1*800cbbfbSPeter MaydellSTMicroelectronics STM32 boards (``netduino2``, ``netduinoplus2``, ``olimex-stm32-h405``, ``stm32vldiscovery``) 2*800cbbfbSPeter Maydell=============================================================================================================== 31af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 41af060e5SAlexandre IoossThe `STM32`_ chips are a family of 32-bit ARM-based microcontroller by 51af060e5SAlexandre IoossSTMicroelectronics. 61af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 71af060e5SAlexandre Iooss.. _STM32: https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32-32-bit-arm-cortex-mcus.html 81af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 91af060e5SAlexandre IoossThe STM32F1 series is based on ARM Cortex-M3 core. The following machines are 101af060e5SAlexandre Ioossbased on this chip : 111af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 121af060e5SAlexandre Iooss- ``stm32vldiscovery`` STM32VLDISCOVERY board with STM32F100RBT6 microcontroller 131af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 141af060e5SAlexandre IoossThe STM32F2 series is based on ARM Cortex-M3 core. The following machines are 151af060e5SAlexandre Ioossbased on this chip : 161af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 171af060e5SAlexandre Iooss- ``netduino2`` Netduino 2 board with STM32F205RFT6 microcontroller 181af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 1941581f13SInès VarholThe STM32F4 series is based on ARM Cortex-M4F core, as well as the STM32L4 2041581f13SInès Varholultra-low-power series. The STM32F4 series is pin-to-pin compatible with STM32F2 series. 2141581f13SInès VarholThe following machines are based on this ARM Cortex-M4F chip : 221af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 231af060e5SAlexandre Iooss- ``netduinoplus2`` Netduino Plus 2 board with STM32F405RGT6 microcontroller 24ee5bffa9SFelipe Balbi- ``olimex-stm32-h405`` Olimex STM32 H405 board with STM32F405RGT6 microcontroller 2541581f13SInès Varhol- ``b-l475e-iot01a`` :doc:`B-L475E-IOT01A IoT Node </system/arm/b-l475e-iot01a>` board with STM32L475VG microcontroller 261af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 271af060e5SAlexandre IoossThere are many other STM32 series that are currently not supported by QEMU. 281af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 291af060e5SAlexandre IoossSupported devices 301af060e5SAlexandre Iooss----------------- 311af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 321af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * ARM Cortex-M3, Cortex M4F 331af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) 341af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * EXTI interrupt 351af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Serial ports (USART) 361af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * SPI controller 371af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * System configuration (SYSCFG) 381af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Timer controller (TIMER) 39950dff9aSRomán Cárdenas Rodríguez * Reset and Clock Controller (RCC) (STM32F4 only, reset and enable only) 401af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 411af060e5SAlexandre IoossMissing devices 421af060e5SAlexandre Iooss--------------- 431af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 441af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Camera interface (DCMI) 451af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Controller Area Network (CAN) 461af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Cycle Redundancy Check (CRC) calculation unit 471af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) 481af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * DMA controller 491af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Ethernet controller 501af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Flash Interface Unit 511af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * GPIO controller 521af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * I2C controller 531af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Inter-Integrated Sound (I2S) controller 541af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Power supply configuration (PWR) 551af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Random Number Generator (RNG) 561af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Real-Time Clock (RTC) controller 57950dff9aSRomán Cárdenas Rodríguez * Reset and Clock Controller (RCC) (other features than reset and enable) 581af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Secure Digital Input/Output (SDIO) interface 591af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * USB OTG 601af060e5SAlexandre Iooss * Watchdog controller (IWDG, WWDG) 611af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 621af060e5SAlexandre IoossBoot options 631af060e5SAlexandre Iooss------------ 641af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 651af060e5SAlexandre IoossThe STM32 machines can be started using the ``-kernel`` option to load a 661af060e5SAlexandre Ioossfirmware. Example: 671af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 681af060e5SAlexandre Iooss.. code-block:: bash 691af060e5SAlexandre Iooss 701af060e5SAlexandre Iooss $ qemu-system-arm -M stm32vldiscovery -kernel firmware.bin 71