xref: /openbmc/service-config-manager/src/srvcfg_manager.cpp (revision 90f2da3f160e901b0cd9c2dc9fd2e991cfc167a0)
1 /*
2 // Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 */
16 #include <fstream>
17 #include <regex>
18 #include <boost/asio/spawn.hpp>
19 #include "srvcfg_manager.hpp"
21 extern std::shared_ptr<boost::asio::deadline_timer> timer;
22 extern std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<phosphor::service::ServiceConfig>>
23     srvMgrObjects;
24 static bool updateInProgress = false;
26 namespace phosphor
27 {
28 namespace service
29 {
31 static constexpr const char *overrideConfFileName = "override.conf";
32 static constexpr const size_t restartTimeout = 15; // seconds
34 static constexpr const char *systemd1UnitBasePath =
35     "/org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/";
36 static constexpr const char *systemdOverrideUnitBasePath =
37     "/etc/systemd/system/";
39 void ServiceConfig::updateSocketProperties(
40     const boost::container::flat_map<std::string, VariantType> &propertyMap)
41 {
42     auto listenIt = propertyMap.find("Listen");
43     if (listenIt != propertyMap.end())
44     {
45         auto listenVal =
46             std::get<std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>>>(
47                 listenIt->second);
48         if (listenVal.size())
49         {
50             protocol = std::get<0>(listenVal[0]);
51             std::string port = std::get<1>(listenVal[0]);
52             auto tmp = std::stoul(port.substr(port.find_last_of(":") + 1),
53                                   nullptr, 10);
54             if (tmp > std::numeric_limits<uint16_t>::max())
55             {
56                 throw std::out_of_range("Out of range");
57             }
58             portNum = tmp;
59             if (iface && iface->is_initialized())
60             {
61                 internalSet = true;
62                 iface->set_property(srvCfgPropPort, portNum);
63                 internalSet = false;
64             }
65         }
66     }
67 }
69 void ServiceConfig::updateServiceProperties(
70     const boost::container::flat_map<std::string, VariantType> &propertyMap)
71 {
72     auto stateIt = propertyMap.find("UnitFileState");
73     if (stateIt != propertyMap.end())
74     {
75         stateValue = std::get<std::string>(stateIt->second);
76         unitEnabledState = unitMaskedState = false;
77         if (stateValue == stateMasked)
78         {
79             unitMaskedState = true;
80         }
81         else if (stateValue == stateEnabled)
82         {
83             unitEnabledState = true;
84         }
85         if (iface && iface->is_initialized())
86         {
87             internalSet = true;
88             iface->set_property(srvCfgPropMasked, unitMaskedState);
89             iface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
90             internalSet = false;
91         }
92     }
93     auto subStateIt = propertyMap.find("SubState");
94     if (subStateIt != propertyMap.end())
95     {
96         subStateValue = std::get<std::string>(subStateIt->second);
97         if (subStateValue == subStateRunning)
98         {
99             unitRunningState = true;
100         }
101         if (iface && iface->is_initialized())
102         {
103             internalSet = true;
104             iface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
105             internalSet = false;
106         }
107     }
108 }
110 void ServiceConfig::queryAndUpdateProperties()
111 {
112     conn->async_method_call(
113         [this](boost::system::error_code ec,
114                const boost::container::flat_map<std::string, VariantType>
115                    &propertyMap) {
116             if (ec)
117             {
118                 phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
119                     "async_method_call error: Failed to service unit "
120                     "properties");
121                 return;
122             }
123             try
124             {
125                 updateServiceProperties(propertyMap);
126                 if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
127                 {
128                     conn->async_method_call(
129                         [this](boost::system::error_code ec,
130                                const boost::container::flat_map<
131                                    std::string, VariantType> &propertyMap) {
132                             if (ec)
133                             {
134                                 phosphor::logging::log<
135                                     phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
136                                     "async_method_call error: Failed to get "
137                                     "all property");
138                                 return;
139                             }
140                             try
141                             {
142                                 updateSocketProperties(propertyMap);
143                                 if (!iface)
144                                 {
145                                     registerProperties();
146                                 }
147                             }
148                             catch (const std::exception &e)
149                             {
150                                 phosphor::logging::log<
151                                     phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
152                                     "Exception in getting socket properties",
153                                     phosphor::logging::entry("WHAT=%s",
154                                                              e.what()));
155                                 return;
156                             }
157                         },
158                         sysdService, socketObjectPath, dBusPropIntf,
159                         dBusGetAllMethod, sysdSocketIntf);
160                 }
161                 else if (!iface)
162                 {
163                     registerProperties();
164                 }
165             }
166             catch (const std::exception &e)
167             {
168                 phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
169                     "Exception in getting socket properties",
170                     phosphor::logging::entry("WHAT=%s", e.what()));
171                 return;
172             }
173         },
174         sysdService, serviceObjectPath, dBusPropIntf, dBusGetAllMethod,
175         sysdUnitIntf);
176     return;
177 }
179 void ServiceConfig::createSocketOverrideConf()
180 {
181     if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
182     {
183         std::string socketUnitName(instantiatedUnitName + ".socket");
184         /// Check override socket directory exist, if not create it.
