xref: /openbmc/u-boot/doc/README.m68k (revision 6ba2da90de9acbdfbc0ad1519fd2905e9548cb34)
2*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloU-Boot for Motorola (or Freescale/NXP) ColdFire processors
4*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello===============================================================================
59acb626fSHeiko SchocherHistory
69acb626fSHeiko Schocher
7*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloNovember 02, 2017	Angelo Dureghello <angelo@sysam.it>
8*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloAugust   08, 2005	Jens Scharsig <esw@bus-elektronik.de>
99acb626fSHeiko Schocher			MCF5282 implementation without preloader
10*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloJanuary  12, 2004	<josef.baumgartner@telex.de>
11*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello===============================================================================
12*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
14bf9e3b38SwdenkThis file contains status information for the port of U-Boot to the
15*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloMotorola ColdFire series of CPUs.
18*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello1. Overview
20*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloThe ColdFire instruction set is "assembly source" compatible but an evolution
21*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloof the original 68000 instruction set. Some not much used instructions has
22*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellobeen removed. The instructions are only 16, 32, or 48 bits long, a
23*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellosimplification compared to the 68000 series.
24*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
25*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloBernhard Kuhn ported U-Boot 0.4.0 to the Motorola ColdFire architecture.
26*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloThe patches of Bernhard support the MCF5272 and MCF5282. A great disadvantage
27*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloof these patches was that they needed a pre-bootloader to start U-Boot.
28*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloBecause of this, a new port was created which no longer needs a first stage
29*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellobooter.
30*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
31*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloThanks mainly to Freescale but also to several other contributors, U-Boot now
32*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellosupports nearly the entire range of ColdFire processors and their related
33*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellodevelopment boards.
36*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello2. Supported CPU families
38*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloPlease "make menuconfig" with ARCH=m68k, or check arch/m68k/cpu to see the
39*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellocurrently supported processor and families.
42*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello3. Supported boards
44*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloU-Boot supports actually more than 40 ColdFire based boards.
45*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloBoard configuration can be done trough include/configs/<boardname>.h but the
46*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellocurrent recommended method is to use the new and more friendly approach as
47*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellothe "make menuconfig" way, very similar to the Linux way.
49*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloTo know details as memory map, build targets, default setup, etc, of a
50*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellospecific board please check:
52*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloinclude/configs/<boardname>.h
53*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloand/or
54*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloconfigs/<boardname>_defconfig
55*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
56*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloIt is possible to build all ColdFire boards in a single command-line command,
57*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellofrom u-boot root directory, as:
58*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
59*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello./tools/buildman/buildman m68k
62*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello3.1. Build U-Boot for a specific board
64*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloA bash script similar to the one below may be used:
66*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello#!/bin/bash
679acb626fSHeiko Schocher
68*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloexport CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/toolchains/m68k/gcc-4.9.0-nolibc/bin/m68k-linux-
699acb626fSHeiko Schocher
70*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloboard=M5475DFE
719acb626fSHeiko Schocher
72*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellomake distclean
73*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellomake ARCH=m68k ${board}_defconfig
74*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellomake ARCH=m68k KBUILD_VERBOSE=1
759acb626fSHeiko Schocher
77*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello4. Adopted toolchains
79*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloPlease check:
80*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghellohttps://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/ColdFireNotes
81*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
82*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
83*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello5. ColdFire specific configuration options/settings
84*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
85*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
86*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello5.1. Configuration to use a pre-loader
87*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
88a187559eSBin MengIf U-Boot should be loaded to RAM and started by a pre-loader
89bf9e3b38SwdenkCONFIG_MONITOR_IS_IN_RAM must be defined. If it is defined the
90bf9e3b38Swdenkinitial vector table and basic processor initialization will not
91a187559eSBin Mengbe compiled in. The start address of U-Boot must be adjusted in
926d0f6bcfSJean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARDthe boards config header file (CONFIG_SYS_MONITOR_BASE) and Makefile
9314d0a02aSWolfgang Denk(CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE) to the load address.
95*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
96*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello5.2 ColdFire CPU specific options/settings
97*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello
98*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloTo specify a CPU model, some defines shoudl be used, i.e.:
100bf9e3b38SwdenkCONFIG_MCF52x2	-- defined for all MCF52x2 CPUs
101bf9e3b38SwdenkCONFIG_M5272	-- defined for all Motorola MCF5272 CPUs
103*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloOther options, generally set inside include/configs/<boardname>.h, they may
104*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghelloapply to one or more cpu for the ColdFire family:
106*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_MBAR	-- defines the base address of the MCF5272 configuration
107*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		   registers
10916263087SMike Williams		-- defines the base address of the FEC buffer descriptors
1106d0f6bcfSJean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARDCONFIG_SYS_SCR	-- defines the contents of the System Configuration Register
1116d0f6bcfSJean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARDCONFIG_SYS_SPR	-- defines the contents of the System Protection Register
112*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_MFD	-- defines the PLL Multiplication Factor Divider
1139acb626fSHeiko Schocher		   (see table 9-4 of MCF user manual)
114*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_RFD	-- defines the PLL Reduce Frequency Devider
1159acb626fSHeiko Schocher		   (see table 9-4 of MCF user manual)
116*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CSx_BASE
117*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines the base address of chip select x
118*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CSx_SIZE
119*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines the memory size (address range) of chip select x
120*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CSx_WIDTH
121*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines the bus with of chip select x
122*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CSx_MASK
123*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines the mask for the related chip select x
124*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CSx_RO
125*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- if set to 0 chip select x is read/write else chip select
126*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		   is read only
127*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CSx_WS
128*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines the number of wait states  of chip select x
129*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CACHE_ICACR
130*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CACHE_DCACR
131*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_CACHE_ACRX
132*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- cache-related registers config
133*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE
134*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_SIZE
135*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASEX
136*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_CFG1
137*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_CFG2
138*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_CTRL
139*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_MODE
140*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_EMOD
141*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- SDRAM config for SDRAM controller-specific registers, please
142*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		   see arch/m68k/cpu/<specific_cpu>/start.S files to see how
143*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		   these options are used.
144*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_MCFUART
145*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines enabling of ColdFire UART driver
146*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_UART_PORT
147*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- defines the UART port to be used (only a single UART can be
148*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		   actually enabled)
149*6ba2da90SAngelo DureghelloCONFIG_SYS_SBFHDR_SIZE
150*6ba2da90SAngelo Dureghello		-- size of the prepended SBF header, if any