xref: /openbmc/docs/designs/pldm-stack.md (revision d886ce89fe66c128b3ab492e530ad48fa0c1b4eb)
1d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli# PLDM stack on OpenBMC
2d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
3d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliAuthor: Deepak Kodihalli <dkodihal@linux.vnet.ibm.com> <dkodihal>
44134f4f1SDeepak Kodihalli
5d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliCreated: 2019-01-22
6d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
7d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Problem Description
8f4febd00SPatrick Williams
9d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliOn OpenBMC, in-band IPMI is currently the primary industry-standard means of
10d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallicommunication between the BMC and the Host firmware. We've started hitting some
11d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliinherent limitations of IPMI on OpenPOWER servers: a limited number of sensors,
12d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliand a lack of a generic control mechanism (sensors are a generic monitoring
13d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallimechanism) are the major ones. There is a need to improve upon the communication
14d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliprotocol, but at the same time inventing a custom protocol is undesirable.
15d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
16d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThis design aims to employ Platform Level Data Model (PLDM), a standard
17d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliapplication layer communication protocol defined by the DMTF. PLDM draws inputs
18d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallifrom IPMI, but it overcomes most of the latter's limitations. PLDM is also
19d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallidesigned to run on standard transport protocols, for e.g. MCTP (also designed by
20d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallithe DMTF). MCTP provides for a common transport layer over several physical
21d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallichannels, by defining hardware bindings. The solution of PLDM over MCTP also
22d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallihelps overcome some of the limitations of the hardware channels that IPMI uses.
23d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
24d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliPLDM's purpose is to enable all sorts of "inside the box communication": BMC -
25d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliHost, BMC - BMC, BMC - Network Controller and BMC - Other (for e.g. sensor)
26d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallidevices.
27d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
28d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Background and References
29f4febd00SPatrick Williams
30d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliPLDM is designed to be an effective interface and data model that provides
31d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliefficient access to low-level platform inventory, monitoring, control, event,
32d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliand data/parameters transfer functions. For example, temperature, voltage, or
33d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallifan sensors can have a PLDM representation that can be used to monitor and
34d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallicontrol the platform using a set of PLDM messages. PLDM defines data
35d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallirepresentations and commands that abstract the platform management hardware.
36d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
37f4febd00SPatrick WilliamsPLDM groups commands under broader functions, and defines separate
38f4febd00SPatrick Williamsspecifications for each of these functions (also called PLDM "Types"). The
39f4febd00SPatrick Williamscurrently defined Types (and corresponding specs) are : PLDM base (with
40d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliassociated IDs and states specs), BIOS, FRU, Platform monitoring and control,
41d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliFirmware Update and SMBIOS. All these specifications are available at:
42d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
43d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallihttps://www.dmtf.org/standards/pmci
44d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
45d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliSome of the reasons PLDM sounds promising (some of these are advantages over
46d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliIPMI):
47d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
48d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- Common in-band communication protocol.
49d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
50d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- Already existing PLDM Type specifications that cover the most common
51d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  communication requirements. Up to 64 PLDM Types can be defined (the last one
52d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  is OEM). At the moment, 6 are defined. Each PLDM type can house up to 256 PLDM
53d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  commands.
54d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
55d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- PLDM sensors are 2 bytes in length.
56d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
57d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- PLDM introduces the concept of effecters - a control mechanism. Both sensors
58d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  and effecters are associated to entities (similar to IPMI, entities can be
59d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  physical or logical), where sensors are a mechanism for monitoring and
60d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  effecters are a mechanism for control. Effecters can be numeric or state
61d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  based. PLDM defines commonly used entities and their IDs, but there 8K slots
62d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  available to define OEM entities.
63d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
64d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- A very active PLDM related working group in the DMTF.
65d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
66d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe plan is to run PLDM over MCTP. MCTP is defined in a spec of its own, and a
67d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliproposal on the MCTP design is in discussion already. There's going to be an
68d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliintermediate PLDM over MCTP binding layer, which lets us send PLDM messages over
69d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliMCTP. This is defined in a spec of its own, and the design for this binding will
70d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallibe proposed separately.
71d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
72d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Requirements
73f4febd00SPatrick Williams
74f4febd00SPatrick WilliamsHow different BMC applications make use of PLDM messages is outside the scope of
75f4febd00SPatrick Williamsthis requirements doc. The requirements listed here are related to the PLDM
76d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliprotocol stack and the request/response model:
77d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
78d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- Marshalling and unmarshalling of PLDM messages, defined in various PLDM Type
79d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  specs, must be implemented. This can of course be staged based on the need of
80d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  specific Types and functions. Since this is just encoding and decoding PLDM
81d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  messages, this can be a library that could shared between the BMC, and other
82d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  firmware stacks. The specifics of each PLDM Type (such as FRU table
83d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  structures, sensor PDR structures, etc) are implemented by this lib.