185         std::experimental::filesystem::path ovrUnitFileDir(
186             systemdOverrideUnitBasePath);
187         ovrUnitFileDir += socketUnitName;
188         ovrUnitFileDir += ".d";
189         if (!std::experimental::filesystem::exists(ovrUnitFileDir))
190         {
191             if (!std::experimental::filesystem::create_directories(
192                     ovrUnitFileDir))
193             {
194                 phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
195                     "Unable to create the directory.",
196                     phosphor::logging::entry("DIR=%s", ovrUnitFileDir.c_str()));
197                 phosphor::logging::elog<sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::
198                                             Common::Error::InternalFailure>();
199             }
200         }
201         overrideConfDir = std::string(ovrUnitFileDir);
202     }
203 }
205 ServiceConfig::ServiceConfig(
206     sdbusplus::asio::object_server &srv_,
207     std::shared_ptr<sdbusplus::asio::connection> &conn_,
208     const std::string &objPath_, const std::string &baseUnitName_,
209     const std::string &instanceName_, const std::string &serviceObjPath_,
210     const std::string &socketObjPath_) :
211     server(srv_),
212     conn(conn_), objPath(objPath_), baseUnitName(baseUnitName_),
213     instanceName(instanceName_), serviceObjectPath(serviceObjPath_),
214     socketObjectPath(socketObjPath_)
215 {
216     instantiatedUnitName = baseUnitName + addInstanceName(instanceName, "@");
217     updatedFlag = 0;
218     queryAndUpdateProperties();
219     return;
220 }
222 std::string ServiceConfig::getSocketUnitName()
223 {
224     return instantiatedUnitName + ".socket";
225 }
227 std::string ServiceConfig::getServiceUnitName()
228 {
229     return instantiatedUnitName + ".service";
230 }
232 bool ServiceConfig::isMaskedOut()
233 {
234     // return true  if state is masked & no request to update the maskedState
235     return (
236         stateValue == "masked" &&
237         !(updatedFlag & (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::maskedState))));
238 }
240 void ServiceConfig::stopAndApplyUnitConfig(boost::asio::yield_context yield)
241 {
242     if (!updatedFlag || isMaskedOut())
243     {
244         // No updates / masked - Just return.
245         return;
246     }
247     phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>(
248         "Applying new settings.",
249         phosphor::logging::entry("OBJPATH=%s", objPath.c_str()));
250     if (subStateValue == "running")
251     {
252         if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
253         {
254             systemdUnitAction(conn, yield, getSocketUnitName(), sysdStopUnit);
255         }
256         systemdUnitAction(conn, yield, getServiceUnitName(), sysdStopUnit);
257     }
259     if (updatedFlag & (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::port)))
260     {
261         createSocketOverrideConf();
262         // Create override config file and write data.
263         std::string ovrCfgFile{overrideConfDir + "/" + overrideConfFileName};
264         std::string tmpFile{ovrCfgFile + "_tmp"};
265         std::ofstream cfgFile(tmpFile, std::ios::out);
266         if (!cfgFile.good())
267         {
268             phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
269                 "Failed to open override.conf_tmp file");
270             phosphor::logging::elog<sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::
271                                         Error::InternalFailure>();
272         }
274         // Write the socket header
275         cfgFile << "[Socket]\n";
276         // Listen
277         cfgFile << "Listen" << protocol << "="
278                 << "\n";
279         cfgFile << "Listen" << protocol << "=" << portNum << "\n";
280         cfgFile.close();
282         if (std::rename(tmpFile.c_str(), ovrCfgFile.c_str()) != 0)
283         {
284             phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
285                 "Failed to rename tmp file as override.conf");
286             std::remove(tmpFile.c_str());
287             phosphor::logging::elog<sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::
288                                         Error::InternalFailure>();
289         }
290     }
292     if (updatedFlag & ((1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::maskedState)) |
293                        (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState))))
294     {
295         std::vector<std::string> unitFiles;
296         if (socketObjectPath.empty())
297         {
298             unitFiles = {getServiceUnitName()};
299         }
300         else
301         {
302             unitFiles = {getSocketUnitName(), getServiceUnitName()};
303         }
304         systemdUnitFilesStateChange(conn, yield, unitFiles, stateValue,
305                                     unitMaskedState, unitEnabledState);
306     }
307     return;
308 }
309 void ServiceConfig::restartUnitConfig(boost::asio::yield_context yield)
310 {
311     if (!updatedFlag || isMaskedOut())
312     {
313         // No updates. Just return.
