xref: /openbmc/linux/rust/kernel/str.rs (revision c900529f3d9161bfde5cca0754f83b4d3c3e0220)
1247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
2247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
3247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho //! String representations.
4247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
566bd7533SAlice Ryhl use alloc::alloc::AllocError;
665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho use alloc::vec::Vec;
7c07e67bdSGary Guo use core::fmt::{self, Write};
8c07e67bdSGary Guo use core::ops::{self, Deref, Index};
9247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
10d126d238SGary Guo use crate::{
11d126d238SGary Guo     bindings,
12d126d238SGary Guo     error::{code::*, Error},
13d126d238SGary Guo };
14d126d238SGary Guo 
157c597746SGary Guo /// Byte string without UTF-8 validity guarantee.
167c597746SGary Guo ///
177c597746SGary Guo /// `BStr` is simply an alias to `[u8]`, but has a more evident semantical meaning.
187c597746SGary Guo pub type BStr = [u8];
197c597746SGary Guo 
20650ec515SGary Guo /// Creates a new [`BStr`] from a string literal.
21650ec515SGary Guo ///
22650ec515SGary Guo /// `b_str!` converts the supplied string literal to byte string, so non-ASCII
23650ec515SGary Guo /// characters can be included.
24650ec515SGary Guo ///
25650ec515SGary Guo /// # Examples
26650ec515SGary Guo ///
27650ec515SGary Guo /// ```
28650ec515SGary Guo /// # use kernel::b_str;
29650ec515SGary Guo /// # use kernel::str::BStr;
30650ec515SGary Guo /// const MY_BSTR: &BStr = b_str!("My awesome BStr!");
31650ec515SGary Guo /// ```
32650ec515SGary Guo #[macro_export]
33650ec515SGary Guo macro_rules! b_str {
34650ec515SGary Guo     ($str:literal) => {{
35650ec515SGary Guo         const S: &'static str = $str;
36650ec515SGary Guo         const C: &'static $crate::str::BStr = S.as_bytes();
37650ec515SGary Guo         C
38650ec515SGary Guo     }};
39650ec515SGary Guo }
40650ec515SGary Guo 
41d126d238SGary Guo /// Possible errors when using conversion functions in [`CStr`].
42d126d238SGary Guo #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
43d126d238SGary Guo pub enum CStrConvertError {
44d126d238SGary Guo     /// Supplied bytes contain an interior `NUL`.
45d126d238SGary Guo     InteriorNul,
46d126d238SGary Guo 
47d126d238SGary Guo     /// Supplied bytes are not terminated by `NUL`.
48d126d238SGary Guo     NotNulTerminated,
49d126d238SGary Guo }
50d126d238SGary Guo 
51d126d238SGary Guo impl From<CStrConvertError> for Error {
52d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
from(_: CStrConvertError) -> Error53d126d238SGary Guo     fn from(_: CStrConvertError) -> Error {
54d126d238SGary Guo         EINVAL
55d126d238SGary Guo     }
56d126d238SGary Guo }
57d126d238SGary Guo 
58d126d238SGary Guo /// A string that is guaranteed to have exactly one `NUL` byte, which is at the
59d126d238SGary Guo /// end.
60d126d238SGary Guo ///
61d126d238SGary Guo /// Used for interoperability with kernel APIs that take C strings.
62d126d238SGary Guo #[repr(transparent)]
63d126d238SGary Guo pub struct CStr([u8]);
64d126d238SGary Guo 
65d126d238SGary Guo impl CStr {
66d126d238SGary Guo     /// Returns the length of this string excluding `NUL`.
67d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
len(&self) -> usize68d126d238SGary Guo     pub const fn len(&self) -> usize {
69d126d238SGary Guo         self.len_with_nul() - 1
70d126d238SGary Guo     }
71d126d238SGary Guo 
72d126d238SGary Guo     /// Returns the length of this string with `NUL`.
73d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
len_with_nul(&self) -> usize74d126d238SGary Guo     pub const fn len_with_nul(&self) -> usize {
75d126d238SGary Guo         // SAFETY: This is one of the invariant of `CStr`.
76d126d238SGary Guo         // We add a `unreachable_unchecked` here to hint the optimizer that
77d126d238SGary Guo         // the value returned from this function is non-zero.
