xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/documentation/sdk-manual/working-projects.rst (revision 517393d903089f921915530ffa689a7a1d113420)
109209eecSAndrew Geissler.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-2.0-UK
209209eecSAndrew Geissler
309209eecSAndrew Geissler********************************
409209eecSAndrew GeisslerUsing the SDK Toolchain Directly
509209eecSAndrew Geissler********************************
609209eecSAndrew Geissler
709209eecSAndrew GeisslerYou can use the SDK toolchain directly with Makefile and Autotools-based
809209eecSAndrew Geisslerprojects.
909209eecSAndrew Geissler
1009209eecSAndrew GeisslerAutotools-Based Projects
1109209eecSAndrew Geissler========================
1209209eecSAndrew Geissler
1309209eecSAndrew GeisslerOnce you have a suitable :ref:`sdk-manual/intro:the cross-development toolchain`
147784c429SPatrick Williamsinstalled, it is very easy to develop a project using the :wikipedia:`GNU
157784c429SPatrick WilliamsAutotools-based <GNU_Build_System>` workflow, which is outside of the
167784c429SPatrick Williams:term:`OpenEmbedded Build System`.
1709209eecSAndrew Geissler
1809209eecSAndrew GeisslerThe following figure presents a simple Autotools workflow.
1909209eecSAndrew Geissler
2009209eecSAndrew Geissler.. image:: figures/sdk-autotools-flow.png
2109209eecSAndrew Geissler   :align: center
22d583833aSAndrew Geissler   :width: 70%
2309209eecSAndrew Geissler
2409209eecSAndrew GeisslerFollow these steps to create a simple Autotools-based "Hello World"
2509209eecSAndrew Geisslerproject:
2609209eecSAndrew Geissler
2709209eecSAndrew Geissler.. note::
2809209eecSAndrew Geissler
2909209eecSAndrew Geissler   For more information on the GNU Autotools workflow, see the same
3009209eecSAndrew Geissler   example on the
3109209eecSAndrew Geissler   GNOME Developer
3209209eecSAndrew Geissler   site.
3309209eecSAndrew Geissler
34*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Create a Working Directory and Populate It:* Create a clean
3509209eecSAndrew Geissler   directory for your project and then make that directory your working
36*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   location::
3709209eecSAndrew Geissler
3809209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ mkdir $HOME/helloworld
3909209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ cd $HOME/helloworld
4009209eecSAndrew Geissler
4109209eecSAndrew Geissler   After setting up the directory, populate it with files needed for the flow.
4209209eecSAndrew Geissler   You need a project source file, a file to help with configuration,
4309209eecSAndrew Geissler   and a file to help create the Makefile, and a README file:
4409209eecSAndrew Geissler   ``hello.c``, ``configure.ac``, ``Makefile.am``, and ``README``,
4509209eecSAndrew Geissler   respectively.
