xref: /openbmc/ipmi-fru-parser/fru_area.hpp (revision 1816ff30cfb2796ec0b4b1122b03940857cd491a)
15c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #ifndef __IPMI_FRU_AREA_H__
25c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #define __IPMI_FRU_AREA_H__
35c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
45c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #include "frup.hpp"
55c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #include "writefrudata.hpp"
65c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
7b4c333f9SPatrick Venture #include <cstdint>
85c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #include <memory>
95c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #include <string>
105c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #include <vector>
115c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
12b4c333f9SPatrick Venture using std::uint8_t;
13b4c333f9SPatrick Venture 
14*1816ff30SPatrick Venture /**
15*1816ff30SPatrick Venture  * IPMIFruArea represents a piece of a FRU that is accessible over IPMI.
16*1816ff30SPatrick Venture  */
175c2bd5edSPatrick Venture class IPMIFruArea
185c2bd5edSPatrick Venture {
195c2bd5edSPatrick Venture   public:
20ac988990SPatrick Venture     IPMIFruArea() = delete;
211d00178aSPatrick Venture     ~IPMIFruArea() = default;
22ac988990SPatrick Venture 
23*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
24*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Construct an IPMIFruArea.
25*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
26*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @param[in] fruID - FRU identifier value
27*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @param[in] type - the type of FRU area.
28*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @param[in] bmcOnlyFru - Is this FRU only accessible via the BMC
29*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
309f65a08fSPatrick Venture     IPMIFruArea(const uint8_t fruID, const ipmi_fru_area_type type,
319f65a08fSPatrick Venture                 bool bmcOnlyFru = false);
325c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
33*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
34*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Set whether the FRU is present.
35*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
36*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @param[in] present - True if present.
37*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
setPresent(const bool present)38f22b36a0SPatrick Venture     inline void setPresent(const bool present)
395c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     {
40b9d33736SPatrick Venture         isPresent = present;
415c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     }
425c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
43*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
44*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Retrieves the FRU's ID.
45*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
46*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @return the FRU ID.
47*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
getFruID() const48f22b36a0SPatrick Venture     uint8_t getFruID() const
495c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     {
509f65a08fSPatrick Venture         return fruID;
515c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     }
525c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
53*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
54*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *  Returns the length of the FRU data.
55*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
56*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @return the number of bytes.
57*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
getLength() const58f22b36a0SPatrick Venture     size_t getLength() const
595c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     {
60f0f1ab9fSPatrick Venture         return data.size();
615c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     }
625c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
63*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
64*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Returns the type of the current FRU area.
65*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
66*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @return the type of FRU area
67*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
getType() const68f22b36a0SPatrick Venture     ipmi_fru_area_type getType() const
695c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     {
70b9d33736SPatrick Venture         return type;
715c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     }
725c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
73*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
74*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Returns the FRU area name.
75*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
76*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @return the FRU area name
77*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
getName() const78f22b36a0SPatrick Venture     const char* getName() const
795c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     {
80b9d33736SPatrick Venture         return name.c_str();
815c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     }
825c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
83*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
84*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Returns the data portion.
85*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
86*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @return pointer to data
87*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
getData() const88f0f1ab9fSPatrick Venture     inline const uint8_t* getData() const
895c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     {
90f0f1ab9fSPatrick Venture         return data.data();
915c2bd5edSPatrick Venture     }
925c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
93*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     /**
94*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * Accepts a pointer to data and sets it in the object.
95*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      *
96*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @param[in] value - The data to copy into the FRU area
97*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      * @param[in] length - the number of bytes value points to
98*1816ff30SPatrick Venture      */
99*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     void setData(const uint8_t* value, const size_t length);
1005c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
101524ba9c1SPatrick Venture   private:
102524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     // Unique way of identifying a FRU
1039f65a08fSPatrick Venture     uint8_t fruID = 0;
104524ba9c1SPatrick Venture 
105*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     // Type of the FRU matching offsets in common header
106524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     ipmi_fru_area_type type = IPMI_FRU_AREA_INTERNAL_USE;
107524ba9c1SPatrick Venture 
108*1816ff30SPatrick Venture     // Name of the FRU area. ( BOARD/CHASSIS/PRODUCT )
109524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     std::string name;
110524ba9c1SPatrick Venture 
111524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     // Special bit for BMC readable eeprom only.
1129f65a08fSPatrick Venture     bool bmcOnlyFru = false;
113524ba9c1SPatrick Venture 
114524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     // If a FRU is physically present.
115524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     bool isPresent = false;
116524ba9c1SPatrick Venture 
117524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     // Whether a particular area is valid ?
118524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     bool isValid = false;
119524ba9c1SPatrick Venture 
120524ba9c1SPatrick Venture     // Actual area data.
121f0f1ab9fSPatrick Venture     std::vector<uint8_t> data;
1225c2bd5edSPatrick Venture };
1235c2bd5edSPatrick Venture 
1245c2bd5edSPatrick Venture #endif