84d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
85d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- Mapping PLDM concepts to native OpenBMC concepts must be implemented. For
86d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  e.g.: mapping PLDM sensors to phosphor-hwmon hosted D-Bus objects, mapping
87d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  PLDM FRU data to D-Bus objects hosted by phosphor-inventory-manager, etc. The
88d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  mapping shouldn't be restrictive to D-Bus alone (meaning it shouldn't be
89d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  necessary to put objects on the Bus just to serve PLDM requests, a problem
90d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  that exists with phosphor-host-ipmid today). Essentially these are platform
91d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  specific PLDM message handlers.
92d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
93d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- The BMC should be able to act as a PLDM responder as well as a PLDM requester.
94d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  As a PLDM requester, the BMC can monitor/control other devices. As a PLDM
95d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  responder, the BMC can react to PLDM messages directed to it via requesters in
96d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  the platform.
97d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
98d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- As a PLDM requester, the BMC must be able to discover other PLDM enabled
99d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  components in the platform.
100d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
101d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- As a PLDM requester, the BMC must be able to send simultaneous messages to
102d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  different responders.
103d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
104d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- As a PLDM requester, the BMC must be able to handle out of order responses.
105d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
106d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- As a PLDM responder, the BMC may simultaneously respond to messages from
107d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  different requesters, but the spec doesn't mandate this. In other words the
108d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli  responder could be single-threaded.
109d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
110d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli- It should be possible to plug-in OEM PLDM types/functions into the PLDM stack.
111d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
112ed331697SGilbert Chen- As a PLDM sensor monitoring daemon, the BMC must be able to enumerate and
113ed331697SGilbert Chen  monitor the static or self-described(with PDRs) PLDM sensors in satellite
114ed331697SGilbert Chen  Management Controller, on board device or PCIe add-on card.
115ed331697SGilbert Chen
116d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Proposed Design
117f4febd00SPatrick Williams
118d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThis document covers the architectural, interface, and design details. It
119d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliprovides recommendations for implementations, but implementation details are
120d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallioutside the scope of this document.
121d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
122d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe design aims at having a single PLDM daemon serve both the requester and
123f4febd00SPatrick Williamsresponder functions, and having transport specific endpoints to communicate on
124f4febd00SPatrick Williamsdifferent channels.
125d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
126d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe design enables concurrency aspects of the requester and responder functions,
127d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallibut the goal is to employ asynchronous IO and event loops, instead of multiple
128d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallithreads, wherever possible.
129d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
130d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe following are high level structural elements of the design:
131d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
132d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli### PLDM encode/decode libraries
133d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
134d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThis library would take a PLDM message, decode it and extract the different
135d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallifields of the message. Conversely, given a PLDM Type, command code, and the
136d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallicommand's data fields, it would make a PLDM message. The thought is to design
137d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallithis as a common library, that can be used by the BMC and other firmware stacks,
138d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallibecause it's the encode/decode and protocol piece (and not the handling of a
139d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallimessage).
140d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
141d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli### PLDM provider libraries
142d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
143d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThese libraries would implement the platform specific handling of incoming PLDM
144d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallirequests (basically helping with the PLDM responder implementation, see next
145d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallibullet point), so for instance they would query D-Bus objects (or even something
146d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallilike a JSON file) to fetch platform specific information to respond to the PLDM
147d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallimessage. They would link with the encode/decode lib.
148d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
149d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliIt should be possible to plug-in a provider library, that lets someone add
150d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallifunctionality for new PLDM (standard as well as OEM) Types. The libraries would
151d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliimplement a "register" API to plug-in handlers for specific PLDM messages.
152d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliSomething like:
153d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
154f4febd00SPatrick Williamstemplate <typename Handler, typename... args> auto register(uint8_t type,
155f4febd00SPatrick Williamsuint8_t command, Handler handler);
156d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
157d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThis allows for providing a strongly-typed C++ handler registration scheme. It
158d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliwould also be possible to validate the parameters passed to the handler at
159d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallicompile time.