4609209eecSAndrew Geissler
4709209eecSAndrew Geissler   Use the following command to create an empty README file, which is
48c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   required by GNU Coding Standards::
4909209eecSAndrew Geissler
5009209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ touch README
5109209eecSAndrew Geissler
5209209eecSAndrew Geissler   Create the remaining
5309209eecSAndrew Geissler   three files as follows:
5409209eecSAndrew Geissler
55c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   -  ``hello.c``::
5609209eecSAndrew Geissler
5709209eecSAndrew Geissler         #include <stdio.h>
5809209eecSAndrew Geissler
5909209eecSAndrew Geissler         main()
6009209eecSAndrew Geissler             {
6109209eecSAndrew Geissler                 printf("Hello World!\n");
6209209eecSAndrew Geissler             }
6309209eecSAndrew Geissler
64c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   -  ``configure.ac``::
6509209eecSAndrew Geissler
6609209eecSAndrew Geissler         AC_INIT(hello,0.1)
6709209eecSAndrew Geissler         AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign])
6809209eecSAndrew Geissler         AC_PROG_CC
6909209eecSAndrew Geissler         AC_CONFIG_FILES(Makefile)
7009209eecSAndrew Geissler         AC_OUTPUT
7109209eecSAndrew Geissler
72c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   -  ``Makefile.am``::
7309209eecSAndrew Geissler
7409209eecSAndrew Geissler         bin_PROGRAMS = hello
7509209eecSAndrew Geissler         hello_SOURCES = hello.c
7609209eecSAndrew Geissler
77*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Source the Cross-Toolchain Environment Setup File:* As described
7809209eecSAndrew Geissler   earlier in the manual, installing the cross-toolchain creates a
7909209eecSAndrew Geissler   cross-toolchain environment setup script in the directory that the
8009209eecSAndrew Geissler   SDK was installed. Before you can use the tools to develop your
8109209eecSAndrew Geissler   project, you must source this setup script. The script begins with
8209209eecSAndrew Geissler   the string "environment-setup" and contains the machine architecture,
8309209eecSAndrew Geissler   which is followed by the string "poky-linux". For this example, the
8409209eecSAndrew Geissler   command sources a script from the default SDK installation directory
8509209eecSAndrew Geissler   that uses the 32-bit Intel x86 Architecture and the &DISTRO; Yocto
86c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   Project release::
8709209eecSAndrew Geissler
8809209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ source /opt/poky/&DISTRO;/environment-setup-i586-poky-linux
8909209eecSAndrew Geissler
9092b42cb3SPatrick Williams   Another example is sourcing the environment setup directly in a Yocto
9192b42cb3SPatrick Williams   build::
9292b42cb3SPatrick Williams
9392b42cb3SPatrick Williams      $ source tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/environment-setup-core2-64-poky-linux
9492b42cb3SPatrick Williams
95*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Create the configure Script:* Use the ``autoreconf`` command to
9692b42cb3SPatrick Williams   generate the ``configure`` script::
9709209eecSAndrew Geissler
9809209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ autoreconf
9909209eecSAndrew Geissler
10009209eecSAndrew Geissler   The ``autoreconf``
10109209eecSAndrew Geissler   tool takes care of running the other Autotools such as ``aclocal``,
10209209eecSAndrew Geissler   ``autoconf``, and ``automake``.
10309209eecSAndrew Geissler
10409209eecSAndrew Geissler   .. note::
10509209eecSAndrew Geissler
1063b8a17c1SAndrew Geissler      If you get errors from ``configure.ac``, which ``autoreconf``
10709209eecSAndrew Geissler      runs, that indicate missing files, you can use the "-i" option,
10809209eecSAndrew Geissler      which ensures missing auxiliary files are copied to the build
10909209eecSAndrew Geissler      host.
11009209eecSAndrew Geissler
111*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Cross-Compile the Project:* This command compiles the project using
11209209eecSAndrew Geissler   the cross-compiler. The
11309209eecSAndrew Geissler   :term:`CONFIGURE_FLAGS`
11409209eecSAndrew Geissler   environment variable provides the minimal arguments for GNU
115c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   configure::
11609209eecSAndrew Geissler
11709209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ ./configure ${CONFIGURE_FLAGS}
11809209eecSAndrew Geissler
11909209eecSAndrew Geissler   For an Autotools-based
12009209eecSAndrew Geissler   project, you can use the cross-toolchain by just passing the
12109209eecSAndrew Geissler   appropriate host option to ``configure.sh``. The host option you use
12209209eecSAndrew Geissler   is derived from the name of the environment setup script found in the
12309209eecSAndrew Geissler   directory in which you installed the cross-toolchain. For example,
12409209eecSAndrew Geissler   the host option for an ARM-based target that uses the GNU EABI is
12509209eecSAndrew Geissler   ``armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi``. You will notice that the name of the
12609209eecSAndrew Geissler   script is ``environment-setup-armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi``. Thus, the
12709209eecSAndrew Geissler   following command works to update your project and rebuild it using
128c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   the appropriate cross-toolchain tools::
12909209eecSAndrew Geissler
13009209eecSAndrew Geissler     $ ./configure --host=armv5te-poky-linux-gnueabi --with-libtool-sysroot=sysroot_dir
13109209eecSAndrew Geissler
132*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Make and Install the Project:* These two commands generate and
133c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   install the project into the destination directory::
13409209eecSAndrew Geissler
13509209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make
13609209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make install DESTDIR=./tmp
13709209eecSAndrew Geissler
13809209eecSAndrew Geissler   .. note::
13909209eecSAndrew Geissler
14009209eecSAndrew Geissler      To learn about environment variables established when you run the
14109209eecSAndrew Geissler      cross-toolchain environment setup script and how they are used or
1420903674eSAndrew Geissler      overridden by the Makefile, see the
1430903674eSAndrew Geissler      :ref:`sdk-manual/working-projects:makefile-based projects` section.
