xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/DEVELOPING.md (revision d45d2d0f)
1# OpenBMC Webserver Development
31. ### Performance targets
4    As OpenBMC is intended to be deployed on an embedded system, care should be
5    taken to avoid expensive constructs, and memory usage.  In general, our
6    performance and metric targets are:
8    - Binaries and static files should take up < 1MB of filesystem size
9    - Memory usage should remain below 10MB at all times
10    - Application startup time should be less than 1 second on target hardware
11      (AST2500)
132. ### Asynchronous programming
14   Care should be taken to ensure that all code is written to be asynchronous in
15   nature, to avoid blocking methods from stopping the processing of other
16   tasks.  At this time the webserver uses boost::asio for it async framework.
17   Threads should be avoided if possible, and instead use async tasks within
18   boost::asio.
203. ### Secure coding guidelines
21   Secure coding practices should be followed in all places in the webserver
23    In general, this means:
24    - All buffer boundaries must be checked before indexing or using values
25    - All pointers and iterators must be checked for null before dereferencing
26    - All input from outside the application is considered untrusted, and should
27      be escaped, authorized and filtered accordingly.  This includes files in
28      the filesystem.
29    - All error statuses are checked and accounted for in control flow.
30    - Where applicable, noexcept methods should be preferred to methods that use
31      exceptions
32    - Explicitly bounded types should be preferred over implicitly bounded types
33      (like std::array<int, size> as opposed to int[size])
34    - no use of [Banned
35      functions](https://github.com/intel/safestringlib/wiki/SDL-List-of-Banned-Functions
36      "Banned function list")
384. ### Error handling
39   Error handling should be constructed in such a way that all possible errors
40   return valid HTTP responses.  The following HTTP codes will be used commonly
41    - 200 OK - Request was properly handled
42    - 201 Created - Resource was created
43    - 401 Unauthorized - Request didn't posses the necessary authentication
44    - 403 Forbidden - Request was authenticated, but did not have the necessary
45      permissions to accomplish the requested task
46    - 404 Not found - The url was not found
47    - 500 Internal error - Something has broken within the OpenBMC web server,
48      and should be filed as a bug
50    Where possible, 307 and 308 redirects should be avoided, as they introduce
51    the possibility for subtle security bugs.
535. ### Startup times
54   Given that the most common target of OpenBMC is an ARM11 processor, care
55   needs to be taken to ensure startup times are low.  In general this means:
57    - Minimizing the number of files read from disk at startup.  Unless a
58      feature is explicitly intended to be runtime configurable, its logic
59      should be "baked in" to the application at compile time.  For cases where
60      the implementation is configurable at runtime, the default values should
61      be included in application code to minimize the use of nonvolatile
62      storage.
63    - Avoid excessive memory usage and mallocs at startup.
656. ### Compiler features
66    - At this point in time, the webserver sets a number of security flags in
67      compile time options to prevent misuse.  The specific flags and what
68      optimization levels they are enabled at are documented in the
69      CMakeLists.txt file.
70    - Exceptions are currently enabled for webserver builds, but their use is
71      discouraged.  Long term, the intent is to disable exceptions, so any use
72      of them for explicit control flow will likely be rejected in code review.
73      Any use of exceptions should be cases where the program can be reasonably
74      expected to crash if the exception occurs, as this will be the future
75      behavior once exceptions are disabled.
76    - Run time type information is disabled
77    - Link time optimization is enabled
797. ### Authentication
80   The webserver shall provide the following authentication mechanisms.
81    - Basic authentication
82    - Cookie authentication
83    - Token authentication
85    There shall be connection between the authentication mechanism used and
86    resources that are available over it. The webserver shall employ an
87    authentication scheme that is in line with the rest of OpenBMC, and allows
88    users and privileges to be provisioned from other interfaces.
908. ### Web security
91   The OpenBMC webserver shall follow the latest OWASP recommendations for
92   authentication, session management, and security.
949. ### Performance
95   The performance priorities for the OpenBMC webserver are (in order):
96    1. Code is readable and clear
97    2. Code follows secure guidelines
98    3. Code is performant, and does not unnecessarily abstract concepts at the
99       expense of performance
100    4. Code does not employ constructs which require continuous system
101       resources, unless required to meet performance targets.  (example:
102       caching sensor values which are expected to change regularly)
10410. ### Abstraction/interfacing
105   In general, the OpenBMC webserver is built using the data driven design.
106   Abstraction and Interface guarantees should be used when multiple
107   implementations exist, but for implementations where only a single
108   implementation exists, prefer to make the code correct and clean rather than
109   implement a concrete interface.
11111. ### phosphor webui
112   The webserver should be capable of hosting phosphor-webui, and impelmenting
113   the required flows to host the application.  In general, all access methods
114   should be available to the webui.