160d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
161d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli### Request/Response Model
162d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
163f4febd00SPatrick WilliamsThe PLDM daemon links with the encode/decode and provider libs. The daemon would
164f4febd00SPatrick Williamshave to implement the following functions:
165d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
166d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli#### Receiver/Responder
167f4febd00SPatrick Williams
168d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe receiver wakes up on getting notified of incoming PLDM messages (via D-Bus
169d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallisignal or callback from the transport layer) from a remote PLDM device. If the
170d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallimessage type is "Request" it would route them to a PLDM provider library. Via
171d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallithe library, asynchronous D-Bus calls (using sdbusplus-asio) would be made, so
172d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallithat the receiver can register a handler for the D-Bus response, instead of
173d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallihaving to wait for the D-Bus response. This way it can go back to listening for
174d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliincoming PLDM messages.
175d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
176d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliIn the D-Bus response handler, the receiver will send out the PLDM response
177d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallimessage via the transport's send message API. If the transport's send message
178d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliAPI blocks for a considerably long duration, then it would have to be run in a
179d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallithread of it's own.
180d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
181d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliIf the incoming PLDM message is of type "Response", then the receiver emits a
182f4febd00SPatrick WilliamsD-Bus signal pointing to the response message. Any time the message is too large
183f4febd00SPatrick Williamsto fit in a D-Bus payload, the message is written to a file, and a read-only
184f4febd00SPatrick Williamsfile descriptor pointing to that file is contained in the D-Bus signal.
185d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
186d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli#### Requester
187f4febd00SPatrick Williams
188d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliDesigning the BMC as a PLDM requester is interesting. We haven't had this with
189d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliIPMI, because the BMC was typically an IPMI server. PLDM requester functions
190d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliwill be spread across multiple OpenBMC applications (instead of a single big
191d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallirequester app) - based on the responder they're talking to and the high level
192d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallifunction they implement. For example, there could be an app that lets the BMC
193f4febd00SPatrick Williamsupgrade firmware for other devices using PLDM - this would be a generic app in
194f4febd00SPatrick Williamsthe sense that the same set of commands might have to be run irrespective of the
195f4febd00SPatrick Williamsdevice on the other side. There could also be an app that does fan control on a
196f4febd00SPatrick Williamsremote device, based on sensors from that device and algorithms specific to that
197f4febd00SPatrick Williamsdevice.
198d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
199e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli##### Proposed requester design
200d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
201e70b2ba6SDeepak KodihalliA requester app/flow comprises of the following :
202e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
203e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli- Linkage with a PLDM encode/decode library, to be able to pack PLDM requests
204e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  and unpack PLDM responses.
205e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
206e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli- A D-Bus API to generate a unique PLDM instance id. The id needs to be unique
207f4febd00SPatrick Williams  across all outgoing PLDM messages (from potentially different processes). This
208f4febd00SPatrick Williams  needs to be on D-Bus because the id needs to be unique across PLDM requester
209f4febd00SPatrick Williams  app processes.
210e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
211e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli- A requester client API that provides blocking and non-blocking functions to
212e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  transfer a PLDM request message and to receive the corresponding response
213f4febd00SPatrick Williams  message, over MCTP (the blocking send() will return a PLDM response). This
214f4febd00SPatrick Williams  will be a thin wrapper over the socket API provided by the mctp demux daemon.
215f4febd00SPatrick Williams  This will provide APIs for common tasks so that the same may not be
216f4febd00SPatrick Williams  re-implemented in each PLDM requester app. This set of API will be built into
217f4febd00SPatrick Williams  the encode/decode library (so libpldm would house encode/decode APIs, and
218e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  based on a compile time flag, the requester APIs as well). A PLDM requester
219e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  app can choose to not use the client requester APIs, and instead can directly
220e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  talk to the MCTP demux daemon.