14409209eecSAndrew Geissler
14509209eecSAndrew Geissler   This next command is a simple way to verify the installation of your
14609209eecSAndrew Geissler   project. Running the command prints the architecture on which the
14709209eecSAndrew Geissler   binary file can run. This architecture should be the same
148*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   architecture that the installed cross-toolchain supports::
14909209eecSAndrew Geissler
15009209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ file ./tmp/usr/local/bin/hello
15109209eecSAndrew Geissler
152*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Execute Your Project:* To execute the project, you would need to run
15309209eecSAndrew Geissler   it on your target hardware. If your target hardware happens to be
154c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   your build host, you could run the project as follows::
15509209eecSAndrew Geissler
15609209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ ./tmp/usr/local/bin/hello
15709209eecSAndrew Geissler
15809209eecSAndrew Geissler   As expected, the project displays the "Hello World!" message.
15909209eecSAndrew Geissler
16009209eecSAndrew GeisslerMakefile-Based Projects
16109209eecSAndrew Geissler=======================
16209209eecSAndrew Geissler
16309209eecSAndrew GeisslerSimple Makefile-based projects use and interact with the cross-toolchain
16409209eecSAndrew Geisslerenvironment variables established when you run the cross-toolchain
16509209eecSAndrew Geisslerenvironment setup script. The environment variables are subject to
16609209eecSAndrew Geisslergeneral ``make`` rules.
16709209eecSAndrew Geissler
16809209eecSAndrew GeisslerThis section presents a simple Makefile development flow and provides an
16909209eecSAndrew Geisslerexample that lets you see how you can use cross-toolchain environment
17009209eecSAndrew Geisslervariables and Makefile variables during development.
17109209eecSAndrew Geissler
17209209eecSAndrew Geissler.. image:: figures/sdk-makefile-flow.png
17309209eecSAndrew Geissler   :align: center
174d583833aSAndrew Geissler   :width: 70%
17509209eecSAndrew Geissler
17609209eecSAndrew GeisslerThe main point of this section is to explain the following three cases
17709209eecSAndrew Geisslerregarding variable behavior:
17809209eecSAndrew Geissler
179615f2f11SAndrew Geissler-  *Case 1 --- No Variables Set in the Makefile Map to Equivalent
18009209eecSAndrew Geissler   Environment Variables Set in the SDK Setup Script:* Because matching
18109209eecSAndrew Geissler   variables are not specifically set in the ``Makefile``, the variables
18209209eecSAndrew Geissler   retain their values based on the environment setup script.
18309209eecSAndrew Geissler
184615f2f11SAndrew Geissler-  *Case 2 --- Variables Are Set in the Makefile that Map to Equivalent
18509209eecSAndrew Geissler   Environment Variables from the SDK Setup Script:* Specifically
18609209eecSAndrew Geissler   setting matching variables in the ``Makefile`` during the build
18709209eecSAndrew Geissler   results in the environment settings of the variables being
18809209eecSAndrew Geissler   overwritten. In this case, the variables you set in the ``Makefile``
18909209eecSAndrew Geissler   are used.
19009209eecSAndrew Geissler
191615f2f11SAndrew Geissler-  *Case 3 --- Variables Are Set Using the Command Line that Map to
19209209eecSAndrew Geissler   Equivalent Environment Variables from the SDK Setup Script:*
19309209eecSAndrew Geissler   Executing the ``Makefile`` from the command line results in the
19409209eecSAndrew Geissler   environment variables being overwritten. In this case, the
19509209eecSAndrew Geissler   command-line content is used.
