xref: /openbmc/pldm/README.md (revision aa1efa490c23b4e51ea192ef91f8deb58dc1c201)
1e3596384SManojkiran Eda# PLDM - Platform Level Data Model
23618064eSPatrick Williams
3e3596384SManojkiran Eda[![License](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](LICENSE)
43618064eSPatrick Williams
5e3596384SManojkiran Eda## Overview
6e3596384SManojkiran Eda
7e3596384SManojkiran EdaPLDM (Platform Level Data Model) is a key component of the OpenBMC project,
8e3596384SManojkiran Edaproviding a standardized data model and message formats for various platform
9e3596384SManojkiran Edamanagement functionalities. It defines a method to manage, monitor, and control
10e3596384SManojkiran Edathe firmware and hardware of a system.
11e3596384SManojkiran Eda
12e3596384SManojkiran EdaThe OpenBMC PLDM project aims to implement the specifications defined by the
13e3596384SManojkiran EdaDistributed Management Task Force (DMTF), allowing for interoperable management
14e3596384SManojkiran Edainterfaces across different hardware and firmware components.
15e3596384SManojkiran Eda
16e3596384SManojkiran Eda## Features
17e3596384SManojkiran Eda
18e3596384SManojkiran Eda- **Standardized Messaging:** Adheres to the DMTF's PLDM specifications,
19e3596384SManojkiran Eda  enabling consistent and interoperable communication between different
20e3596384SManojkiran Eda  components.
21e3596384SManojkiran Eda- **Modularity:** Supports multiple PLDM types, including base, FRU,Firmware
22e3596384SManojkiran Eda  update, Platform Monitoring and Control, and BIOS Control and Configuration.
23e3596384SManojkiran Eda- **Extensibility:** Easily extendable to support new PLDM types and custom OEM
24e3596384SManojkiran Eda  commands.
25e3596384SManojkiran Eda- **Integration:** Seamlessly integrates with other OpenBMC components for
26e3596384SManojkiran Eda  comprehensive system management.
27e3596384SManojkiran Eda
28e3596384SManojkiran Eda## Getting Started
29e3596384SManojkiran Eda
30e3596384SManojkiran Eda### Prerequisites
31e3596384SManojkiran Eda
32e3596384SManojkiran EdaTo build and run PLDM, you need the following dependencies:
33e3596384SManojkiran Eda
34e3596384SManojkiran Eda- `Meson`
35e3596384SManojkiran Eda- `Ninja`
36e3596384SManojkiran Eda
37e3596384SManojkiran EdaAlternatively, source an OpenBMC ARM/x86 SDK.
38e3596384SManojkiran Eda
39e3596384SManojkiran Eda### Building
40e3596384SManojkiran Eda
41e3596384SManojkiran EdaTo build the PLDM project, follow these steps:
42e3596384SManojkiran Eda
43e3596384SManojkiran Eda```bash
443586d360SPavithra Barithayameson setup build && ninja -C build
453c275e1cSDeepak Kodihalli```
464913998aSManojkiran Eda
47e3596384SManojkiran Eda### To run unit tests
483618064eSPatrick Williams
496db5532dSBrad BishopThe simplest way of running the tests is as described by the meson man page:
503618064eSPatrick Williams
51e3596384SManojkiran Eda```bash
523586d360SPavithra Barithayameson setup builddir && meson setup test -C builddir
536db5532dSBrad Bishop```
543618064eSPatrick Williams
55ace4e14dSManojkiran EdaAlternatively, tests can be run in the OpenBMC CI docker container using
56ace4e14dSManojkiran Eda[these](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/testing/local-ci-build.md)
57ace4e14dSManojkiran Edasteps.
584913998aSManojkiran Eda
59e3596384SManojkiran Eda### To enable pldm verbosity
603618064eSPatrick Williams
613618064eSPatrick Williamspldm daemon accepts a command line argument `--verbose` or `--v` or `-v` to
623618064eSPatrick Williamsenable the daemon to run in verbose mode. It can be done via adding this option
633618064eSPatrick Williamsto the environment file that pldm service consumes.
