xref: /openbmc/linux/tools/perf/tests/shell/buildid.sh (revision 2612e3bbc0386368a850140a6c9b990cd496a5ec)
178b2c50cSJiri Olsa#!/bin/sh
278b2c50cSJiri Olsa# build id cache operations
378b2c50cSJiri Olsa# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
478b2c50cSJiri Olsa
578b2c50cSJiri Olsa# skip if there's no readelf
678b2c50cSJiri Olsaif ! [ -x "$(command -v readelf)" ]; then
778b2c50cSJiri Olsa	echo "failed: no readelf, install binutils"
878b2c50cSJiri Olsa	exit 2
978b2c50cSJiri Olsafi
1078b2c50cSJiri Olsa
1178b2c50cSJiri Olsa# skip if there's no compiler
1278b2c50cSJiri Olsaif ! [ -x "$(command -v cc)" ]; then
1378b2c50cSJiri Olsa	echo "failed: no compiler, install gcc"
1478b2c50cSJiri Olsa	exit 2
1578b2c50cSJiri Olsafi
1678b2c50cSJiri Olsa
1734968b93SNicholas Fraser# check what we need to test windows binaries
1834968b93SNicholas Fraseradd_pe=1
1934968b93SNicholas Fraserrun_pe=1
2034968b93SNicholas Fraserif ! perf version --build-options | grep -q 'libbfd: .* on '; then
2134968b93SNicholas Fraser	echo "WARNING: perf not built with libbfd. PE binaries will not be tested."
2234968b93SNicholas Fraser	add_pe=0
2334968b93SNicholas Fraser	run_pe=0
2434968b93SNicholas Fraserfi
2534968b93SNicholas Fraserif ! which wine > /dev/null; then
2634968b93SNicholas Fraser	echo "WARNING: wine not found. PE binaries will not be run."
2734968b93SNicholas Fraser	run_pe=0
2834968b93SNicholas Fraserfi
2934968b93SNicholas Fraser
3034968b93SNicholas Fraser# set up wine
3134968b93SNicholas Fraserif [ ${run_pe} -eq 1 ]; then
3234968b93SNicholas Fraser	wineprefix=$(mktemp -d /tmp/perf.wineprefix.XXX)
3334968b93SNicholas Fraser	export WINEPREFIX=${wineprefix}
3434968b93SNicholas Fraser	# clear display variables to prevent wine from popping up dialogs
3534968b93SNicholas Fraser	unset DISPLAY
3634968b93SNicholas Fraser	unset WAYLAND_DISPLAY
3734968b93SNicholas Fraserfi
3834968b93SNicholas Fraser
3978b2c50cSJiri Olsaex_md5=$(mktemp /tmp/perf.ex.MD5.XXX)
4078b2c50cSJiri Olsaex_sha1=$(mktemp /tmp/perf.ex.SHA1.XXX)
4134968b93SNicholas Fraserex_pe=$(dirname $0)/../pe-file.exe
4278b2c50cSJiri Olsa
4378b2c50cSJiri Olsaecho 'int main(void) { return 0; }' | cc -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -o ${ex_sha1} -x c -
4478b2c50cSJiri Olsaecho 'int main(void) { return 0; }' | cc -Wl,--build-id=md5 -o ${ex_md5} -x c -
4578b2c50cSJiri Olsa
4634968b93SNicholas Fraserecho "test binaries: ${ex_sha1} ${ex_md5} ${ex_pe}"
4778b2c50cSJiri Olsa
4878b2c50cSJiri Olsacheck()
4978b2c50cSJiri Olsa{
5034968b93SNicholas Fraser	case $1 in
5134968b93SNicholas Fraser	*.exe)
5234968b93SNicholas Fraser		# We don't have a tool that can pull a nicely formatted build-id out of
5334968b93SNicholas Fraser		# a PE file, but we can extract the whole section with objcopy and
5434968b93SNicholas Fraser		# format it ourselves. The .buildid section is a Debug Directory
5534968b93SNicholas Fraser		# containing a CodeView entry:
5634968b93SNicholas Fraser		#     https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/pe-format#debug-directory-image-only
5734968b93SNicholas Fraser		#     https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/da94c022576a5c3bbc0e896f006565905eb137f9/docs/design/specs/PE-COFF.md
5834968b93SNicholas Fraser		# The build-id starts at byte 33 and must be rearranged into a GUID.