221e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
222e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli##### Proposed requester design - flow diagrams
223e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
224e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihallia) With blocking API
225e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
2267c8847e9SDeepak Kodihalli```
227e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli+---------------+               +----------------+            +----------------+               +-----------------+
228e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli|BMC requester/ |               |PLDM requester  |            |PLDM responder  |               |PLDM Daemon      |
229e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli|client app     |               |lib (part of    |            |                |               |                 |
230e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli|               |               |libpldm)        |            |                |               |                 |
231e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli+-------+-------+               +-------+--------+            +--------+-------+               +---------+-------+
232e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
233e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |App starts                     |                              |                                 |
234e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
235e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------->setup connection with         |                                 |
236e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |init(non_block=false)          |MCTP daemon                   |                                 |
237e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
238e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<-------+return_code+----------+                              |                                 |
239e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
240e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
241e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
242e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                                 |
243e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |encode_pldm_cmd(cmd code, args)|                              |                                 |
244e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
245e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<----+returns pldm_msg+--------+                              |                                 |
246e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
247e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
248e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->|
249e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |DBus.getPLDMInstanceId()       |                              |                                 |
250e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
251e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |<-------------------------returns PLDM instance id----------------------------------------------|
252e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
253e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                                 |
254e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |send_msg(mctp_eids, pldm_msg)  +----------------------------->+                                 |
255e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |write msg to MCTP socket      |                                 |
256e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +----------------------------->+                                 |
257e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |call blocking recv() on socket|                                 |
258e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
259e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +<-+returns pldm_response+-----+                                 |
260e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
261e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +----+                         |                                 |
262e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |    | verify eids, instance id|                                 |
263e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +<---+                         |                                 |
264e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
265e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<--+returns pldm_response+-----+                              |                                 |
266e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
267e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
268e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
269e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                                 |
270e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |decode_pldm_cmd(pldm_resp,     |                              |                                 |
271e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                output args)   |                              |                                 |
272e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                                 |
273e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                                 |
274e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |close_connection()             |                              |                                 |
275e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +                               +                              +                                 +
2767c8847e9SDeepak Kodihalli```
277e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
278e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihallib) With non-blocking API
279e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
2807c8847e9SDeepak Kodihalli```
281e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli+---------------+               +----------------+            +----------------+             +---------------+
282e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli|BMC requester/ |               |PLDM requester  |            |PLDM responder  |             |PLDM daemon    |
283e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli|client app     |               |lib (part of    |            |                |             |               |
284e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli|               |               |libpldm)        |            |                |             |               |
285e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli+-------+-------+               +-------+--------+            +--------+-------+             +--------+------+
286e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
287e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |App starts                     |                              |                              |
288e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
289e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------->setup connection with         |                              |
290e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |init(non_block=true            |MCTP daemon                   |                              |
291e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |     int* o_mctp_fd)           |                              |                              |
292e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
293e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<-------+return_code+----------+                              |                              |
294e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
295e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
296e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
297e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                              |
298e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |encode_pldm_cmd(cmd code, args)|                              |                              |
299e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
300e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<----+returns pldm_msg+--------+                              |                              |
301e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
302e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->|
303e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |DBus.getPLDMInstanceId()       |                              |                              |
304e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
305e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |<-------------------------returns PLDM instance id-------------------------------------------|
306e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
307e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
308e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                              |
309e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |send_msg(eids, pldm_msg,       +----------------------------->+                              |
310e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |         non_block=true)       |write msg to MCTP socket      |                              |
311e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +<---+return_code+-------------+                              |
312e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<-+returns rc, doesn't block+--+                              |                              |
313e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
314e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------+                        |                              |                              |
315e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |      |Add EPOLLIN on mctp_fd  |                              |                              |
316e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |      |to self.event_loop      |                              |                              |
317e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<-----+                        |                              |                              |
318e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +                              |                              |
319e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<----------------------+PLDM response msg written to mctp_fd+-+                              |
320e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               +                              |                              |
321e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------+EPOLLIN on mctp_fd      |                              |                              |
322e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |      |received                |                              |                              |
323e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |      |                        |                              |                              |
324e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +<-----+                        |                              |                              |
325e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
326e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                              |
327e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |decode_pldm_cmd(pldm_response) |                              |                              |
328e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |                               |                              |                              |
329e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +------------------------------>+                              |                              |
330e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        |close_connection()             |                              |                              |
331e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli        +                               +                              +                              +
3327c8847e9SDeepak Kodihalli```
333e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
334e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli##### Alternative to the proposed requester design
335e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
336e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihallia) Define D-Bus interfaces to send and receive PLDM messages :
337e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
338e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli```
339e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihallimethod sendPLDM(uint8 mctp_eid, uint8 msg[])
340e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
341e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihallisignal recvPLDM(uint8 mctp_eid, uint8 pldm_instance_id, uint8 msg[])
342e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli```
343e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli
344e70b2ba6SDeepak KodihalliPLDM requester apps can then invoke the above applications. While this
345e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihallisimplifies things for the user, it has two disadvantages :
346f4febd00SPatrick Williams
347e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli- the app implementing such an interface could be a single point of failure,
348e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  plus sending messages concurrently would be a challenge.
349e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli- the message payload could be large (several pages), and copying the same for
350e70b2ba6SDeepak Kodihalli  D-Bus transfers might be undesirable.
