xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/OWNERS (revision ed76121b)
1# Below lists the current bmcweb maintainers.  bmcweb is used in a number of
2# different contexts, and is one of the few nearly-universally used core
3# components in OpenBMC.  As such, given the severe consequences of mistakes
4# made within the codebase, maintainers on this list are expected to:
5# - Have a solid understanding of the bmcweb core code, and how it's used.
7# - Have access to at least one upstream platform to test relevant patchsets.
9# - Help to manage the orderly merging of patchsets onto master through review.
10# It is expected that bmcweb maintainers participate on a majority of code
11# reviews, and although maintainers may work with each other to segment the
12# responsibilities into sub-parts the codebase, it is expected that maintainers
13# should be capable of reviewing all code in all modules if the need arises.
15# - Provide help in testing and triage of cross-platform issues that arise as a
16# result of merging new features.
18# - Have an in-depth understanding of the Redfish standard, its constraints in
19# how it interacts with OpenBMC, and how the bmcweb implementation compares to
20# other Redfish instances and how changes effect compatibility with other
21# Redfish services compatibility.
23# - Be capable of, and have a track record of posing questions, clarifications,
24# and specification changes to [DMTF](https://www.dmtf.org/standards/redfish)
25# for resources implemented within the Redfish standard.  bmcweb maintainers
26# regularly attend the Redfish specification meetings to have a handle on
27# "intent" behind Redfish APIs.  In many cases, the role of the maintainer
28# requires knowing when a Redfish resource is underspecified, and direct people
29# to the standard before their changes can be accepted.
31# - Have an understanding of, and track record of executing the various test
32# harnesses that bmcweb needs to pass, listed in CLIENTS.md, and at least a
33# rudimentary understanding of their requirements, and limitations.
35# - Have an understanding of DBus and the specific implementations of sdbusplus
36# APIs that bmcweb uses, and their limitations in versioning, consistency, and
37# general implementation completeness.
39# - Join and answer questions of the #bmcweb-and-redfish channel within
40# discord.
42# - Join and answer architecture queries posed to the mailing list concerning
43# bmcweb.
45# - Be capable of responding to CVE queries forwarded from the
46# [openbmc-security-response-team]
47# (https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/security/obmc-security-response-team.md).
48# Considering that in most implementations of the OpenBMC security model,
49# bmcweb is the primary attacker/client facing application on the network, it
50# is expected that a number of potential CVEs will be posted, for which bmcweb
51# forms a component of the alleged attack.  Maintainers should be prepared to
52# respond to such requests in the timeframe required by the CVE process, and
53# ideally should have a track record of doing it in the past.
55# - Understand the webui variants (webui-vue and phosphor-webui) that bmcweb
56# can optionally host, its use cases, and how they differ from "normal" client
57# based use cases, as well as an understanding of hosting web services in
58# general.
60# If you believe you meet the qualifications for the above, please open a
61# patchset, adding your name to the list below, documenting some evidence of
62# the above requirements being met, and the existing maintainers will happily
63# add you to the list.
66- ed@tanous.net
67- gmills@linux.vnet.ibm.com
70# The below specifies a list of reviewers and interested parties that should be
71# included on code reviews to stay informed of progress.
74- krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com
75- nanzhoumails@gmail.com
78# unit tests
79- suffix: _test.cpp
80  owners:
81      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
83# Redfish schemas
84- exact: redfish-core/include/query.hpp
85      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
86- exact: redfish-core/include/utils/query_param.hpp
87      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
88- exact: redfish-core/lib/certificate_service.hpp
89      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
90- exact: redfish-core/lib/log_service.hpp
91      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
92- exact: redfish-core/lib/memory.hpp
93      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
94- exact: redfish-core/lib/sensors.hpp
95      nanzhoumails@gmail.com
96      krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com
97- exact: redfish-core/lib/event_service.hpp
98      krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com
99- exact: redfish-core/lib/power.hpp
100      krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com
101- exact: redfish-core/lib/thermal.hpp
102      krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com
103- exact: redfish-core/lib/virtual_media.hpp
104      krzysztof.grobelny@intel.com