xref: /openbmc/sdbusplus/README.md (revision f7944dcb5b2c249e9ee5ce4f2750cea4f508939c)
1c5b45f16SAbhishek Pandit# sdbusplus
2c5b45f16SAbhishek Pandit
32b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbusplus contains two parts:
42b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
5*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams1. A C++ library (libsdbusplus) for interacting with D-Bus, built on top of the
6*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams   sd-bus library from systemd.
72b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams2. A tool (sdbus++) to generate C++ bindings to simplify the development of
82b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams   D-Bus-based applications.
92b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
102b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams## Dependencies
112b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
122b0bdd6eSPatrick WilliamsThe sdbusplus library requires sd-bus, which is contained in libsystemd.
132b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
14*f7944dcbSPatrick WilliamsThe sdbus++ application requires Python 3 and the Python libraries mako and
15*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsinflection.
162b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
1718ed2b87SPatrick Williams## Building
1818ed2b87SPatrick Williams
1918ed2b87SPatrick WilliamsThe sdbusplus library is built using meson.
2018ed2b87SPatrick Williams
21d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
2218ed2b87SPatrick Williamsmeson build
2318ed2b87SPatrick Williamscd build
2418ed2b87SPatrick Williamsninja
2518ed2b87SPatrick Williamsninja test
2618ed2b87SPatrick Williamsninja install
2718ed2b87SPatrick Williams```
2818ed2b87SPatrick Williams
2918ed2b87SPatrick WilliamsOptionally, building the tests and examples can be disabled by passing
30cff540a9SPatrick Williams`-Dtests=disabled` and `-Dexamples=disabled` respectively to `meson`.
3118ed2b87SPatrick Williams
32*f7944dcbSPatrick WilliamsThe sdbus++ application is installed as a standard Python package using
33*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams`setuptools`.
3418ed2b87SPatrick Williams
35d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
3618ed2b87SPatrick Williamscd tools
3718ed2b87SPatrick Williams./setup.py install
3818ed2b87SPatrick Williams```
3918ed2b87SPatrick Williams
402b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams## C++ library
412b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
42cff540a9SPatrick WilliamsThe sdbusplus library builds on top of the [sd-bus] library to create a modern
43cff540a9SPatrick WilliamsC++ API for D-Bus. The library attempts to be as lightweight as possible,
44cff540a9SPatrick Williamsusually compiling to exactly the sd-bus API calls that would have been
45cff540a9SPatrick Williamsnecessary, while also providing compile-time type-safety and memory leak
46cff540a9SPatrick Williamsprotection afforded by modern C++ practices.
472b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
482b0bdd6eSPatrick WilliamsConsider the following code:
49d8a19adaSPatrick Williams
50d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```cpp
518ca6025eSVernon Maueryauto b = bus::new_default_system();
522b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamsauto m = b.new_method_call("org.freedesktop.login1",
532b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams                           "/org/freedesktop/login1",
542b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams                           "org.freedesktop.login1.Manager",
552b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams                           "ListUsers");
562b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamsauto reply = b.call(m);
572b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
582b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamsstd::vector<std::tuple<uint32_t, std::string, message::object_path>> users;
592b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamsreply.read(users);
609cde21ffSPatrick Williams    // or
619cde21ffSPatrick Williamsauto users = reply.unpack<
629cde21ffSPatrick Williams    std::vector<std::tuple<uint32_t, std::string, message::object_path>>>();
632b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams```
642b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
652b0bdd6eSPatrick WilliamsIn a few, relatively succinct, C++ lines this snippet will create a D-Bus
66*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsconnection to the system bus, and call the systemd login manager to get a list
67*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsof active users. The message and bus objects are automatically freed when they
68*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsleave scope and the message format strings are generated at compile time based
69*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamson the types being read. Compare this to the corresponding server code within
70*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams[logind].
712b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
722b0bdd6eSPatrick WilliamsIn general, the library attempts to mimic the naming conventions of the sd-bus
732b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamslibrary: ex. `sd_bus_call` becomes `sdbusplus::bus::call`,
742b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams`sd_bus_get_unique_name` becomes `sdbusplus::bus::get_unique_name`,
75*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams`sd_bus_message_get_signature` becomes `sdbusplus::message::get_signature`, etc.
76*f7944dcbSPatrick WilliamsThis allows a relatively straight-forward translation back to the sd-bus
772b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamsfunctions for looking up the manpage details.