351d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
352d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli### Multiple transport channels
353f4febd00SPatrick Williams
354d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe PLDM daemon might have to talk to remote PLDM devices via different
355d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallichannels. While a level of abstraction might be provided by MCTP, the PLDM
356f4febd00SPatrick Williamsdaemon would have to implement a D-Bus interface to target a specific transport
357f4febd00SPatrick Williamschannel, so that requester apps on the BMC can send messages over that
358f4febd00SPatrick Williamstransport. Also, it should be possible to plug-in platform specific D-Bus
359d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliobjects that implement an interface to target a platform specific transport.
360d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
361a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli### Processing PLDM FRU information sent down by the host firmware
362a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli
363a7ee8e1aSDeepak KodihalliNote: while this is specific to the host BMC communication, most of this might
364a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalliapply to processing PLDM FRU information received from a device connected to the
365a7ee8e1aSDeepak KodihalliBMC as well.
366a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli
367a7ee8e1aSDeepak KodihalliThe requirement is for the BMC to consume PLDM FRU information received from the
368a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihallihost firmware and then have the same exposed via Redfish. An example can be the
369a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihallihost firmware sending down processor and core information via PLDM FRU commands,
370a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalliand the BMC making this information available via the Processor and
371a7ee8e1aSDeepak KodihalliProcessorCollection schemas.
372a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli
373*d886ce89SThu NguyenThis design is built around the pldmd on the BMC:
374a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli
375a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli- The pldmd asks the host firmware's PLDM stack for the host's FRU record table,
376a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli  by sending it the PLDM GetFRURecordTable command. The pldmd should send this
377a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli  command if the host indicates support for the PLDM FRU spec. The pldmd
378a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli  receives a PLDM FRU record table from the host firmware (
379a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli  www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0257_1.0.0.pdf). The
380*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  daemon parses the FRU record table and hosts the PLDM FRU information on
381*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  D-Bus.
382a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli
383*d886ce89SThu Nguyen- Pldmd will also host the FRU inventory D-Bus from the xyz.openbmc_project.
384*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  Inventory namespace can be applied on these objects, by converting PLDM FRU
385*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  property values into xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Asset,
386*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Revision,
387*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.AssetTag and
388*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Decorator.Compatible interfaces property values,
389*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  such as Part Number, Serial Number, Version, Names and AssetTag. Bmcweb can
390*d886ce89SThu Nguyen  find these FRU inventory objects based on D-Bus interfaces, as it does today.
391a7ee8e1aSDeepak Kodihalli
392ed331697SGilbert Chen### MCTP endpoint discovery
393ed331697SGilbert Chen
394ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` (PLDM daemon) utilizes the
395ed331697SGilbert Chen[MCTP D-Bus interfaces](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/tree/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/MCTP)
396ed331697SGilbert Chento enumerate all MCTP endpoints in the system. The MCTP D-Bus interface
397ed331697SGilbert Chenimplements the `SupportedMessageTypes` to have which Message type supported by
398ed331697SGilbert Cheneach endpoint. `pldmd` watches the `InterfacesAdded` D-Bus signals from `mctpd`.
399ed331697SGilbert ChenIt also matches the `InterfaceRemoved` D-Bus signals to find the removed
400ed331697SGilbert Chenendpoint EIDs from `mctpd`.
401ed331697SGilbert Chen
402ed331697SGilbert Chen### Terminus management and discovery
403ed331697SGilbert Chen
404ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` will maintain a terminus table to manage the PLDM terminus in system.
405ed331697SGilbert ChenWhen `pldmd` received the updated EID table from MCTP D-Bus interface, `pldmd`
406ed331697SGilbert Chenshould check if the EID support PLDM message type (0x01) and then adds the EID
407ed331697SGilbert Chenwhich is not in the terminus table yet. When the terminus EID is removed from
408ed331697SGilbert ChenMCTP D-Bus interface, `pldmd` should also clean up the removed endpoint from the
409ed331697SGilbert Chenterminus table.
410ed331697SGilbert Chen
411ed331697SGilbert ChenFor each of terminus in the table, `pldmd` will go through the below steps:
412ed331697SGilbert Chen
413ed331697SGilbert Chen- Terminus initialization
414ed331697SGilbert Chen- Terminus discovery
415ed331697SGilbert Chen- Terminus monitor and control
416ed331697SGilbert Chen
417ed331697SGilbert ChenAll of the added D-Bus object paths and D-Bus interfaces, Monitoring/Controlling
418ed331697SGilbert Chentasks of the terminus will be removed when it is removed from the terminus
419ed331697SGilbert Chentable.
