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Note: this will visually expose your password on the screen.", 33de87f678SDerick Montague "tooltip": "Tooltip", 34de87f678SDerick Montague "progressBar": "Page loading progress bar" 35c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 3668bbba29SYoshie Muranaka "calendar": { 3730f11f81SDixsie Wolmers "selectDate": "Select date", 3868bbba29SYoshie Muranaka "useCursorKeysToNavigateCalendarDates": "Use cursor keys to navigate calendar dates" 3968bbba29SYoshie Muranaka }, 4047998e74SMateusz Gapski "fileUpload": { 41978807deSSurenNeware "browseText": "Add file", 42978807deSSurenNeware "clearSelectedFile": "Clear selected file" 4347998e74SMateusz Gapski }, 44c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "form": { 45a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "dateMustBeAfter": "Date must be after {date}", 46a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "dateMustBeBefore": "Date must be before {date}", 47c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "fieldRequired": "Field required", 48c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "invalidFormat": "Invalid format", 499055d988SSukanya Pandey "invalidValue": "Invalid value", 50a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "lengthMustBeBetween": "Length must be between {min} – {max} characters", 51a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "mustBeAtLeast": "Must be at least {value}", 5246f17ef6SDixsie Wolmers "optional": "optional", 5333058576SYoshie Muranaka "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match", 5437393810SYoshie Muranaka "required": "Required", 5571724befSSurenNeware "search": "Search", 56c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "selectAnOption": "Select an option", 57a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "valueMustBeBetween": "Value must be between {min} – {max}" 58c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 59c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "status": { 60532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "copied": "Copied", 61ed7278a2Sglukhov.mikhail "diagnosticMode": "Diagnostic mode", 62c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "disabled": "Disabled", 63c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "enabled": "Enabled", 64c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "error": "Error", 65c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "notAvailable": "Not available", 66c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "off": "Off", 67c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "on": "On", 68c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "success": "Success", 694e90eed0SDerick Montague "warning": "Warning", 704e90eed0SDerick Montague "informational": "Informational" 71f9832b0eSYoshie Muranaka }, 72f9832b0eSYoshie Muranaka "table": { 73b53e0868SDixsie Wolmers "collapseTableRow": "Collapse table row", 74307382e8SSurenNeware "emptyMessage": "No items available", 75156a0e6aSSurenNeware "emptySearchMessage": "No items match the search query", 76b53e0868SDixsie Wolmers "expandTableRow": "Expand table row", 7768bbba29SYoshie Muranaka "fromDate": "From date", 78a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "items": "{count} items", 79f9832b0eSYoshie Muranaka "itemsPerPage": "Items per page", 80c42ad71dSDixsie Wolmers "selectAll": "Select all", 81c42ad71dSDixsie Wolmers "selectItem": "Select item", 82a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "selectedItems": "{filterCount} of {count} items", 8368bbba29SYoshie Muranaka "toDate": "To date", 84f9832b0eSYoshie Muranaka "viewAll": "View all" 85dd6aa0aaSSukanya Pandey }, 86dd6aa0aaSSukanya Pandey "toast": { 87dd6aa0aaSSukanya Pandey "unAuthTitle": "Unauthorized", 88dd6aa0aaSSukanya Pandey "unAuthDescription": "The attempted action is not accessible from the logged in account. Contact your system administrator to check your privilege role." 89c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers } 90c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 91c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "appHeader": { 926859203cSDerick Montague "applicationHeader": "Application header", 93c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "health": "Health", 94c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "logOut": "Log out", 95c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "power": "Power", 96b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey "profileSettings": "@:appPageTitle.profileSettings", 97c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "refresh": "Refresh", 98a5cbc449SSurenNeware "skipToContent": "Skip to content", 99a5cbc449SSurenNeware "titleHideNavigation": "Hide navigation", 100a5cbc449SSurenNeware "titleShowNavigation": "Show navigation", 101a5cbc449SSurenNeware "titleProfile": "Show profile menu", 102a5cbc449SSurenNeware "titleRefresh": "Refresh application data" 103c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 104c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "appNavigation": { 1056dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "resourceManagement": "Resource management", 106b440616cSSandeepa Singh "securityAndAccess": "Security and access", 107b440616cSSandeepa Singh "sessions": "@:appPageTitle.sessions", 108f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "settings": "Settings", 10968cbbe90SSandeepa Singh "operations": "Operations", 110f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "dateTime": "@:appPageTitle.dateTime", 11122d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "dumps": "@:appPageTitle.dumps", 1126f102346SYoshie Muranaka "eventLogs": "@:appPageTitle.eventLogs", 113da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "factoryReset": "@:appPageTitle.factoryReset", 114c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "firmware": "@:appPageTitle.firmware", 1157affc529SSandeepa Singh "hardwareStatus": "Hardware status", 1167affc529SSandeepa Singh "inventory": "@:appPageTitle.inventory", 117632de22aSMateusz Gapski "kvm": "@:appPageTitle.kvm", 118c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "ldap": "@:appPageTitle.ldap", 119828dda9bSDerick Montague "logs": "Logs", 120b440616cSSandeepa Singh "userManagement": "@:appPageTitle.userManagement", 121f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "network": "@:appPageTitle.network", 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136c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 137c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "appPageTitle": { 13833058576SYoshie Muranaka "changePassword": "Change password", 1396dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "power": "Power", 140b440616cSSandeepa Singh "sessions": "Sessions", 141f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "dateTime": "Date and time", 14222d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "dumps": "Dumps", 1436f102346SYoshie Muranaka "eventLogs": "Event logs", 144da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "factoryReset": "Factory reset", 145c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "firmware": "Firmware", 1467affc529SSandeepa Singh "inventory": "Inventory and LEDs", 147632de22aSMateusz Gapski "kvm": "KVM", 148c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "ldap": "LDAP", 149b440616cSSandeepa Singh "userManagement": "User management", 150c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "login": "Login", 151f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "network": "Network", 152c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "overview": "Overview", 15311e655caSDixsie Wolmers "pageNotFound": "Page not found", 15406d53863SSandeepa Singh "postCodeLogs": "POST code logs", 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error changing the password.", 17133058576SYoshie Muranaka "confirmNewPassword": "Confirm new password", 17233058576SYoshie Muranaka "goBack": "Go back", 17333058576SYoshie Muranaka "newPassword": "New password", 17433058576SYoshie Muranaka "username": "Username" 17533058576SYoshie Muranaka }, 176b440616cSSandeepa Singh "pageSessions": { 17734efde29SSukanya Pandey "action": { 17834efde29SSukanya Pandey "disconnect": "Disconnect" 17934efde29SSukanya Pandey }, 18034efde29SSukanya Pandey "modal": { 18134efde29SSukanya Pandey "disconnectTitle": "Disconnect session| Disconnect sessions", 182a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "disconnectMessage": "Are you sure you want to disconnect {count} session? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to disconnect {count} sessions? This action cannot be undone." 18334efde29SSukanya Pandey }, 18434efde29SSukanya Pandey "table": { 185568b8a93Skirankumarb07 "sessionID": "Session ID", 186568b8a93Skirankumarb07 "context": "Context", 18734efde29SSukanya Pandey "username": "Username", 18834efde29SSukanya Pandey "ipAddress": "IP address", 18934efde29SSukanya Pandey "searchSessions": "Search sessions" 19034efde29SSukanya Pandey }, 19134efde29SSukanya Pandey "toast": { 192a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorDelete": "Error disconnecting {count} session. | Error disconnecting {count} sessions.", 193a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successDelete": "Successfully disconnected {count} session. | Successfully disconnected {count} sessions." 19434efde29SSukanya Pandey } 19534efde29SSukanya Pandey }, 196f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "pageDateTime": { 197739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "alert": { 198739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "message": "To change how date and time are displayed (either UTC or browser offset) throughout the application, visit ", 199739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "link": "Profile Settings" 200739e4596SDixsie Wolmers }, 201739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "configureSettings": "Configure settings", 202739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "form": { 203739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "date": "Date", 204739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "manual": "Manual", 205fcda2001SDixsie Wolmers "time": { 206fcda2001SDixsie Wolmers "label": "24-hour time", 207a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "timezone": "@:pageDateTime.form.time.label ({timezone})" 208fcda2001SDixsie Wolmers }, 209739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "ntpServers": { 210739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "server1": "Server 1", 211739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "server2": "Server 2", 212739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "server3": "Server 3" 213739e4596SDixsie Wolmers } 214739e4596SDixsie Wolmers }, 215739e4596SDixsie Wolmers "toast": { 216f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "errorSaveDateTime": "Error saving date and time settings.", 217f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "successSaveDateTime": "Successfully saved date and time settings." 218739e4596SDixsie Wolmers } 219739e4596SDixsie Wolmers }, 22022d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "pageDumps": { 221f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "dumpsAvailableOnBmc": "Dumps available on BMC", 222f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateDump": "Initiate dump", 22322d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "form": { 22422d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "bmcDump": "BMC dump", 225f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateDump": "Initiate dump", 22622d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "selectDumpType": "Select dump type", 227f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "systemDump": "System dump (disruptive)", 228f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "systemDumpInfo": "System dumps will be offloaded to the operating system and will not appear in the table below." 22922d4d527SYoshie Muranaka }, 23022d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "modal": { 23122d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "deleteDump": "Delete dump | Delete dumps", 232a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "deleteDumpConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} dump? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete {count} dumps? This action cannot be undone.", 233f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateSystemDump": "Initiate system dump", 234f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateSystemDumpMessage1": "Are you sure?", 235f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateSystemDumpMessage2": "You will not be able to initiate any other dumps while a system dump is in progress.", 236f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateSystemDumpMessage3": "Initiating a system dump will abnormally terminate all active system partitions.", 237f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "initiateSystemDumpMessage4": "Proceed with dump initiation" 23822d4d527SYoshie Muranaka }, 23922d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "table": { 24022d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "dateAndTime": "Date and time", 24122d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "dumpType": "Dump type", 24222d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "id": "ID", 24322d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "searchDumps": "Search dumps", 24422d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "size": "Size" 24522d4d527SYoshie Muranaka }, 24622d4d527SYoshie Muranaka "toast": { 247a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorDeleteDump": "Error deleting {count} dump. | Error deleting {count} dumps.", 248f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "errorStartBmcDump": "Error starting new BMC dump.", 249f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "errorStartSystemDump": "Error starting new System dump.", 250a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successDeleteDump": "Successfully deleted {count} dump. | Successfully deleted {count} dumps.", 251f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "successStartBmcDump": "The dump will take some time to complete. Refresh the application to see the completed dump in the table.", 252f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "successStartBmcDumpTitle": "BMC dump started", 253f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "successStartSystemDump": "The dump will take some time to complete. The dump will be offloaded to the operating system.", 254f415a089SYoshie Muranaka "successStartSystemDumpTitle": "System dump started" 25522d4d527SYoshie Muranaka } 25622d4d527SYoshie Muranaka }, 2576f102346SYoshie Muranaka "pageEventLogs": { 2588b1beffdSDixsie Wolmers "additionalDataUri": "Download additional data", 25927d68affSDixsie Wolmers "resolve": "Resolve", 26027d68affSDixsie Wolmers "resolved": "Resolved", 26127d68affSDixsie Wolmers "unresolve": "Unresolve", 26227d68affSDixsie Wolmers "unresolved": "Unresolved", 263be3af336SYoshie Muranaka "modal": { 2647e2ba543SDixsie Wolmers "deleteAllTitle": "Delete all logs", 2657e2ba543SDixsie Wolmers "deleteAllMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete all logs? This action cannot be undone.", 266be3af336SYoshie Muranaka "deleteTitle": "Delete log | Delete logs", 267a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "deleteMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} log? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete {count} logs? This action cannot be undone." 268be3af336SYoshie Muranaka }, 2696f102346SYoshie Muranaka "table": { 2706f102346SYoshie Muranaka "date": "Date", 2716f102346SYoshie Muranaka "description": "Description", 2726f102346SYoshie Muranaka "id": "ID", 27347b047c7SSukanya Pandey "modifiedDate": "Modified Date", 27447b047c7SSukanya Pandey "name": "Name", 275193c22a8SYoshie Muranaka "searchLogs": "Search logs", 2766f102346SYoshie Muranaka "severity": "Severity", 27727d68affSDixsie Wolmers "status": "Status", 2786f102346SYoshie Muranaka "type": "Type" 279be3af336SYoshie Muranaka }, 280be3af336SYoshie Muranaka "toast": { 281a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorDelete": "Error deleting {count} log. | Error deleting {count} logs.", 28227d68affSDixsie Wolmers "errorLogStatusUpdate": "Error updating log status.", 283a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorResolveLogs": "Error resolving {count} log. | Error resolving {count} logs.", 284a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorUnresolveLogs": "Error unresolving {count} log. | Error unresolving {count} logs.", 285582e954eSSean Zhang "errorDownloadEventEntry": "Error download event log entry.", 286a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successDelete": "Successfully deleted {count} log. | Successfully deleted {count} logs.", 287a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successResolveLogs": "Successfully resolved {count} log. | Successfully resolved {count} logs.", 288a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successUnresolveLogs": "Successfully unresolved {count} log. | Successfully unresolved {count} logs." 2896f102346SYoshie Muranaka } 2906f102346SYoshie Muranaka }, 291da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "pageFactoryReset": { 292da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "description": "These functions do not perform a secure delete of any sensitive data.", 293da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "form": { 294da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "resetOptionsLabel": "Reset options", 295bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetBiosOptionLabel": "Reset server settings only", 296da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "resetBiosOptionHelperText": "Resets firmware settings including: Platform keystore, partition NVRAM, and partition configurations.", 297bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsOptionLabel": "Reset BMC and server settings", 298bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsOptionHelperText": "In addition to server settings, this option resets BMC settings, including: all BMC account data, all changed passwords, all policies, LDAP configurations, network addresses, and time of day." 299da9f0a6eSDerick Montague }, 300da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "modal": { 301bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetBiosTitle": "Reset server settings", 302bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetBiosHeader": "Do you want to reset the server settings?", 303bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetBiosSubmitText": "Reset server settings", 304da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "resetBiosSettingsList": { 305da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "item1": "All manual settings will be deleted.", 306da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "item2": "Partition configurations and the platform keystore may be recovered if backups exist." 307da9f0a6eSDerick Montague }, 308bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsTitle": "Reset BMC and server settings", 309bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsHeader": "Do you want to reset both the BMC and server settings?", 310bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsSubmitText": "Reset BMC and server settings", 311da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsSettingsList": { 312da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "item1": "All manual settings will be deleted.", 313da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "item2": "Partition configurations and the platform keystore may be recovered if backups exist.", 3147006806dSDerick Montague "item3": "All BMC logs will be removed.", 315da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "item4": "Currently active sessions on all network interfaces will be disconnected.", 316da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "item5": "The BMC default account and password settings will be restored." 317da9f0a6eSDerick Montague }, 318da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "resetWarningMessage": "Resetting without shutting down the system might cause an unrecoverable error.", 319da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "resetWarningCheckLabel": "Continue without shutting down the system" 320da9f0a6eSDerick Montague }, 321da9f0a6eSDerick Montague "toast": { 322bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetBiosSuccess": "Factory reset of server settings successful.", 323bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetBiosError": "Factory reset of server settings failed.", 324bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsSuccess": "Factory reset of BMC and server settings successful.", 325bfce3de6SDerick Montague "resetToDefaultsError": "Factory reset of BMC and server settings failed." 326da9f0a6eSDerick Montague } 327da9f0a6eSDerick Montague }, 32892a0a4acSYoshie Muranaka "pageFirmware": { 3297bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "cardActionSwitchToRunning": "Switch to running", 3307bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "cardBodyVersion": "Version", 3317bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "cardTitleBackup": "Backup image", 3327bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "cardTitleRunning": "Running image", 3337bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "sectionTitleBmcCards": "BMC", 3347bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "sectionTitleBmcCardsCombined": "BMC and server", 335*85b2d315SShane Lin "sectionTitleBiosCards": "BIOS", 3367bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "sectionTitleUpdateFirmware": "Update firmware", 3376f712849SYoshie Muranaka "alert": { 3386f712849SYoshie Muranaka "operationInProgress": "Server power operation in progress.", 3396f712849SYoshie Muranaka "serverMustBePoweredOffTo": "Server must be powered off to:", 3406f712849SYoshie Muranaka "serverMustBePoweredOffToUpdateFirmware": "Server must be powered off to update firmware", 3416f712849SYoshie Muranaka "switchRunningAndBackupImages": "Switch running and backup images", 3426f712849SYoshie Muranaka "updateFirmware": "Update firmware", 3436f712849SYoshie Muranaka "viewServerPowerOperations": "View server power operations" 3446f712849SYoshie Muranaka }, 3457bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "form": { 3467bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "updateFirmware": { 3477bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "fileAddress": "File address", 3487bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "fileSource": "File source", 3497bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "imageFile": "Image file", 3507bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "startUpdate": "Start update", 3517bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "workstation": "Workstation" 3527bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka } 3537bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka }, 3546f712849SYoshie Muranaka "modal": { 3556f712849SYoshie Muranaka "switchImages": "Switch images", 3566f712849SYoshie Muranaka "switchRunningImage": "Switch running image", 3576f712849SYoshie Muranaka "switchRunningImageInfo": "A BMC reboot is required to run the backup image. The application might be unresponsive during this time.", 358a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "switchRunningImageInfo2": "Are you sure you want to switch to the backup image ({backup})?", 3596f712849SYoshie Muranaka "updateFirmwareInfo": "The BMC will reboot during the update process. The server cannot be powered on until the update is finished.", 360a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "updateFirmwareInfo2": "The running image ({running}) will be copied to backup. The backup image will be deleted.", 3617bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "updateFirmwareInfo3": "Are you sure you want to proceed with the update?", 3627bc85e49SYoshie Muranaka "updateFirmwareInfoDefault": "The new image will be uploaded and activated. After that, the BMC or host will reboot automatically to run from the new image." 