78d126d238SGary Guo         if self.0.is_empty() {
79d126d238SGary Guo             unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() };
80d126d238SGary Guo         }
81d126d238SGary Guo         self.0.len()
82d126d238SGary Guo     }
83d126d238SGary Guo 
84d126d238SGary Guo     /// Returns `true` if the string only includes `NUL`.
85d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
is_empty(&self) -> bool86d126d238SGary Guo     pub const fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
87d126d238SGary Guo         self.len() == 0
88d126d238SGary Guo     }
89d126d238SGary Guo 
90d126d238SGary Guo     /// Wraps a raw C string pointer.
91d126d238SGary Guo     ///
92d126d238SGary Guo     /// # Safety
93d126d238SGary Guo     ///
94d126d238SGary Guo     /// `ptr` must be a valid pointer to a `NUL`-terminated C string, and it must
95d126d238SGary Guo     /// last at least `'a`. When `CStr` is alive, the memory pointed by `ptr`
96d126d238SGary Guo     /// must not be mutated.
97d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
from_char_ptr<'a>(ptr: *const core::ffi::c_char) -> &'a Self98d126d238SGary Guo     pub unsafe fn from_char_ptr<'a>(ptr: *const core::ffi::c_char) -> &'a Self {
99d126d238SGary Guo         // SAFETY: The safety precondition guarantees `ptr` is a valid pointer
100d126d238SGary Guo         // to a `NUL`-terminated C string.
101d126d238SGary Guo         let len = unsafe { bindings::strlen(ptr) } + 1;
102d126d238SGary Guo         // SAFETY: Lifetime guaranteed by the safety precondition.
103d126d238SGary Guo         let bytes = unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr as _, len as _) };
104d126d238SGary Guo         // SAFETY: As `len` is returned by `strlen`, `bytes` does not contain interior `NUL`.
105d126d238SGary Guo         // As we have added 1 to `len`, the last byte is known to be `NUL`.
106d126d238SGary Guo         unsafe { Self::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(bytes) }
107d126d238SGary Guo     }
108d126d238SGary Guo 
109d126d238SGary Guo     /// Creates a [`CStr`] from a `[u8]`.
110d126d238SGary Guo     ///
111d126d238SGary Guo     /// The provided slice must be `NUL`-terminated, does not contain any
112d126d238SGary Guo     /// interior `NUL` bytes.
from_bytes_with_nul(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<&Self, CStrConvertError>113d126d238SGary Guo     pub const fn from_bytes_with_nul(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<&Self, CStrConvertError> {
114d126d238SGary Guo         if bytes.is_empty() {
115d126d238SGary Guo             return Err(CStrConvertError::NotNulTerminated);
116d126d238SGary Guo         }
117d126d238SGary Guo         if bytes[bytes.len() - 1] != 0 {
118d126d238SGary Guo             return Err(CStrConvertError::NotNulTerminated);
119d126d238SGary Guo         }
120d126d238SGary Guo         let mut i = 0;
121d126d238SGary Guo         // `i + 1 < bytes.len()` allows LLVM to optimize away bounds checking,
122d126d238SGary Guo         // while it couldn't optimize away bounds checks for `i < bytes.len() - 1`.
123d126d238SGary Guo         while i + 1 < bytes.len() {
124d126d238SGary Guo             if bytes[i] == 0 {
125d126d238SGary Guo                 return Err(CStrConvertError::InteriorNul);
126d126d238SGary Guo             }
127d126d238SGary Guo             i += 1;
128d126d238SGary Guo         }
129d126d238SGary Guo         // SAFETY: We just checked that all properties hold.
130d126d238SGary Guo         Ok(unsafe { Self::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(bytes) })
131d126d238SGary Guo     }
132d126d238SGary Guo 
133d126d238SGary Guo     /// Creates a [`CStr`] from a `[u8]` without performing any additional
134d126d238SGary Guo     /// checks.
135d126d238SGary Guo     ///
136d126d238SGary Guo     /// # Safety
137d126d238SGary Guo     ///
138d126d238SGary Guo     /// `bytes` *must* end with a `NUL` byte, and should only have a single
139d126d238SGary Guo     /// `NUL` byte (or the string will be truncated).
