11dc181c4SAndrew Geissler# OpenBMC Development Environment 21dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 31dc181c4SAndrew Geissler**Document Purpose:** How to set up an OpenBMC development environment 41dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 51dc181c4SAndrew Geissler**Audience:** Programmer familiar with Linux and BMCs 61dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 71dc181c4SAndrew Geissler**Prerequisites:** Current Linux, Mac, or Windows system 81dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 9c3790e34SAndrew Geissler## Overview 101dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 111dc181c4SAndrew GeisslerOpenBMC uses the [Yocto](https://www.yoctoproject.org/) Project as its 12f4febd00SPatrick Williamsunderlying building and distribution generation framework. The main OpenBMC 13f4febd00SPatrick Williams[README](https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/blob/master/README.md) provides 14*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerinformation on getting up and going with Yocto and OpenBMC. This tutorial will 15*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerwalk you through utilizing bitbake to build OpenBMC firmware and boot it in 16f4febd00SPatrick Williams[QEMU](https://www.qemu.org/). 171dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 18*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerBitbake is the build engine used by Yocto and OpenBMC to build its custom Linux 19*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerdistribution for a system. QEMU is a software emulator that can be used to run 20*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerOpenBMC images. 211dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 221dc181c4SAndrew GeisslerThis doc walks through the recommended steps for setting up an OpenBMC 23*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerdevelopment environment, building OpenBMC, and running that image in QEMU. 241dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 251dc181c4SAndrew GeisslerFor testing purposes, this guide uses the Romulus system as the default because 261dc181c4SAndrew Geisslerthis is the system tested for each CI job, which means it's the most stable. 271dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 28c3790e34SAndrew Geissler## Install Linux Environment 291dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 301dc181c4SAndrew GeisslerIf you are running Linux, and are ok with installing some additional packages, 311dc181c4SAndrew Geisslerthen you can skip to step 3. 321dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 331dc181c4SAndrew GeisslerThe recommended OpenBMC development environment is the latest Ubuntu LTS 341dc181c4SAndrew Geisslerrelease. Other versions of Linux may work but you are using that at your own 351dc181c4SAndrew Geisslerrisk. If you have Windows or Mac OS then VirtualBox is the recommended 361dc181c4SAndrew Geisslervirtualization tool to run the development environment. 371dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 38*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler1. Install a Virtual Machine 39*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 40*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler Install either [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) or 411dc181c4SAndrew Geissler [VMware](https://www.vmware.com/products/workstation-player/workstation-player-evaluation.html) 421dc181c4SAndrew Geissler onto your computer (Mac, Windows, Linux) 431dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 44*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler Both have free versions available for what you need. **Note:** If you want to 45*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler use this VM to BitBake a full OpenBMC image, you'll want to allocate as many 46*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler resources as possible. Ideal minimum resources are 8 threads, 16GB memory, 47*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 200GB hard drive. 48*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 49*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler OpenBMC continuous integration utilizes docker to build its images. This is 50*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler another possibility but not covered within this document. See 51*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler [build-setup.sh](https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc-build-scripts/blob/master/build-setup.sh) 52*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler for a reference on the script CI uses to build an appropriate docker 53*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler container and launch bitbake within it. This also works within a podman 54*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler environment. 551dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 561dc181c4SAndrew Geissler2. Install the latest Ubuntu LTS release 571dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 58f4febd00SPatrick Williams The majority of OpenBMC development community uses Ubuntu. The qemu below is 59*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler built on the latest Ubuntu LTS release but whatever is most recent _should_ 60*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler work. The same goes for other Linux distributions like Fedora but again, 61*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler these are not tested nearly as much by the core OpenBMC team as Ubuntu. 621dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 63*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler **VirtualBox Tips** - You'll want copy/paste working between your VM and 64*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler Host. To do that, once you have your VM up and running: 65f4febd00SPatrick Williams 661dc181c4SAndrew Geissler - Devices -> Insert Guest Additions CD Image (install) 671dc181c4SAndrew Geissler - Devices -> Shared Clipboard -> Bidirectional 681dc181c4SAndrew Geissler - reboot (the VM) 691dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 701dc181c4SAndrew Geissler3. Install required packages 711dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 721dc181c4SAndrew Geissler Refer to 731dc181c4SAndrew Geissler [Prerequisite](https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc/blob/master/README.md#1-prerequisite) 741dc181c4SAndrew Geissler link. 751dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 761dc181c4SAndrew Geissler **Note** - In Ubuntu, a "sudo apt-get update" will probably be needed before 771dc181c4SAndrew Geissler installing the packages. 781dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 79*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler## Building OpenBMC 80859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 81*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerNote this section will take you through the process of building a Romulus 82*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerOpenBMC image. Future tutorials will build on this by having you customize the 83*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerimage. If you would like to skip the building and just try out OpenBMC and QEMU 84*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerthen you can download the latest Romulus image from 85*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler[here](https://jenkins.openbmc.org/job/latest-master/label=docker-builder,target=romulus/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/openbmc/build/tmp/deploy/images/romulus/obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd) 86*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerand skip to the 87*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler[Download and Start QEMU Session](#download-and-start-qemu-session) section. 88859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 89*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler1. Clone OpenBMC 90859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 91859b579dSAndrew Jeffery ``` 92*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler git clone https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc.git 93859b579dSAndrew Jeffery ``` 94859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 95*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler2. Build the Romulus OpenBMC Image (note this will take 30 - 120 minutes 96*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler depending on your hardware) 97859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 98859b579dSAndrew Jeffery ``` 99*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler . setup romulus 100*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler bitbake obmc-phosphor-image 101859b579dSAndrew Jeffery ``` 102859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 103*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerThe Romulus image is now located in 104*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler`build/tmp/deploy/images/romulus/obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd` 105*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerrelative to your current directory. 106859b579dSAndrew Jeffery 107c3790e34SAndrew Geissler## Download and Start QEMU Session 1081dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1091dc181c4SAndrew Geissler1. Download latest openbmc/qemu fork of QEMU application 1101dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1111dc181c4SAndrew Geissler ``` 112eea7decfSAndrew Geissler wget https://jenkins.openbmc.org/job/latest-qemu-x86/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/qemu/build/qemu-system-arm 1131dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1141dc181c4SAndrew Geissler chmod u+x qemu-system-arm 1151dc181c4SAndrew Geissler ``` 1161dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 117*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler2. Copy the image generated by the build to your current directory 1181dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1191dc181c4SAndrew Geissler ``` 120*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler cp ./tmp/deploy/images/romulus/obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd ./ 1211dc181c4SAndrew Geissler ``` 1221dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 123*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler3. Start QEMU with the Romulus image 1241dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 125f4febd00SPatrick Williams **Note** - For REST, SSH and IPMI to work into your QEMU session, you must 126f4febd00SPatrick Williams connect up some host ports to the REST, SSH and IPMI ports in your QEMU 127f4febd00SPatrick Williams session. In this example, it just uses 2222, 2443, 2623. You can use whatever 128f4febd00SPatrick Williams you prefer. 129f4febd00SPatrick Williams 1301dc181c4SAndrew Geissler ``` 131dd148e03SPatrick Williams ./qemu-system-arm -m 256 -M romulus-bmc -nographic \ 132dd148e03SPatrick Williams -drive file=./obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd,format=raw,if=mtd \ 133dd148e03SPatrick Williams -net nic \ 134dd148e03SPatrick Williams -net user,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=udp:,hostname=qemu 1351dc181c4SAndrew Geissler ``` 1361dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 137*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler If you are running within a virtual environment where you can use the real 138*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler ports, then you would start QEMU with the following. 