420ed331697SGilbert Chen
421ed331697SGilbert Chen#### Terminus initialization
422ed331697SGilbert Chen
423ed331697SGilbert ChenEach terminus in PLDM interface is identified by terminus ID (TID). This TID is
424ed331697SGilbert Chenan unique number `TID#`. When a new terminus is added to terminus table, `pldmd`
425ed331697SGilbert Chenshould send `GetTID` to get the `TID#`. When the received `TID#` is already
426ed331697SGilbert Chenexisting in TID pool, `pldmd` will call the `SetTID` command to assign a new TID
427ed331697SGilbert Chenfor the terminus.
428ed331697SGilbert Chen
429ed331697SGilbert ChenBeside the `TID#`, terminus can also have `$TerminusName` or `$DeviceName` which
430ed331697SGilbert Chencan be encoded in the Terminus's `Entity Auxiliary Names PDR` (section 28.18 of
431ed331697SGilbert ChenDSP0248 1.2.1) or in the MCTP Entity-manager endpoint EID configuration file
432ed331697SGilbert Chen[Entity-Manager EID configuration](https://github.com/openbmc/entity-manager/blob/master/configurations/yosemite4_floatingfalls.json#L7).
433ed331697SGilbert Chen
434ed331697SGilbert ChenBecause the `$TerminusName` will be included in the Terminus' sensors, effecters
435ed331697SGilbert Chenand states D-Bus object paths, so the EM EID configuration or Terminus's
436ed331697SGilbert Chen`Entity Auxiliary Names PDR` are recommended to be included for the Terminus
437ed331697SGilbert Chensupport sensors, effecters or status. When the EM EID configuration is not
438ed331697SGilbert Chenavailable, the `Entity Auxiliary name PDR` should be added, so all sensors don't
439ed331697SGilbert Chenhave the terminus number `TID#` in it anyhow.
440ed331697SGilbert Chen
441ed331697SGilbert Chen#### Teminus Discovery
442ed331697SGilbert Chen
443ed331697SGilbert ChenAfter the TID assignment steps, `pldmd` should go through `Terminus Discovery`
444ed331697SGilbert Chensteps:
445ed331697SGilbert Chen
446ed331697SGilbert Chen- Send `GetPLDMType` and `GetPLDMVersions` commands to the terminus to record
447ed331697SGilbert Chen  the supported PLDM type message/version.
448ed331697SGilbert Chen- If the terminus supports `GetPDRs` command type, `pldmd` will send that
449ed331697SGilbert Chen  command to get the terminus PDRs. Based on the retrieved PDRs, `pldmd` will
450ed331697SGilbert Chen  collect:
451ed331697SGilbert Chen
452ed331697SGilbert Chen  - The association between the entities in the system using
453ed331697SGilbert Chen    `Entity Association PDR` (section 28.17 of DSP0248 1.2.1).
454ed331697SGilbert Chen  - The entity names using `Entity Auxiliary Names PDR` (Section 28.18 of
455ed331697SGilbert Chen    DSP0248 1.2.1).
456ed331697SGilbert Chen  - The sensor/effecter/state info in the entities of terminus
457ed331697SGilbert Chen    sensors/effecter/state PDRs (section 28.4, 28.6, 28.8, 28.11, 28.14, 28.15,
458ed331697SGilbert Chen    28.25, etc. of DSP0248 1.2.1).
459ed331697SGilbert Chen  - The Fru info using FRU PDRs (section 28.22 of DSP0248 1.2.1).
460ed331697SGilbert Chen  - The other info using the others PDRs in section 28.x of DSP0248 1.2.1.
461ed331697SGilbert Chen
462ed331697SGilbert Chen  The above PDRs can also be configured in the JSON configuration files. When
463ed331697SGilbert Chen  the `PDR configuration` is available, the `pldmd` daemon will bypass `GetPDRs`
464ed331697SGilbert Chen  steps and read those files to collect that info. The template of the
465ed331697SGilbert Chen  configuration files can follow the current format of
466ed331697SGilbert Chen  [PDRs configuration files](https://github.com/openbmc/pldm/tree/master/configurations)
467ed331697SGilbert Chen
468ed331697SGilbert Chen  After this step, `pldmd` will have the list of `$sensorAuxNames` from the
469ed331697SGilbert Chen  Terminus's PDRs or the Terminus' EM JSON configuration files. This
470ed331697SGilbert Chen  `$sensorAuxNames` will be included in the PLDM Sensors D-Bus object paths in
471ed331697SGilbert Chen  `Sensor creating and monitor` section.
472ed331697SGilbert Chen
473ed331697SGilbert Chen- The `pldmd` then creates the Terminus inventory, sensors, effecters D-Bus
474ed331697SGilbert Chen  object paths.