140d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(bytes: &[u8]) -> &CStr141d126d238SGary Guo     pub const unsafe fn from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(bytes: &[u8]) -> &CStr {
142d126d238SGary Guo         // SAFETY: Properties of `bytes` guaranteed by the safety precondition.
143d126d238SGary Guo         unsafe { core::mem::transmute(bytes) }
144d126d238SGary Guo     }
145d126d238SGary Guo 
146d126d238SGary Guo     /// Returns a C pointer to the string.
147d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
as_char_ptr(&self) -> *const core::ffi::c_char148d126d238SGary Guo     pub const fn as_char_ptr(&self) -> *const core::ffi::c_char {
149d126d238SGary Guo         self.0.as_ptr() as _
150d126d238SGary Guo     }
151d126d238SGary Guo 
152d126d238SGary Guo     /// Convert the string to a byte slice without the trailing 0 byte.
153d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8]154d126d238SGary Guo     pub fn as_bytes(&self) -> &[u8] {
155d126d238SGary Guo         &self.0[..self.len()]
156d126d238SGary Guo     }
157d126d238SGary Guo 
158d126d238SGary Guo     /// Convert the string to a byte slice containing the trailing 0 byte.
159d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
as_bytes_with_nul(&self) -> &[u8]160d126d238SGary Guo     pub const fn as_bytes_with_nul(&self) -> &[u8] {
161d126d238SGary Guo         &self.0
162d126d238SGary Guo     }
163d126d238SGary Guo 
164d126d238SGary Guo     /// Yields a [`&str`] slice if the [`CStr`] contains valid UTF-8.
165d126d238SGary Guo     ///
166d126d238SGary Guo     /// If the contents of the [`CStr`] are valid UTF-8 data, this
167d126d238SGary Guo     /// function will return the corresponding [`&str`] slice. Otherwise,
168d126d238SGary Guo     /// it will return an error with details of where UTF-8 validation failed.
169d126d238SGary Guo     ///
170d126d238SGary Guo     /// # Examples
171d126d238SGary Guo     ///
172d126d238SGary Guo     /// ```
173d126d238SGary Guo     /// # use kernel::str::CStr;
174d126d238SGary Guo     /// let cstr = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(b"foo\0").unwrap();
175d126d238SGary Guo     /// assert_eq!(cstr.to_str(), Ok("foo"));
176d126d238SGary Guo     /// ```
177d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
to_str(&self) -> Result<&str, core::str::Utf8Error>178d126d238SGary Guo     pub fn to_str(&self) -> Result<&str, core::str::Utf8Error> {
179d126d238SGary Guo         core::str::from_utf8(self.as_bytes())
180d126d238SGary Guo     }
181d126d238SGary Guo 
182d126d238SGary Guo     /// Unsafely convert this [`CStr`] into a [`&str`], without checking for
183d126d238SGary Guo     /// valid UTF-8.
184d126d238SGary Guo     ///
185d126d238SGary Guo     /// # Safety
186d126d238SGary Guo     ///
187d126d238SGary Guo     /// The contents must be valid UTF-8.
188d126d238SGary Guo     ///
189d126d238SGary Guo     /// # Examples
190d126d238SGary Guo     ///
191d126d238SGary Guo     /// ```
192d126d238SGary Guo     /// # use kernel::c_str;
193d126d238SGary Guo     /// # use kernel::str::CStr;
194d126d238SGary Guo     /// // SAFETY: String literals are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8
195d126d238SGary Guo     /// // by the Rust compiler.
196d126d238SGary Guo     /// let bar = c_str!("ツ");
197d126d238SGary Guo     /// assert_eq!(unsafe { bar.as_str_unchecked() }, "ツ");
198d126d238SGary Guo     /// ```
199d126d238SGary Guo     #[inline]
as_str_unchecked(&self) -> &str200d126d238SGary Guo     pub unsafe fn as_str_unchecked(&self) -> &str {
201d126d238SGary Guo         unsafe { core::str::from_utf8_unchecked(self.as_bytes()) }
202d126d238SGary Guo     }
20366bd7533SAlice Ryhl 
20466bd7533SAlice Ryhl     /// Convert this [`CStr`] into a [`CString`] by allocating memory and
20566bd7533SAlice Ryhl     /// copying over the string data.
to_cstring(&self) -> Result<CString, AllocError>20666bd7533SAlice Ryhl     pub fn to_cstring(&self) -> Result<CString, AllocError> {
20766bd7533SAlice Ryhl         CString::try_from(self)
20866bd7533SAlice Ryhl     }
209d126d238SGary Guo }
210d126d238SGary Guo 
211c07e67bdSGary Guo impl fmt::Display for CStr {
212c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// Formats printable ASCII characters, escaping the rest.
