1*db262ea4SRamkumar RamachandraThe cpupower package consists of the following elements: 27fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 37fe2f639SDominik Brodowskirequirements 47fe2f639SDominik Brodowski------------ 57fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 67fe2f639SDominik BrodowskiOn x86 pciutils is needed at runtime (-lpci). 77fe2f639SDominik BrodowskiFor compilation pciutils-devel (pci/pci.h) and a gcc version 87fe2f639SDominik Brodowskiproviding cpuid.h is needed. 97fe2f639SDominik BrodowskiFor both it's not explicitly checked for (yet). 107fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 117fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 12a504c028SRamkumar Ramachandralibcpupower 137fe2f639SDominik Brodowski---------- 147fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 15a504c028SRamkumar Ramachandra"libcpupower" is a library which offers a unified access method for userspace 167fe2f639SDominik Brodowskitools and programs to the cpufreq core and drivers in the Linux kernel. This 177fe2f639SDominik Brodowskiallows for code reduction in userspace tools, a clean implementation of 187fe2f639SDominik Brodowskithe interaction to the cpufreq core, and support for both the sysfs and proc 197fe2f639SDominik Brodowskiinterfaces [depending on configuration, see below]. 207fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 217fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 227fe2f639SDominik Brodowskicompilation and installation 237fe2f639SDominik Brodowski---------------------------- 247fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 257fe2f639SDominik Brodowskimake 267fe2f639SDominik Brodowskisu 277fe2f639SDominik Brodowskimake install 287fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 29*db262ea4SRamkumar Ramachandrashould suffice on most systems. It builds libcpupower to put in 30*db262ea4SRamkumar Ramachandra/usr/lib; cpupower, cpufreq-bench_plot.sh to put in /usr/bin; and 31*db262ea4SRamkumar Ramachandracpufreq-bench to put in /usr/sbin. If you want to set up the paths 32*db262ea4SRamkumar Ramachandradifferently and/or want to configure the package to your specific 33*db262ea4SRamkumar Ramachandraneeds, you need to open "Makefile" with an editor of your choice and 34*db262ea4SRamkumar Ramachandraedit the block marked CONFIGURATION. 357fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 367fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 377fe2f639SDominik BrodowskiTHANKS 387fe2f639SDominik Brodowski------ 397fe2f639SDominik BrodowskiMany thanks to Mattia Dongili who wrote the autotoolization and 40a504c028SRamkumar Ramachandralibtoolization, the manpages and the italian language file for cpupower; 417fe2f639SDominik Brodowskito Dave Jones for his feedback and his dump_psb tool; to Bruno Ducrot for his 427fe2f639SDominik Brodowskipowernow-k8-decode and intel_gsic tools as well as the french language file; 437fe2f639SDominik Brodowskiand to various others commenting on the previous (pre-)releases of 44a504c028SRamkumar Ramachandracpupower. 457fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 467fe2f639SDominik Brodowski 477fe2f639SDominik Brodowski Dominik Brodowski 48