xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/AGGREGATION.md (revision a88562de)
1*a88562deSCarson Labrado# Redfish Aggregation
2*a88562deSCarson Labrado
3*a88562deSCarson LabradoWith Redfish aggregation the host BMC aggregates resources from specified
4*a88562deSCarson Labradosatellite BMCs. Aggregated resources are accessed in the same way as local
5*a88562deSCarson Labradoresources. The only observable difference between local and aggregated resources
6*a88562deSCarson Labradois aggregated resources have a special prefix added to their URIs.
7*a88562deSCarson Labrado
8*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe satellite BMCs are not aware that they are being aggregated. The aggregating
9*a88562deSCarson LabradoBMC handles the additional processing required to allow the aggregating BMC and
10*a88562deSCarson Labradosatellite BMCs to be observable as a singular combined BMC.
11*a88562deSCarson Labrado
12*a88562deSCarson Labrado## Configuration
13*a88562deSCarson Labrado
14*a88562deSCarson Labradobmcweb by default is compiled with Redfish aggregation disabled. To enable it
15*a88562deSCarson Labradoadd the following to your local.conf.
16*a88562deSCarson Labrado
17*a88562deSCarson Labrado```bash
18*a88562deSCarson LabradoEXTRA_OEMESON:pn-bmcweb:append = "-Dredfish-aggregation='enabled'"
19*a88562deSCarson Labrado```
20*a88562deSCarson Labrado
21*a88562deSCarson LabradoIn addition to the compiler option, bmcweb requires a satellite config to be
22*a88562deSCarson Labradopresent on D-Bus. The config contains the necessary information to connect to a
23*a88562deSCarson Labradosatellite BMC. The following is an example entity-manager json config for a
24*a88562deSCarson Labradosatellite located at
25*a88562deSCarson Labrado
26*a88562deSCarson Labrado```bash
27*a88562deSCarson Labrado{
28*a88562deSCarson Labrado    "Exposes": [
29*a88562deSCarson Labrado        {
30*a88562deSCarson Labrado            "Hostname": "",
31*a88562deSCarson Labrado            "Port": "80",
32*a88562deSCarson Labrado            "Name": "sat0",
33*a88562deSCarson Labrado            "Type": "SatelliteController",
34*a88562deSCarson Labrado            "AuthType": "None"
35*a88562deSCarson Labrado        }
36*a88562deSCarson Labrado    ],
37*a88562deSCarson Labrado```
38*a88562deSCarson Labrado
39*a88562deSCarson LabradoNote that the satellite config must specify a hostname, port, and authentication
40*a88562deSCarson Labradotype. Currently the only type of supported authentication is "None". Bmcweb will
41*a88562deSCarson Labradoreject satellite configs that do not comply with these requirements.
42*a88562deSCarson Labrado
43*a88562deSCarson Labrado## Satellite BMC Restrictions
44*a88562deSCarson Labrado
45*a88562deSCarson Labrado- Can only aggregate a single satellite BMC
46*a88562deSCarson Labrado- HTTP only connection to satellite BMC
47*a88562deSCarson Labrado- No authentication on satellite BMC
48*a88562deSCarson Labrado
49*a88562deSCarson Labrado## Supported Resources
50*a88562deSCarson Labrado
51*a88562deSCarson LabradoAggregation is supported for all resources that are currently supported by
52*a88562deSCarson Labradobmcweb and appear under top level collections. A top level collection is the
53*a88562deSCarson Labradofirst collection reached when walking the path from the service root. The
54*a88562deSCarson Labradofollowing are a few examples of top level collections:
55*a88562deSCarson Labrado
56*a88562deSCarson Labrado```bash
57*a88562deSCarson Labrado/redfish/v1/Chassis
58*a88562deSCarson Labrado/redfish/v1/TaskService/Tasks
59*a88562deSCarson Labrado/redfish/v1/UpdateService/FirmwareInventory
60*a88562deSCarson Labrado
61*a88562deSCarson Labrado```
62*a88562deSCarson Labrado
63*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe only exception is `/redfish/v1/JsonSchemas`. We purposefully do not
64*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregate that collection since some of the schemas can be very large and their
65*a88562deSCarson Labradoversions could differ from the schema versions on the aggregating BMC. Instead
66*a88562deSCarson Labradoit is assumed that the schemas are compatible.
