xref: /openbmc/u-boot/include/div64.h (revision 2121bbe49c27b2b2d865fac4e4071c5a90ae90b2)
1f7c086e9SDirk Behme #ifndef _ASM_GENERIC_DIV64_H
2f7c086e9SDirk Behme #define _ASM_GENERIC_DIV64_H
3f7c086e9SDirk Behme /*
4f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * Copyright (C) 2003 Bernardo Innocenti <bernie@develer.com>
5f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * Based on former asm-ppc/div64.h and asm-m68knommu/div64.h
6f7c086e9SDirk Behme  *
70342e335SPeng Fan  * Optimization for constant divisors on 32-bit machines:
80342e335SPeng Fan  * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Nicolas Pitre
90342e335SPeng Fan  *
10f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * The semantics of do_div() are:
11f7c086e9SDirk Behme  *
12f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * uint32_t do_div(uint64_t *n, uint32_t base)
13f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * {
14f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * 	uint32_t remainder = *n % base;
15f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * 	*n = *n / base;
16f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * 	return remainder;
17f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * }
18f7c086e9SDirk Behme  *
19f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * NOTE: macro parameter n is evaluated multiple times,
20f7c086e9SDirk Behme  *       beware of side effects!
21f7c086e9SDirk Behme  */
22f7c086e9SDirk Behme 
23f7c086e9SDirk Behme #include <linux/types.h>
240342e335SPeng Fan #include <linux/compiler.h>
25f7c086e9SDirk Behme 
260342e335SPeng Fan #if BITS_PER_LONG == 64
270342e335SPeng Fan 
280342e335SPeng Fan # define do_div(n,base) ({					\
290342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t __base = (base);				\
300342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t __rem;						\
310342e335SPeng Fan 	__rem = ((uint64_t)(n)) % __base;			\
320342e335SPeng Fan 	(n) = ((uint64_t)(n)) / __base;				\
330342e335SPeng Fan 	__rem;							\
340342e335SPeng Fan  })
350342e335SPeng Fan 
360342e335SPeng Fan #elif BITS_PER_LONG == 32
370342e335SPeng Fan 
380342e335SPeng Fan #include <linux/log2.h>
390342e335SPeng Fan 
400342e335SPeng Fan /*
410342e335SPeng Fan  * If the divisor happens to be constant, we determine the appropriate
420342e335SPeng Fan  * inverse at compile time to turn the division into a few inline
430342e335SPeng Fan  * multiplications which ought to be much faster. And yet only if compiling
440342e335SPeng Fan  * with a sufficiently recent gcc version to perform proper 64-bit constant
450342e335SPeng Fan  * propagation.
460342e335SPeng Fan  *
470342e335SPeng Fan  * (It is unfortunate that gcc doesn't perform all this internally.)
480342e335SPeng Fan  */
490342e335SPeng Fan 
500342e335SPeng Fan #ifndef __div64_const32_is_OK
510342e335SPeng Fan #define __div64_const32_is_OK (__GNUC__ >= 4)
520342e335SPeng Fan #endif
530342e335SPeng Fan 
540342e335SPeng Fan #define __div64_const32(n, ___b)					\
550342e335SPeng Fan ({									\
560342e335SPeng Fan 	/*								\
570342e335SPeng Fan 	 * Multiplication by reciprocal of b: n / b = n * (p / b) / p	\
580342e335SPeng Fan 	 *								\
590342e335SPeng Fan 	 * We rely on the fact that most of this code gets optimized	\
600342e335SPeng Fan 	 * away at compile time due to constant propagation and only	\