139f4febd00SPatrick Williams 140eb9d9b47SMaksym ``` 141dd148e03SPatrick Williams ./qemu-system-arm -m 256 -machine romulus-bmc -nographic \ 142dd148e03SPatrick Williams -drive file=./obmc-phosphor-image-romulus.static.mtd,format=raw,if=mtd \ 143dd148e03SPatrick Williams -net nic \ 144dd148e03SPatrick Williams -net user,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=tcp:,hostfwd=udp:,hostfwd=udp:,hostname=qemu 145eb9d9b47SMaksym ``` 146eb9d9b47SMaksym 1471dc181c4SAndrew Geissler4. Wait for your QEMU-based BMC to boot 1481dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1491dc181c4SAndrew Geissler Login using default root/0penBmc login (Note the 0 is a zero). 1501dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1511dc181c4SAndrew Geissler5. Check the system state 1521dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 153*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler You'll see a lot of services starting in the console, you can start running 154*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler the obmcutil tool to check the state of the OpenBMC state services. When you 155*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler see the following then you have successfully booted to "Ready" state. 1561dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 157395b2d03SAlexander Amelkin ``` 158395b2d03SAlexander Amelkin root@openbmc:~# obmcutil state 159395b2d03SAlexander Amelkin CurrentBMCState : xyz.openbmc_project.State.BMC.BMCState.Ready 160395b2d03SAlexander Amelkin CurrentPowerState : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Chassis.PowerState.Off 161395b2d03SAlexander Amelkin CurrentHostState : xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Off 162395b2d03SAlexander Amelkin ``` 1631dc181c4SAndrew Geissler 1641dc181c4SAndrew Geissler **Note** To exit (and kill) your QEMU session run: `ctrl+a x` 165da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent 166*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler6. Test out the ssh network interface 167*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 168*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler Run these from the system you started QEMU on 169*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 170*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler ``` 171*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler ssh root@localhost -p 2222 172*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler ``` 173*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 174*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler Login is the same as what was used above for the default QEMU login. 175*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 176*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerYou've now built an OpenBMC distribution and booted it in QEMU! 177*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 178da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent## Alternative yocto QEMU 179da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent 180da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbentyocto has tools for building and running qemu. These tools avoid some of the 181f4febd00SPatrick Williamsconfiguration issues that come from downloading a prebuilt image, and modifying 182f4febd00SPatrick Williamsbinaries. Using yocto qemu also uses the 183f4febd00SPatrick Williams[TAP interface](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/tuntap.txt) 184f4febd00SPatrick Williamswhich some find be more stable. This is particularly useful when debugging at 185f4febd00SPatrick Williamsthe application level. 186da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent 187*f31c96dfSAndrew GeisslerThis is a more advanced section and may be useful to come back to once the 188*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerbasics are working for you. The next tutorial will focus on devtool and how to 189*f31c96dfSAndrew Geisslerutilize it to customize your OpenBMC image. 190*f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler 191146f9098SGeorge Keishing- set up a bmc build environment 192f4febd00SPatrick Williams 193da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 194da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbentsource setup romulus myBuild/build 195da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 196f4febd00SPatrick Williams 197da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent- add the qemu x86 open embedded machine for testing 198f4febd00SPatrick Williams 199da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 200da726aadSJohn Edward BroadbentMACHINE ??= "qemux86" 201da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 202f4febd00SPatrick Williams 203da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent- Make the changes to the build (ie devtool modify bmcweb, devtool add gdb) 204f4febd00SPatrick Williams 205da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 206da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbentdevtool modify bmcweb myNewLocalbmcweb/ 207da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 208f4febd00SPatrick Williams 209da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent- build open bmc for the qemu x86 machine 210f4febd00SPatrick Williams 211da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 212da726aadSJohn Edward BroadbentMACHINE=qemux86 bitbake obmc-phosphor-image 213da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 214f4febd00SPatrick Williams 215da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent- run qemu they way yocto provides 216f4febd00SPatrick Williams 217da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 218da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbentrunqemu myBuild/build/tmp/deploy/images/qemux86/ nographic \ 219da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent qemuparams="-m 2048" 220da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent``` 221f4febd00SPatrick Williams 222da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent- after that the all the a TAP network interface is added, and protocol like 223da726aadSJohn Edward Broadbent ssh, scp, http work well. 224