19609209eecSAndrew Geissler
19709209eecSAndrew Geissler.. note::
19809209eecSAndrew Geissler
19909209eecSAndrew Geissler   Regardless of how you set your variables, if you use the "-e" option
200c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   with ``make``, the variables from the SDK setup script take precedence::
20109209eecSAndrew Geissler
20209209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make -e target
20309209eecSAndrew Geissler
20409209eecSAndrew Geissler
20509209eecSAndrew GeisslerThe remainder of this section presents a simple Makefile example that
20609209eecSAndrew Geisslerdemonstrates these variable behaviors.
20709209eecSAndrew Geissler
20809209eecSAndrew GeisslerIn a new shell environment variables are not established for the SDK
20909209eecSAndrew Geissleruntil you run the setup script. For example, the following commands show
21009209eecSAndrew Geisslera null value for the compiler variable (i.e.
211*517393d9SAndrew Geissler:term:`CC`)::
21209209eecSAndrew Geissler
21309209eecSAndrew Geissler   $ echo ${CC}
21409209eecSAndrew Geissler
21509209eecSAndrew Geissler   $
21609209eecSAndrew Geissler
21709209eecSAndrew GeisslerRunning the
21809209eecSAndrew GeisslerSDK setup script for a 64-bit build host and an i586-tuned target
21909209eecSAndrew Geisslerarchitecture for a ``core-image-sato`` image using the current &DISTRO;
22009209eecSAndrew GeisslerYocto Project release and then echoing that variable shows the value
221c926e17cSAndrew Geisslerestablished through the script::
22209209eecSAndrew Geissler
22309209eecSAndrew Geissler   $ source /opt/poky/&DISTRO;/environment-setup-i586-poky-linux
22409209eecSAndrew Geissler   $ echo ${CC}
22509209eecSAndrew Geissler   i586-poky-linux-gcc -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/&DISTRO;/sysroots/i586-poky-linux
22609209eecSAndrew Geissler
22709209eecSAndrew GeisslerTo illustrate variable use, work through this simple "Hello World!"
22809209eecSAndrew Geisslerexample:
22909209eecSAndrew Geissler
230*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Create a Working Directory and Populate It:* Create a clean
23109209eecSAndrew Geissler   directory for your project and then make that directory your working
232*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   location::
23309209eecSAndrew Geissler
23409209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ mkdir $HOME/helloworld
23509209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ cd $HOME/helloworld
23609209eecSAndrew Geissler
23709209eecSAndrew Geissler   After
23809209eecSAndrew Geissler   setting up the directory, populate it with files needed for the flow.
23909209eecSAndrew Geissler   You need a ``main.c`` file from which you call your function, a
24009209eecSAndrew Geissler   ``module.h`` file to contain headers, and a ``module.c`` that defines
24109209eecSAndrew Geissler   your function.