3636f712849SYoshie Muranaka }, 3646f712849SYoshie Muranaka "toast": { 3656f712849SYoshie Muranaka "errorSwitchImages": "Error switching running and backup images.", 36633d755f4SYoshie Muranaka "errorUpdateFirmware": "Error starting firmware update.", 3676f712849SYoshie Muranaka "rebootStarted": "Reboot started", 3686f712849SYoshie Muranaka "rebootStartedMessage": "Successfully started reboot from backup image.", 3696f712849SYoshie Muranaka "updateStarted": "Update started", 3706f712849SYoshie Muranaka "updateStartedMessage": "Wait for the firmware update notification before making any changes.", 3716f712849SYoshie Muranaka "verifySwitch": "Verify switch", 3726f712849SYoshie Muranaka "verifySwitchMessage": "Refresh the application to verify the running and backup images switched.", 3736f712849SYoshie Muranaka "verifyUpdate": "Verify update", 3746f712849SYoshie Muranaka "verifyUpdateMessage": "Refresh the application to verify firmware updated successfully" 3756f712849SYoshie Muranaka } 37692a0a4acSYoshie Muranaka }, 3777affc529SSandeepa Singh "pageInventory": { 378e24b17d2SYoshie Muranaka "dimmSlot": "DIMM slot", 379b89a53c8SYoshie Muranaka "fans": "Fans", 3805918b48aSYoshie Muranaka "powerSupplies": "Power supplies", 38154c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "bmcManager": "BMC manager", 38209e8b5d4SYoshie Muranaka "chassis": "Chassis", 383dc3fa2e0SSurenNeware "processors": "Processors", 384dc6b3cdeSDixsie Wolmers "quicklinkTitle": "Quick links to hardware components", 38556ee769fSYoshie Muranaka "system": "System", 386a02c6f94SSneha Patel "assemblies": "Assemblies", 38705388966SSukanya Pandey "systemIndicator": { 38805388966SSukanya Pandey "powerStatus": "Power status", 38905388966SSukanya Pandey "identifyLed": "System identify LED", 3906225f649SMichalX Szopinski "sectionTitle": "LED light control" 39105388966SSukanya Pandey }, 39256ee769fSYoshie Muranaka "table": { 39356ee769fSYoshie Muranaka "assetTag": "Asset tag", 39461fdd942SSandeepa Singh "baseModuleType": "Base module type", 395d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "busWidthBits": "Bus width", 39678b6b53dSSandeepa Singh "bmcDateTime": "BMC date and time", 397d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "capacityMiB": "Capacity", 39809e8b5d4SYoshie Muranaka "chassisType": "Chassis type", 39954c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "connectTypesSupported": "Connect types supported", 40018cde3ceSNikhil Ashoka "coreCount": "Core count", 401eb4cef3fSSukanya Pandey "count": "Count", 402d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "dataWidthBits": "Data width", 40356ee769fSYoshie Muranaka "description": "Description", 404d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "efficiencyPercent": "Efficiency", 40561fdd942SSandeepa Singh "enabled": "Enabled", 406af76e2bcSJason M. Bills "errorCorrection": "Error correction", 407dd652d71SDixsie Wolmers "fanSpeed": "Fan speed", 4085918b48aSYoshie Muranaka "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version", 40954c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "graphicalConsole": "Graphical console", 410dd652d71SDixsie Wolmers "hardwareType": "Hardware type", 4115918b48aSYoshie Muranaka "health": "Health", 41255ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "healthRollup": "Health rollup", 4135918b48aSYoshie Muranaka "id": "ID", 414dd652d71SDixsie Wolmers "identifyLed": "Identify LED", 415dc3fa2e0SSurenNeware "instructionSet": "Instruction set", 41678b6b53dSSandeepa Singh "lastResetTime": "Last reset time", 41755ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "locationNumber": "Location number", 41878b6b53dSSandeepa Singh "managerType": "Manager type", 41909e8b5d4SYoshie Muranaka "manufacturer": "Manufacturer", 42054c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "maxConcurrentSessions": "Max concurrent sessions", 421d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "maxSpeedMHz": "Max speed", 422d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "maxPowerWatts": "Max power", 42381876788SSandeepa Singh "memoryType": "Memory type", 424eb4cef3fSSukanya Pandey "memorySummary": "Memory summary", 425d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "minPowerWatts": "Min power", 426d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "minSpeedMHz": "Min speed", 42781876788SSandeepa Singh "model": "Model", 428dc3fa2e0SSurenNeware "name": "Name", 429d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "operatingSpeedMhz": "Operating speed", 4305918b48aSYoshie Muranaka "partNumber": "Part number", 43178b6b53dSSandeepa Singh "power": "Power", 432d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "powerInputWatts": "Power input", 43355ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "processorArchitecture": "Processor architecture", 434eb4cef3fSSukanya Pandey "processorSummary": "Processor summary", 43555ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "processorType": "Processor type", 436af76e2bcSJason M. Bills "rankCount": "Rank count", 43754c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "serialConsole": "Serial console", 4385918b48aSYoshie Muranaka "serialNumber": "Serial number", 43954c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "serviceEnabled": "Service enabled", 44054c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "serviceEntryPointUuid": "Service entry point UUID", 44155ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "sparePartNumber": "Spare part number", 4425d86af86SHuyLe "state": "State", 44356ee769fSYoshie Muranaka "statusHealthRollup": "Status (Health rollup)", 44456ee769fSYoshie Muranaka "statusState": "Status (State)", 445eb4cef3fSSukanya Pandey "subModel": "Sub model", 44654c6bfc2SYoshie Muranaka "systemType": "System type", 447dc3fa2e0SSurenNeware "totalCores": "Total cores", 44818cde3ceSNikhil Ashoka "totalSystemMemoryGiB": "Total system memory", 44955ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "totalThreads": "Total threads", 45055ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "uuid": "UUID", 45155ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "version": "Version" 45255ef76a3SSandeepa Singh }, 45355ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "toast": { 45455ef76a3SSandeepa Singh "errorDisableIdentifyLed": "Error disabling Identify LED.", 455f11a1901SNikhil Ashoka "errorEnableIdentifyLed": "Error enabling Identify LED.", 456f11a1901SNikhil Ashoka "successDisableIdentifyLed": "Successfully disabled Identify LED.", 457f11a1901SNikhil Ashoka "successEnableIdentifyLed": "Successfully enabled Identify LED." 45856ee769fSYoshie Muranaka } 45956ee769fSYoshie Muranaka }, 46005887b50SSandeepa Singh "pageKeyClear": { 46105887b50SSandeepa Singh "description": "Securely clear sensitive data on the system", 46205887b50SSandeepa Singh "alert": { 4639b79a6e7SKonstantin Aladyshev "description": "Due to sensitivity of the data that will be cleared, verification through physical presence is required to authorize this operation.", 46405887b50SSandeepa Singh "title": "This operation requires physical presence and system reboot" 46505887b50SSandeepa Singh }, 46605887b50SSandeepa Singh "form": { 46705887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearAllSetGenesisIPL": "Clear all and set genesis IPL", 46805887b50SSandeepa Singh "clear": "Clear", 46905887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearAllLabel": "Clear all", 47005887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearAllHeperText": "Clear all the sensitive data that is controlled by the platform firmware", 47105887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearHypervisorSystemKeyLabel": "Clear hypervisor system key", 47205887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearHypervisorSystemKeyHelperText": "This indicates the hypervisor to clear the system key.", 4739b79a6e7SKonstantin Aladyshev "clearOperatingSystemKeysLabel": "Clear operating system keys", 47405887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearOperatingSystemKeysHelperText": "This indicates OPAL to clear the operating system Secure Boot keys.", 47505887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearSystemSecurityKeyLabel": "Clear system security officer key", 4769b79a6e7SKonstantin Aladyshev "clearSystemSecurityKeyHelperText": "This incicates OPAL/PEF to clear the system security officer key.", 47705887b50SSandeepa Singh "keyClearOptionsLabel": "Key clear options", 47805887b50SSandeepa Singh "keyClearNotRequested": "Key clear not requested", 47905887b50SSandeepa Singh "none": "None", 48005887b50SSandeepa Singh "setFactoryDefault": "Set factory default" 48105887b50SSandeepa Singh }, 48205887b50SSandeepa Singh "modal": { 48305887b50SSandeepa Singh "clear": "Clear keys", 48405887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearAllMessage": "Any encryption keys contained in the selected data will be lost. System will not be able to decrypt any data that requires these keys.", 48505887b50SSandeepa Singh "clearAllTitle": "Warning: This operation is not reversible" 48605887b50SSandeepa Singh }, 48705887b50SSandeepa Singh "toast": { 48805887b50SSandeepa Singh "selectedKeyClearedError": "Error clearing keys", 48905887b50SSandeepa Singh "selectedKeyClearedSuccess": "Keys cleared successfully" 49005887b50SSandeepa Singh } 49105887b50SSandeepa Singh }, 492632de22aSMateusz Gapski "pageKvm": { 493632de22aSMateusz Gapski "openNewTab": "Open in new tab", 494632de22aSMateusz Gapski "buttonCtrlAltDelete": "Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete", 495632de22aSMateusz Gapski "status": "Status", 496632de22aSMateusz Gapski "connected": "Connected", 497632de22aSMateusz Gapski "connecting": "Connecting", 498632de22aSMateusz Gapski "disconnected": "Disconnected" 499632de22aSMateusz Gapski }, 500c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "pageLdap": { 501c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "pageDescription": "Configure LDAP settings and manage role groups", 502dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "roleGroups": "Role groups", 503c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "settings": "Settings", 504dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "addRoleGroup": "Add role group", 505c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "ariaLabel": { 506c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "ldapSettings": "LDAP settings" 507c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka }, 508c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "form": { 50965fa7bf8SNikhil Ashoka "activeDirectory": "Active Directory", 510c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "baseDn": "Base DN", 511c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "bindDn": "Bind DN", 512c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "bindPassword": "Bind password", 513c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "caCertificateValidUntil": "CA Certificate valid until", 514c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "groupIdAttribute": "Group ID attribute", 515c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "ldapAuthentication": "LDAP authentication", 516c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "ldapCertificateValidUntil": "LDAP Certificate valid until", 517c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "manageSslCertificates": "Manage SSL certificates", 51865fa7bf8SNikhil Ashoka "openLDAP": "OpenLDAP", 519c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "secureLdapHelper": "A CA certificate and an LDAP certificate are required to enable secure LDAP", 520c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "secureLdapUsingSsl": "Secure LDAP using SSL", 521c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "serverUri": "Server URI", 522c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "serverUriTooltip": "Enabling Secure LDAP changes URI scheme to ldaps", 523c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "serviceType": "Service type", 524c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "userIdAttribute": "User ID attribute" 525c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka }, 526dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "modal": { 527dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "addNewRoleGroup": "Add new role group", 528a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "deleteRoleGroupBatchConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} role group? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete {count} role groups? This action cannot be undone.", 529a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "deleteRoleGroupConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '{groupName}'? This action cannot be undone.", 530dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "deleteRoleGroup": "Delete role group", 531dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "editRoleGroup": "Edit role group", 532dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "groupName": "Group name", 533dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "groupPrivilege": "Group privilege" 534dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka }, 535dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "tableRoleGroups": { 536dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "alertContent": "LDAP authentication must be enabled to modify role groups.", 537dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "groupName": "Group name", 538dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "groupPrivilege": "Group privilege" 539dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka }, 540c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "toast": { 541dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "errorAddRoleGroup": "Error adding role group.", 542dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "errorDeleteRoleGroup": "Error deleting role group. | Error deleting role groups.", 543c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "errorSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Error saving Active Directory settings.", 544c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "errorSaveLdapSettings": "Error saving Open LDAP settings.", 545dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "errorSaveRoleGroup": "Error saving role group.", 546a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successAddRoleGroup": "Successfully added role group '{groupName}'.", 547dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "successDeleteRoleGroup": "Successfully deleted role group. | Successfully deleted role groups.", 548c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka "successSaveActiveDirectorySettings": "Successfully saved Active Directory settings.", 549dc3d5411SYoshie Muranaka "successSaveLdapSettings": "Successfully saved Open LDAP settings.", 550a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successSaveRoleGroup": "Successfully saved role group '{groupName}'." 551c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka } 552c4e38abfSYoshie Muranaka }, 553b440616cSSandeepa Singh "pageUserManagement": { 554c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "accountPolicySettings": "Account policy settings", 555c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "addUser": "Add user", 5562932165fSYoshie Muranaka "deleteUser": "Delete user | Delete users", 557b2acbcaaSFarah Rasheed "disableUser": "Disable user | Disable users", 558c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "editUser": "Edit user", 559c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "viewPrivilegeRoleDescriptions": "View privilege role descriptions", 560c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "modal": { 5611f9ed4c3SYoshie Muranaka "accountLocked": "Account locked", 562c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "accountStatus": "Account status", 563c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "automaticAfterTimeout": "Automatic after timeout", 564a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "batchDeleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete {count} user? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete {count} users? This action cannot be undone.", 565a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "batchDisableConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to disable {count} user? | Are you sure you want to disable {count} users?", 566c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "cannotStartWithANumber": "Cannot start with a number", 5671f9ed4c3SYoshie Muranaka "clickSaveToUnlockAccount": "Click \"Save\" to unlock account", 568c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmUserPassword": "Confirm user password", 569a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete user '{user}'? This action cannot be undone.", 570c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "manual": "Manual", 571c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "maxFailedLoginAttempts": "Max failed login attempts", 572c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "noSpecialCharactersExceptUnderscore": "No special characters except underscore", 573a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "passwordMustBeBetween": "Password must be between {min} – {max} characters", 574c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match", 575c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "privilege": "Privilege", 576c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "timeoutDurationSeconds": "Timeout duration (seconds)", 5771f9ed4c3SYoshie Muranaka "unlock": "Unlock", 578c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "username": "Username", 579c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "userPassword": "User password", 580c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "userUnlockMethod": "User unlock method" 581c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 582c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "table": { 583c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "privilege": "Privilege", 584c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "status": "Status", 585c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "username": "Username" 586c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 587c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "tableRoles": { 588c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "configureComponentsManagedByThisService": "Configure components managed by this service", 589c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "configureManagerResources": "Configure manager resources", 590c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "configureUsersAndTheirAccounts": "Configure users and their accounts", 591c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "logInToTheServiceAndReadResources": "Log in to the service and read resources", 5923bf966a7Skirankumarb07 "updatePasswordForCurrentUserAccount": "Update password for current user account", 5933bf966a7Skirankumarb07 "privilege": "Privilege", 5943bf966a7Skirankumarb07 "administrator": "Administrator", 5953bf966a7Skirankumarb07 "operator": "Operator", 5963bf966a7Skirankumarb07 "readOnly": "ReadOnly", 5973bf966a7Skirankumarb07 "noAccess": "NoAccess" 598c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 599c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "toast": { 600a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorBatchDelete": "Error deleting {count} user. | Error deleting {count} users.", 601a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorBatchDisable": "Error disabling {count} user. | Error disabling {count} users.", 602a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorBatchEnable": "Error enabling {count} user. | Error enabling {count} users.", 603a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorCreateUser": "Error creating user '{username}'.", 604a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorAlreadyExistUser": "Username '{username}' already exists.", 605a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorDeleteUser": "Error deleting user '{username}'.", 6068fc53ad9SYoshie Muranaka "errorLoadAccountSettings": "Error loading account settings", 6078fc53ad9SYoshie Muranaka "errorLoadUsers": "Error loading users.", 608c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving account settings.", 609a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorUpdateUser": "Error updating user '{username}'.", 610a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successBatchDelete": "Successfully deleted {count} user. | Successfully deleted {count} users.", 611a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successBatchDisable": "Successfully disabled {count} user. | Successfully disabled {count} users.", 612a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successBatchEnable": "Successfully enabled {count} user. | Successfully enabled {count} users.", 613a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successCreateUser": "Created user '{username}'.", 614a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successDeleteUser": "Deleted user '{username}'.", 6158fc53ad9SYoshie Muranaka "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved account settings.", 616a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successUpdateUser": "Updated user '{username}'." 617c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers } 618c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 619c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "pageLogin": { 620c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "language": "Language", 621c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "logIn": "Log in", 622c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "password": "Password", 623c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "username": "Username", 624c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "alert": { 625fd22b5b0SDerick Montague "message": "Invalid username or password" 626c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers } 627c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 628c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "pageOverview": { 6296a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "backupVersion": "Backup", 630b86f4152SNikhil Ashoka "bmcTime": "BMC date and time", 6316a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "criticalEvents": "Critical", 6326a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "dhcp": "DHCPv4", 6336a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "dumps": "Dumps", 6346a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "eventLogs": "Event logs", 6356a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "firmwareInformation": "Firmware information", 636112dbb26SMichalX Szopinski "firmwareVersion": "Firmware version", 637182b3f1fSDixsie Wolmers "hostName": "Hostname", 6386a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "idlePower": "Idle power", 6396a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "inventory": "Inventory and LEDs", 6406a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "ipv4": "IPv4", 6416a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "linkStatus": "Link status", 642c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "model": "Model", 643c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "networkInformation": "Network information", 644c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "powerCap": "Power cap", 645c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "powerConsumption": "Power consumption", 6466a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "powerInformation": "Power information", 6476a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "powerMode": "Power mode", 6486a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "runningVersion": "Running", 649c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "serialNumber": "Serial number", 650c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "serverInformation": "Server information", 651112dbb26SMichalX Szopinski "serverManufacturer": "Server manufacturer", 6526a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "solConsole": "@:appNavigation.serialOverLan", 6536a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "statusInformation": "Status information", 6546a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "systemIdentifyLed": "System identify LED", 6556a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "systemInformation": "System information", 6566a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "total": "Total", 6576a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "warningEvents": "Warning", 6586a192d52SDixsie Wolmers "viewMore": "View more" 659c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 66006d53863SSandeepa Singh "pagePostCodeLogs": { 66106d53863SSandeepa Singh "allExportFilePrefix": "All_POST_codes_log_", 66206d53863SSandeepa Singh "downloadFilePrefix": "POST_codes_additional_details_", 66306d53863SSandeepa Singh "exportFilePrefix": "POST_codes_log_", 66406d53863SSandeepa Singh "action": { 66506d53863SSandeepa Singh "downloadDetails": "Download additional details", 66606d53863SSandeepa Singh "exportLogs": "Export log" 66706d53863SSandeepa Singh }, 66806d53863SSandeepa Singh "button": { 66906d53863SSandeepa Singh "exportAll": "Export all" 67006d53863SSandeepa Singh }, 671d8c71c00SKonstantin Aladyshev "modal": { 672d8c71c00SKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteAllTitle": "Delete all logs", 673d8c71c00SKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteAllMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete all logs? This action cannot be undone." 