Name Date Size #Lines LOC



READMEH A D11-Feb-2019592 129

builder.cppH A D06-Nov-20235.8 KiB169122

builder.hppH A D22-Jul-2022462 2114

buildjson.cppH A D16-Aug-20248 KiB254192

buildjson.hppH A D08-Oct-2020471 2511

controller.hppH A D08-Aug-2020513 3116

fan.hppH A D08-Aug-2020168 1510

fancontroller.cppH A D16-Aug-20247.1 KiB244160

fancontroller.hppH A D16-Aug-20241.4 KiB5639

pidcontroller.cppH A D05-Nov-20233.4 KiB13477

pidcontroller.hppH A D05-Nov-20232.4 KiB9170

pidloop.cppH A D14-Dec-20225 KiB15876

pidloop.hppH A D04-Oct-2022893 2810

stepwisecontroller.cppH A D13-Nov-20222.8 KiB12183

stepwisecontroller.hppH A D16-Aug-20241.4 KiB6447

thermalcontroller.cppH A D16-Aug-20245.3 KiB213152

thermalcontroller.hppH A D16-Aug-20241.8 KiB6937

tuning.cppH A D07-Nov-2020784 297

tuning.hppH A D07-Nov-2020584 257

util.cppH A D05-Nov-20232.4 KiB6743

zone.cppH A D27-Nov-202417.1 KiB675500

zone.hppH A D27-Nov-20249.3 KiB251195

zone_interface.hppH A D27-Nov-20244.9 KiB12741


1ThermalControllers and FanControllers are derived objects from a common PID
2Controller object.  The design implemented in this structure is a facsimile of
3what was published in the Chrome OS source.
5One has any number of ThermalControllers that run through a PID step to
6generate a setpoint RPM to reach its thermal setpoint.  The maximum output
7from the set of ThermalControllers is taken as the input to all the
8FanController PID loops.
10Each group of these controllers is managed within a zone.  A PIDZone object
11helps manage them by providing a sensor value cache and overall execution.