213c07e67bdSGary Guo     ///
214c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// ```
215c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// # use kernel::c_str;
216*cf36a495SMiguel Ojeda     /// # use kernel::fmt;
217c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// # use kernel::str::CStr;
218c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// # use kernel::str::CString;
219c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let penguin = c_str!("��");
220c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{}", penguin)).unwrap();
221c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_nul(), "\\xf0\\x9f\\x90\\xa7\0".as_bytes());
222c07e67bdSGary Guo     ///
223c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let ascii = c_str!("so \"cool\"");
224c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{}", ascii)).unwrap();
225c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_nul(), "so \"cool\"\0".as_bytes());
226c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// ```
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result227c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
228c07e67bdSGary Guo         for &c in self.as_bytes() {
229c07e67bdSGary Guo             if (0x20..0x7f).contains(&c) {
230c07e67bdSGary Guo                 // Printable character.
231c07e67bdSGary Guo                 f.write_char(c as char)?;
232c07e67bdSGary Guo             } else {
233c07e67bdSGary Guo                 write!(f, "\\x{:02x}", c)?;
234c07e67bdSGary Guo             }
235c07e67bdSGary Guo         }
236c07e67bdSGary Guo         Ok(())
237c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
238c07e67bdSGary Guo }
239c07e67bdSGary Guo 
240c07e67bdSGary Guo impl fmt::Debug for CStr {
241c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// Formats printable ASCII characters with a double quote on either end, escaping the rest.
242c07e67bdSGary Guo     ///
243c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// ```
244c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// # use kernel::c_str;
245*cf36a495SMiguel Ojeda     /// # use kernel::fmt;
246c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// # use kernel::str::CStr;
247c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// # use kernel::str::CString;
248c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let penguin = c_str!("��");
249c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{:?}", penguin)).unwrap();
250c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_nul(), "\"\\xf0\\x9f\\x90\\xa7\"\0".as_bytes());
251c07e67bdSGary Guo     ///
252c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// // Embedded double quotes are escaped.
253c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let ascii = c_str!("so \"cool\"");
254c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{:?}", ascii)).unwrap();
255c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_nul(), "\"so \\\"cool\\\"\"\0".as_bytes());
256c07e67bdSGary Guo     /// ```
fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result257c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
258c07e67bdSGary Guo         f.write_str("\"")?;
259c07e67bdSGary Guo         for &c in self.as_bytes() {
260c07e67bdSGary Guo             match c {
261c07e67bdSGary Guo                 // Printable characters.
262c07e67bdSGary Guo                 b'\"' => f.write_str("\\\"")?,
263c07e67bdSGary Guo                 0x20..=0x7e => f.write_char(c as char)?,
264c07e67bdSGary Guo                 _ => write!(f, "\\x{:02x}", c)?,
265c07e67bdSGary Guo             }
266c07e67bdSGary Guo         }
267c07e67bdSGary Guo         f.write_str("\"")
268c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
269c07e67bdSGary Guo }
270c07e67bdSGary Guo 
271c07e67bdSGary Guo impl AsRef<BStr> for CStr {
272c07e67bdSGary Guo     #[inline]
as_ref(&self) -> &BStr273c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn as_ref(&self) -> &BStr {
274c07e67bdSGary Guo         self.as_bytes()
275c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
276c07e67bdSGary Guo }
277c07e67bdSGary Guo 
278c07e67bdSGary Guo impl Deref for CStr {
279c07e67bdSGary Guo     type Target = BStr;
280c07e67bdSGary Guo 
281c07e67bdSGary Guo     #[inline]
deref(&self) -> &Self::Target282c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
283c07e67bdSGary Guo         self.as_bytes()
284c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
285c07e67bdSGary Guo }
286c07e67bdSGary Guo 
287c07e67bdSGary Guo impl Index<ops::RangeFrom<usize>> for CStr {
288c07e67bdSGary Guo     type Output = CStr;
289c07e67bdSGary Guo 
290c07e67bdSGary Guo     #[inline]
index(&self, index: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &Self::Output291c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn index(&self, index: ops::RangeFrom<usize>) -> &Self::Output {
292c07e67bdSGary Guo         // Delegate bounds checking to slice.
