189         "SensorThresholdWarningLowGoingLow",
2190         {
2191             "Indicates that a threshold sensor has crossed a warning low threshold going low.",
2192             "%1 sensor crossed a warning low threshold going low. Reading=%2 Threshold=%3.",
2193             "Warning",
2194             3,
2195             {
2196                 "string",
2197                 "number",
2198                 "number",
2199             },
2200             "Check the sensor or subsystem for errors.",
2201         }},
2202     MessageEntry{
2203         "ServiceFailure",
2204         {
2205             "Indicates that a service has exited unsuccessfully.",
2206             "Service %1 has exited unsuccessfully.",
2207             "Warning",
2208             1,
2209             {
2210                 "string",
2211             },
2212             "None.",
2213         }},
2214     MessageEntry{
2215         "ServiceStarted",
2216         {
2217             "Indicates that a service has started successfully.",
2218             "Service %1 has started successfully.",
2219             "OK",
2220             1,
2221             {
2222                 "string",
2223             },
2224             "None.",
2225         }},
2226     MessageEntry{
2227         "SparingRedundancyDegraded",
2228         {
2229             "Indicates the sparing redundancy state is degraded.",
2230             "Sparing redundancy state degraded. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Domain=%4 Rank=%5.",
2231             "Warning",
2232             5,
2233             {
2234                 "number",
2235                 "string",
2236                 "number",
2237                 "string",
2238                 "number",
2239             },
2240             "None.",
2241         }},
2242     MessageEntry{
2243         "SparingRedundancyFull",
2244         {
2245             "Indicates the sparing redundancy state is fully redundant.",
2246             "Sparing redundancy state fully redundant. Socket=%1 Channel=%2 DIMM=%3 Domain=%4 Rank=%5.",
2247             "OK",
2248             5,
2249             {
2250                 "number",
2251                 "string",
2252                 "number",
2253                 "string",
2254                 "number",
2255             },
2256             "None.",
2257         }},
2258     MessageEntry{
2259         "SsbThermalTrip",
2260         {
2261             "Indicates that an SSB Thermal trip has been asserted.",
2262             "SSB Thermal trip.",
2263             "Critical",
2264             0,
2265             {},
2266             "None.",
2267         }},
2268     MessageEntry{
2269         "SystemInterfaceDisabledProvisioned",
2270         {
2271             "Indicates that the system interface is in the disabled provisioned state. All commands are blocked to execute through the system interface.",
2272             "The system interface is in the disabled provisioned state.",
2273             "OK",
2274             0,
2275             {},
2276             "None.",
2277         }},
2278     MessageEntry{
2279         "SystemInterfaceUnprovisioned",
2280         {
2281             "Indicates that the system interface is in the unprovisioned state. All commands are permitted to execute through the system interface.",
2282             "The system interface is in the unprovisioned state.",
2283             "Critical",
2284             0,
2285             {},
2286             "None.",
2287         }},
2288     MessageEntry{
2289         "SystemInterfaceWhitelistProvisioned",
2290         {
2291             "Indicates that the system interface is in the whitelist provisioned state. Only whitelisted commands are permitted to execute through the system interface.",
2292             "The system interface is in the whitelist provisioned state.",
2293             "Warning",
2294             0,
2295             {},
2296             "None.",
2297         }},
2298     MessageEntry{
2299         "SystemPowerGoodFailed",
2300         {
2301             "Indicates that the system power good signal failed to assert within the specified time (VR failure).",
2302             "System power good failed to assert within %1 milliseconds (VR failure).",
2303             "Critical",
2304             1,
2305             {
2306                 "number",
2307             },
2308             "None.",
2309         }},
2310     MessageEntry{
2311         "SystemPowerLost",
2312         {