11612. ### Developing and Testing
117  There are a variety of ways to develop and test bmcweb software changes.
118  Here are the steps for using the SDK and QEMU.
120  - Follow all [development environment setup](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/development/dev-environment.md)
121  directions in the development environment setup document. This will get
122  QEMU started up and you in the SDK environment.
123  - Follow all of the [gerrit setup](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/development/gerrit-setup.md)
124  directions in the gerrit setup document.
125  - Clone bmcweb from gerrit
126  ```
127  git clone ssh://openbmc.gerrit/bmcweb/
128  ```
130  - Ensure it compiles
131  ```
132  cmake ./ && make
133  ```
134  **Note:** If you'd like to enable debug traces in bmcweb, use the
135  following command for cmake
136  ```
137  cmake ./ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:type=Debug
138  ```
140  - Make your changes as needed, rebuild with `make`
142  - Reduce binary size by stripping it when ready for testing
143  ```
144  arm-openbmc-linux-gnueabi-strip bmcweb
145  ```
146  **Note:** Stripping is not required and having the debug symbols could be
147  useful depending on your testing. Leaving them will drastically increase
148  your transfer time to the BMC.
150  - Copy your bmcweb you want to test to /tmp/ in QEMU
151  ```
152  scp -P 2222 bmcweb root@
153  ```
154  **Special Notes:**
155  The address and port shown here ( and 2222) reaches the QEMU session
156  you set up in your development environment as described above.
158  - Stop bmcweb service within your QEMU session
159  ```
160  systemctl stop bmcweb
161  ```
162  **Note:** bmcweb supports being started directly in parallel with the bmcweb
163  running as a service. The standalone bmcweb will be available on port 18080.
164  An advantage of this is you can compare between the two easily for testing.
165  In QEMU you would need to open up port 18080 when starting QEMU. Your curl
166  commands would need to use 18080 to communicate.
168  - If running within a system that has read-only /usr/ filesystem, issue
169  the following commands one time per QEMU boot to make the filesystem
170  writeable
171  ```
172  mkdir -p /var/persist/usr
173  mkdir -p /var/persist/work/usr
174  mount -t overlay -o lowerdir=/usr,upperdir=/var/persist/usr,workdir=/var/persist/work/usr overlay /usr
175  ```
177  - Remove the existing bmcweb from the filesystem in QEMU
178  ```
179  rm /usr/bin/bmcweb
180  ```
182  - Link to your new bmcweb in /tmp/
183  ```
184  ln -sf /tmp/bmcweb /usr/bin/bmcweb
185  ```
187  - Test your changes. bmcweb will be started automatically upon your
188  first REST or Redfish command
189  ```
190  curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -X POST -d "{\"data\": [ \"root\", \"0penBmc\" ] }"
191  curl -c cjar -b cjar -k -X GET
192  ```
194  - Stop the bmcweb service and scp new file over to /tmp/ each time you
195  want to retest a change.
197  See the [REST](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/REST-cheatsheet.md)
198  and [Redfish](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/REDFISH-cheatsheet.md) cheatsheets for valid commands.
20013. ### Redfish
202  The redfish implementation shall pass the [Redfish Service
203  Validator](https://github.com/DMTF/Redfish-Service-Validator "Validator") with
204  no warnings or errors
206  The following redfish schemas and fields are targeted for OpenBMC.  This is a
207  living document, and these schemas are subject to change.
209  The latest Redfish schemas can be found [here](https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/)
211  Fields common to all schemas
213  - @odata.context
214  - @odata.id
215  - @odata.type
216  - Id
217  - Name
220  #### /redfish/v1/
221  ##### ServiceRoot
223  - RedfishVersion
224  - UUID
227  #### /redfish/v1/AccountService/
228  ##### AccountService
230  - Description
231  - ServiceEnabled
232  - MinpasswordLength
233  - MaxPasswordLength
234  - Accounts
235  - Roles
237  #### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/
238  ##### AccountCollection
240  - Description
241  - Members@odata.count
242  - Members
244  #### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Accounts/<AccountName>
245  ##### Account
247  - Description
248  - Enabled
249  - Password
250  - UserName
251  - RoleId
252  - Links/Role
254  #### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/
255  ##### RoleCollection
257  - Description
258  - Members@odata.count
259  - Members
260      - By default will contain 3 roles, "Administrator", "Operator", and "User"
262  #### /redfish/v1/AccountService/Roles/<RoleName>
263  ##### Role
265  - Description
266  - IsPredefined
267      - Will be set to true for all default roles.  If the given role is
268        non-default, or has been modified from default, will be marked as false.