475ed331697SGilbert Chen- At the final steps of `terminus discovery`, `pldmd` will send
476ed331697SGilbert Chen  `SetEventReceiver` notifies about the readiness of the BMC for the event
477ed331697SGilbert Chen  messages from the terminus.
478ed331697SGilbert Chen
479ed331697SGilbert Chen#### Terminus monitor and control
480ed331697SGilbert Chen
481ed331697SGilbert ChenAfter finishing the discovery steps, the daemon will start monitoring the
482ed331697SGilbert Chensensors, response for the events from terminus and handle the terminus control
483ed331697SGilbert Chenaction from the user.
484ed331697SGilbert Chen
485ed331697SGilbert Chen### Sensor creating and monitor
486ed331697SGilbert Chen
487ed331697SGilbert ChenTo find out all sensors from PLDM terminus, `pldmd` should retrieve all the
488ed331697SGilbert ChenSensor PDRs by PDR Repository commands (`GetPDRRepositoryInfo`, `GetPDR`) for
489ed331697SGilbert Chenthe necessary parameters (e.g., `sensorID#`, `$SensorAuxName`, unit, etc.).
490ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` can use libpldm encode/decode APIs
491ed331697SGilbert Chen(`encode_get_pdr_repository_info_req()`,
492ed331697SGilbert Chen`decode_get_pdr_repository_info_resp()`, `encode_get_pdr_req()`,
493ed331697SGilbert Chen`decode_get_pdr_resp()`) to build the commands message and then sends it to PLDM
494ed331697SGilbert Chenterminus.
495ed331697SGilbert Chen
496ed331697SGilbert ChenRegarding to the static device described in section 8.3.1 of DSP0248 1.2.1, the
497ed331697SGilbert Chendevice uses PLDM for access only and doesn't support PDRs. The PDRs for the
498ed331697SGilbert Chendevice needs to be encoded by Platform specific PDR JSON file by the platform
499ed331697SGilbert Chendeveloper. `pldmd` will generate these sensor PDRs encoded by JSON files and
500ed331697SGilbert Chenparse them as the same as the PDRs fetched by PLDM terminus.
501ed331697SGilbert Chen
502ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` should expose the found PLDM sensor to D-Bus object path
503ed331697SGilbert Chen`/xyz/openbmc*project/sensors/<sensor_type>/SensorName`. The format of
504ed331697SGilbert Chen`sensorName` can be `$TerminusName_$SensorAuxName` or `$TerminusName_SensorID#`.
505ed331697SGilbert Chen`$SensorAuxName` will be included in the `sensorName` whenever they exist. For
506ed331697SGilbert Chenexposing sensor status to D-Bus, `pldmd` should implement following D-Bus
507ed331697SGilbert Cheninterfaces to the D-Bus object path of PLDM sensor. The EM EID configuration or
508ed331697SGilbert Chenthe Terminus' `Entity Auxiliary name PDR` will provide `$TerminusName`. And
509ed331697SGilbert Chen`$SensorAuxName` can be found in the EM EID sensor configuration or the sensor
510ed331697SGilbert ChenPDRs.
511ed331697SGilbert Chen
512ed331697SGilbert Chen- [xyz.openbmc_project.Sensor.Value](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/Sensor/Value.interface.yaml),
513ed331697SGilbert Chen  the interface exposes the sensor reading unit, value, Max/Min Value.
514ed331697SGilbert Chen
515ed331697SGilbert Chen- [xyz.openbmc_project.State.Decorator.OperationalStatus](https://github.com/openbmc/phosphor-dbus-interfaces/blob/master/yaml/xyz/openbmc_project/State/Decorator/OperationalStatus.interface.yaml),
516ed331697SGilbert Chen  the interface exposes the sensor status which is functional or not.
517ed331697SGilbert Chen
518ed331697SGilbert ChenAfter doing the discovery of PLDM sensors, `pldmd` should initialize all found
519ed331697SGilbert Chensensors by necessary commands (e.g., `SetNumericSensorEnable`,
520ed331697SGilbert Chen`SetSensorThresholds`, `SetSensorHysteresis and `InitNumericSensor`) and then
521ed331697SGilbert Chenstart to update the sensor status to D-bus objects by polling or async event
522ed331697SGilbert Chenmethod depending on the capability of PLDM terminus.
523ed331697SGilbert Chen
524ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` should update the value property of `Sensor.Value` D-Bus interface after
525ed331697SGilbert Chengetting the response of `GetSensorReading` command successfully. If `pldmd`
526ed331697SGilbert Chenfailed to get the response from PLDM terminus or the completion code returned by
527ed331697SGilbert ChenPLDM terminus is not `PLDM_SUCCESS`, the Functional property of
528ed331697SGilbert Chen`State.Decorator.OperationalStatus` D-Bus interface should be updated to false.