643618064eSPatrick Williams
65e3596384SManojkiran Eda```bash
66f25145fbSManojkiran Edaecho 'PLDMD_ARGS="--verbose"' > /etc/default/pldmd
67f25145fbSManojkiran Edasystemctl restart pldmd
68f25145fbSManojkiran Eda```
693618064eSPatrick Williams
70e3596384SManojkiran Eda### To disable pldm verbosity
713618064eSPatrick Williams
72e3596384SManojkiran Eda```bash
73f25145fbSManojkiran Edarm /etc/default/pldmd
74f25145fbSManojkiran Edasystemctl restart pldmd
75f25145fbSManojkiran Eda```
766db5532dSBrad Bishop
77e3596384SManojkiran Eda### Code Organization
783618064eSPatrick Williams
79e090e3ddSDeepak KodihalliAt a high-level, code in this repository belongs to one of the following three
80e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihallicomponents.
81e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihalli
82e3596384SManojkiran Eda#### libpldmresponder
833618064eSPatrick Williams
84e090e3ddSDeepak KodihalliThis library provides handlers for incoming PLDM request messages. It provides
85e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihallifor a registration as well as a plug-in mechanism. The library is implemented in
86e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihallimodern C++, and handles OpenBMC's platform specifics.
87e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihalli
88e090e3ddSDeepak KodihalliThe handlers are of the form
893618064eSPatrick Williams
90e3596384SManojkiran Eda```c
91e090e3ddSDeepak KodihalliResponse handler(Request payload, size_t payloadLen)
92e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihalli```
93e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihalli
94e090e3ddSDeepak KodihalliSource files are named according to the PLDM Type, for eg base.[hpp/cpp],
95e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihallifru.[hpp/cpp], etc.
96e090e3ddSDeepak Kodihalli
97e3596384SManojkiran Eda#### OEM/vendor-specific functions
983618064eSPatrick Williams
997f57f441SJinu Joy ThomasThis will support OEM or vendor-specific functions and semantic information.
1007f57f441SJinu Joy ThomasFollowing directory structure has to be used:
1013618064eSPatrick Williams
102e3596384SManojkiran Eda```txt
1037f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas    pldm repo
1047f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas     |---- oem
1057f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas            |----<oem_name>
1067f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas                      |----libpldmresponder
1077f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas                            |---<oem based handler files>
1087f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas
1097f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas```
1103618064eSPatrick Williams
1113618064eSPatrick Williams<oem_name> - This folder must be created with the name of the OEM/vendor in
1123618064eSPatrick Williamslower case. Folders named libpldm and libpldmresponder must be created under the
1133618064eSPatrick Williamsfolder <oem_name>
1147f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas
1157f57f441SJinu Joy ThomasFiles having the oem functionality for the libpldmresponder library should be
1167f57f441SJinu Joy Thomasplaced under the folder oem/<oem_name>/libpldmresponder. They must be adhering
1177f57f441SJinu Joy Thomasto the rules mentioned under the libpldmresponder section above.
1187f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas
119d8da2089SManojkiran EdaOnce the above is done a meson option has to be created in
120d8da2089SManojkiran Eda`pldm/meson_options.txt` with its mapped compiler flag to enable conditional
121d8da2089SManojkiran Edacompilation.
1227f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas
123d8da2089SManojkiran EdaFor consistency would recommend using "oem-<oem_name>".
1247f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas
125d8da2089SManojkiran EdaThe `pldm/meson.build` and the corresponding source file(s) will need to
126d8da2089SManojkiran Edaincorporate the logic of adding its mapped compiler flag to allow conditional
127d8da2089SManojkiran Edacompilation of the code.
1287f57f441SJinu Joy Thomas
129e3596384SManojkiran Eda##### libpldm
1303618064eSPatrick Williams
1314913998aSManojkiran Edapldm daemon links against the libpldm library during compilation, For more
1323618064eSPatrick Williamsinformation on libpldm please refer to
1333618064eSPatrick Williams[libpldm](https://github.com/openbmc/libpldm)
1344913998aSManojkiran Eda
135e3596384SManojkiran Eda##### pldmtool
1363618064eSPatrick Williams
13712c8a661SSridevi RameshFor more information on pldmtool please refer to plmdtool/README.md.
13812c8a661SSridevi Ramesh
139e3596384SManojkiran Eda##### Flows
1403618064eSPatrick Williams
141b4fedab8SDeepak KodihalliThis section documents important code flow paths.
142b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihalli
143e3596384SManojkiran Eda###### BMC as PLDM responder
1443618064eSPatrick Williams
145b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallia) PLDM daemon receives PLDM request message from underlying transport (MCTP).
1461a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
147b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallib) PLDM daemon routes message to message handler, based on the PLDM command.
