176192f9bSBrad Bishop# phosphor-misc 276192f9bSBrad Bishop 376192f9bSBrad Bishopphosphor-misc is a collection of miscellaneous OpenBMC functions that doesn't 476192f9bSBrad Bishopreally fit anywhere else. 576192f9bSBrad Bishop 619c08973SPatrick Williams## Contributing 719c08973SPatrick Williams 876192f9bSBrad BishopIf you have a new function in mind to be hosted in phosphor-misc, it is usually 976192f9bSBrad Bishopa good idea to mention it on the OpenBMC mailing list before writing any code. 1076192f9bSBrad BishopThere might already be an implementation of the desired function or the 1176192f9bSBrad Bishopcommunity may suggest alternatives. 1276192f9bSBrad Bishop 1376192f9bSBrad Bishopphosphor-misc patches are reviewed using the Gerrit instance at 14*b68e2285SGeorge Liu<https://gerrit.openbmc-project.xyz>. 1576192f9bSBrad Bishop 1676192f9bSBrad BishopPlease submit patches to Gerrit. More information on using Gerrit can be found 1776192f9bSBrad Bishop[here](https://github.com/openbmc/docs/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#submitting-changes-via-gerrit-server). 18*b68e2285SGeorge Liu<https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-misc> is a hosting mirror only and GitHub 1976192f9bSBrad Bishoppull requests are not monitored and will not be accepted. 2076192f9bSBrad Bishop 2176192f9bSBrad BishopPatch checklist. Please ensure patches adhere to the following guidelines: 2276192f9bSBrad Bishop 2319c08973SPatrick Williams- follow 2419c08973SPatrick Williams [the seven rules of a great git commit message](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules) 2576192f9bSBrad Bishop 2619c08973SPatrick WilliamsFor questions or help please come join us on the 2719c08973SPatrick Williams[mailing list](https://lists.ozlabs.org/listinfo/openbmc) or in 2876192f9bSBrad Bishop[IRC](irc://freenode.net/openbmc). 29