xref: /openbmc/qemu/docs/throttle.txt (revision 3c87012e3887e8a904a3494283c4acfa7ef777dc)
11ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe QEMU throttling infrastructure
21ffad77cSAlberto Garcia==================================
38e7b122bSAlberto GarciaCopyright (C) 2016,2020 Igalia, S.L.
41ffad77cSAlberto GarciaAuthor: Alberto Garcia <berto@igalia.com>
51ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
61ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThis work is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 2 or
71ffad77cSAlberto Garcialater. See the COPYING file in the top-level directory.
81ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
91ffad77cSAlberto GarciaIntroduction
101ffad77cSAlberto Garcia------------
111ffad77cSAlberto GarciaQEMU includes a throttling module that can be used to set limits to
121ffad77cSAlberto GarciaI/O operations. The code itself is generic and independent of the I/O
13cb8d4c8fSStefan Weilunits, but it is currently used to limit the number of bytes per second
141ffad77cSAlberto Garciaand operations per second (IOPS) when performing disk I/O.
151ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
161ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThis document explains how to use the throttling code in QEMU, and how
171ffad77cSAlberto Garciait works internally. The implementation is in throttle.c.
181ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
191ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
201ffad77cSAlberto GarciaUsing throttling to limit disk I/O
211ffad77cSAlberto Garcia----------------------------------
221ffad77cSAlberto GarciaTwo aspects of the disk I/O can be limited: the number of bytes per
231ffad77cSAlberto Garciasecond and the number of operations per second (IOPS). For each one of
241ffad77cSAlberto Garciathem the user can set a global limit or separate limits for read and
251ffad77cSAlberto Garciawrite operations. This gives us a total of six different parameters.
261ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
271ffad77cSAlberto GarciaI/O limits can be set using the throttling.* parameters of -drive, or
281ffad77cSAlberto Garciausing the QMP 'block_set_io_throttle' command. These are the names of
291ffad77cSAlberto Garciathe parameters for both cases:
301ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
311ffad77cSAlberto Garcia|-----------------------+-----------------------|
321ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| -drive                | block_set_io_throttle |
331ffad77cSAlberto Garcia|-----------------------+-----------------------|
341ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-total | iops                  |
351ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-read  | iops_rd               |
361ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-write | iops_wr               |
371ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-total  | bps                   |
381ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-read   | bps_rd                |
391ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-write  | bps_wr                |
401ffad77cSAlberto Garcia|-----------------------+-----------------------|
411ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
420bab0ebbSAlberto GarciaIt is possible to set limits for both IOPS and bps at the same time,
431ffad77cSAlberto Garciaand for each case we can decide whether to have separate read and
441ffad77cSAlberto Garciawrite limits or not, but note that if iops-total is set then neither
451ffad77cSAlberto Garciaiops-read nor iops-write can be set. The same applies to bps-total and
461ffad77cSAlberto Garciabps-read/write.
471ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
481ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe default value of these parameters is 0, and it means 'unlimited'.
491ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
501ffad77cSAlberto GarciaIn its most basic usage, the user can add a drive to QEMU with a limit
511ffad77cSAlberto Garciaof 100 IOPS with the following -drive line:
521ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
531ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd0.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=100
541ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
551ffad77cSAlberto GarciaWe can do the same using QMP. In this case all these parameters are
561ffad77cSAlberto Garciamandatory, so we must set to 0 the ones that we don't want to limit:
571ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
581ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   { "execute": "block_set_io_throttle",
591ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     "arguments": {
601ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "device": "virtio0",
611ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops": 100,
621ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops_rd": 0,
631ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops_wr": 0,
641ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "bps": 0,
651ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "bps_rd": 0,
661ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "bps_wr": 0
671ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     }
681ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   }
691ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
701ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
711ffad77cSAlberto GarciaI/O bursts
721ffad77cSAlberto Garcia----------
731ffad77cSAlberto GarciaIn addition to the basic limits we have just seen, QEMU allows the
741ffad77cSAlberto Garciauser to do bursts of I/O for a configurable amount of time. A burst is
751ffad77cSAlberto Garciaan amount of I/O that can exceed the basic limit. Bursts are useful to
761ffad77cSAlberto Garciaallow better performance when there are peaks of activity (the OS
771ffad77cSAlberto Garciaboots, a service needs to be restarted) while keeping the average
781ffad77cSAlberto Garcialimits lower the rest of the time.
791ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
801ffad77cSAlberto GarciaTwo parameters control bursts: their length and the maximum amount of
811ffad77cSAlberto GarciaI/O they allow. These two can be configured separately for each one of
821ffad77cSAlberto Garciathe six basic parameters described in the previous section, but in
831ffad77cSAlberto Garciathis section we'll use 'iops-total' as an example.
841ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
851ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe I/O limit during bursts is set using 'iops-total-max', and the
861ffad77cSAlberto Garciamaximum length (in seconds) is set with 'iops-total-max-length'. So if
871ffad77cSAlberto Garciawe want to configure a drive with a basic limit of 100 IOPS and allow
881ffad77cSAlberto Garciabursts of 2000 IOPS for 60 seconds, we would do it like this (the line
891ffad77cSAlberto Garciais split for clarity):
901ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
911ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd0.qcow2,
921ffad77cSAlberto Garcia          throttling.iops-total=100,
931ffad77cSAlberto Garcia          throttling.iops-total-max=2000,
941ffad77cSAlberto Garcia          throttling.iops-total-max-length=60
951ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
961ffad77cSAlberto GarciaOr, with QMP:
971ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
981ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   { "execute": "block_set_io_throttle",
991ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     "arguments": {
1001ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "device": "virtio0",
1011ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops": 100,
1021ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops_rd": 0,
1031ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops_wr": 0,
1041ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "bps": 0,
1051ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "bps_rd": 0,
1061ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "bps_wr": 0,
1071ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops_max": 2000,
1081ffad77cSAlberto Garcia        "iops_max_length": 60,
1091ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     }
1101ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   }
1111ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1121ffad77cSAlberto GarciaWith this, the user can perform I/O on hd0.qcow2 at a rate of 2000
1131ffad77cSAlberto GarciaIOPS for 1 minute before it's throttled down to 100 IOPS.
1141ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1151ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe user will be able to do bursts again if there's a sufficiently
1161ffad77cSAlberto Garcialong period of time with unused I/O (see below for details).
1171ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1181ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe default value for 'iops-total-max' is 0 and it means that bursts
1191ffad77cSAlberto Garciaare not allowed. 'iops-total-max-length' can only be set if
1201ffad77cSAlberto Garcia'iops-total-max' is set as well, and its default value is 1 second.
1211ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1221ffad77cSAlberto GarciaHere's the complete list of parameters for configuring bursts:
1231ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1241ffad77cSAlberto Garcia|----------------------------------+-----------------------|
1251ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| -drive                           | block_set_io_throttle |
1261ffad77cSAlberto Garcia|----------------------------------+-----------------------|
1271ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-total-max        | iops_max              |
1281ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-total-max-length | iops_max_length       |
1291ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-read-max         | iops_rd_max           |
1301ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-read-max-length  | iops_rd_max_length    |
1311ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-write-max        | iops_wr_max           |
1321ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.iops-write-max-length | iops_wr_max_length    |
1331ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-total-max         | bps_max               |
1341ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-total-max-length  | bps_max_length        |
1351ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-read-max          | bps_rd_max            |
1361ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-read-max-length   | bps_rd_max_length     |
1371ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-write-max         | bps_wr_max            |
1381ffad77cSAlberto Garcia| throttling.bps-write-max-length  | bps_wr_max_length     |
1391ffad77cSAlberto Garcia|----------------------------------+-----------------------|
1401ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1411ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1421ffad77cSAlberto GarciaControlling the size of I/O operations
1431ffad77cSAlberto Garcia--------------------------------------
1441ffad77cSAlberto GarciaWhen applying IOPS limits all I/O operations are treated equally
1451ffad77cSAlberto Garciaregardless of their size. This means that the user can take advantage
1461ffad77cSAlberto Garciaof this in order to circumvent the limits and submit one huge I/O
1471ffad77cSAlberto Garciarequest instead of several smaller ones.
1481ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1491ffad77cSAlberto GarciaQEMU provides a setting called throttling.iops-size to prevent this
1501ffad77cSAlberto Garciafrom happening. This setting specifies the size (in bytes) of an I/O
1511ffad77cSAlberto Garciarequest for accounting purposes. Larger requests will be counted
1521ffad77cSAlberto Garciaproportionally to this size.