269  - AssignedPrivileges
270      - For the default roles, the following privileges will be assigned by
271        default
272          - Administrator: Login, ConfigureManager, ConfigureUsers, ConfigureSelf,
273            ConfigureComponents
274          - Operator: Login, ConfigureComponents
275          - User: Login
278  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis
279  ##### ChassisCollection
281  - Members@odata.count
282  - Members
284  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>
285  ##### Chassis
287  - ChassisType
288  - Manufacturer
289  - Model
290  - SerialNumber
291  - PartNumber
292  - PowerState
293  - Thermal
294      - Shall be included if component contains temperature sensors, otherwise
295        shall be omitted.
296  - Power
297      - Shall be included if component contains voltage/current sensing
298        components, otherwise will be omitted.
300  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Thermal
301  ##### Thermal
302  Temperatures Fans Redundancy
304  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Thermal#/Temperatures/<SensorName>
305  ##### Temperature
306  - MemberId
307  - Status
308  - ReadingCelsius
309  - UpperThresholdNonCritical
310  - UpperThresholdCritical
311  - LowerThresholdNonCritical
312  - LowerThresholdCritical
313  - MinReadingRange
314  - MaxReadingRange
316  *threshold fields only present if defined for sensor, otherwise absent*
318  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Thermal#/Fans/<FanName>
319  ##### Fan
320  - MemberId
321  - Status
322  - Reading
323  - ReadingUnits
324  - UpperThresholdNonCritical
325  - UpperThresholdCritical
326  - LowerThresholdNonCritical
327  - LowerThresholdCritical
328  - MinReadingRange
329  - MaxReadingRange
330  - Redundancy
332  *threshold fields only present if defined for sensor, otherwise absent*
334  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Thermal#/Redundancy/<RedundancyName>
335  ##### Fan
336  - MemberId
337  - RedundancySet
338  - Mode
339  - Status
340  - MinNumNeeded
341  - MaxNumSupported
344  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Power/
345  ##### Thermal
346  PowerControl Voltages PowerSupplies Redundancy
348  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Power#/PowerControl/<ControlName>
349  ##### PowerControl
350  - MemberId
351  - PowerConsumedWatts
352  - PowerMetrics/IntervalInMin
353  - PowerMetrics/MinConsumedWatts
354  - PowerMetrics/MaxConsumedWatts
355  - PowerMetrics/AverageConsumedWatts
356  - RelatedItem
357      - Should list systems and related chassis
359  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Power#/Voltages/<VoltageName>
360  ##### Voltage
361  - MemberId
362  - Status
363  - ReadingVolts
364  - UpperThresholdNonCritical
365  - UpperThresholdCritical
366  - LowerThresholdNonCritical
367  - LowerThresholdCritical
368  - MinReadingRange
369  - MaxReadingRange
370  - PhysicalContext
371  - RelatedItem
373  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/<ChassisName>/Power#/PowerSupplies/<PSUName>
374  ##### PowerSupply
375  - MemberId
376  - Status
377  - LininputVoltage
378  - Model
379  - manufacturer
380  - FirmwareVersion
381  - SerialNumber
382  - PartNumber
383  - RelatedItem
384  - Redundancy
386  #### /redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisName}/Power#/Redundancy/<RedundancyName>
387  ##### Redundancy
388  - MemberId
389  - RedundancySet
390  - Mode
391  - Status
392  - MinNumNeeded
393  - MaxNumSupported
396  #### /redfish/v1/EventService
397  ##### EventService
398  - Id
399  - ServiceEnabled
400  - DeliveryRetryAttempts
401      - Defaults to 3
402  - EventTypesForSubscription
403      - Defaults to "Alert"
404  - Actions
405  - Subscriptions
407  #### /redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions
408  ##### EventDestinationCollection
409  - Members@odata.count
410  - Members
412  #### /redfish/v1/EventService/Subscriptions/{EventName}/
413  ##### EventDestination
414  - Id
415  - Destination
416  - EventTypes
417  - Context
418  - OriginResources
419  - Protocol
422  #### /redfish/v1/Managers
423  ##### ManagerCollection
424  - Members
425  - Members@odata.count
427  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC
428  ##### Manager
429  - Description
430  - LogServices
431  - GraphicalConsole
432  - UUID
433  - Model
434  - Links
435  - PowerState
436  - FirmwareVersion
437  - ManagerType
438  - ServiceEntryPointUUID
439  - DateTime
440  - NetworkProtocol
441  - Actions
442  - Status
443  - SerialConsole
444  - VirtualMedia
445  - EthernetInterfaces
447  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC/EthernetInterfaces
448  ##### EthernetInterfaceCollection
449  - Members
450  - Members@odata.count
451  - Description
453  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC/EthernetInterfaces/{InterfaceName}