2313             "Indicates that power was lost while the system was powered on.",
2314             "System Power Lost.",
2315             "Critical",
2316             0,
2317             {},
2318             "None.",
2319         }},
2320     MessageEntry{
2321         "SystemPowerOffFailed",
2322         {
2323             "Indicates that the system failed to power off.",
2324             "System Power-Off Failed.",
2325             "Critical",
2326             0,
2327             {},
2328             "None.",
2329         }},
2330     MessageEntry{
2331         "SystemPowerOnFailed",
2332         {
2333             "Indicates that the system failed to power on.",
2334             "System Power-On Failed.",
2335             "Critical",
2336             0,
2337             {},
2338             "None.",
2339         }},
2340     MessageEntry{
2341         "VoltageRegulatorOverheated",
2342         {
2343             "Indicates that the specified voltage regulator overheated.",
2344             "%1 Voltage Regulator Overheated.",
2345             "Critical",
2346             1,
2347             {
2348                 "string",
2349             },
2350             "None.",
2351         }},
2353 };
2355 enum class Index
2356 {
2357     aDDDCCorrectable = 0,
2358     atScaleDebugConnected = 1,
2359     atScaleDebugConnectionFailed = 2,
2360     atScaleDebugDisconnected = 3,
2361     atScaleDebugFeatureDisabled = 4,
2362     atScaleDebugFeatureDisabledAtHardware = 5,
2363     atScaleDebugFeatureEnabled = 6,
2364     atScaleDebugFeatureEnabledAtHardware = 7,
2365     atScaleDebugSpecialUserDisabled = 8,
2366     atScaleDebugSpecialUserEnabled = 9,
2367     bIOSAttributesChanged = 10,
2368     bIOSBoot = 11,
2369     bIOSFirmwarePanicReason = 12,
2370     bIOSFirmwareRecoveryReason = 13,
2371     bIOSFirmwareResiliencyError = 14,
2372     bIOSPOSTCode = 15,
2373     bIOSPOSTError = 16,
2374     bIOSRecoveryComplete = 17,
2375     bIOSRecoveryStart = 18,
2376     bMCBootReason = 19,
2377     bMCFirmwarePanicReason = 20,
2378     bMCFirmwareRecoveryReason = 21,
2379     bMCFirmwareResiliencyError = 22,
2380     bMCKernelPanic = 23,
2381     cPLDFirmwarePanicReason = 24,
2382     cPLDFirmwareRecoveryReason = 25,
2383     cPLDFirmwareResiliencyError = 26,
2384     cPUError = 27,
2385     cPUMismatch = 28,
2386     cPUThermalTrip = 29,
2387     chassisIntrusionDetected = 30,
2388     chassisIntrusionReset = 31,
2389     componentOverTemperature = 32,
2390     dCPowerOff = 33,
2391     dCPowerOn = 34,
2392     driveError = 35,
2393     eventLogCleared = 36,
2394     fanInserted = 37,
2395     fanRedundancyLost = 38,
2396     fanRedundancyRegained = 39,
2397     fanRemoved = 40,
2398     firmwareActivationCompleted = 41,
2399     firmwareActivationFailed = 42,
2400     firmwareActivationStarted = 43,
2401     firmwareResiliencyError = 44,
2402     firmwareUpdateCompleted = 45,
2403     firmwareUpdateFailed = 46,
2404     firmwareUpdateStaged = 47,
2405     firmwareUpdateStarted = 48,
2406     generalFirmwareSecurityViolation = 49,
2407     iPMIWatchdog = 50,
2408     intelUPILinkWidthReducedToHalf = 51,
2409     intelUPILinkWidthReducedToQuarter = 52,
2410     invalidLoginAttempted = 53,
2411     invalidUpload = 54,
2412     inventoryAdded = 55,
2413     inventoryRemoved = 56,
2414     lanLost = 57,
2415     lanRegained = 58,
2416     legacyPCIPERR = 59,
2417     legacyPCISERR = 60,
2418     mEAutoConfigFailed = 61,
2419     mEAutoConfigSuccess = 62,
2420     mEBootGuardHealthEvent = 63,
2421     mECpuDebugCapabilityDisabled = 64,
2422     mEDirectFlashUpdateRequested = 65,
2423     mEExceptionDuringShutdown = 66,
2424     mEFactoryResetError = 67,
2425     mEFactoryRestore = 68,
2426     mEFirmwareException = 69,
2427     mEFirmwarePanicReason = 70,
2428     mEFirmwareRecoveryReason = 71,
2429     mEFirmwareResiliencyError = 72,
2430     mEFlashEraseError = 73,
2431     mEFlashStateInformation = 74,
2432     mEFlashStateInformationWritingEnabled = 75,
2433     mEFlashVerificationError = 76,
2434     mEFlashWearOutWarning = 77,
2435     mEImageExecutionFailed = 78,
2436     mEInternalError = 79,
2437     mEManufacturingError = 80,
2438     mEMctpInterfaceError = 81,
2439     mEMultiPchModeMisconfig = 82,
2440     mEPeciOverDmiError = 83,
2441     mEPttHealthEvent = 84,
2442     mERecoveryGpioForced = 85,
2443     mERestrictedMode = 86,
2444     mESmbusLinkFailure = 87,
2445     mEUmaError = 88,
2446     mEUnsupportedFeature = 89,