67*a88562deSCarson Labrado
68*a88562deSCarson LabradoSimilarly, we do not aggregate any satellite `$metadata` which is available at
69*a88562deSCarson Labrado`/redfish/v1/$metadata`. We make the assumption that the $metadata of the
70*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregating BMC is compatible with all aggregated satellite resources.
71*a88562deSCarson Labrado
72*a88562deSCarson LabradoComplete support needs to be added for all top level resource collections that
73*a88562deSCarson Labradoare defined in the Redfish spec, but are not yet supported by bmcweb. Queries to
74*a88562deSCarson Labradothese endpoints like `/redfish/v1/<unsupported_collection>` will return all
75*a88562deSCarson Labradoresources on the satellite BMC, but a link for the unsupported collection will
76*a88562deSCarson Labradonot appear when querying the Service Root.
77*a88562deSCarson Labrado
78*a88562deSCarson Labrado## Operation
79*a88562deSCarson Labrado
80*a88562deSCarson LabradoAggregated resources will have a prefix appended to their URIs in order to
81*a88562deSCarson Labradodistinguish them from resources that are local to the aggregating BMC. The
82*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregation prefix is planned to be derived from the uuid of the aggregating
83*a88562deSCarson LabradoBMC. This should result in the aggregation prefix being unique to each
84*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregating BMC.
85*a88562deSCarson Labrado
86*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe general URI format for aggregated resources is
87*a88562deSCarson Labrado
88*a88562deSCarson Labrado```bash
89*a88562deSCarson Labrado/redfish/v1/<resource_collection>/<prefix>_<resource_id>
90*a88562deSCarson Labrado```
91*a88562deSCarson Labrado
92*a88562deSCarson LabradoWhen support is added for aggregating more than one satellite BMC, then each
93*a88562deSCarson Labradosatellite will be assigned its own unique satellite prefix.
94*a88562deSCarson Labrado
95*a88562deSCarson Labrado### Aggregating Collections
96*a88562deSCarson Labrado
97*a88562deSCarson LabradoRequests to top level collections are locally processed like normal by the
98*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregating BMC. In addition, the request is forwarded to the satellite BMCs as
99*a88562deSCarson Labradolong as it was a GET request. Any other types of request is still handled
100*a88562deSCarson Labradolocally, but the aggregator will not forward it to the satellites.
101*a88562deSCarson Labrado
102*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe responses are processed by first adding the aggregation prefix to the URIs
103*a88562deSCarson Labradoand then adding the URIs to the "Members" array in the response generated by the
104*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregating BMC.
105*a88562deSCarson Labrado
106*a88562deSCarson LabradoIf the responses from the satellite responses do not contain a "Members" array
107*a88562deSCarson Labradothen we assume the initial request was not actually for a top level collection
108*a88562deSCarson Labradoand we do not attempt to add anything to the response generated by the
109*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregating BMC. Similarly, we ignore any satellite responses that do not return
110*a88562deSCarson Labradoa 200 response code.
111*a88562deSCarson Labrado
112*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe following example shows how aggregated resources are added to a top level
113*a88562deSCarson Labradocollection
114*a88562deSCarson Labrado
115*a88562deSCarson Labrado```bash
116*a88562deSCarson Labradocurl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Systems
117*a88562deSCarson Labrado{
118*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems",
119*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "@odata.type": "#ComputerSystemCollection.ComputerSystemCollection",
120*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "Members": [
121*a88562deSCarson Labrado    {
122*a88562deSCarson Labrado      "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/system"
123*a88562deSCarson Labrado    },
124*a88562deSCarson Labrado    {
125*a88562deSCarson Labrado      "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/5B247A_system"
126*a88562deSCarson Labrado    }
127*a88562deSCarson Labrado  ],
128*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "Members@odata.count": 2,
129*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "Name": "Computer System Collection"
130*a88562deSCarson Labrado}
131*a88562deSCarson Labrado```
132*a88562deSCarson Labrado
133*a88562deSCarson Labrado### Aggregating a Resource
134*a88562deSCarson Labrado
135*a88562deSCarson LabradoWhen the request is for a singular satellite resource instead of a top level
136*a88562deSCarson Labradocollection, the aggregator will forward all types of requests (GET, POST,
137*a88562deSCarson LabradoDELETE, etc.). This is different from aggregating a collection where only GET
138*a88562deSCarson Labradorequests are forwarded to satellites.