454  ##### EthernetInterface
455  - Description
456  - VLAN
457  - MaxIPv6StaticAddresses
459  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC/LogServices
460  ##### LogServiceCollection
461  - Members
462  - Members@odata.count
463  - Description
465  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC/LogServices/RedfishLog
466  ##### LogService
467  - Entries
468  - OverWritePolicy
469  - Actions
470  - Status
471  - DateTime
472  - MaxNumberOfRecords
474  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC/LogServices/RedfishLog/Entries/{entry}
475  ##### LogEntry
476  - Message
477  - Created
478  - EntryType
480  #### /redfish/v1/Managers/BMC/NetworkProtocol
481  ##### ManagerNetworkProtocol
482  - Description
483  - SSDP
484  - HTTPS
485  - SSH
486  - VirtualMedia
487  - KVMIP
488  - Status
491  #### /redfish/v1/Registries
492  ##### MessageRegistryFileCollection
493  - Members
494      - Should support Base, CommonMessages, and EventingMessages
495  - Members@odata.count
496  - Description
498  #### /redfish/v1/Registries/<MessageRegistry>
499  ##### MessageRegistryFile
500  - Location
501  - Description
502  - Location@odata.count
503  - Languages@odata.count
504  - Languages
505  - Registry
508  #### /redfish/v1/SessionService
509  ##### SessionService
510  - Description
511  - ServiceEnabled
512  - Status
513  - SessionTimeout
514  - Sessions
516  #### /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions
517  ##### SessionCollection
518  - Members
519  - Members@odata.count
520  - Description
523  #### /redfish/v1/Systems
524  ##### ComputerSystemCollection
525  - Members
526      - Should support one system
527  - Members@odata.count
529  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}
530  ##### ComputerSystem
531  - Boot
532  - PartNumber
533  - IndicatorLED
534  - UUID
535  - LogServices
536  - SystemType
537  - Manufacturer
538  - Description
539  - Model
540  - Links
541  - PowerState
542  - BiosVersion
543  - Storage
544  - SerialNumber
545  - Processors
546  - ProcessorSummary
547  - Memory
548  - Actions
549  - Status
550  - EthernetInterfaces
551  - MemorySummary
553  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/EthernetInterfaces
554  ##### EthernetInterfaceCollection
555  - Members
556  - Members@odata.count
557  - Description
559  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/LogServices
560  ##### LogServiceCollection
561  - Members
562      - Should default to one member, named SEL
563  - Members@odata.count
564  - Description
566  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/LogServices/SEL/Entries
567  ##### LogEntryCollection
568  - Members
569  - Members@odata.count
570  - Description
571  - @odata.nextLink
573  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/LogServices/SEL/Entries/{entryNumber}
574  ##### LogEntry
575  - MessageArgs
576  - Severity
577  - SensorType
578  - Message
579  - MessageId
580  - Created
581  - EntryCode
582  - EntryType
584  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Memory
585  ##### MemoryCollection
586  - Members
587  - Members@odata.count
589  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Memory/Memory1
590  ##### Memory
591  - MemoryType
592  - Description
593  - DeviceLocator
594  - Oem
595  - Metrics
596  - BaseModuleType
597  - Manufacturer
598  - MemoryDeviceType
599  - RankCount
600  - AllowedSpeedsMHz
601  - CapacityMiB
602  - DataWidthBits
603  - SerialNumber
604  - OperatingSpeedMhz
605  - ErrorCorrection
606  - PartNumber
607  - Status
608  - BusWidthBits
609  - MemoryMedia
611  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Memory/Memory1/MemoryMetrics
612  ##### MemoryMetrics
613  - Description
614  - HealthData
616  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Processors
617  ##### ProcessorCollection
618  - Members
619      - Should Support CPU1 and CPU2 for dual socket systems
620  - Members@odata.count
622  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Processors/{CPUName}
623  ##### Processor
624  - ProcessorArchitecture
625  - TotalCores
626  - ProcessorId
627  - MaxSpeedMHz
628  - Manufacturer
629  - Status
630  - Socket
631  - InstructionSet
632  - Model
633  - ProcessorType
634  - TotalThreads
636  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Storage
637  ##### StorageCollection
638  - Members
639  - Members@odata.count
641  #### /redfish/v1/Systems/{SystemName}/Storage/{storageIndex>
642  ##### Storage
643  - Drives
644  - Links
647  #### /redfish/v1/UpdateService
648  ##### UpdateService
649  - SoftwareInventory
651  #### /redfish/v1/UpdateService/SoftwareInventory
652  ##### SoftwareInventoryCollection
653  - Members
654  - Should Support BMC, ME, CPLD and BIOS
655  - Members@odata.count
657  #### /redfish/v1/UpdateService/SoftwareInventory/{MemberName}
658  ##### SoftwareInventory
659  - Version