1481a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
149b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallic) Message handler decodes request payload into various field(s) of the request
1503618064eSPatrick Williamsmessage. It can make use of a decode_foo_req() API, and doesn't have to perform
1513618064eSPatrick Williamsdeserialization of the request payload by itself.
1521a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
153b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallid) Message handler works with the request field(s) and generates response
154b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallifield(s).
1551a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
156b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallie) Message handler prepares a response message. It can make use of an
157b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihalliencode_foo_resp() API, and doesn't have to perform the serialization of the
158b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihalliresponse field(s) by itself.
1591a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
160b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallif) The PLDM daemon sends the response message prepared at step e) to the remote
161b4fedab8SDeepak KodihalliPLDM device.
162b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihalli
163e3596384SManojkiran Eda##### BMC as PLDM requester
1643618064eSPatrick Williams
165b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallia) A BMC PLDM requester app prepares a PLDM request message. There would be
1663618064eSPatrick Williamsseveral requester apps (based on functionality/PLDM remote device). Each of them
1673618064eSPatrick Williamsneedn't bother with the serialization of request field(s), and can instead make
1683618064eSPatrick Williamsuse of an encode_foo_req() API.
1691a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
170b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallib) BMC requester app requests PLDM daemon to send the request message to remote
171b4fedab8SDeepak KodihalliPLDM device.
1721a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
173b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallic) Once the PLDM daemon receives a corresponding response message, it notifies
174b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallithe requester app.
1751a68b45cSDeepak Kodihalli
176b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallid) The requester app has to work with the response field(s). It can make use of
177b4fedab8SDeepak Kodihallia decode_foo_resp() API to deserialize the response message.
178c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihalli
179e3596384SManojkiran Eda###### PDR Implementation
1803618064eSPatrick Williams
181c6e8fb50SDeepak KodihalliWhile PLDM Platform Descriptor Records (PDRs) are mostly static information,
182c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihallithey can vary across platforms and systems. For this reason, platform specific
183c6e8fb50SDeepak KodihalliPDR information is encoded in platform specific JSON files. JSON files must be
184c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihallinamed based on the PDR type number. For example a state effecter PDR JSON file
185c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihalliwill be named 11.json. The JSON files may also include information to enable
186c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihalliadditional processing (apart from PDR creation) for specific PDR types, for eg
187c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihallimapping an effecter id to a D-Bus object.
188c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihalli
189c6e8fb50SDeepak KodihalliThe PLDM responder implementation finds and parses PDR JSON files to create the
190c6e8fb50SDeepak KodihalliPDR repository. Platform specific PDR modifications would likely just result in
191c6e8fb50SDeepak KodihalliJSON updates. New PDR type support would require JSON updates as well as PDR
192c6e8fb50SDeepak Kodihalligeneration code. The PDR generator is a map of PDR Type -> C++ lambda to create
193c6e8fb50SDeepak KodihalliPDR entries for that type based on the JSON, and to update the central PDR repo.
194*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
195*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani###### BIOS Support
196*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
197*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniRedfish supports the BIOS Attribute Registry, which provides users with a list
198*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniof BIOS attributes supported in the BIOS configuration. To incorporate BIOS
199*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniattribute registry support in openBMC, BmcWeb is designed to read data from the
200*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniBase BIOS Table. PLDM populates the Base BIOS Table for the BIOS Config Manager
201*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanibased on BIOS JSON files. BIOS functionality is integrated into PLDM according
202*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanito the guidelines in the
203*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[PLDM BIOS Specification](https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0247_1.0.0.pdf).
204*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniBIOS attributes, also referred to as BIOS parameters or configuration settings,
205*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniare structured within JSON files. Each attribute is defined by its name, type,
206*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniand type-specific metadata. PLDM parses
207*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[BIOS JSON file](https://github.com/openbmc/pldm/tree/master/oem/ibm/configurations/bios/com.ibm.Hardware.Chassis.Model.Rainier2U)
208*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniand creates the
209*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[Base BIOS Table](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/BIOSConfig/Manager.interface.yaml#L62)
210*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanihosted by [BIOS Config Manager](https://github.com/openbmc/bios-settings-mgr).
211*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniThe design is documented in
212*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[DesignDoc](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/designs/remote-bios-configuration.md).
213*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniRedfish supports
214*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[BIOS Attribute registry](https://redfish.dmtf.org/schemas/v1/AttributeRegistry.v1_3_8.json),
215*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniwhich provides users with the list of BIOS attributes supported in the BIOS
216*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniconfiguration. The BIOS Attribute registry data is supposed to be derived from
217*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[Base BIOS Table](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/BIOSConfig/Manager.interface.yaml#L62).