5934968b93SNicholas Fraser		id=`objcopy -O binary --only-section=.buildid $1 /dev/stdout | \
6034968b93SNicholas Fraser			cut -c 33-48 | hexdump -ve '/1 "%02x"' | \
6134968b93SNicholas Fraser			sed 's@^\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)\(.*\)0a$@\4\3\2\1\6\5\8\7\9@'`
6234968b93SNicholas Fraser		;;
6334968b93SNicholas Fraser	*)
6478b2c50cSJiri Olsa		id=`readelf -n ${1} 2>/dev/null | grep 'Build ID' | awk '{print $3}'`
6534968b93SNicholas Fraser		;;
6634968b93SNicholas Fraser	esac
6778b2c50cSJiri Olsa	echo "build id: ${id}"
6878b2c50cSJiri Olsa
69f1942108SAthira Rajeev	id_file=${id#??}
70f1942108SAthira Rajeev	id_dir=${id%$id_file}
71f1942108SAthira Rajeev	link=$build_id_dir/.build-id/$id_dir/$id_file
7278b2c50cSJiri Olsa	echo "link: ${link}"
7378b2c50cSJiri Olsa
7478b2c50cSJiri Olsa	if [ ! -h $link ]; then
7578b2c50cSJiri Olsa		echo "failed: link ${link} does not exist"
7678b2c50cSJiri Olsa		exit 1
7778b2c50cSJiri Olsa	fi
7878b2c50cSJiri Olsa
79f1942108SAthira Rajeev	file=${build_id_dir}/.build-id/$id_dir/`readlink ${link}`/elf
8078b2c50cSJiri Olsa	echo "file: ${file}"
8178b2c50cSJiri Olsa
823d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev	# Check for file permission of original file
833d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev	# in case of pe-file.exe file
843d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev	echo $1 | grep ".exe"
853d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev	if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
86*ed46a999SSamir Mulani		if [ -x $1 ] && [ ! -x $file ]; then
873d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev			echo "failed: file ${file} executable does not exist"
883d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev			exit 1
893d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev		fi
903d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev
91*ed46a999SSamir Mulani		if [ ! -x $file ] && [ ! -e $file ]; then
923d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev			echo "failed: file ${file} does not exist"
933d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev			exit 1
943d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev		fi
953d9c07c4SAthira Rajeev	elif [ ! -x $file ]; then
9678b2c50cSJiri Olsa		echo "failed: file ${file} does not exist"
9778b2c50cSJiri Olsa		exit 1
9878b2c50cSJiri Olsa	fi
9978b2c50cSJiri Olsa
10078b2c50cSJiri Olsa	diff ${file} ${1}
10178b2c50cSJiri Olsa	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
10278b2c50cSJiri Olsa		echo "failed: ${file} do not match"
10378b2c50cSJiri Olsa		exit 1
10478b2c50cSJiri Olsa	fi
10578b2c50cSJiri Olsa
10634968b93SNicholas Fraser	${perf} buildid-cache -l | grep ${id}
107206236d3SNicholas Fraser	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
108206236d3SNicholas Fraser		echo "failed: ${id} is not reported by \"perf buildid-cache -l\""