610342e335SPeng Fan 	 * a few multiplication instructions should remain.		\
620342e335SPeng Fan 	 * Hence this monstrous macro (static inline doesn't always	\
630342e335SPeng Fan 	 * do the trick here).						\
640342e335SPeng Fan 	 */								\
650342e335SPeng Fan 	uint64_t ___res, ___x, ___t, ___m, ___n = (n);			\
660342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t ___p, ___bias;						\
670342e335SPeng Fan 									\
680342e335SPeng Fan 	/* determine MSB of b */					\
690342e335SPeng Fan 	___p = 1 << ilog2(___b);					\
700342e335SPeng Fan 									\
710342e335SPeng Fan 	/* compute m = ((p << 64) + b - 1) / b */			\
720342e335SPeng Fan 	___m = (~0ULL / ___b) * ___p;					\
730342e335SPeng Fan 	___m += (((~0ULL % ___b + 1) * ___p) + ___b - 1) / ___b;	\
740342e335SPeng Fan 									\
750342e335SPeng Fan 	/* one less than the dividend with highest result */		\
760342e335SPeng Fan 	___x = ~0ULL / ___b * ___b - 1;					\
770342e335SPeng Fan 									\
780342e335SPeng Fan 	/* test our ___m with res = m * x / (p << 64) */		\
790342e335SPeng Fan 	___res = ((___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x & 0xffffffff)) >> 32;	\
800342e335SPeng Fan 	___t = ___res += (___m & 0xffffffff) * (___x >> 32);		\
810342e335SPeng Fan 	___res += (___x & 0xffffffff) * (___m >> 32);			\
820342e335SPeng Fan 	___t = (___res < ___t) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0;			\
830342e335SPeng Fan 	___res = (___res >> 32) + ___t;					\
840342e335SPeng Fan 	___res += (___m >> 32) * (___x >> 32);				\
850342e335SPeng Fan 	___res /= ___p;							\
860342e335SPeng Fan 									\
870342e335SPeng Fan 	/* Now sanitize and optimize what we've got. */			\
880342e335SPeng Fan 	if (~0ULL % (___b / (___b & -___b)) == 0) {			\
890342e335SPeng Fan 		/* special case, can be simplified to ... */		\
900342e335SPeng Fan 		___n /= (___b & -___b);					\
910342e335SPeng Fan 		___m = ~0ULL / (___b / (___b & -___b));			\
920342e335SPeng Fan 		___p = 1;						\
930342e335SPeng Fan 		___bias = 1;						\
940342e335SPeng Fan 	} else if (___res != ___x / ___b) {				\
950342e335SPeng Fan 		/*							\
960342e335SPeng Fan 		 * We can't get away without a bias to compensate	\
970342e335SPeng Fan 		 * for bit truncation errors.  To avoid it we'd need an	\
980342e335SPeng Fan 		 * additional bit to represent m which would overflow	\
990342e335SPeng Fan 		 * a 64-bit variable.					\
1000342e335SPeng Fan 		 *							\
1010342e335SPeng Fan 		 * Instead we do m = p / b and n / b = (n * m + m) / p.	\
1020342e335SPeng Fan 		 */							\
1030342e335SPeng Fan 		___bias = 1;						\
1040342e335SPeng Fan 		/* Compute m = (p << 64) / b */				\
1050342e335SPeng Fan 		___m = (~0ULL / ___b) * ___p;				\
1060342e335SPeng Fan 		___m += ((~0ULL % ___b + 1) * ___p) / ___b;		\
1070342e335SPeng Fan 	} else {							\
1080342e335SPeng Fan 		/*							\
1090342e335SPeng Fan 		 * Reduce m / p, and try to clear bit 31 of m when	\
1100342e335SPeng Fan 		 * possible, otherwise that'll need extra overflow	\
1110342e335SPeng Fan 		 * handling later.					\
1120342e335SPeng Fan 		 */							\
1130342e335SPeng Fan 		uint32_t ___bits = -(___m & -___m);			\
1140342e335SPeng Fan 		___bits |= ___m >> 32;					\
1150342e335SPeng Fan 		___bits = (~___bits) << 1;				\
1160342e335SPeng Fan 		/*							\
