xref: /openbmc/openbmc-test-automation/bin/generate_testsuite_info.py (revision 20f38712b324e61a94e174017c487a0af4b373e1)
1e7e9171eSGeorge Keishing#!/usr/bin/env python3
213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
313bdbffcSGeorge Keishingr"""
413bdbffcSGeorge KeishingUse robot framework API to extract test data from test suites.
513bdbffcSGeorge KeishingRefer to https://robot-framework.readthedocs.io/en/3.0.1/autodoc/robot.parsing.html
613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing"""
713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
837c58c8cSGeorge Keishingimport os
9*20f38712SPatrick Williamsimport sys
10*20f38712SPatrick Williams
1137c58c8cSGeorge Keishingfrom robot.parsing.model import TestData
12*20f38712SPatrick Williams
1337c58c8cSGeorge Keishingsys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../lib"))
1437c58c8cSGeorge Keishing
1509679890SGeorge Keishingfrom gen_arg import *  # NOQA
1609679890SGeorge Keishingfrom gen_print import *  # NOQA
1709679890SGeorge Keishingfrom gen_valid import *  # NOQA
1813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
1913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing# Set exit_on_error for gen_valid functions.
2013bdbffcSGeorge Keishingset_exit_on_error(True)
2113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
22*20f38712SPatrick Williamsvalid_options = ["name", "tags", "doc", "all"]
2313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
2413bdbffcSGeorge Keishingparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
25*20f38712SPatrick Williams    usage="%(prog)s [OPTIONS]",
26*20f38712SPatrick Williams    description=(
27*20f38712SPatrick Williams        ";%(prog)s will print test suite information to stdout. This          "
28*20f38712SPatrick Williams        "         information consists of any and/or all of the following:    "
29*20f38712SPatrick Williams        "               the suite name, test case names, tag names and doc"
30*20f38712SPatrick Williams        " strings.                   Example for generated test case names    "
31*20f38712SPatrick Williams        "               tests/test_basic_poweron.robot                  "
32*20f38712SPatrick Williams        " Verify Front And Rear LED At Standby                   Power On Test"
33*20f38712SPatrick Williams        "                   Check For Application Failures                  "
34*20f38712SPatrick Williams        " Verify Uptime Average Against Threshold                   Test SSH"
35*20f38712SPatrick Williams        " And IPMI Connections"
36*20f38712SPatrick Williams    ),
3713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
38*20f38712SPatrick Williams    prefix_chars="-+",
39*20f38712SPatrick Williams)
4013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
4113bdbffcSGeorge Keishingparser.add_argument(
42*20f38712SPatrick Williams    "--source_path", "-s", help="The robot test file or directory path."
43*20f38712SPatrick Williams)
4413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
4513bdbffcSGeorge Keishingparser.add_argument(
46*20f38712SPatrick Williams    "--option",
47*20f38712SPatrick Williams    "-o",
4813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    default="name",
49*20f38712SPatrick Williams    help="Test case attribute name.  This may be any one of the following:\n"
50*20f38712SPatrick Williams    + sprint_var(valid_options),
51*20f38712SPatrick Williams)
5213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
5313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing# Populate stock_list with options we want.
5413bdbffcSGeorge Keishingstock_list = [("test_mode", 0), ("quiet", 0), ("debug", 0)]
5513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
5613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
57*20f38712SPatrick Williamsdef exit_function(signal_number=0, frame=None):
5813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    r"""
5913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Execute whenever the program ends normally or with the signals that we
6013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    catch (i.e. TERM, INT).
6113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    """
6213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
6313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    dprint_executing()
6413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
6513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    dprint_var(signal_number)
6613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
6713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    qprint_pgm_footer()
6813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
6913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
70*20f38712SPatrick Williamsdef signal_handler(signal_number, frame):
7113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    r"""
7213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Handle signals.  Without a function to catch a SIGTERM or SIGINT, the
7313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    program would terminate immediately with return code 143 and without
7413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    calling the exit_function.
7513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    """
7613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
7713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    # Our convention is to set up exit_function with atexit.register() so
7813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    # there is no need to explicitly call exit_function from here.
7913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
8013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    dprint_executing()
8113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
8213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    # Calling exit prevents us from returning to the code that was running
8313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    # when the signal was received.
8413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    exit(0)
8513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
8613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
8713bdbffcSGeorge Keishingdef validate_parms():
8813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    r"""
8913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Validate program parameters, etc.  Return True or False (i.e. pass/fail)
9013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    accordingly.
9113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    """
9213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
9313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    valid_path(source_path)
9413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
9513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    valid_value(option, valid_values=valid_options)
9613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
9713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    gen_post_validation(exit_function, signal_handler)
9813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
9913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
10013bdbffcSGeorge Keishingdef parse_test_suites(source_path, option):
10113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    r"""
10213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Parse the robot files and extract test data output.
10313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
10413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Description of argument(s):
10513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    source_path   The path to a robot file or a directory of robot files.
10613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    option        Test case attribute instances such as "name",
10713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing                  "tags" or "doc".
10813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    """
10913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    if os.path.isfile(source_path):
11013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        file_paths = [source_path]
11113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    else:
112*20f38712SPatrick Williams        file_paths = [
113*20f38712SPatrick Williams            os.path.join(path, file)
11413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(source_path)
115*20f38712SPatrick Williams            for file in files
116*20f38712SPatrick Williams        ]
11713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
11813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    for file_path in file_paths:
11913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        print(file_path)
12013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        if "__init__.robot" in file_path:
12113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            continue
12213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        test_suite_obj = TestData(parent=None, source=file_path)
12313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        parse_test_file(test_suite_obj, option)
12413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
12513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
12613bdbffcSGeorge Keishingdef parse_test_file(test_suite_obj, option):
12713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    r"""
12813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Extract test information from test suite object and print it to stdout in
12913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    the following format:
13013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
13113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    <Test Case name>
13213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    <Test Tags name>
13313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    <Test Documentation>
13413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
13513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    Description of argument(s):
13613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    test_suite_obj    Test data suite object.
13713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    option            Test case attribute instances such as "name",
13813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing                      "tags" or "doc".
13913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    """
14013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
14113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    for testcase in test_suite_obj.testcase_table:
14213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        if option == "name":
14313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            print(testcase.name)
14413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        elif option == "tags":
14513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            print(testcase.tags)
14613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        elif option == "doc":
14713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            print(testcase.doc)
14813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing        elif option == "all":
14913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            print(testcase.name)
15013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            print(testcase.tags)
15113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing            print(testcase.doc)
15213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
15313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
15413bdbffcSGeorge Keishingdef main():
15513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    gen_get_options(parser, stock_list)
15613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
15713bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    validate_parms()
15813bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
15913bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    qprint_pgm_header()
16013bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
16113bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    parse_test_suites(source_path, option)
16213bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
16313bdbffcSGeorge Keishing    return True
16413bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
16513bdbffcSGeorge Keishing
16613bdbffcSGeorge Keishing# Main
16713bdbffcSGeorge Keishingmain()