xref: /openbmc/docs/development/README.md (revision ddda2ff81c9b54a6c84509ebb6785fb2337e4665)
14614fd59SAndrew Geissler# OpenBMC Developer Documentation
2f4febd00SPatrick Williams
34614fd59SAndrew GeisslerThis directory is focused on providing OpenBMC developers with the instructions
44614fd59SAndrew Geisslerthey need to get up and going with OpenBMC development. This can be reviewed in
54614fd59SAndrew Geisslerany order you like, but the recommended flow can be found below.
64614fd59SAndrew Geissler
74614fd59SAndrew Geissler1. [Development Environment Setup](dev-environment.md)
84614fd59SAndrew Geissler
94614fd59SAndrew Geissler   Start here. This shows how to setup an OpenBMC development environment using
10f31c96dfSAndrew Geissler   its bitbake build process and how to start the software emulator, QEMU.
114614fd59SAndrew Geissler
12*ddda2ff8SAndrew Geissler2. [Hello World](devtool-hello-world.md)
134614fd59SAndrew Geissler
14*ddda2ff8SAndrew Geissler   This shows how to use the yocto tool, devtool, to extract an OpenBMC source
15*ddda2ff8SAndrew Geissler   repository, build, and test your changes within QEMU.
164614fd59SAndrew Geissler
174614fd59SAndrew Geissler3. [Web UI Development](web-ui.md)
184614fd59SAndrew Geissler
194614fd59SAndrew Geissler   This shows how to modify the phosphor-webui web application and test your
204614fd59SAndrew Geissler   changes within QEMU.
214614fd59SAndrew Geissler
228e677cf7SAndrew Geissler4. [Code Reviews Using Gerrit](gerrit-setup.md)
2372ca030cSAnthony Wilson
2472ca030cSAnthony Wilson   This shows how to setup your environment to utilize Gerrit for submitting
2572ca030cSAnthony Wilson   your changes for code review.