218*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniPLDM populates the Base BIOS Table for BIOS Config Manager based on BIOS Json
219*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanifiles.
220*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
221*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniAfter the JSON files are parsed, pldm would also create the string table,
222*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniattribute table, and attribute value table as per Section7 in
223*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[PLDM BIOS Specification](https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0247_1.0.0.pdf).
224*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniThose BIOS tables are exchanged with remote PLDM terminus using the
225*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani`GetBiosTable` command as defined in DSP0247_1.0.0.pdf Section 8.1. All the
226*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani`bios attribute json files are kept under OEM`
227*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[Path](https://github.com/openbmc/pldm/tree/master/oem). BIOS json configuration
228*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniis provided in bios_attr.json file which contains attributes of type enum,
229*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniinteger and string.
230*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
231*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniInteger Attribute details as documented at Table9 of
232*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[PLDM BIOS Specification](https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0247_1.0.0.pdf):
233*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
234*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani```json
235*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani{
236*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani  "entries": [
237*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani    {
238*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "attribute_type": "integer",
239*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "attribute_name": "Attribute Name",
240*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "lower_bound": "The lower bound on the integer value",
241*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "upper_bound": "The upper bound on the integer value",
242*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "scalar_increment": "The scalar value that is used for the increments to this integer ",
243*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "default_value": "The default value of the integer",
244*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "help_text": "Help text about attribute usage",
245*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "display_name": "Attribute Display Name",
246*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "read_only": "Read only Attribute"
247*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani    }
248*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani  ]
249*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani}
250*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani```
251*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
252*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniEnum Attribute details as documented at Table6 of
253*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[PLDM BIOS Specification](https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0247_1.0.0.pdf):
254*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
255*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani```json
256*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani{
257*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani  "entries": [
258*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani    {
259*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "attribute_type": "enum",
260*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "attribute_name": "Attribute Name",
261*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "possible_values": [
262*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani        "An array of character strings of variable to indicate the possible values of the BIOS attribute"
263*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      ],
264*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "default_values": "Default value",
265*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "help_text": "Help text about attribute usage",
266*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "display_name": "Display Name",
267*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "read_only": "Read only Attribute"
268*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani    }
269*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani  ]
270*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani}
271*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani```
272*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
273*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniString Attribute details as documented at Table7 of
274*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[PLDM BIOS Specification](https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0247_1.0.0.pdf):
275*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
276*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani```json
277*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani{
278*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani  "entries": [
279*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani    {
280*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "attribute_type": "string",
281*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "attribute_name": "Attribute Name",
282*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "string_type": "It specifies the character encoding format, which can be ASCII, Hex, UTF-8, UTF-16LE, or UTF-16BE. Currently, only ASCII is supported",
283*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "minimum_string_length": "The minimum length of the string in bytes",
284*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "maximum_string_length": "The maximum length of the string in bytes",
285*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "default_string": "The default string itself",
286*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "help_text": "Help text about attribute usage",
287*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "display_name": "Attribute Display Name",
288*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani      "read_only": "Read only Attribute"
289*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani    }
290*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani  ]
291*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani}
292*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani```
293*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
294*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniAs PLDM BIOS Attributes may differ across platforms and systems, supporting
295*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanisystem-specific BIOS attributes is crucial. To achieve this, BIOS JSON files are
296*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniorganized under folders named after the system type. System type information is
297*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniretrieved from the Entity Manager service, which hosts the
298*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani[Compatible Interface](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Inventory/Decorator/Compatible.interface.yaml).
299*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
300*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniThis interface dynamically populates the Names property with system type
301*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniinformation. However, determining the system type in the application space may
302*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanitake some time since the compatible interface and the Names property are
303*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanidynamically created by the Entity Manager. Consequently, BIOS tables are lazily
304*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniconstructed upon receiving the system type.
305*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani
306*aa1efa49SArchana KakaniTo enable system-specific BIOS attribute support within PLDM, the meson option
307*aa1efa49SArchana Kakani`system-specific-bios-json` can be utilized. With `system-specific-bios-json`
308*aa1efa49SArchana Kakanioption `enabled` BIOS JSON files specific to the system type are fetched during
309*aa1efa49SArchana Kakaniruntime.