674d8c71c00SKonstantin Aladyshev }, 67506d53863SSandeepa Singh "table": { 67606d53863SSandeepa Singh "created": "Created", 67706d53863SSandeepa Singh "bootCount": "Boot count", 67806d53863SSandeepa Singh "postCode": "POST code", 67906d53863SSandeepa Singh "searchLogs": "Search logs", 68006d53863SSandeepa Singh "timeStampOffset": "Time stamp offset" 681d8c71c00SKonstantin Aladyshev }, 682d8c71c00SKonstantin Aladyshev "toast": { 683a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorDelete": "Error deleting {count} log. | Error deleting {count} logs.", 684a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successDelete": "Successfully deleted {count} log. | Successfully deleted {count} logs." 68506d53863SSandeepa Singh } 68606d53863SSandeepa Singh }, 687fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "pageProfileSettings": { 688a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "browserOffset": "Browser offset ({timezone})", 689b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey "changePassword": "Change password", 690b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey "confirmPassword": "Confirm new password", 691fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "defaultUTC": "Default (UTC)", 692b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey "newPassword": "New password", 693bcb0ab4fSDamian Celico "currentPassword": "Current password", 694a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "newPassLabelTextInfo": "Password must be between {min} - {max} characters", 695b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey "passwordsDoNotMatch": "Passwords do not match", 696b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey "profileInfoTitle": "Profile information", 697fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "timezone": "Timezone", 698fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "timezoneDisplay": "Timezone display preference", 699fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "timezoneDisplayDesc": "Select how time is displayed throughout the application", 700fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "username": "Username", 701fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey "toast": { 702bcb0ab4fSDamian Celico "successUpdatingTimeZone": "Timezone updated successfully.", 703bcb0ab4fSDamian Celico "wrongCredentials": "Wrong credentials" 704fc16f3c2SSukanya Pandey } 705b1f559f0SSukanya Pandey }, 706f67f769fSSandeepa Singh "pageNetwork": { 707157d2ffeSDixsie Wolmers "dhcp": "DHCP", 708db47b7e1SSean Zhang "dhcp6": "DHCPv6", 709c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "domainName": "domain name", 710c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "dns": "DNS server", 711c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "fqdn": "FQDN", 712e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers "hostname": "Hostname", 713db47b7e1SSean Zhang "ipVersion": "Version of IP", 714c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "interfaceSection": "Interface settings", 715c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "ipv4": "IPv4", 716c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "ipv4Addresses": "IPv4 addresses", 717c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "ipv6": "IPv6", 718db47b7e1SSean Zhang "ipv6Addresses": "IPv6 addresses", 719c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "linkStatus": "Link status", 720e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers "macAddress": "MAC address", 721db47b7e1SSean Zhang "gateway": "Gateway", 722db47b7e1SSean Zhang "ipv6DefaultGateway": "IPv6 Default Gateway", 72312dc20c3SDixsie Wolmers "network": "network", 724c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "networkSettings": "Network settings", 725c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "ntp": "NTP server", 726c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "pageDescription": "Configure BMC network settings", 727c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "useDns": "Use DNS servers", 728c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "useDomainName": "Use domain name", 729c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "useNtp": "Use NTP servers", 730c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "speed": "Speed (mbps)", 731c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "staticDns": "Static DNS", 732c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "modal": { 733e8cb2c6aSNikhil Ashoka "confirmDisableDhcp": "Are you sure you want to disable DHCP?", 734e8cb2c6aSNikhil Ashoka "confirmEnableDhcp": "When DHCP is enabled, static IP addresses will not be accessible.", 735a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "dhcpConfirmTitle": "{dhcpState} DHCP", 73612dc20c3SDixsie Wolmers "editHostnameTitle": "Edit hostname", 73712dc20c3SDixsie Wolmers "editMacAddressTitle": "Edit MAC address", 738db47b7e1SSean Zhang "editIPv6DefaultGatewayTitle": "Edit IPv6 Default Gateway", 739c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "gateway": "Gateway", 740db47b7e1SSean Zhang "prefixLength": "Prefix Length", 74112dc20c3SDixsie Wolmers "ipAddress": "IP address", 742b34349d4SDixsie Wolmers "staticDns": "Static DNS", 743c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "subnetMask": "Subnet mask" 744e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers }, 745e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers "table": { 746b34349d4SDixsie Wolmers "addDnsAddress": "Add IP address", 747c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "addIpv4Address": "Add static IPv4 address", 748db47b7e1SSean Zhang "addIpv6Address": "Add static IPv6 address", 749c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "addressOrigin": "Address origin", 750db47b7e1SSean Zhang "prefixLength": "Prefix Length", 751823c1812SKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteDns": "Delete DNS address", 752823c1812SKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteIpv4": "Delete IPv4 address", 753db47b7e1SSean Zhang "deleteIpv6": "Delete IPv6 address", 754c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "editDns": "Edit DNS address", 755c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "editIpv4": "Edit IPv4 address", 756db47b7e1SSean Zhang "editIpv6": "Edit IPv6 address", 757c4b8757eSDixsie Wolmers "gateway": "Gateway", 758e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers "ipAddress": "IP address", 759e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers "subnet": "Subnet mask" 760e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers }, 761e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers "toast": { 762a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "errorSaveNetworkSettings": "Error updating {setting} settings.", 763a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successSaveNetworkSettings": "Successfully updated {setting} settings." 764e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers } 765e3c9c09eSDixsie Wolmers }, 76611e655caSDixsie Wolmers "pagePageNotFound": { 76711e655caSDixsie Wolmers "description": "The requested resource could not be found." 76811e655caSDixsie Wolmers }, 769be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "pagePowerRestorePolicy": { 770be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "description": "Configure power policy to determine how the system starts after a power disturbance.", 771be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "powerPoliciesLabel": "Power restore policies", 772be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "policies": { 773be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "AlwaysOn": "Always on", 774be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "AlwaysOff": "Always off", 775be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "LastState": "Last state" 776be6858c0SSukanya Pandey }, 77780a87851SKenneth Fullbright "policiesDesc": { 77880a87851SKenneth Fullbright "AlwaysOn": "Always on - The system always powers on when power is applied.", 77980a87851SKenneth Fullbright "AlwaysOff": "Always off - The system always remains powered off when power is applied.", 78080a87851SKenneth Fullbright "LastState": "Last state - The system returns to its last on or off power state when power is applied." 78180a87851SKenneth Fullbright }, 782be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "toast": { 783be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving settings.", 784be6858c0SSukanya Pandey "successSaveSettings": "Power restore policy updated successfully." 785be6858c0SSukanya Pandey } 786be6858c0SSukanya Pandey }, 787c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "pageRebootBmc": { 78850cf2f78SDixsie Wolmers "lastReboot": "Last BMC reboot", 789c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "rebootBmc": "Reboot BMC", 790c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "rebootInformation": "When you reboot the BMC, your web browser loses contact with the BMC for several minutes. When the BMC is back online, you may need to log in again.", 791c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "modal": { 792c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot the BMC?", 793c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmTitle": "Confirm BMC reboot" 794c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 795c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "toast": { 796c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "errorRebootStart": "Error rebooting BMC.", 797c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "successRebootStart": "Rebooting BMC." 798c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers } 799c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers }, 800b440616cSSandeepa Singh "pagePolicies": { 8018f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "ipmi": "Network IPMI (out-of-band IPMI)", 8028f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "ipmiDescription": "Allow remote management of the platform via IPMI. Tools such as ipmitool require this setting to be enabled.", 803aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "rtad": "RTAD", 804aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "rtadDescription": "This option enables or disables the Remote Trusted Attestation Daemon for host firmware", 805bd0c01f2SSurenNeware "ssh": "BMC shell (via SSH)", 806bd0c01f2SSurenNeware "sshDescription": "Allow access to shell sessions via SSH, through port 22 on the BMC.", 807b440616cSSandeepa Singh "modal": { 808b440616cSSandeepa Singh "disableMessage": { 809b440616cSSandeepa Singh "ipmi": "Are you sure you want to disable @:pagePolicies.ipmi?", 810b440616cSSandeepa Singh "ssh": "Are you sure you want to disable @:pagePolicies.ssh?" 811b440616cSSandeepa Singh }, 812b440616cSSandeepa Singh "enableMessage": { 813b440616cSSandeepa Singh "ipmi": "Are you sure you want to enable @:pagePolicies.ipmi?", 814b440616cSSandeepa Singh "ssh": "Are you sure you want to enable @:pagePolicies.ssh?" 815b440616cSSandeepa Singh } 816b440616cSSandeepa Singh }, 8178f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "toast": { 8188f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "errorIpmiDisabled": "Error disabling IPMI security setting.", 8198f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "errorIpmiEnabled": "Error enabling IPMI security setting.", 820aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "errorRtadDisabled": "Error disabling RTAD security setting.", 821aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "errorRtadEnabled": "Error enabling RTAD security setting.", 8228f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "errorSshDisabled": "Error disabling SSH security setting.", 8238f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "errorSshEnabled": "Error enabling SSH security setting.", 8249b79a6e7SKonstantin Aladyshev "errorVtpmDisabled": "Error disabling VirtualTPM security setting.", 8259b79a6e7SKonstantin Aladyshev "errorVtpmEnabled": "Error enabling VirtualTPM security setting.", 8262dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "errorSessionTimeout": "Error configuring session timeout.", 8278f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "successIpmiDisabled": "Successfully disabled IPMI security setting.", 8288f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "successIpmiEnabled": "Successfully enabled IPMI security setting.", 829aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "successRtadDisabled": "Successfully disabled RTAD security setting.", 830aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "successRtadEnabled": "Successfully enabled RTAD security setting.", 8318f030bacSDixsie Wolmers "successSshDisabled": "Successfully disabled SSH security setting.", 832aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "successSshEnabled": "Successfully enabled SSH security setting.", 8339b79a6e7SKonstantin Aladyshev "successVtpmDisabled": "Successfully disabled VirtualTPM security setting.", 8342dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "successVtpmEnabled": "Successfully enabled VirtualTPM security setting.", 8352dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "successSessionTimeout": "Successfully configured the session timeout." 