293c07e67bdSGary Guo         // Assign to _ to mute clippy's unnecessary operation warning.
294c07e67bdSGary Guo         let _ = &self.as_bytes()[index.start..];
295c07e67bdSGary Guo         // SAFETY: We just checked the bounds.
296c07e67bdSGary Guo         unsafe { Self::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(&self.0[index.start..]) }
297c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
298c07e67bdSGary Guo }
299c07e67bdSGary Guo 
300c07e67bdSGary Guo impl Index<ops::RangeFull> for CStr {
301c07e67bdSGary Guo     type Output = CStr;
302c07e67bdSGary Guo 
303c07e67bdSGary Guo     #[inline]
index(&self, _index: ops::RangeFull) -> &Self::Output304c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn index(&self, _index: ops::RangeFull) -> &Self::Output {
305c07e67bdSGary Guo         self
306c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
307c07e67bdSGary Guo }
308c07e67bdSGary Guo 
309c07e67bdSGary Guo mod private {
310c07e67bdSGary Guo     use core::ops;
311c07e67bdSGary Guo 
312c07e67bdSGary Guo     // Marker trait for index types that can be forward to `BStr`.
313c07e67bdSGary Guo     pub trait CStrIndex {}
314c07e67bdSGary Guo 
315c07e67bdSGary Guo     impl CStrIndex for usize {}
316c07e67bdSGary Guo     impl CStrIndex for ops::Range<usize> {}
317c07e67bdSGary Guo     impl CStrIndex for ops::RangeInclusive<usize> {}
318c07e67bdSGary Guo     impl CStrIndex for ops::RangeToInclusive<usize> {}
319c07e67bdSGary Guo }
320c07e67bdSGary Guo 
321c07e67bdSGary Guo impl<Idx> Index<Idx> for CStr
322c07e67bdSGary Guo where
323c07e67bdSGary Guo     Idx: private::CStrIndex,
324c07e67bdSGary Guo     BStr: Index<Idx>,
325c07e67bdSGary Guo {
326c07e67bdSGary Guo     type Output = <BStr as Index<Idx>>::Output;
327c07e67bdSGary Guo 
328c07e67bdSGary Guo     #[inline]
index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output329c07e67bdSGary Guo     fn index(&self, index: Idx) -> &Self::Output {
330c07e67bdSGary Guo         &self.as_bytes()[index]
331c07e67bdSGary Guo     }
332c07e67bdSGary Guo }
333c07e67bdSGary Guo 
334b18cb00eSGary Guo /// Creates a new [`CStr`] from a string literal.
335b18cb00eSGary Guo ///
336b18cb00eSGary Guo /// The string literal should not contain any `NUL` bytes.
