xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/scripts/lib/checklayer/cases/common.py (revision 8460358c3d24c71d9d38fd126c745854a6301564)
1# Copyright (C) 2017 Intel Corporation
3# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
6import glob
7import os
8import unittest
9import re
10from checklayer import get_signatures, LayerType, check_command, compare_signatures, get_git_toplevel
11from checklayer.case import OECheckLayerTestCase
13class CommonCheckLayer(OECheckLayerTestCase):
14    def test_readme(self):
15        if self.tc.layer['type'] == LayerType.CORE:
16            raise unittest.SkipTest("Core layer's README is top level")
18        # The top-level README file may have a suffix (like README.rst or README.txt).
19        readme_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.tc.layer['path'], '[Rr][Ee][Aa][Dd][Mm][Ee]*'))
20        self.assertTrue(len(readme_files) > 0,
21                        msg="Layer doesn't contain a README file.")
23        # There might be more than one file matching the file pattern above
24        # (for example, README.rst and README-COPYING.rst). The one with the shortest
25        # name is considered the "main" one.
26        readme_file = sorted(readme_files)[0]
27        data = ''
28        with open(readme_file, 'r') as f:
29            data = f.read()
30        self.assertTrue(data,
31                msg="Layer contains a README file but it is empty.")
33        # If a layer's README references another README, then the checks below are not valid
34        if re.search('README', data, re.IGNORECASE):
35            return
37        self.assertIn('maintainer', data.lower())
38        self.assertIn('patch', data.lower())
39        # Check that there is an email address in the README
40        email_regex = re.compile(r"[^@]+@[^@]+")
41        self.assertTrue(email_regex.match(data))
43    def find_file_by_name(self, globs):
44        """
45        Utility function to find a file that matches the specified list of
46        globs, in either the layer directory itself or the repository top-level
47        directory.
48        """
49        directories = [self.tc.layer["path"]]
50        toplevel = get_git_toplevel(directories[0])
51        if toplevel:
52            directories.append(toplevel)
54        for path in directories:
55            for name in globs:
56                files = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, name))
57                if files:
58                    return sorted(files)[0]
59        return None
61    def test_security(self):
62        """
63        Test that the layer has a SECURITY.md (or similar) file, either in the
64        layer itself or at the top of the containing git repository.
65        """
66        if self.tc.layer["type"] == LayerType.CORE:
67            raise unittest.SkipTest("Core layer's SECURITY is top level")
69        filename = self.find_file_by_name(("SECURITY", "SECURITY.*"))
70        self.assertTrue(filename, msg="Layer doesn't contain a SECURITY.md file.")
72        size = os.path.getsize(filename)
73        self.assertGreater(size, 0, msg=f"{filename} has no content.")
75    def test_parse(self):
76        check_command('Layer %s failed to parse.' % self.tc.layer['name'],
77                      'bitbake -p')
79    def test_show_environment(self):
80        check_command('Layer %s failed to show environment.' % self.tc.layer['name'],
81                      'bitbake -e')
83    def test_world(self):
84        '''
85        "bitbake world" is expected to work. test_signatures does not cover that
86        because it is more lenient and ignores recipes in a world build that
87        are not actually buildable, so here we fail when "bitbake -S none world"
88        fails.
89        '''
90        get_signatures(self.td['builddir'], failsafe=False)
92    def test_world_inherit_class(self):
93        '''
94        This also does "bitbake -S none world" along with inheriting "yocto-check-layer"
95        class, which can do additional per-recipe test cases.
96        '''
97        msg = []
98        try:
99            get_signatures(self.td['builddir'], failsafe=False, machine=None, extravars='BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS="$BB_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_ADDITIONS INHERIT" INHERIT="yocto-check-layer"')
100        except RuntimeError as ex:
101            msg.append(str(ex))
102        if msg:
103            msg.insert(0, 'Layer %s failed additional checks from yocto-check-layer.bbclass\nSee below log for specific recipe parsing errors:\n' % \
104                self.tc.layer['name'])
105            self.fail('\n'.join(msg))
107    @unittest.expectedFailure
108    def test_patches_upstream_status(self):
109        import sys
110        sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], '../../../../meta/lib/'))
111        import oe.qa
112        patches = []
113        for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(self.tc.layer['path']):
114            for filename in files:
115                if filename.endswith(".patch"):
116                    ppath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
117                    if oe.qa.check_upstream_status(ppath):
118                        patches.append(ppath)
119        self.assertEqual(len(patches), 0 , \
120                msg="Found following patches with malformed or missing upstream status:\n%s" % '\n'.join([str(patch) for patch in patches]))
122    def test_signatures(self):
123        if self.tc.layer['type'] == LayerType.SOFTWARE and \
124           not self.tc.test_software_layer_signatures:
125            raise unittest.SkipTest("Not testing for signature changes in a software layer %s." \
126                     % self.tc.layer['name'])
128        curr_sigs, _ = get_signatures(self.td['builddir'], failsafe=True)
129        msg = compare_signatures(self.td['sigs'], curr_sigs)
130        if msg is not None:
131            self.fail('Adding layer %s changed signatures.\n%s' % (self.tc.layer['name'], msg))
133    def test_layerseries_compat(self):
134        for collection_name, collection_data in self.tc.layer['collections'].items():
135            self.assertTrue(collection_data['compat'], "Collection %s from layer %s does not set compatible oe-core versions via LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_collection." \
136                 % (collection_name, self.tc.layer['name']))