24209209eecSAndrew Geissler
24309209eecSAndrew Geissler   Create the three files as follows:
24409209eecSAndrew Geissler
245c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   -  ``main.c``::
24609209eecSAndrew Geissler
24709209eecSAndrew Geissler         #include "module.h"
24809209eecSAndrew Geissler         void sample_func();
24909209eecSAndrew Geissler         int main()
25009209eecSAndrew Geissler         {
25109209eecSAndrew Geissler             sample_func();
25209209eecSAndrew Geissler             return 0;
25309209eecSAndrew Geissler         }
25409209eecSAndrew Geissler
255c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   -  ``module.h``::
25609209eecSAndrew Geissler
25709209eecSAndrew Geissler         #include <stdio.h>
25809209eecSAndrew Geissler         void sample_func();
25909209eecSAndrew Geissler
260c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   -  ``module.c``::
26109209eecSAndrew Geissler
26209209eecSAndrew Geissler         #include "module.h"
26309209eecSAndrew Geissler         void sample_func()
26409209eecSAndrew Geissler         {
26509209eecSAndrew Geissler             printf("Hello World!");
26609209eecSAndrew Geissler             printf("\n");
26709209eecSAndrew Geissler         }
26809209eecSAndrew Geissler
269*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Source the Cross-Toolchain Environment Setup File:* As described
27009209eecSAndrew Geissler   earlier in the manual, installing the cross-toolchain creates a
27109209eecSAndrew Geissler   cross-toolchain environment setup script in the directory that the
27209209eecSAndrew Geissler   SDK was installed. Before you can use the tools to develop your
27309209eecSAndrew Geissler   project, you must source this setup script. The script begins with
27409209eecSAndrew Geissler   the string "environment-setup" and contains the machine architecture,
27509209eecSAndrew Geissler   which is followed by the string "poky-linux". For this example, the
27609209eecSAndrew Geissler   command sources a script from the default SDK installation directory
277d1e89497SAndrew Geissler   that uses the 32-bit Intel x86 Architecture and the &DISTRO_NAME; Yocto
278c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   Project release::
27909209eecSAndrew Geissler
280d1e89497SAndrew Geissler      $ source /opt/poky/&DISTRO;/environment-setup-i586-poky-linux
28109209eecSAndrew Geissler
28292b42cb3SPatrick Williams   Another example is sourcing the environment setup directly in a Yocto
28392b42cb3SPatrick Williams   build::
28492b42cb3SPatrick Williams
28592b42cb3SPatrick Williams      $ source tmp/deploy/images/qemux86-64/environment-setup-core2-64-poky-linux
28692b42cb3SPatrick Williams
287*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Create the Makefile:* For this example, the Makefile contains
2880903674eSAndrew Geissler   two lines that can be used to set the :term:`CC` variable. One line is
28909209eecSAndrew Geissler   identical to the value that is set when you run the SDK environment
2900903674eSAndrew Geissler   setup script, and the other line sets :term:`CC` to "gcc", the default
291c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   GNU compiler on the build host::
29209209eecSAndrew Geissler
29309209eecSAndrew Geissler      # CC=i586-poky-linux-gcc -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux
29409209eecSAndrew Geissler      # CC="gcc"
29509209eecSAndrew Geissler      all: main.o module.o
29609209eecSAndrew Geissler      	${CC} main.o module.o -o target_bin
29709209eecSAndrew Geissler      main.o: main.c module.h
29809209eecSAndrew Geissler      	${CC} -I . -c main.c
29909209eecSAndrew Geissler      module.o: module.c
30009209eecSAndrew Geissler      	module.h ${CC} -I . -c module.c
30109209eecSAndrew Geissler      clean:
30209209eecSAndrew Geissler      	rm -rf *.o
30309209eecSAndrew Geissler      	rm target_bin
30409209eecSAndrew Geissler
305*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Make the Project:* Use the ``make`` command to create the binary
30609209eecSAndrew Geissler   output file. Because variables are commented out in the Makefile, the
3070903674eSAndrew Geissler   value used for :term:`CC` is the value set when the SDK environment setup
308c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   file was run::
30909209eecSAndrew Geissler
31009209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make
31109209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux -I . -c main.c
31209209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux -I . -c module.c
31309209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux main.o module.o -o target_bin
31409209eecSAndrew Geissler
31509209eecSAndrew Geissler   From the results of the previous command, you can see that
3160903674eSAndrew Geissler   the compiler used was the compiler established through the :term:`CC`
31709209eecSAndrew Geissler   variable defined in the setup script.
31809209eecSAndrew Geissler
3190903674eSAndrew Geissler   You can override the :term:`CC` environment variable with the same
32009209eecSAndrew Geissler   variable as set from the Makefile by uncommenting the line in the
321*517393d9SAndrew Geissler   Makefile and running ``make`` again::
32209209eecSAndrew Geissler
32309209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make clean
32409209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm -rf *.o
32509209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm target_bin
32609209eecSAndrew Geissler      #
32709209eecSAndrew Geissler      # Edit the Makefile by uncommenting the line that sets CC to "gcc"
32809209eecSAndrew Geissler      #
32909209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make
33009209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc -I . -c main.c
33109209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc -I . -c module.c
33209209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc main.o module.o -o target_bin
33309209eecSAndrew Geissler
33409209eecSAndrew Geissler   As shown in the previous example, the
33509209eecSAndrew Geissler   cross-toolchain compiler is not used. Rather, the default compiler is
33609209eecSAndrew Geissler   used.