337b18cb00eSGary Guo ///
338b18cb00eSGary Guo /// # Examples
339b18cb00eSGary Guo ///
340b18cb00eSGary Guo /// ```
341b18cb00eSGary Guo /// # use kernel::c_str;
342b18cb00eSGary Guo /// # use kernel::str::CStr;
343b18cb00eSGary Guo /// const MY_CSTR: &CStr = c_str!("My awesome CStr!");
344b18cb00eSGary Guo /// ```
345b18cb00eSGary Guo #[macro_export]
346b18cb00eSGary Guo macro_rules! c_str {
347b18cb00eSGary Guo     ($str:expr) => {{
348b18cb00eSGary Guo         const S: &str = concat!($str, "\0");
349b18cb00eSGary Guo         const C: &$crate::str::CStr = match $crate::str::CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(S.as_bytes()) {
350b18cb00eSGary Guo             Ok(v) => v,
351b18cb00eSGary Guo             Err(_) => panic!("string contains interior NUL"),
352b18cb00eSGary Guo         };
353b18cb00eSGary Guo         C
354b18cb00eSGary Guo     }};
355b18cb00eSGary Guo }
356b18cb00eSGary Guo 
357985f1f09SMilan Landaverde #[cfg(test)]
358985f1f09SMilan Landaverde mod tests {
359985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     use super::*;
360985f1f09SMilan Landaverde 
361985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     #[test]
test_cstr_to_str()362985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     fn test_cstr_to_str() {
363985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let good_bytes = b"\xf0\x9f\xa6\x80\0";
364985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let checked_cstr = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(good_bytes).unwrap();
365985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let checked_str = checked_cstr.to_str().unwrap();
366985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         assert_eq!(checked_str, "��");
367985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     }
368985f1f09SMilan Landaverde 
369985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     #[test]
370985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     #[should_panic]
test_cstr_to_str_panic()371985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     fn test_cstr_to_str_panic() {
372985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let bad_bytes = b"\xc3\x28\0";
373985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let checked_cstr = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(bad_bytes).unwrap();
374985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         checked_cstr.to_str().unwrap();
375985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     }
376985f1f09SMilan Landaverde 
377985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     #[test]
test_cstr_as_str_unchecked()378985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     fn test_cstr_as_str_unchecked() {
379985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let good_bytes = b"\xf0\x9f\x90\xA7\0";
380985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let checked_cstr = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(good_bytes).unwrap();
381985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         let unchecked_str = unsafe { checked_cstr.as_str_unchecked() };
382985f1f09SMilan Landaverde         assert_eq!(unchecked_str, "��");
383985f1f09SMilan Landaverde     }
384985f1f09SMilan Landaverde }
385985f1f09SMilan Landaverde 
386247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho /// Allows formatting of [`fmt::Arguments`] into a raw buffer.
387247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho ///
388247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho /// It does not fail if callers write past the end of the buffer so that they can calculate the
389247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho /// size required to fit everything.
390247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho ///
391247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho /// # Invariants
392247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho ///
393247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho /// The memory region between `pos` (inclusive) and `end` (exclusive) is valid for writes if `pos`
394247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho /// is less than `end`.
395247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho pub(crate) struct RawFormatter {
396247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     // Use `usize` to use `saturating_*` functions.
397247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     beg: usize,
398247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     pos: usize,
399247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     end: usize,
400247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho }
401247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
402247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho impl RawFormatter {
40365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     /// Creates a new instance of [`RawFormatter`] with an empty buffer.
new() -> Self40465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     fn new() -> Self {
40565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // INVARIANT: The buffer is empty, so the region that needs to be writable is empty.
40665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         Self {
40765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho             beg: 0,
40865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho             pos: 0,
40965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho             end: 0,
41065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         }
41165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     }
41265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
413247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     /// Creates a new instance of [`RawFormatter`] with the given buffer pointers.
414247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     ///
415247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     /// # Safety
416247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     ///
417247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     /// If `pos` is less than `end`, then the region between `pos` (inclusive) and `end`
418247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     /// (exclusive) must be valid for writes for the lifetime of the returned [`RawFormatter`].
from_ptrs(pos: *mut u8, end: *mut u8) -> Self419247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     pub(crate) unsafe fn from_ptrs(pos: *mut u8, end: *mut u8) -> Self {
42088e8c2ecSPatrick Blass         // INVARIANT: The safety requirements guarantee the type invariants.
421247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         Self {
422247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             beg: pos as _,
423247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             pos: pos as _,
424247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             end: end as _,
425247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         }
426247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     }
427247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
428fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// Creates a new instance of [`RawFormatter`] with the given buffer.
429fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     ///
430fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// # Safety
431fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     ///
432fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// The memory region starting at `buf` and extending for `len` bytes must be valid for writes
433fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// for the lifetime of the returned [`RawFormatter`].
from_buffer(buf: *mut u8, len: usize) -> Self434fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     pub(crate) unsafe fn from_buffer(buf: *mut u8, len: usize) -> Self {
435fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         let pos = buf as usize;
436fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         // INVARIANT: We ensure that `end` is never less then `buf`, and the safety requirements
437fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         // guarantees that the memory region is valid for writes.
438fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         Self {
439fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho             pos,
440fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho             beg: pos,
441fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho             end: pos.saturating_add(len),
442fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         }
443fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     }
444fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
445247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     /// Returns the current insert position.
446247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     ///
447247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     /// N.B. It may point to invalid memory.
pos(&self) -> *mut u8448247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     pub(crate) fn pos(&self) -> *mut u8 {
449247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         self.pos as _
450247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     }
45165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
45265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     /// Return the number of bytes written to the formatter.
bytes_written(&self) -> usize45365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     pub(crate) fn bytes_written(&self) -> usize {
45465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         self.pos - self.beg
45565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     }
456247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho }
457247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
458247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho impl fmt::Write for RawFormatter {
write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result459247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
460247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         // `pos` value after writing `len` bytes. This does not have to be bounded by `end`, but we
461247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         // don't want it to wrap around to 0.
462247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         let pos_new = self.pos.saturating_add(s.len());
463247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
464247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         // Amount that we can copy. `saturating_sub` ensures we get 0 if `pos` goes past `end`.
465247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         let len_to_copy = core::cmp::min(pos_new, self.end).saturating_sub(self.pos);
466247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
467247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         if len_to_copy > 0 {
468247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             // SAFETY: If `len_to_copy` is non-zero, then we know `pos` has not gone past `end`
469247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             // yet, so it is valid for write per the type invariants.
470247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             unsafe {
471247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho                 core::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping(
472247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho                     s.as_bytes().as_ptr(),
473247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho                     self.pos as *mut u8,
474247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho                     len_to_copy,
475247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho                 )
476247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho             };
477247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         }
478247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho 
479247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         self.pos = pos_new;
480247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho         Ok(())
481247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho     }
482247b365dSWedson Almeida Filho }
483fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
484fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho /// Allows formatting of [`fmt::Arguments`] into a raw buffer.
485fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho ///
486fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho /// Fails if callers attempt to write more than will fit in the buffer.
487fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho pub(crate) struct Formatter(RawFormatter);
488fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
489fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho impl Formatter {
490fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// Creates a new instance of [`Formatter`] with the given buffer.
491fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     ///
492fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// # Safety
493fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     ///
494fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// The memory region starting at `buf` and extending for `len` bytes must be valid for writes
495fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     /// for the lifetime of the returned [`Formatter`].
from_buffer(buf: *mut u8, len: usize) -> Self496fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     pub(crate) unsafe fn from_buffer(buf: *mut u8, len: usize) -> Self {
497fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         // SAFETY: The safety requirements of this function satisfy those of the callee.
498fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         Self(unsafe { RawFormatter::from_buffer(buf, len) })
499fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     }
500fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho }
501fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
502fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho impl Deref for Formatter {
503fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     type Target = RawFormatter;
504fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
deref(&self) -> &Self::Target505fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
506fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         &self.0
507fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     }
508fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho }
509fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
510fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho impl fmt::Write for Formatter {
write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result511fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     fn write_str(&mut self, s: &str) -> fmt::Result {
512fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         self.0.write_str(s)?;
513fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho 
514fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         // Fail the request if we go past the end of the buffer.
515fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         if self.0.pos > self.0.end {
516fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho             Err(fmt::Error)
517fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         } else {
518fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho             Ok(())
519fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho         }
520fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho     }
521fffed679SWedson Almeida Filho }
52265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
52365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// An owned string that is guaranteed to have exactly one `NUL` byte, which is at the end.
52465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
52565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// Used for interoperability with kernel APIs that take C strings.
52665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
52765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// # Invariants
52865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
52965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// The string is always `NUL`-terminated and contains no other `NUL` bytes.
53065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
53165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// # Examples
53265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
53365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// ```
534*cf36a495SMiguel Ojeda /// use kernel::{str::CString, fmt};
53565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
53665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{}{}{}", "abc", 10, 20)).unwrap();
53765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_nul(), "abc1020\0".as_bytes());
53865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
53965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// let tmp = "testing";
54065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("{tmp}{}", 123)).unwrap();
54165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// assert_eq!(s.as_bytes_with_nul(), "testing123\0".as_bytes());
54265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho ///
54365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// // This fails because it has an embedded `NUL` byte.