314         return;
315     }
317     if (unitRunningState)
318     {
319         if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
320         {
321             systemdUnitAction(conn, yield, getSocketUnitName(),
322                               sysdRestartUnit);
323         }
324         systemdUnitAction(conn, yield, getServiceUnitName(), sysdRestartUnit);
325     }
327     // Reset the flag
328     updatedFlag = 0;
330     phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::INFO>(
331         "Applied new settings",
332         phosphor::logging::entry("OBJPATH=%s", objPath.c_str()));
334     queryAndUpdateProperties();
335     return;
336 }
338 void ServiceConfig::startServiceRestartTimer()
339 {
340     timer->expires_from_now(boost::posix_time::seconds(restartTimeout));
341     timer->async_wait([this](const boost::system::error_code &ec) {
342         if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted)
343         {
344             // Timer reset.
345             return;
346         }
347         else if (ec)
348         {
349             phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
350                 "async wait error.");
351             return;
352         }
353         updateInProgress = true;
354         boost::asio::spawn(conn->get_io_context(),
355                            [this](boost::asio::yield_context yield) {
356                                // Stop and apply configuration for all objects
357                                for (auto &srvMgrObj : srvMgrObjects)
358                                {
359                                    auto &srvObj = srvMgrObj.second;
360                                    if (srvObj->updatedFlag)
361                                    {
362                                        srvObj->stopAndApplyUnitConfig(yield);
363                                    }
364                                }
365                                // Do system reload
366                                systemdDaemonReload(conn, yield);
367                                // restart unit config.
368                                for (auto &srvMgrObj : srvMgrObjects)
369                                {
370                                    auto &srvObj = srvMgrObj.second;
371                                    if (srvObj->updatedFlag)
372                                    {
373                                        srvObj->restartUnitConfig(yield);
374                                    }
375                                }
376                                updateInProgress = false;
377                            });
378     });
379 }
381 void ServiceConfig::registerProperties()
382 {
383     iface = server.add_interface(objPath, serviceConfigIntfName);
385     if (!socketObjectPath.empty())
386     {
387         iface->register_property(
388             srvCfgPropPort, portNum,
389             [this](const uint16_t &req, uint16_t &res) {
390                 if (!internalSet)
391                 {
392                     if (req == res)
393                     {
394                         return 1;
395                     }
396                     if (updateInProgress)
397                     {
398                         return 0;
399                     }
400                     portNum = req;
401                     updatedFlag |=
402                         (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::port));
403                     startServiceRestartTimer();
404                 }
405                 res = req;
406                 return 1;
407             });
408     }
410     iface->register_property(
411         srvCfgPropMasked, unitMaskedState, [this](const bool &req, bool &res) {
412             if (!internalSet)
413             {
414                 if (req == res)
415                 {
416                     return 1;
417                 }
418                 if (updateInProgress)
419                 {
420                     return 0;
421                 }
422                 unitMaskedState = req;
423                 unitEnabledState = !unitMaskedState;
424                 unitRunningState = !unitMaskedState;
425                 updatedFlag |=
426                     (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::maskedState)) |
427                     (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState)) |
428                     (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::runningState));
429                 internalSet = true;
430                 iface->set_property(srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState);
431                 iface->set_property(srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState);
432                 internalSet = false;
433                 startServiceRestartTimer();
434             }
435             res = req;
436             return 1;
437         });
439     iface->register_property(
440         srvCfgPropEnabled, unitEnabledState,
441         [this](const bool &req, bool &res) {
442             if (!internalSet)
443             {
444                 if (req == res)
445                 {
446                     return 1;
447                 }
448                 if (updateInProgress)
449                 {
450                     return 0;
451                 }
452                 if (unitMaskedState)
453                 { // block updating if masked
454                     phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
455                         "Invalid value specified");
456                     return -EINVAL;
457                 }
458                 unitEnabledState = req;
459                 updatedFlag |=
460                     (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::enabledState));
461                 startServiceRestartTimer();
462             }
463             res = req;
464             return 1;
465         });
467     iface->register_property(
468         srvCfgPropRunning, unitRunningState,
469         [this](const bool &req, bool &res) {
470             if (!internalSet)
471             {
472                 if (req == res)
473                 {
474                     return 1;
475                 }
476                 if (updateInProgress)
477                 {
478                     return 0;
479                 }
480                 if (unitMaskedState)
481                 { // block updating if masked
482                     phosphor::logging::log<phosphor::logging::level::ERR>(
483                         "Invalid value specified");
484                     return -EINVAL;
485                 }
486                 unitRunningState = req;
487                 updatedFlag |=
488                     (1 << static_cast<uint8_t>(UpdatedProp::runningState));
489                 startServiceRestartTimer();
490             }
491             res = req;
492             return 1;
493         });
495     iface->initialize();
496     return;
497 }
499 } // namespace service
500 } // namespace phosphor