1*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabKernel driver lm83 2*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab================== 3*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 4*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabSupported chips: 5*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 6*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab * National Semiconductor LM83 7*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 8*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Prefix: 'lm83' 9*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 10*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Addresses scanned: I2C 0x18 - 0x1a, 0x29 - 0x2b, 0x4c - 0x4e 11*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 12*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Datasheet: Publicly available at the National Semiconductor website 13*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 14*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab http://www.national.com/pf/LM/LM83.html 15*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 16*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab * National Semiconductor LM82 17*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 18*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Addresses scanned: I2C 0x18 - 0x1a, 0x29 - 0x2b, 0x4c - 0x4e 19*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 20*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Datasheet: Publicly available at the National Semiconductor website 21*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 22*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab http://www.national.com/pf/LM/LM82.html 23*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 24*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabAuthor: Jean Delvare <jdelvare@suse.de> 25*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 26*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabDescription 27*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab----------- 28*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 29*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe LM83 is a digital temperature sensor. It senses its own temperature as 30*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabwell as the temperature of up to three external diodes. The LM82 is 31*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehaba stripped down version of the LM83 that only supports one external diode. 32*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabBoth are compatible with many other devices such as the LM84 and all 33*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabother ADM1021 clones. The main difference between the LM83 and the LM84 34*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabin that the later can only sense the temperature of one external diode. 35*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 36*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabUsing the adm1021 driver for a LM83 should work, but only two temperatures 37*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabwill be reported instead of four. 38*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 39*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe LM83 is only found on a handful of motherboards. Both a confirmed 40*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehablist and an unconfirmed list follow. If you can confirm or infirm the 41*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabfact that any of these motherboards do actually have an LM83, please 42*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabcontact us. Note that the LM90 can easily be misdetected as a LM83. 43*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 44*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabConfirmed motherboards: 45*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab === ===== 46*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab SBS P014 47*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab SBS PSL09 48*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab === ===== 49*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 50*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabUnconfirmed motherboards: 51*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab =========== ========== 52*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Gigabyte GA-8IK1100 53*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Iwill MPX2 54*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab Soltek SL-75DRV5 55*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab =========== ========== 56*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 57*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe LM82 is confirmed to have been found on most AMD Geode reference 58*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabdesigns and test platforms. 59*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 60*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe driver has been successfully tested by Magnus Forsström, who I'd 61*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehablike to thank here. More testers will be of course welcome. 62*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 63*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe fact that the LM83 is only scarcely used can be easily explained. 64*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabMost motherboards come with more than just temperature sensors for 65*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabhealth monitoring. They also have voltage and fan rotation speed 66*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabsensors. This means that temperature-only chips are usually used as 67*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabsecondary chips coupled with another chip such as an IT8705F or similar 68*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabchip, which provides more features. Since systems usually need three 69*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabtemperature sensors (motherboard, processor, power supply) and primary 70*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabchips provide some temperature sensors, the secondary chip, if needed, 71*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabwon't have to handle more than two temperatures. Thus, ADM1021 clones 72*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabare sufficient, and there is no need for a four temperatures sensor 73*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabchip such as the LM83. The only case where using an LM83 would make 74*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabsense is on SMP systems, such as the above-mentioned Iwill MPX2, 75*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabbecause you want an additional temperature sensor for each additional 76*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabCPU. 77*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 78*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabOn the SBS P014, this is different, since the LM83 is the only hardware 79*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabmonitoring chipset. One temperature sensor is used for the motherboard 80*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab(actually measuring the LM83's own temperature), one is used for the 81*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabCPU. The two other sensors must be used to measure the temperature of 82*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabtwo other points of the motherboard. We suspect these points to be the 83*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabnorth and south bridges, but this couldn't be confirmed. 84*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 85*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabAll temperature values are given in degrees Celsius. Local temperature 86*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabis given within a range of 0 to +85 degrees. Remote temperatures are 87*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabgiven within a range of 0 to +125 degrees. Resolution is 1.0 degree, 88*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabaccuracy is guaranteed to 3.0 degrees (see the datasheet for more 89*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabdetails). 90*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 91*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabEach sensor has its own high limit, but the critical limit is common to 92*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehaball four sensors. There is no hysteresis mechanism as found on most 93*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabrecent temperature sensors. 94*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab 95*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho ChehabThe lm83 driver will not update its values more frequently than every 96*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehabother second; reading them more often will do no harm, but will return 97*7ebd8b66SMauro Carvalho Chehab'old' values. 98