33709209eecSAndrew Geissler
33809209eecSAndrew Geissler   This next case shows how to override a variable by providing the
33909209eecSAndrew Geissler   variable as part of the command line. Go into the Makefile and
34009209eecSAndrew Geissler   re-insert the comment character so that running ``make`` uses the
34109209eecSAndrew Geissler   established SDK compiler. However, when you run ``make``, use a
3420903674eSAndrew Geissler   command-line argument to set :term:`CC` to "gcc"::
34309209eecSAndrew Geissler
34409209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make clean
34509209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm -rf *.o
34609209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm target_bin
34709209eecSAndrew Geissler      #
34809209eecSAndrew Geissler      # Edit the Makefile to comment out the line setting CC to "gcc"
34909209eecSAndrew Geissler      #
35009209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make
35109209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc  -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux -I . -c main.c
35209209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc  -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux -I . -c module.c
35309209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc  -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux main.o module.o -o target_bin
35409209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make clean
35509209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm -rf *.o
35609209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm target_bin
35709209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make CC="gcc"
35809209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc -I . -c main.c
35909209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc -I . -c module.c
36009209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc main.o module.o -o target_bin
36109209eecSAndrew Geissler
36209209eecSAndrew Geissler   In the previous case, the command-line argument overrides the SDK
36309209eecSAndrew Geissler   environment variable.
36409209eecSAndrew Geissler
36509209eecSAndrew Geissler   In this last case, edit Makefile again to use the "gcc" compiler but
366c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   then use the "-e" option on the ``make`` command line::
36709209eecSAndrew Geissler
36809209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make clean
36909209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm -rf *.o
37009209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm target_bin
37109209eecSAndrew Geissler      #
37209209eecSAndrew Geissler      # Edit the Makefile to use "gcc"
37309209eecSAndrew Geissler      #
37409209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make
37509209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc -I . -c main.c
37609209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc -I . -c module.c
37709209eecSAndrew Geissler      gcc main.o module.o -o target_bin
37809209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make clean
37909209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm -rf *.o
38009209eecSAndrew Geissler      rm target_bin
38109209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ make -e
38209209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc  -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux -I . -c main.c
38309209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc  -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux -I . -c module.c
38409209eecSAndrew Geissler      i586-poky-linux-gcc  -m32 -march=i586 --sysroot=/opt/poky/2.5/sysroots/i586-poky-linux main.o module.o -o target_bin
38509209eecSAndrew Geissler
38609209eecSAndrew Geissler   In the previous case, the "-e" option forces ``make`` to
38709209eecSAndrew Geissler   use the SDK environment variables regardless of the values in the
38809209eecSAndrew Geissler   Makefile.
38909209eecSAndrew Geissler
390*517393d9SAndrew Geissler#. *Execute Your Project:* To execute the project (i.e. ``target_bin``),
391c926e17cSAndrew Geissler   use the following command::
39209209eecSAndrew Geissler
39309209eecSAndrew Geissler      $ ./target_bin
39409209eecSAndrew Geissler      Hello World!
39509209eecSAndrew Geissler
39609209eecSAndrew Geissler   .. note::
39709209eecSAndrew Geissler
39809209eecSAndrew Geissler      If you used the cross-toolchain compiler to build
39909209eecSAndrew Geissler      target_bin
40009209eecSAndrew Geissler      and your build host differs in architecture from that of the
40109209eecSAndrew Geissler      target machine, you need to run your project on the target device.
40209209eecSAndrew Geissler
40309209eecSAndrew Geissler   As expected, the project displays the "Hello World!" message.