782b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
79cff540a9SPatrick Williams[sd-bus]: http://0pointer.net/blog/the-new-sd-bus-api-of-systemd.html
80*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams[logind]:
81*f7944dcbSPatrick Williams  https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/d60c527009133a1ed3d69c14b8c837c790e78d10/src/login/logind-dbus.c#L496
82cff540a9SPatrick Williams
832b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams## Binding generation tool
842b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
85*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamssdbusplus also contains a bindings generator tool: `sdbus++`. The purpose of a
86*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsbindings generator is to reduce the boilerplate associated with creating D-Bus
87*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsserver or client applications. When creating a server application, rather than
88*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamscreating sd-bus vtables and writing C-style functions to handle each vtable
89*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamscallback, you can create a small YAML file to define your D-Bus interface and
90*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsthe `sdbus++` tool will create a C++ class that implements your D-Bus interface.
91*f7944dcbSPatrick WilliamsThis class has a set of virtual functions for each method and property, which
92*f7944dcbSPatrick Williamsyou can overload to create your own customized behavior for the interface.
932b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
9477b8aac3SPatrick WilliamsThere are currently two types of YAML files: [interface](docs/yaml/interface.md)
9577b8aac3SPatrick Williamsand [error](docs/yaml/error.md). Interfaces are used to create server and client
9677b8aac3SPatrick WilliamsD-Bus interfaces. Errors are used to define C++ exceptions which can be thrown
9777b8aac3SPatrick Williamsand will automatically turn into D-Bus error responses.
982b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
992b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams[[D-Bus client bindings are not yet implemented.  See openbmc/openbmc#851.]]
1002b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
1012b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams### Generating bindings
102c5b45f16SAbhishek Pandit
103c5b45f16SAbhishek Pandit## How to use tools/sdbus++
104c5b45f16SAbhishek Pandit
105c5b45f16SAbhishek PanditThe path of your file will be the interface name. For example, for an interface
1062b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams`org.freedesktop.Example`, you would create the files
1072b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams`org/freedesktop/Example.interface.yaml` and
1082b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams`org/freedesktop/Example.errors.yaml]` for interfaces and errors respectively.
1092b0bdd6eSPatrick WilliamsThese can then be used to generate the server and error bindings:
110d8a19adaSPatrick Williams
111d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
1122b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbus++ interface server-header org.freedesktop.Example > \
1132b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams    org/freedesktop/Example/server.hpp
1142b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbus++ interface server-cpp org.freedesktop.Example > \
1152b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams    org/freedesktop/Example/server.cpp
1162b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbus++ error exception-header org.freedesktop.Example > \
1172b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams    org/freedesktop/Example/error.hpp \
1182b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbus++ error exception-cpp org.freedesktop.Example > \
1192b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams    org/freedesktop/Example/error.cpp
120c5b45f16SAbhishek Pandit```
1212b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
1222b0bdd6eSPatrick WilliamsMarkdown-based documentation can also be generated from the interface and
1232b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamsexception files:
124d8a19adaSPatrick Williams
125d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
1262b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbus++ interface markdown org.freedesktop.Example > \
1272b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams    org/freedesktop/Example.md
1282b0bdd6eSPatrick Williamssdbus++ error markdown org.freedesktop.Example >> \
1292b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams    org/freedesktop/Example.md
1302b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams```
1312b0bdd6eSPatrick Williams
13218ed2b87SPatrick WilliamsSee the `example/meson.build` for more details.
133703892e2SManojkiran Eda
134703892e2SManojkiran Eda## Installing sdbusplus on custom distributions
135703892e2SManojkiran Eda
136703892e2SManojkiran EdaInstallation of sdbusplus bindings on a custom distribution requires a few
137703892e2SManojkiran Edapackages to be installed prior. Although these packages are the same for several
138703892e2SManojkiran Edadistributions the names of these packages do differ. Below are the packages
139703892e2SManojkiran Edaneeded for Ubuntu and Fedora.
140703892e2SManojkiran Eda
141703892e2SManojkiran Eda### Installation on Ubuntu
142703892e2SManojkiran Eda
143d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
144d8a19adaSPatrick Williamssudo apt install git meson libtool pkg-config g++ libsystemd-dev \
145d8a19adaSPatrick Williams    python3 python3-pip python3-yaml python3-mako python3-inflection
146703892e2SManojkiran Eda```
147703892e2SManojkiran Eda
148703892e2SManojkiran Eda### Installation on Fedora
149703892e2SManojkiran Eda
150d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
151d8a19adaSPatrick Williamssudo dnf install git meson libtool gcc-c++ pkgconfig systemd-devel \
152d8a19adaSPatrick Williams    python3 python3-pip python3-yaml python3-mako
153703892e2SManojkiran Eda```
154703892e2SManojkiran Eda
155d8a19adaSPatrick WilliamsInstall the inflection package using the pip utility (on Fedora)
156d8a19adaSPatrick Williams
157d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```sh
158d8a19adaSPatrick Williamspip3 install inflection
159d8a19adaSPatrick Williams```