1170342e335SPeng Fan 		 * If ___bits == 0 then setting bit 31 is  unavoidable.	\
1180342e335SPeng Fan 		 * Simply apply the maximum possible reduction in that	\
1190342e335SPeng Fan 		 * case. Otherwise the MSB of ___bits indicates the	\
1200342e335SPeng Fan 		 * best reduction we should apply.			\
1210342e335SPeng Fan 		 */							\
1220342e335SPeng Fan 		if (!___bits) {						\
1230342e335SPeng Fan 			___p /= (___m & -___m);				\
1240342e335SPeng Fan 			___m /= (___m & -___m);				\
1250342e335SPeng Fan 		} else {						\
1260342e335SPeng Fan 			___p >>= ilog2(___bits);			\
1270342e335SPeng Fan 			___m >>= ilog2(___bits);			\
1280342e335SPeng Fan 		}							\
1290342e335SPeng Fan 		/* No bias needed. */					\
1300342e335SPeng Fan 		___bias = 0;						\
1310342e335SPeng Fan 	}								\
1320342e335SPeng Fan 									\
1330342e335SPeng Fan 	/*								\
1340342e335SPeng Fan 	 * Now we have a combination of 2 conditions:			\
1350342e335SPeng Fan 	 *								\
1360342e335SPeng Fan 	 * 1) whether or not we need to apply a bias, and		\
1370342e335SPeng Fan 	 *								\
1380342e335SPeng Fan 	 * 2) whether or not there might be an overflow in the cross	\
1390342e335SPeng Fan 	 *    product determined by (___m & ((1 << 63) | (1 << 31))).	\
1400342e335SPeng Fan 	 *								\
1410342e335SPeng Fan 	 * Select the best way to do (m_bias + m * n) / (1 << 64).	\
1420342e335SPeng Fan 	 * From now on there will be actual runtime code generated.	\
1430342e335SPeng Fan 	 */								\
1440342e335SPeng Fan 	___res = __arch_xprod_64(___m, ___n, ___bias);			\
1450342e335SPeng Fan 									\
1460342e335SPeng Fan 	___res /= ___p;							\
1470342e335SPeng Fan })
1480342e335SPeng Fan 
1490342e335SPeng Fan #ifndef __arch_xprod_64
1500342e335SPeng Fan /*
1510342e335SPeng Fan  * Default C implementation for __arch_xprod_64()
1520342e335SPeng Fan  *
1530342e335SPeng Fan  * Prototype: uint64_t __arch_xprod_64(const uint64_t m, uint64_t n, bool bias)
1540342e335SPeng Fan  * Semantic:  retval = ((bias ? m : 0) + m * n) >> 64
1550342e335SPeng Fan  *
1560342e335SPeng Fan  * The product is a 128-bit value, scaled down to 64 bits.
1570342e335SPeng Fan  * Assuming constant propagation to optimize away unused conditional code.
1580342e335SPeng Fan  * Architectures may provide their own optimized assembly implementation.
1590342e335SPeng Fan  */
__arch_xprod_64(const uint64_t m,uint64_t n,bool bias)1600342e335SPeng Fan static inline uint64_t __arch_xprod_64(const uint64_t m, uint64_t n, bool bias)
1610342e335SPeng Fan {
1620342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t m_lo = m;
1630342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t m_hi = m >> 32;
1640342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t n_lo = n;
1650342e335SPeng Fan 	uint32_t n_hi = n >> 32;
1660342e335SPeng Fan 	uint64_t res, tmp;
1670342e335SPeng Fan 
1680342e335SPeng Fan 	if (!bias) {
1690342e335SPeng Fan 		res = ((uint64_t)m_lo * n_lo) >> 32;
1700342e335SPeng Fan 	} else if (!(m & ((1ULL << 63) | (1ULL << 31)))) {
1710342e335SPeng Fan 		/* there can't be any overflow here */
1720342e335SPeng Fan 		res = (m + (uint64_t)m_lo * n_lo) >> 32;
1730342e335SPeng Fan 	} else {
1740342e335SPeng Fan 		res = m + (uint64_t)m_lo * n_lo;
1750342e335SPeng Fan 		tmp = (res < m) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0;