529ed331697SGilbert Chen
530ed331697SGilbert Chen#### Polling v.s. Async method
531ed331697SGilbert Chen
532ed331697SGilbert ChenFor each terminus, `pldmd` maintains a list to poll the Terminus' sensors and
533ed331697SGilbert Chenexposes the status to D-Bus. `pldmd` has a polling timer with the configurable
534ed331697SGilbert Cheninterval to update the PLDM sensors of the terminus periodically. The PLDM
535ed331697SGilbert Chensensor in list has a `updateTime` which is initialized to the value of the
536ed331697SGilbert Chendefined `updateInterval` in sensor PDRs. Upon the polling timer timeout, the
537ed331697SGilbert Chenterminus' sensors will be read using `GetSensorReading` command. The read
538ed331697SGilbert Chencondition is the `elapsed time` from the `last read timestamp` to
539ed331697SGilbert Chen`current timestamp` is more than the sensor's `updateTime`. `pldmd` should have
540ed331697SGilbert ChenAPIs to be paused and resumed by other task (e.g. pausing sensor polling during
541ed331697SGilbert Chenfirmware updating to maximum bandwidth).
542ed331697SGilbert Chen
543ed331697SGilbert ChenTo enable async event method for a sensor to update its status to `pldmd`,
544ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` needs to implement the responder of `PlatformEventMessage` command
545ed331697SGilbert Chendescribed in 13.1 PLDM Event Message of
546ed331697SGilbert Chen[DSP0248 1.2.1](https://www.dmtf.org/sites/default/files/standards/documents/DSP0248_1.2.1.pdf).
547ed331697SGilbert Chen`pldmd` checks the response of `EventMessageSupported` command from PLDM
548ed331697SGilbert Chenterminus to identify if it can generate events. A PLDM sensor can work in event
549ed331697SGilbert Chenaync method if the `updateInterval` of all sensors in the same PLDM terminus are
550ed331697SGilbert Chenlonger than final polling time. Before `pldmd` starts to receive async event
551ed331697SGilbert Chenfrom PLDM terminus, `pldmd` should remove the sensor from poll list and then
552ed331697SGilbert Chensend necessary commands (e.g., `EventMessageBufferSize` and `SetEventReceiver`)
553ed331697SGilbert Chento PLDM terminus for the initialization.
554ed331697SGilbert Chen
555d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Alternatives Considered
556f4febd00SPatrick Williams
557f4febd00SPatrick WilliamsContinue using IPMI, but start making more use of OEM extensions to suit the
558f4febd00SPatrick Williamsrequirements of new platforms. However, given that the IPMI standard is no
559f4febd00SPatrick Williamslonger under active development, we would likely end up with a large amount of
560f4febd00SPatrick Williamsplatform-specific customisations. This also does not solve the hardware channel
561f4febd00SPatrick Williamsissues in a standard manner. On OpenPOWER hardware at least, we've started to
562f4febd00SPatrick Williamshit some of the limitations of IPMI (for example, we have need for >255
563f4febd00SPatrick Williamssensors).
564d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
565d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Impacts
566f4febd00SPatrick Williams
567d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliDevelopment would be required to implement the PLDM protocol, the
568d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallirequest/response model, and platform specific handling. Low level design is
569d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallirequired to implement the protocol specifics of each of the PLDM Types. Such low
570d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallilevel design is not included in this proposal.
571d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
572d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliDesign and development needs to involve the firmware stacks of management
573d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallicontrollers and management devices of a platform management subsystem.
574d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
575d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli## Testing
576f4febd00SPatrick Williams
577d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliTesting can be done without having to depend on the underlying transport layer.
578d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
579d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliThe responder function can be tested by mocking a requester and the transport
580d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallilayer: this would essentially test the protocol handling and platform specific
581d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihallihandling. The requester function can be tested by mocking a responder: this
582d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalliwould test the instance id handling and the send/receive functions.
583d070b7d7SDeepak Kodihalli
584d070b7d7SDeepak KodihalliAPIs from the shared libraries can be tested via fuzzing.
585ed331697SGilbert Chen
586ed331697SGilbert ChenThe APIs to parse PDRs from PLDM terminus can be tested by a mocking responder.
587ed331697SGilbert ChenA sample JSON file is provided to test the APIs for mocking PDRs for static PLDM
588ed331697SGilbert Chensensors.