1531ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1541ffad77cSAlberto GarciaFor example, if iops-size is set to 4096 then an 8KB request will be
1551ffad77cSAlberto Garciacounted as two, and a 6KB request will be counted as one and a
1561ffad77cSAlberto Garciahalf. This only applies to requests larger than iops-size: smaller
1571ffad77cSAlberto Garciarequests will be always counted as one, no matter their size.
1581ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1591ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe default value of iops-size is 0 and it means that the size of the
1601ffad77cSAlberto Garciarequests is never taken into account when applying IOPS limits.
1611ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1621ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1631ffad77cSAlberto GarciaApplying I/O limits to groups of disks
1641ffad77cSAlberto Garcia--------------------------------------
1651ffad77cSAlberto GarciaIn all the examples so far we have seen how to apply limits to the I/O
1661ffad77cSAlberto Garciaperformed on individual drives, but QEMU allows grouping drives so
1671ffad77cSAlberto Garciathey all share the same limits.
1681ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1691ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe way it works is that each drive with I/O limits is assigned to a
1701ffad77cSAlberto Garciagroup named using the throttling.group parameter. If this parameter is
1711ffad77cSAlberto Garcianot specified, then the device name (i.e. 'virtio0', 'ide0-hd0') will
1721ffad77cSAlberto Garciabe used as the group name.
1731ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1741ffad77cSAlberto GarciaLimits set using the throttling.* parameters discussed earlier in this
1751ffad77cSAlberto Garciadocument apply to the combined I/O of all members of a group.
1761ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1771ffad77cSAlberto GarciaConsider this example:
1781ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1791ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd1.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=6000,throttling.group=foo
1801ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd2.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=6000,throttling.group=foo
1811ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd3.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=3000,throttling.group=bar
1821ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd4.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=6000,throttling.group=foo
1831ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd5.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=3000,throttling.group=bar
1841ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   -drive file=hd6.qcow2,throttling.iops-total=5000
1851ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1861ffad77cSAlberto GarciaHere hd1, hd2 and hd4 are all members of a group named 'foo' with a
1871ffad77cSAlberto Garciacombined IOPS limit of 6000, and hd3 and hd5 are members of 'bar'. hd6
1881ffad77cSAlberto Garciais left alone (technically it is part of a 1-member group).
1891ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1901ffad77cSAlberto GarciaLimits are applied in a round-robin fashion so if there are concurrent
1911ffad77cSAlberto GarciaI/O requests on several drives of the same group they will be
1921ffad77cSAlberto Garciadistributed evenly.
1931ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1941ffad77cSAlberto GarciaWhen I/O limits are applied to an existing drive using the QMP command
1951ffad77cSAlberto Garcia'block_set_io_throttle', the following things need to be taken into
1961ffad77cSAlberto Garciaaccount:
1971ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
1981ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   - I/O limits are shared within the same group, so new values will
1991ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     affect all members and overwrite the previous settings. In other
2001ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     words: if different limits are applied to members of the same
2011ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     group, the last one wins.
2021ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2031ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   - If 'group' is unset it is assumed to be the current group of that
2041ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     drive. If the drive is not in a group yet, it will be added to a
2051ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     group named after the device name.
2061ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2071ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   - If 'group' is set then the drive will be moved to that group if
2081ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     it was member of a different one. In this case the limits
2091ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     specified in the parameters will be applied to the new group
2101ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     only.
2111ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2121ffad77cSAlberto Garcia   - I/O limits can be disabled by setting all of them to 0. In this
2131ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     case the device will be removed from its group and the rest of
2141ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     its members will not be affected. The 'group' parameter is
2151ffad77cSAlberto Garcia     ignored.
2161ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2171ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2181ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe Leaky Bucket algorithm
2191ffad77cSAlberto Garcia--------------------------
2201ffad77cSAlberto GarciaI/O limits in QEMU are implemented using the leaky bucket algorithm
2211ffad77cSAlberto Garcia(specifically the "Leaky bucket as a meter" variant).
2221ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2231ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThis algorithm uses the analogy of a bucket that leaks water
2241ffad77cSAlberto Garciaconstantly. The water that gets into the bucket represents the I/O
2251ffad77cSAlberto Garciathat has been performed, and no more I/O is allowed once the bucket is
2261ffad77cSAlberto Garciafull.