8362dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 }, 8372dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "options": { 8382dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "30minutes": "30 Minutes", 8392dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "1hour": "1 Hour", 8402dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "2hours": "2 Hours", 8412dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "4hours": "4 Hours", 8422dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "8hours": "8 Hours", 8432dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "1day": "1 Day" 844aee27141SNikhil Ashoka }, 845aee27141SNikhil Ashoka "vtpm": "VirtualTPM", 8462dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "vtpmDescription": "Enabling vTPM makes a TPM available to the guest operating system.", 8472dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "webSessionTimeOut": "WEB Session Timeout", 8482dabfc1bSkirankumarb07 "webSessionTimeOutDescription": "Change the Web session timeout in given options" 8498f030bacSDixsie Wolmers }, 8506dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "pagePower": { 8516dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "description": "Set a power cap to keep power consumption at or below the specified value in watts", 8526dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "powerCapLabel": "Power cap value (in watts)", 853a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "powerCapLabelTextInfo": " Value must be between {min} and {max}", 8546dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "powerCapSettingData": "Apply power cap", 8556dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "powerCapSettingLabel": "Power cap setting", 8566dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "powerConsumption": "Current power consumption", 8576dba4be6SSandeepa Singh "serverPowCapSetting": "Server power cap setting" 8586dba4be6SSandeepa Singh }, 85930abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "pageSensors": { 8601471f8faSSurenNeware "exportFilePrefix": "sensors_", 86171724befSSurenNeware "searchForSensors": "Search for sensors", 86230abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "table": { 86330abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "currentValue": "Current value", 86430abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "lowerWarning": "Lower warning", 86530abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "lowerCritical": "Lower critical", 86630abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "name": "Name", 86730abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "status": "Status", 86830abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "upperWarning": "Upper warning", 86930abccbeSYoshie Muranaka "upperCritical": "Upper critical" 87030abccbeSYoshie Muranaka } 87130abccbeSYoshie Muranaka }, 872615b3150SSukanya Pandey "pageSerialOverLan": { 8731d9257e5SNikhil Ashoka "alert": { 8741d9257e5SNikhil Ashoka "disconnectedAlertMessage": "System must be powered on to connect" 8751d9257e5SNikhil Ashoka }, 876615b3150SSukanya Pandey "connected": "Connected", 877615b3150SSukanya Pandey "disconnected": "Disconnected", 87896f69ca9SSukanya Pandey "openNewTab": "Open in new tab", 879615b3150SSukanya Pandey "status": "Status", 880ec4f1904SDerick Montague "subTitle": "SOL console redirects the server's serial port output to this window." 88196f69ca9SSukanya Pandey }, 882c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "pageServerPowerOperations": { 883c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "currentStatus": "Current status", 88471114febSDerick Montague "serverBootSettings": "Boot settings", 88571114febSDerick Montague "serverStatus": "Server status", 886bb316066SDixsie Wolmers "lastPowerOperation": "Last power operation", 887c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "oneTimeBootWarning": "Pending one time boot. Next boot will be performed with the specified one time boot settings. Subsequent boots will be performed with the default settings.", 888c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "operationInProgress": "There are no options to display while a power operation is in progress. When complete, power operations will be displayed here.", 889c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "operations": "Operations", 890918526f2SShubhi Garg "forceRestart": "Force Restart", 891918526f2SShubhi Garg "forceRestartInfo": "Shut down immediately and non-gracefully and restart the unit", 892918526f2SShubhi Garg "forceOff": "Force Off", 893918526f2SShubhi Garg "forceOffInfo": "Turn off the unit immediately (non-graceful shutdown)", 894918526f2SShubhi Garg "gracefulRestart": "Graceful Restart", 895918526f2SShubhi Garg "gracefulRestartInfo": "Shut down gracefully and restart the unit", 896918526f2SShubhi Garg "gracefulShutdown": "Graceful Shutdown", 897918526f2SShubhi Garg "gracefulShutdownInfo": "Shut down gracefully and power off", 898c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "powerOn": "Power on", 899c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "reboot": "Reboot", 900c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "rebootServer": "Reboot server", 901c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "shutDown": "Shut down", 902c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "shutdownServer": "Shutdown server", 903c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "bootSettings": { 904c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "bootSettingsOverride": "Boot settings override", 905c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "enableOneTimeBoot": "Enable one time boot", 906c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "tpmRequiredPolicy": "TPM required policy", 907c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "tpmRequiredPolicyHelper": "Enable to ensure the system only boots when the TPM is functional." 908c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka }, 909c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "modal": { 910c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmRebootMessage": "Are you sure you want to reboot?", 911c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmRebootTitle": "Server reboot will cause outage", 912c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmShutdownMessage": "Are you sure you want to shut down?", 913c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers "confirmShutdownTitle": "Server shutdown will cause outage" 914c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka }, 915c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "toast": { 916c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "errorSaveSettings": "Error saving settings.", 917c05ff648SYoshie Muranaka "successSaveSettings": "Successfully saved settings." 918c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers } 91937393810SYoshie Muranaka }, 9207c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "pageSnmpAlerts": { 9217c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "addDestination": "Add destination", 9227c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteDestination": "Delete destination | Delete destinations", 9237c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "pageDescription": "Set the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps with an IP address and a port.", 9247c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "modal": { 9257c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "addSnmpDestinationTitle": "Add SNMP alert destination", 926a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "batchDeleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the SNMP alert destination? This action cannot be undone. | Are you sure you want to delete {count} SNMP alert destinations? This action cannot be undone.", 9277c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete the SNMP alert destination? This action cannot be undone.", 9287c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "deleteSnmpDestinationTitle": "Delete SNMP alert destination | Delete SNMP alert destinations", 9297c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "ipaddress": "IP Address", 9307c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "port": "Port" 9317c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev }, 9327c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "table": { 9337c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "ipaddress": "IP Address", 9347c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "port": "Port" 9357c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev }, 9367c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "toast": { 9377c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "errorAddDestination": "Error in adding SNMP alert destination", 9387c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "errorBatchDelete": "Error in deleting SNMP alert destination. | Error in deleting SNMP alert destinations.", 9397c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "errorDeleteDestination": "Error deleting SNMP alert destination.", 9407c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "errorLoadSnmpDetails": "Error loading SNMP alert details.", 9417c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "successAddDestination": "Successfully added SNMP alert destination.", 942a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successBatchDelete": "Successfully deleted SNMP alert destination. | Successfully deleted {count} SNMP alert destinations.", 9437c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev "successDeleteDestination": "Successfully deleted SNMP alert destination." 9447c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev } 9457c1cfe7eSKonstantin Aladyshev }, 946b440616cSSandeepa Singh "pageCertificates": { 94737393810SYoshie Muranaka "addNewCertificate": "Add new certificate", 94837393810SYoshie Muranaka "caCertificate": "CA Certificate", 94937393810SYoshie Muranaka "deleteCertificate": "Delete certificate", 950532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "generateCsr": "Generate CSR", 95137393810SYoshie Muranaka "httpsCertificate": "HTTPS Certificate", 95237393810SYoshie Muranaka "ldapCertificate": "LDAP Certificate", 95337393810SYoshie Muranaka "replaceCertificate": "Replace certificate", 954e45f54baSYoshie Muranaka "alert": { 955a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "certificateExpiredMessage": "{certificate} has expired. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.", 956a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "certificateExpiringMessage": "{certificate} is expiring soon. Consider replacing it with a new certificate.", 957e45f54baSYoshie Muranaka "certificatesExpiredMessage": "Some certificates have expired. Consider replacing them with new certificates.", 95831fb2b96SDamian Celico "certificatesExpiringMessage": "Some certificates are expiring soon. Consider replacing them with new certificates.", 95931fb2b96SDamian Celico "incorrectCertificateFileType": "File is not a correct certificate type" 960e45f54baSYoshie Muranaka }, 96137393810SYoshie Muranaka "modal": { 962532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "alternateName": "Alternate name", 963532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "alternateNameHelperText": "Add multiple alternate names separated by space", 96437393810SYoshie Muranaka "certificateFile": "Certificate file", 965532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "certificateSigningRequest": "Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", 966532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "certificateType": "Certificate type", 967532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "challengePassword": "Challenge password", 968532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "city": "City", 969532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "commonName": "Common name", 970532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "companyName": "Company name", 971532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "companyUnit": "Company unit", 972532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "contactPerson": "Contact person", 973c237e308SDerick Montague "country": "Country/Region", 974a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "deleteConfirmMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete '{certificate}' issued by {issuedBy}? This action cannot be undone.", 975532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "duplicateAlternateName": "Duplicate alternate name", 976532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "emailAddress": "Email address", 977532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "generateACertificateSigningRequest": "Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)", 978532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "keyBitLength": "Key bit length", 979532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "keyCurveId": "Key curve ID", 980532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "keyPairAlgorithm": "Key pair algorithm", 981532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "privateKey": "Private key", 982532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "state": "State" 98337393810SYoshie Muranaka }, 98437393810SYoshie Muranaka "table": { 98537393810SYoshie Muranaka "certificate": "Certificate", 98637393810SYoshie Muranaka "issuedBy": "Issued by", 98737393810SYoshie Muranaka "issuedTo": "Issued to", 98837393810SYoshie Muranaka "validFrom": "Valid from", 98937393810SYoshie Muranaka "validUntil": "Valid until" 99037393810SYoshie Muranaka }, 99137393810SYoshie Muranaka "toast": { 99237393810SYoshie Muranaka "errorAddCertificate": "Error adding certificate.", 99337393810SYoshie Muranaka "errorDeleteCertificate": "Error deleting certificate.", 99437393810SYoshie Muranaka "errorReplaceCertificate": "Error replacing certificate.", 995a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successAddCertificate": "Successfully added {certificate}.", 996a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successDeleteCertificate": "Successfully deleted {certificate}.", 997a6becfe1SGlukhov Mikhail "successReplaceCertificate": "Successfully replaced {certificate}." 99837393810SYoshie Muranaka } 999532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka }, 100075100469SMateusz Gapski "pageVirtualMedia": { 100175100469SMateusz Gapski "configureConnection": "Configure Connection", 10022224ece3SMateusz Gapski "defaultDeviceName": "Virtual media device", 10032224ece3SMateusz Gapski "start": "Start", 10042224ece3SMateusz Gapski "stop": "Stop", 10051dea1a10SMichalX Szopinski "virtualMediaSubTitleFirst": "Load image from web browser", 100675100469SMateusz Gapski "virtualMediaSubTitleSecond": "Load image from external server", 10072224ece3SMateusz Gapski "modal": { 10082224ece3SMateusz Gapski "password": "Password", 10092224ece3SMateusz Gapski "serverUri": "External server URI", 10102224ece3SMateusz Gapski "title": "Legacy mode configuration", 10112224ece3SMateusz Gapski "username": "Username" 10122224ece3SMateusz Gapski }, 101375100469SMateusz Gapski "toast": { 10142224ece3SMateusz Gapski "errorMounting": "Error mounting", 101575100469SMateusz Gapski "errorReadingFile": "Error reading file. Closing server.", 10162224ece3SMateusz Gapski "errorUnmounting": "Error unmounting", 101775100469SMateusz Gapski "serverRunning": "Server running", 101815bcc41fSAlicja Rybak "serverConnectionEstablished": "Server connection established", 101975100469SMateusz Gapski "serverClosedSuccessfully": "Server closed successfully", 102075100469SMateusz Gapski "serverClosedWithErrors": "Server closed with errors" 102175100469SMateusz Gapski } 102275100469SMateusz Gapski }, 1023532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "countries": { 1024532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AF": "Afghanistan", 1025532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AL": "Albania", 1026532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "DZ": "Algeria", 1027532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AS": "American Samoa", 1028532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AD": "Andorra", 1029532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AO": "Angola", 1030532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AI": "Anguilla", 1031532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AQ": "Antarctica", 1032532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AG": "Antigua and Barbuda", 1033532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AR": "Argentina", 1034532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AM": "Armenia", 1035532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AW": "Aruba", 1036532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AU": "Australia", 1037532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AT": "Austria", 1038532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AZ": "Azerbaijan", 1039532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BS": "Bahamas, The", 1040532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BH": "Bahrain", 1041532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BD": "Bangladesh", 1042532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BB": "Barbados", 1043532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BY": "Belarus", 1044532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BE": "Belgium", 1045532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BZ": "Belize", 1046532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BJ": "Benin", 1047532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BM": "Bermuda", 1048532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BT": "Bhutan", 1049532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BO": "Bolivia", 1050532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BQ": "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba", 1051532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BA": "Bosnia and Herzegovina ", 1052532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BW": "Bostwana", 1053532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BV": "Bouvet Island", 1054532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BR": "Brazil", 1055532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IO": "British Indian Ocean Territory", 1056532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BN": "Brunei Darussalam ", 1057532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BG": "Bulgaria", 1058532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BF": "Burkina Faso", 1059532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BI": "Burundi", 1060532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CV": "Cabo Verde", 1061532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KH": "Cambodia", 1062532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CM": "Cameroon", 1063532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CA": "Canada", 1064532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KY": "Cayman Islands", 1065532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CF": "Central African Republic", 1066532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TD": "Chad", 1067532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CL": "Chile", 1068532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CN": "China", 1069532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CX": "Christmas Island ", 1070532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CC": "Cocos(Keeling) Islands", 1071532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CO": "Columbia", 1072532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KM": "Comoros", 1073532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CD": "Congo, The Democratic Republic of the", 1074532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CG": "Congo", 1075532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CK": "Cook Islands", 1076532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CR": "Costa Rica", 1077532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "HR": "Croatia", 1078532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CU": "Cuba", 1079532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CW": "Curaçao", 1080532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CY": "Cyprus", 1081532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CZ": "Czechia", 1082532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CI": "Côte d\"Ivoire", 1083532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "DK": "Denmark", 1084532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "DJ": "Djibouti", 1085532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "DM": "Dominica", 1086532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "DO": "Dominican Republic", 1087532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "EC": "Ecuador", 1088532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "EG": "Egypt", 1089532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SV": "El Salvador", 1090532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GQ": "Equatorial Guinea ", 1091532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ER": "Eritrea", 1092532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "EE": "Estonia", 1093532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SZ": "Eswatini", 1094532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ET": "Ethiopia", 1095532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "FK": "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", 1096532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "FO": "Faroe Islands", 1097532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "FJ": "Fiji", 1098532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "FI": "Finland", 1099532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "FR": "France", 1100532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GF": "French Guiana", 1101532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PF": "French Polynesia", 1102532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TF": "French Southern Territories", 1103532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GA": "Gabon", 1104532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GM": "Gambia, The", 1105532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GE": "Georgia", 1106532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "DE": "Germany", 1107532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GH": "Ghana", 1108532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GI": "Gibraltar", 1109532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GR": "Greece", 1110532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GL": "Greenland", 1111532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GD": "Grenada", 1112532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GP": "Guadeloupe", 1113532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GU": "Guam", 1114532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GT": "Guatemala", 1115532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GG": "Guernsey", 1116532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GN": "Guinea", 1117532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GW": "Guinea-Bissau", 1118532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GY": "Guyana", 1119532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "HT": "Haiti", 1120532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "HM": "Heard Island and McDonald Islands", 1121532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VA": "Holy See", 1122532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "HN": "Honduras", 1123532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "HK": "Hong Kong", 1124532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "HU": "Hungary", 1125532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IS": "Iceland", 1126532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IN": "India", 1127532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ID": "Indonesia", 1128532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IR": "Iran, Islamic Republic