xref: /openbmc/phosphor-webui/app/configuration/controllers/network-controller.html (revision 6549114edd82ff42e817be55969d775ceab91973)
1<loader loading="loading"></loader>
2<div id="configuration-network">
3	<div class="row column">
4		<h1>BMC network settings</h1>
5	</div>
6	<form class="net-config__form" role="form" action="">
7		<section class="row column">
8			<div class="column small-12 page-header">
9				<h2 class="inline h4">Common settings</h2>
10			</div>
11			<fieldset>
12				<div class="column small-12 large-3">
13					<label for="net-config__mac">Hostname</label>
14					<input id="net-config__mac" type="text" ng-model="hostname"/>
15				</div>
16				<div class="column small-12 large-3">
17					<label for="netinterface-select">Network interface</label>
18					<div id="netinterface-select" class="dropdown__wrapper">
19						<button type="button" class="dropdown__button" ng-click="networkDevice = !networkDevice">{{selectedInterface}}</button>
20						<ul class="dropdown__list inline" ng-show="networkDevice">
21							<li ng-repeat="interface_id in network.interface_ids">
22								<button type="button" ng-click="selectInterface(interface_id);">{{interface_id}}</button>
23							</li>
24						</ul>
25					</div>
26				</div>
27				<div class="column small-12 large-3">
28					<label for="net-config__host">MAC address</label>
29					<input id="net-config__host" type="text" ng-model="interface.MACAddress"/>
30				</div>
31				<div class="column small-12 large-3">
32					<label for="net-config__domain">Default Gateway</label>
33					<input id="net-config__domain" type="text" ng-model="defaultgateway"/>
34				</div>
35			</fieldset>
36		</section>
37		<section class="row column">
38			<div class="column small-12 page-header">
39				<h2 class="inline h4">IPV4 settings</h2>
40			</div>
41			<fieldset>
42				<div class="row column">
43					<label class="control-radio" for="dhcp-address">Obtain an IP address automatically using DHCP
44						<!-- TODO: openbmc/openbmc#3154 Rest server should return a proper JSON bool instead of "0" or "1"-->
45						<input type="radio" name="ip-address" id="dhcp-address" ng-checked="true" ng-model="interface.DHCPEnabled" ng-value="1">
46						<span class="control__indicator control__indicator-on"></span>
47					</label>
48				</div>
49				<div class="row column">
50					<label class="control-radio" for="static-ip-address">Assign a static IP address
51						<input type="radio" name="ip-address" id="static-ip-address" ng-model="interface.DHCPEnabled" ng-value="0"/>
52						<span class="control__indicator control__indicator-on"></span>
53					</label>
54				</div>
55				<fieldset class="net-config__static-ip-wrap" ng-repeat="ipv4 in interface.ipv4.values">
56					<div class="column small-12 large-4">
57						<label for="net-config__ipv4-address" class="inline">IPV4 address</label>
58						<input id="net-config__ipv4-address" type="text" ng-disabled="interface.DHCPEnabled" ng-model="ipv4.Address"/>
59					</div>
60					<div class="column small-12 large-4">
61						<label for="net-config__subnet" class="inline">Gateway</label>
62						<input id="net-config__subnet" type="text" ng-disabled="interface.DHCPEnabled" value="" ng-model="ipv4.Gateway"/>
63					</div>
64					<!-- This netmask prefix length max only works with IPV4 -->
65					<div class="column small-12 large-4">
66						<label for="net-config__default-gateway" class="inline">Netmask Prefix Length</label>
67						<input id="net-config__default-gateway" type="number" min="1" max="32" step="1" ng-disabled="interface.DHCPEnabled"  ng-model="ipv4.PrefixLength"/>
68					</div>
69				</fieldset>
70			</fieldset>
71		</section>
72		<section class="row column">
73			<div class="column small-12 page-header">
74				<h2 class="inline h4">DNS settings</h2>
75			</div>
76			<fieldset>
77				<div class="column small-12 large-4">
78					<ul>
79						<li ng-repeat="dns in interface.Nameservers track by $index">
80							<label for="net-config__prime-dns">DNS Server {{$index+1}}</label>{{dns}}
81							<br/>
82						</li>
83					</ul>
84				</div>
85			</fieldset>
86			<div class="network-config__submit-wrapper">
87				<button type="button" class="btn-primary inline" ng-click="confirm_settings=true;">Save settings</button>
88				<button type="button" class="btn-secondary inline" ng-click="refresh()">Cancel</button>
89			</div>
90			<p class="success-msg set_network_success" ng-show="set_network_success" role="alert">Success! Network settings changed!</p>
91			<p class="set_network_error error-msg" ng-show="set_network_error" role="alert">Error setting {{set_network_error}}!</p>
92		</section>
93	</form>
95<section class="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="modalTitle" aria-describedby="modalDescription" role="dialog" ng-class="{'active': confirm_settings}">
96	<div class="modal__tftp-unreachable" role="document">
97		<div class="screen-reader-offscreen modal-description">Change network settings</div><!-- accessibility only; used for screen readers -->
98		<div class="page-header ">
99			<span class="icon icon__warning inline"><span class="accessible-text" role="alert">Warning</span></span>
100			<h1 class="modal-title h4 inline">Change network settings</h1>
101		</div>
102		<div class="modal__content">
103			<p>Changing network settings may cause the system to become unavailable (e.g. changing the BMC IP address).
104				Proceed with caution and make note of any new settings that may affect connectivity.</p>
105		</div>
106		<div class="modal__button-wrapper">
107			<button class="inline btn-secondary" ng-click="confirm_settings=false;">Cancel</button>
108			<button class="inline btn-primary" ng-click="setNetworkSettings()">Continue</button>
109		</div>
110	</div>