1760342e335SPeng Fan 		res = (res >> 32) + tmp;
1770342e335SPeng Fan 	}
1780342e335SPeng Fan 
1790342e335SPeng Fan 	if (!(m & ((1ULL << 63) | (1ULL << 31)))) {
1800342e335SPeng Fan 		/* there can't be any overflow here */
1810342e335SPeng Fan 		res += (uint64_t)m_lo * n_hi;
1820342e335SPeng Fan 		res += (uint64_t)m_hi * n_lo;
1830342e335SPeng Fan 		res >>= 32;
1840342e335SPeng Fan 	} else {
1850342e335SPeng Fan 		tmp = res += (uint64_t)m_lo * n_hi;
1860342e335SPeng Fan 		res += (uint64_t)m_hi * n_lo;
1870342e335SPeng Fan 		tmp = (res < tmp) ? (1ULL << 32) : 0;
1880342e335SPeng Fan 		res = (res >> 32) + tmp;
1890342e335SPeng Fan 	}
1900342e335SPeng Fan 
1910342e335SPeng Fan 	res += (uint64_t)m_hi * n_hi;
1920342e335SPeng Fan 
1930342e335SPeng Fan 	return res;
1940342e335SPeng Fan }
1950342e335SPeng Fan #endif
1960342e335SPeng Fan 
1970342e335SPeng Fan #ifndef __div64_32
198f7c086e9SDirk Behme extern uint32_t __div64_32(uint64_t *dividend, uint32_t divisor);
1990342e335SPeng Fan #endif
200f7c086e9SDirk Behme 
201f7c086e9SDirk Behme /* The unnecessary pointer compare is there
202f7c086e9SDirk Behme  * to check for type safety (n must be 64bit)
203f7c086e9SDirk Behme  */
204f7c086e9SDirk Behme # define do_div(n,base) ({				\
205f7c086e9SDirk Behme 	uint32_t __base = (base);			\
206f7c086e9SDirk Behme 	uint32_t __rem;					\
207f7c086e9SDirk Behme 	(void)(((typeof((n)) *)0) == ((uint64_t *)0));	\
2080342e335SPeng Fan 	if (__builtin_constant_p(__base) &&		\
2090342e335SPeng Fan 	    is_power_of_2(__base)) {			\
2100342e335SPeng Fan 		__rem = (n) & (__base - 1);		\
2110342e335SPeng Fan 		(n) >>= ilog2(__base);			\
2120342e335SPeng Fan 	} else if (__div64_const32_is_OK &&		\
2130342e335SPeng Fan 		   __builtin_constant_p(__base) &&	\
2140342e335SPeng Fan 		   __base != 0) {			\
2150342e335SPeng Fan 		uint32_t __res_lo, __n_lo = (n);	\
2160342e335SPeng Fan 		(n) = __div64_const32(n, __base);	\
2170342e335SPeng Fan 		/* the remainder can be computed with 32-bit regs */ \
2180342e335SPeng Fan 		__res_lo = (n);				\
2190342e335SPeng Fan 		__rem = __n_lo - __res_lo * __base;	\
2200342e335SPeng Fan 	} else if (likely(((n) >> 32) == 0)) {		\
221f7c086e9SDirk Behme 		__rem = (uint32_t)(n) % __base;		\
222f7c086e9SDirk Behme 		(n) = (uint32_t)(n) / __base;		\
223f7c086e9SDirk Behme 	} else 						\
224f7c086e9SDirk Behme 		__rem = __div64_32(&(n), __base);	\
225f7c086e9SDirk Behme 	__rem;						\
226f7c086e9SDirk Behme  })
227f7c086e9SDirk Behme 
2280342e335SPeng Fan #else /* BITS_PER_LONG == ?? */
2290342e335SPeng Fan 
2300342e335SPeng Fan # error do_div() does not yet support the C64
2310342e335SPeng Fan 
2320342e335SPeng Fan #endif /* BITS_PER_LONG */
2330342e335SPeng Fan 
2343feb647fSSergei Poselenov /* Wrapper for do_div(). Doesn't modify dividend and returns
235*2121bbe4SHeinrich Schuchardt  * the result, not remainder.
2363feb647fSSergei Poselenov  */
lldiv(uint64_t dividend,uint32_t divisor)2373feb647fSSergei Poselenov static inline uint64_t lldiv(uint64_t dividend, uint32_t divisor)
2383feb647fSSergei Poselenov {
2393feb647fSSergei Poselenov 	uint64_t __res = dividend;
2403feb647fSSergei Poselenov 	do_div(__res, divisor);
2413feb647fSSergei Poselenov 	return(__res);
2423feb647fSSergei Poselenov }
2433feb647fSSergei Poselenov 
244f7c086e9SDirk Behme #endif /* _ASM_GENERIC_DIV64_H */