of", 1129532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IQ": "Iraq", 1130532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IE": "Ireland", 1131532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IM": "Isle of Man", 1132532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IL": "Israel", 1133532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "IT": "Italy", 1134532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "JM": "Jamaica", 1135532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "JP": "Japan", 1136532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "JE": "Jersey", 1137532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "JO": "Jordan", 1138532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KZ": "Kazakhstan", 1139532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KE": "Kenya", 1140532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KI": "Kiribati", 1141532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KR": "Korea, Republic of", 1142532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KP": "Korea, Democratic People\"s Republic of", 1143532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KW": "Kuwait", 1144532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KG": "Kyrgyzstan", 1145532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LA": "Lao People\"s Democratic Republic", 1146532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LV": "Latvia", 1147532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LB": "Lebanon", 1148532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LS": "Lesotho", 1149532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LR": "Liberia", 1150532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LY": "Libya", 1151532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LI": "Liechtenstein", 1152532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LT": "Lithuania", 1153532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LU": "Luxembourg", 1154532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MO": "Macao", 1155532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MK": "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of", 1156532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MG": "Madagascar", 1157532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MW": "Malawi", 1158532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MY": "Malaysia", 1159532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MV": "Maldives", 1160532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ML": "Mali", 1161532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MT": "Malta", 1162532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MH": "Marshall Islands", 1163532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MQ": "Martinique", 1164532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MR": "Mauritania", 1165532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MU": "Mauritius", 1166532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "YT": "Mayotte", 1167532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MX": "Mexico", 1168532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "FM": "Micronesia, Federated States of", 1169532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MD": "Moldova, Republic of", 1170532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MC": "Monaco", 1171532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MN": "Mongolia", 1172532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ME": "Montenegro", 1173532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MS": "Montserrat", 1174532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MA": "Morocco", 1175532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MZ": "Mozambique", 1176532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MM": "Myanmar", 1177532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NA": "Namibia", 1178532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NR": "Nauru", 1179532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NP": "Nepal", 1180532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NL": "Netherlands", 1181532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NC": "New Caledonia", 1182532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NZ": "New Zealand", 1183532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NI": "Nicaragua", 1184532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NE": "Niger", 1185532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NG": "Nigeria", 1186532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NU": "Niue", 1187532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NF": "Norfolk Island", 1188532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MP": "Northern Mariana Islands", 1189532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "NO": "Norway", 1190532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "OM": "Oman", 1191532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PK": "Pakistan", 1192532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PW": "Palau", 1193532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PS": "Palestine", 1194532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PA": "Panama", 1195532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PG": "Papua New Guinea", 1196532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PY": "Paraguay", 1197532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PE": "Peru", 1198532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PH": "Philippines", 1199532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PN": "Pitcairn", 1200532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PL": "Poland", 1201532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PT": "Portugal", 1202532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PR": "Puerto Rico", 1203532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "QA": "Qatar", 1204532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "RO": "Romania", 1205532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "RU": "Russian Federation", 1206532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "RW": "Rwanda", 1207532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "RE": "Réunion", 1208532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "BL": "Saint Barthélemy", 1209532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SH": "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha", 1210532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "KN": "Saint Kitts and Nevis ", 1211532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LC": "Saint Lucia", 1212532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "MF": "Saint Martin", 1213532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "PM": "Saint Pierre and Miquelon", 1214532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VC": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", 1215532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "WS": "Samoa", 1216532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SM": "San Marino ", 1217532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ST": "Sao Tome and Principe", 1218532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SA": "Saudi Arabia", 1219532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SN": "Senegal", 1220532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "RS": "Serbia", 1221532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SC": "Seychelles", 1222532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SL": "Sierra Leone", 1223532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SG": "Singapore", 1224532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SX": "Sint Maarten", 1225532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SK": "Slovakia", 1226532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SI": "Slovenia", 1227532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SB": "Solomon Islands", 1228532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SO": "Somalia", 1229532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ZA": "South Africa ", 1230532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GS": "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands", 1231532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SS": "South Sudan", 1232532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ES": "Spain", 1233532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "LK": "Sri Lanka", 1234532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SD": "Sudan", 1235532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SR": "Suriname", 1236532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SJ": "Svalbard and Jan Mayen", 1237532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SE": "Sweden", 1238532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "CH": "Switzerland", 1239532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "SY": "Syrian Arab Republic", 1240532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TW": "Taiwan", 1241532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TJ": "Tajikistan", 1242532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TZ": "Tanzania, United Republic of", 1243532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TH": "Thailand", 1244532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TL": "Timor-Leste", 1245532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TG": "Togo", 1246532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TK": "Tokelau", 1247532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TO": "Tonga", 1248532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TT": "Trinidad and Tobago", 1249532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TN": "Tunisia", 1250532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TR": "Turkey", 1251532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TM": "Turkmenistan", 1252532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TC": "Turks and Caicos Islands", 1253532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "TV": "Tuvalu", 1254532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "UG": "Uganda", 1255532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "UA": "Ukraine", 1256532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AE": "United Arab Emirates", 1257532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "GB": "United Kingdom", 1258532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "UM": "United States Minor Outlying Islands", 1259532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "US": "United States of America", 1260532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "UY": "Uruguay", 1261532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "UZ": "Uzbekistan", 1262532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VU": "Vanuatu", 1263532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VE": "Venezuela", 1264532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VN": "Viet Nam", 1265532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VG": "Virgin Islands, British", 1266532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "VI": "Virgin Islands, U.S", 1267532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "WF": "Wallis and Futuna", 1268532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "EH": "Western Sahara", 1269532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "YE": "Yemen", 1270532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ZM": "Zambia", 1271532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "ZW": "Zimbabwe", 1272532a4b03SYoshie Muranaka "AX": "Åland Islands" 1273d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail }, 1274d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "unit": { 1275d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "℃": "℃", 1276d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "A": "A", 1277d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "bit": "bit", 1278d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "GiB": "GiB", 1279d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "MHz": "MHz", 1280d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "MiB": "MiB", 1281d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "Percent": "%", 1282d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "RPM": "RPM", 1283d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "V": "V", 1284d0b078f6SGlukhov Mikhail "W": "W" 1285c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers } 1286c85395f2SDixsie Wolmers} 1287