2271ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2281ffad77cSAlberto GarciaTo see the way this corresponds to the throttling parameters in QEMU,
2291ffad77cSAlberto Garciaconsider the following values:
2301ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2311ffad77cSAlberto Garcia  iops-total=100
2321ffad77cSAlberto Garcia  iops-total-max=2000
2331ffad77cSAlberto Garcia  iops-total-max-length=60
2341ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2351ffad77cSAlberto Garcia  - Water leaks from the bucket at a rate of 100 IOPS.
2361ffad77cSAlberto Garcia  - Water can be added to the bucket at a rate of 2000 IOPS.
2371ffad77cSAlberto Garcia  - The size of the bucket is 2000 x 60 = 120000
23837e3645aSAlberto Garcia  - If 'iops-total-max-length' is unset then it defaults to 1 and the
23937e3645aSAlberto Garcia    size of the bucket is 2000.
24037e3645aSAlberto Garcia  - If 'iops-total-max' is unset then 'iops-total-max-length' must be
24137e3645aSAlberto Garcia    unset as well. In this case the bucket size is 100.
2421ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2431ffad77cSAlberto GarciaThe bucket is initially empty, therefore water can be added until it's
2441ffad77cSAlberto Garciafull at a rate of 2000 IOPS (the burst rate). Once the bucket is full
2451ffad77cSAlberto Garciawe can only add as much water as it leaks, therefore the I/O rate is
2461ffad77cSAlberto Garciareduced to 100 IOPS. If we add less water than it leaks then the
2471ffad77cSAlberto Garciabucket will start to empty, allowing for bursts again.
2481ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2491ffad77cSAlberto GarciaNote that since water is leaking from the bucket even during bursts,
2501ffad77cSAlberto Garciait will take a bit more than 60 seconds at 2000 IOPS to fill it
2511ffad77cSAlberto Garciaup. After those 60 seconds the bucket will have leaked 60 x 100 =
2521ffad77cSAlberto Garcia6000, allowing for 3 more seconds of I/O at 2000 IOPS.
2531ffad77cSAlberto Garcia
2541ffad77cSAlberto GarciaAlso, due to the way the algorithm works, longer burst can be done at
2551ffad77cSAlberto Garciaa lower I/O rate, e.g. 1000 IOPS during 120 seconds.
2568e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2578e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2588e7b122bSAlberto GarciaThe 'throttle' block filter
2598e7b122bSAlberto Garcia---------------------------
2608e7b122bSAlberto GarciaSince QEMU 2.11 it is possible to configure the I/O limits using a
2618e7b122bSAlberto Garcia'throttle' block filter. This filter uses the exact same throttling
2628e7b122bSAlberto Garciainfrastructure described above but can be used anywhere in the node
2638e7b122bSAlberto Garciagraph, allowing for more flexibility.
2648e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2658e7b122bSAlberto GarciaThe user can create an arbitrary number of filters and each one of
2668e7b122bSAlberto Garciathem must be assigned to a group that contains the actual I/O limits.
2678e7b122bSAlberto GarciaDifferent filters can use the same group so the limits are shared as
2688e7b122bSAlberto Garciadescribed earlier in "Applying I/O limits to groups of disks".
2698e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2708e7b122bSAlberto GarciaA group can be created using the object-add QMP function:
2718e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2728e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   { "execute": "object-add",
2738e7b122bSAlberto Garcia     "arguments": {
2748e7b122bSAlberto Garcia       "qom-type": "throttle-group",
2758e7b122bSAlberto Garcia       "id": "group0",
2768e7b122bSAlberto Garcia       "limits" : {
277*8f75cae2SRao, Lei         "iops-total": 1000,
2788e7b122bSAlberto Garcia         "bps-write": 2097152
2798e7b122bSAlberto Garcia       }
2808e7b122bSAlberto Garcia     }
2818e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   }
2828e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2838e7b122bSAlberto Garciathrottle-group has a 'limits' property (of type ThrottleLimits as
2848e7b122bSAlberto Garciadefined in qapi/block-core.json) which can be set on creation or later
2858e7b122bSAlberto Garciawith 'qom-set'.