139*a88562deSCarson Labrado
140*a88562deSCarson LabradoRequests for aggregated resources are not fully processed by the aggregating
141*a88562deSCarson LabradoBMC. These requests are identified by the presence of the aggregation prefix in
142*a88562deSCarson Labradothe request's URI.
143*a88562deSCarson Labrado
144*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe following steps are used to retrieve the requested aggregated resource:
145*a88562deSCarson Labrado
146*a88562deSCarson Labrado1. Determine the target satellite BMC based on the prefix
147*a88562deSCarson Labrado2. Remove the prefix from the response URI
148*a88562deSCarson Labrado3. Forward the request to the satellite BMC
149*a88562deSCarson Labrado4. Where appropriate add the prefix to the URIs in the response
150*a88562deSCarson Labrado5. Return the updated response from the satellite BMC
151*a88562deSCarson Labrado
152*a88562deSCarson Labrado```bash
153*a88562deSCarson Labradocurl -k -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Systems/5B247A_system
154*a88562deSCarson Labrado{
155*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/5B247A_system",
156*a88562deSCarson Labrado  ...
157*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "LogServices": {
158*a88562deSCarson Labrado    "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/5B247A_system/LogServices"
159*a88562deSCarson Labrado  },
160*a88562deSCarson Labrado  "Memory": {
161*a88562deSCarson Labrado    "@odata.id": "/redfish/v1/Systems/5B247A_system/Memory"
162*a88562deSCarson Labrado  },
163*a88562deSCarson Labrado  ...
164*a88562deSCarson Labrado}
165*a88562deSCarson Labrado```
166*a88562deSCarson Labrado
167*a88562deSCarson LabradoWe consider any response to be a valid response code from the satellite BMC. The
168*a88562deSCarson Labradoaggregator will attempt to perform prefix fixing on the received response and
169*a88562deSCarson Labradothen forward it to the client. It is up to the client to determine how to react
170*a88562deSCarson Labradoto the received response (e.g. resend the request). A failure during the
171*a88562deSCarson Labradocommunication process will cause bmcweb to attempt to resend the request as per
172*a88562deSCarson Labradothe retry policy. Exhausting the retry policy will result in the aggregating BMC
173*a88562deSCarson Labradoreturning a 502 response.
174*a88562deSCarson Labrado
175*a88562deSCarson Labrado## Remaining Work
176*a88562deSCarson Labrado
177*a88562deSCarson LabradoThe long term goal is to have Redfish aggregation be enabled by default. There
178*a88562deSCarson Labradoare some features that must still be implemented before that can happen.
179*a88562deSCarson Labrado
180*a88562deSCarson Labrado1. Add links to satellite only collections in responses from service root and
181*a88562deSCarson Labrado   other appropriate locations
182*a88562deSCarson Labrado2. Generate aggregation prefix from uuid
183*a88562deSCarson Labrado3. Aggregate more than one satellite BMC
184*a88562deSCarson Labrado4. Support HTTPS connection to satellite BMC
185*a88562deSCarson Labrado
186*a88562deSCarson LabradoSupport for the following items should be added as well. However, their
187*a88562deSCarson Labradoimplementation is not a requirement to being able to enable Redfish aggregation
188*a88562deSCarson Labradoby default.
189*a88562deSCarson Labrado
190*a88562deSCarson Labrado1. Support adding a Contains/ContainedBy relationship between local and
191*a88562deSCarson Labrado   aggregated Chassis.
192*a88562deSCarson Labrado2. Support Authentication with satellite BMCs