2447     manufacturingModeEntered = 90,
2448     manufacturingModeExited = 91,
2449     memoryECCCorrectable = 92,
2450     memoryECCUncorrectable = 93,
2451     memoryParityCommandAndAddress = 94,
2452     memoryParityNotKnown = 95,
2453     memoryRASConfigurationDisabled = 96,
2454     memoryRASConfigurationEnabled = 97,
2455     memoryRASModeDisabled = 98,
2456     memoryRASModeEnabled = 99,
2457     memoryThermTrip = 100,
2458     mirroringRedundancyDegraded = 101,
2459     mirroringRedundancyFull = 102,
2460     nMIButtonPressed = 103,
2461     nMIDiagnosticInterrupt = 104,
2462     pCIeCorrectableAdvisoryNonFatal = 105,
2463     pCIeCorrectableBadDLLP = 106,
2464     pCIeCorrectableBadTLP = 107,
2465     pCIeCorrectableHeaderLogOverflow = 108,
2466     pCIeCorrectableInternal = 109,
2467     pCIeCorrectableLinkBWChanged = 110,
2468     pCIeCorrectableReceiverError = 111,
2469     pCIeCorrectableReplayNumRollover = 112,
2470     pCIeCorrectableReplayTimerTimeout = 113,
2471     pCIeCorrectableUnspecifiedAERError = 114,
2472     pCIeFatalACSViolation = 115,
2473     pCIeFatalAtomicEgressBlocked = 116,
2474     pCIeFatalCompleterAbort = 117,
2475     pCIeFatalCompletionTimeout = 118,
2476     pCIeFatalDataLinkLayerProtocol = 119,
2477     pCIeFatalECRCError = 120,
2478     pCIeFatalFlowControlProtocol = 121,
2479     pCIeFatalMCBlockedTLP = 122,
2480     pCIeFatalMalformedTLP = 123,
2481     pCIeFatalPoisonedTLP = 124,
2482     pCIeFatalReceivedErrNonFatalMessage = 125,
2483     pCIeFatalReceivedFatalMessageFromDownstream = 126,
2484     pCIeFatalReceiverBufferOverflow = 127,
2485     pCIeFatalSurpriseLinkDown = 128,
2486     pCIeFatalTLPPrefixBlocked = 129,
2487     pCIeFatalUncorrectableInternal = 130,
2488     pCIeFatalUnexpectedCompletion = 131,
2489     pCIeFatalUnspecifiedNonAERFatalError = 132,
2490     pCIeFatalUnsupportedRequest = 133,
2491     powerButtonLongPressed = 134,
2492     powerButtonPressed = 135,
2493     powerRestorePolicyApplied = 136,
2494     powerSupplyConfigurationError = 137,
2495     powerSupplyConfigurationErrorRecovered = 138,
2496     powerSupplyFailed = 139,
2497     powerSupplyFailurePredicted = 140,
2498     powerSupplyFanFailed = 141,
2499     powerSupplyFanRecovered = 142,
2500     powerSupplyInserted = 143,
2501     powerSupplyPowerGoodFailed = 144,
2502     powerSupplyPowerLost = 145,
2503     powerSupplyPowerRestored = 146,
2504     powerSupplyPredictedFailureRecovered = 147,
2505     powerSupplyRecovered = 148,
2506     powerSupplyRemoved = 149,
2507     powerUnitDegradedFromNonRedundant = 150,
2508     powerUnitDegradedFromRedundant = 151,
2509     powerUnitNonRedundantFromInsufficient = 152,
2510     powerUnitNonRedundantInsufficient = 153,
2511     powerUnitNonRedundantSufficient = 154,
2512     powerUnitRedundancyDegraded = 155,
2513     powerUnitRedundancyLost = 156,
2514     powerUnitRedundancyRegained = 157,
2515     resetButtonPressed = 158,
2516     sELEntryAdded = 159,
2517     securityBoot2ndFlashEnabled = 160,
2518     securityP2aBridgeEnabled = 161,
2519     securityUartPortDebugEnabled = 162,
2520     securityUserNonRootUidZeroAssigned = 163,
2521     securityUserNonRootUidZeroRemoved = 164,
2522     securityUserRootDisabled = 165,
2523     securityUserRootEnabled = 166,
2524     securityUserStrongHashAlgoRestored = 167,
2525     securityUserUnsupportedShellEnabled = 168,
2526     securityUserUnsupportedShellRemoved = 169,
2527     securityUserWeakHashAlgoEnabled = 170,
2528     sensorThresholdCriticalHighGoingHigh = 171,
2529     sensorThresholdCriticalHighGoingLow = 172,
2530     sensorThresholdCriticalLowGoingHigh = 173,
2531     sensorThresholdCriticalLowGoingLow = 174,
2532     sensorThresholdWarningHighGoingHigh = 175,
2533     sensorThresholdWarningHighGoingLow = 176,
2534     sensorThresholdWarningLowGoingHigh = 177,
2535     sensorThresholdWarningLowGoingLow = 178,
2536     serviceFailure = 179,
2537     serviceStarted = 180,
2538     sparingRedundancyDegraded = 181,
2539     sparingRedundancyFull = 182,
2540     ssbThermalTrip = 183,
2541     systemInterfaceDisabledProvisioned = 184,
2542     systemInterfaceUnprovisioned = 185,
2543     systemInterfaceWhitelistProvisioned = 186,
2544     systemPowerGoodFailed = 187,
2545     systemPowerLost = 188,
2546     systemPowerOffFailed = 189,
2547     systemPowerOnFailed = 190,
2548     voltageRegulatorOverheated = 191,
2549 };
2550 } // namespace redfish::registries::openbmc