1*70984672SJin Yaoperf-version(1) 2*70984672SJin Yao=============== 3*70984672SJin Yao 4*70984672SJin YaoNAME 5*70984672SJin Yao---- 6*70984672SJin Yaoperf-version - display the version of perf binary 7*70984672SJin Yao 8*70984672SJin YaoSYNOPSIS 9*70984672SJin Yao-------- 10*70984672SJin Yao'perf version' [--build-options] 11*70984672SJin Yao 12*70984672SJin YaoDESCRIPTION 13*70984672SJin Yao----------- 14*70984672SJin YaoWith no options given, the 'perf version' prints the perf version 15*70984672SJin Yaoon the standard output. 16*70984672SJin Yao 17*70984672SJin YaoIf the option '--build-options' is given, then the status of 18*70984672SJin Yaocompiled-in libraries are printed on the standard output. 19*70984672SJin Yao 20*70984672SJin YaoOPTIONS 21*70984672SJin Yao------- 22*70984672SJin Yao--build-options:: 23*70984672SJin Yao Prints the status of compiled-in libraries on the 24*70984672SJin Yao standard output. 25