2868e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2878e7b122bSAlberto GarciaA throttle-group can also be created with the -object command line
2888e7b122bSAlberto Garciaoption but at the moment there is no way to pass a 'limits' parameter
2898e7b122bSAlberto Garciathat contains a ThrottleLimits structure. The solution is to set the
2908e7b122bSAlberto Garciaindividual values directly, like in this example:
2918e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2928e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -object throttle-group,id=group0,x-iops-total=1000,x-bps-write=2097152
2938e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2948e7b122bSAlberto GarciaNote however that this is not a stable API (hence the 'x-' prefixes) and
2958e7b122bSAlberto Garciawill disappear when -object gains support for structured options and
2968e7b122bSAlberto Garciaenables use of 'limits'.
2978e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
2988e7b122bSAlberto GarciaOnce we have a throttle-group we can use the throttle block filter,
2998e7b122bSAlberto Garciawhere the 'file' property must be set to the block device that we want
3008e7b122bSAlberto Garciato filter:
3018e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3028e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   { "execute": "blockdev-add",
3038e7b122bSAlberto Garcia     "arguments": {
3048e7b122bSAlberto Garcia        "options":  {
3058e7b122bSAlberto Garcia           "driver": "qcow2",
3068e7b122bSAlberto Garcia           "node-name": "disk0",
3078e7b122bSAlberto Garcia           "file": {
3088e7b122bSAlberto Garcia              "driver": "file",
3098e7b122bSAlberto Garcia              "filename": "/path/to/disk.qcow2"
3108e7b122bSAlberto Garcia           }
3118e7b122bSAlberto Garcia        }
3128e7b122bSAlberto Garcia     }
3138e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   }
3148e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3158e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   { "execute": "blockdev-add",
3168e7b122bSAlberto Garcia     "arguments": {
3178e7b122bSAlberto Garcia        "driver": "throttle",
3188e7b122bSAlberto Garcia        "node-name": "throttle0",
3198e7b122bSAlberto Garcia        "throttle-group": "group0",
3208e7b122bSAlberto Garcia        "file": "disk0"
3218e7b122bSAlberto Garcia     }
3228e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   }
3238e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3248e7b122bSAlberto GarciaA similar setup can also be done with the command line, for example:
3258e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3268e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -drive driver=throttle,throttle-group=group0,
3278e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.driver=qcow2,file.file.filename=/path/to/disk.qcow2
3288e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3298e7b122bSAlberto GarciaThe scenario described so far is very simple but the throttle block
3308e7b122bSAlberto Garciafilter allows for more complex configurations. For example, let's say
3318e7b122bSAlberto Garciathat we have three different drives and we want to set I/O limits for
3328e7b122bSAlberto Garciaeach one of them and an additional set of limits for the combined I/O
3338e7b122bSAlberto Garciaof all three drives.
3348e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3358e7b122bSAlberto GarciaFirst we would define all throttle groups, one for each one of the
3368e7b122bSAlberto Garciadrives and one that would apply to all of them:
3378e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3388e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -object throttle-group,id=limits0,x-iops-total=2000
3398e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -object throttle-group,id=limits1,x-iops-total=2500
3408e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -object throttle-group,id=limits2,x-iops-total=3000
3418e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -object throttle-group,id=limits012,x-iops-total=4000
3428e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3438e7b122bSAlberto GarciaNow we can define the drives, and for each one of them we use two
3448e7b122bSAlberto Garciachained throttle filters: the drive's own filter and the combined
3458e7b122bSAlberto Garciafilter.
3468e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3478e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -drive driver=throttle,throttle-group=limits012,
3488e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.driver=throttle,file.throttle-group=limits0
3498e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.file.driver=qcow2,file.file.file.filename=/path/to/disk0.qcow2
3508e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -drive driver=throttle,throttle-group=limits012,
3518e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.driver=throttle,file.throttle-group=limits1
3528e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.file.driver=qcow2,file.file.file.filename=/path/to/disk1.qcow2
3538e7b122bSAlberto Garcia   -drive driver=throttle,throttle-group=limits012,
3548e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.driver=throttle,file.throttle-group=limits2
3558e7b122bSAlberto Garcia          file.file.driver=qcow2,file.file.file.filename=/path/to/disk2.qcow2
3568e7b122bSAlberto Garcia
3578e7b122bSAlberto GarciaIn this example the individual drives have IOPS limits of 2000, 2500
3588e7b122bSAlberto Garciaand 3000 respectively but the total combined I/O can never exceed 4000
3598e7b122bSAlberto GarciaIOPS.