54465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// let s = CString::try_from_fmt(fmt!("a\0b{}", 123));
54565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// assert_eq!(s.is_ok(), false);
54665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho /// ```
54765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho pub struct CString {
54865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     buf: Vec<u8>,
54965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho }
55065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
55165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho impl CString {
55265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     /// Creates an instance of [`CString`] from the given formatted arguments.
try_from_fmt(args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error>55365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     pub fn try_from_fmt(args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
55465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // Calculate the size needed (formatted string plus `NUL` terminator).
55565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         let mut f = RawFormatter::new();
55665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         f.write_fmt(args)?;
55765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         f.write_str("\0")?;
55865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         let size = f.bytes_written();
55965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
56065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // Allocate a vector with the required number of bytes, and write to it.
56165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         let mut buf = Vec::try_with_capacity(size)?;
56265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // SAFETY: The buffer stored in `buf` is at least of size `size` and is valid for writes.
56365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         let mut f = unsafe { Formatter::from_buffer(buf.as_mut_ptr(), size) };
56465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         f.write_fmt(args)?;
56565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         f.write_str("\0")?;
56665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
56765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // SAFETY: The number of bytes that can be written to `f` is bounded by `size`, which is
56865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // `buf`'s capacity. The contents of the buffer have been initialised by writes to `f`.
56965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         unsafe { buf.set_len(f.bytes_written()) };
57065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
57165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // Check that there are no `NUL` bytes before the end.
57265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // SAFETY: The buffer is valid for read because `f.bytes_written()` is bounded by `size`
57365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // (which the minimum buffer size) and is non-zero (we wrote at least the `NUL` terminator)
57465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // so `f.bytes_written() - 1` doesn't underflow.
57565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         let ptr = unsafe { bindings::memchr(buf.as_ptr().cast(), 0, (f.bytes_written() - 1) as _) };
57665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         if !ptr.is_null() {
57765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho             return Err(EINVAL);
57865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         }
57965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
58065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // INVARIANT: We wrote the `NUL` terminator and checked above that no other `NUL` bytes
58165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // exist in the buffer.
58265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         Ok(Self { buf })
58365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     }
58465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho }
58565e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
58665e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho impl Deref for CString {
58765e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     type Target = CStr;
58865e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho 
deref(&self) -> &Self::Target58965e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
59065e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // SAFETY: The type invariants guarantee that the string is `NUL`-terminated and that no
59165e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         // other `NUL` bytes exist.
59265e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho         unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(self.buf.as_slice()) }
59365e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho     }
59465e1e497SWedson Almeida Filho }
595ef320549SWedson Almeida Filho 
59666bd7533SAlice Ryhl impl<'a> TryFrom<&'a CStr> for CString {
59766bd7533SAlice Ryhl     type Error = AllocError;
59866bd7533SAlice Ryhl 
try_from(cstr: &'a CStr) -> Result<CString, AllocError>59966bd7533SAlice Ryhl     fn try_from(cstr: &'a CStr) -> Result<CString, AllocError> {
60066bd7533SAlice Ryhl         let mut buf = Vec::new();
60166bd7533SAlice Ryhl 
60266bd7533SAlice Ryhl         buf.try_extend_from_slice(cstr.as_bytes_with_nul())
60366bd7533SAlice Ryhl             .map_err(|_| AllocError)?;
60466bd7533SAlice Ryhl 
60566bd7533SAlice Ryhl         // INVARIANT: The `CStr` and `CString` types have the same invariants for
60666bd7533SAlice Ryhl         // the string data, and we copied it over without changes.
60766bd7533SAlice Ryhl         Ok(CString { buf })
60866bd7533SAlice Ryhl     }
60966bd7533SAlice Ryhl }
61066bd7533SAlice Ryhl 
611ef320549SWedson Almeida Filho /// A convenience alias for [`core::format_args`].
612ef320549SWedson Almeida Filho #[macro_export]
613ef320549SWedson Almeida Filho macro_rules! fmt {
614ef320549SWedson Almeida Filho     ($($f:tt)*) => ( core::format_args!($($f)*) )
615ef320549SWedson Almeida Filho }