1*7f0d241dSIlya YanokLED display internal API 2*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok======================================= 3*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 4*7f0d241dSIlya YanokThis README describes the LED display API. 5*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 6*7f0d241dSIlya YanokThe API is defined by the include file include/led-display.h 7*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 8*7f0d241dSIlya YanokThe first step in to define CONFIG_CMD_DISPLAY in the board config file. 9*7f0d241dSIlya YanokThen you need to provide the following functions to access LED display: 10*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 11*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokvoid display_set(int cmd); 12*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 13*7f0d241dSIlya YanokThis function should control the state of the LED display. Argument is 14*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokan ORed combination of the following values: 15*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok DISPLAY_CLEAR -- clear the display 16*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok DISPLAY_HOME -- set the position to the beginning of display 17*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 18*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokint display_putc(char c); 19*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 20*7f0d241dSIlya YanokThis function should display it's parameter on the LED display in the 21*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokcurrent position. Returns the displayed character on success or -1 in 22*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokcase of failure. 23*7f0d241dSIlya Yanok 24*7f0d241dSIlya YanokWith this functions defined 'display' command will display it's 25*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokarguments on the LED display (or clear the display if called without 26*7f0d241dSIlya Yanokarguments). 27