109206236d3SNicholas Fraser		exit 1
110206236d3SNicholas Fraser	fi
111206236d3SNicholas Fraser
11278b2c50cSJiri Olsa	echo "OK for ${1}"
11378b2c50cSJiri Olsa}
11478b2c50cSJiri Olsa
11578b2c50cSJiri Olsatest_add()
11678b2c50cSJiri Olsa{
11778b2c50cSJiri Olsa	build_id_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/perf.debug.XXX)
11878b2c50cSJiri Olsa	perf="perf --buildid-dir ${build_id_dir}"
11978b2c50cSJiri Olsa
12078b2c50cSJiri Olsa	${perf} buildid-cache -v -a ${1}
12178b2c50cSJiri Olsa	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
12278b2c50cSJiri Olsa		echo "failed: add ${1} to build id cache"
12378b2c50cSJiri Olsa		exit 1
12478b2c50cSJiri Olsa	fi
12578b2c50cSJiri Olsa
12678b2c50cSJiri Olsa	check ${1}
12778b2c50cSJiri Olsa
12878b2c50cSJiri Olsa	rm -rf ${build_id_dir}
12978b2c50cSJiri Olsa}
13078b2c50cSJiri Olsa
13178b2c50cSJiri Olsatest_record()
13278b2c50cSJiri Olsa{
13378b2c50cSJiri Olsa	data=$(mktemp /tmp/perf.data.XXX)
13478b2c50cSJiri Olsa	build_id_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/perf.debug.XXX)
135f1942108SAthira Rajeev	log_out=$(mktemp /tmp/perf.log.out.XXX)
136f1942108SAthira Rajeev	log_err=$(mktemp /tmp/perf.log.err.XXX)
13778b2c50cSJiri Olsa	perf="perf --buildid-dir ${build_id_dir}"
13878b2c50cSJiri Olsa
139*ed46a999SSamir Mulani	echo "running: perf record $*"
140*ed46a999SSamir Mulani	${perf} record --buildid-all -o ${data} "$@" 1>${log_out} 2>${log_err}
14178b2c50cSJiri Olsa	if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
142*ed46a999SSamir Mulani		echo "failed: record $*"
143f1942108SAthira Rajeev		echo "see log: ${log_err}"
14478b2c50cSJiri Olsa		exit 1
14578b2c50cSJiri Olsa	fi
14678b2c50cSJiri Olsa
147f1942108SAthira Rajeev	args="$*"
148f1942108SAthira Rajeev	check ${args##* }
14978b2c50cSJiri Olsa
150f1942108SAthira Rajeev	rm -f ${log_out} ${log_err}
15178b2c50cSJiri Olsa	rm -rf ${build_id_dir}
15278b2c50cSJiri Olsa	rm -rf ${data}
15378b2c50cSJiri Olsa}
15478b2c50cSJiri Olsa
15578b2c50cSJiri Olsa# add binaries manual via perf buildid-cache -a
15678b2c50cSJiri Olsatest_add ${ex_sha1}
15778b2c50cSJiri Olsatest_add ${ex_md5}
15834968b93SNicholas Fraserif [ ${add_pe} -eq 1 ]; then
15934968b93SNicholas Fraser	test_add ${ex_pe}
16034968b93SNicholas Fraserfi
16178b2c50cSJiri Olsa
16278b2c50cSJiri Olsa# add binaries via perf record post processing
16378b2c50cSJiri Olsatest_record ${ex_sha1}
16478b2c50cSJiri Olsatest_record ${ex_md5}
16534968b93SNicholas Fraserif [ ${run_pe} -eq 1 ]; then
16634968b93SNicholas Fraser	test_record wine ${ex_pe}
16734968b93SNicholas Fraserfi
16878b2c50cSJiri Olsa
16978b2c50cSJiri Olsa# cleanup
17078b2c50cSJiri Olsarm ${ex_sha1} ${ex_md5}
17134968b93SNicholas Fraserif [ ${run_pe} -eq 1 ]; then
17234968b93SNicholas Fraser	rm -r ${wineprefix}
17334968b93SNicholas Fraserfi
17478b2c50cSJiri Olsa
175*ed46a999SSamir Mulaniexit 0