xref: /openbmc/linux/drivers/staging/media/atomisp/pci/isp/kernels/s3a/s3a_1.0/ia_css_s3a_types.h (revision 4b4193256c8d3bc3a5397b5cd9494c2ad386317d)
1 /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */
2 /*
3  * Support for Intel Camera Imaging ISP subsystem.
4  * Copyright (c) 2015, Intel Corporation.
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
7  * under the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License,
8  * version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
11  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
12  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
13  * more details.
14  */
16 #ifndef __IA_CSS_S3A_TYPES_H
17 #define __IA_CSS_S3A_TYPES_H
19 /* @file
20 * CSS-API header file for 3A statistics parameters.
21 */
23 #include <ia_css_frac.h>
25 #if (defined(SYSTEM_css_skycam_c0_system)) && (!defined(PIPE_GENERATION))
26 #include "../../../../components/stats_3a/src/stats_3a_public.h"
27 #endif
29 /* 3A configuration. This configures the 3A statistics collection
30  *  module.
31  */
33 /* 3A statistics grid
34  *
35  *  ISP block: S3A1 (3A Support for 3A ver.1 (Histogram is not used for AE))
36  *             S3A2 (3A Support for 3A ver.2 (Histogram is used for AE))
37  *  ISP1: S3A1 is used.
38  *  ISP2: S3A2 is used.
39  */
40 struct ia_css_3a_grid_info {
41 #if defined(SYSTEM_css_skycam_c0_system)
42 	u32 ae_enable;					/** ae enabled in binary,
43 								   0:disabled, 1:enabled */
44 	struct ae_public_config_grid_config
45 		ae_grd_info;	/** see description in ae_public.h*/
47 	u32 awb_enable;					/** awb enabled in binary,
48 								   0:disabled, 1:enabled */
49 	struct awb_public_config_grid_config
50 		awb_grd_info;	/** see description in awb_public.h*/
52 	u32 af_enable;					/** af enabled in binary,
53 								   0:disabled, 1:enabled */
54 	struct af_public_grid_config		af_grd_info;	/** see description in af_public.h*/
56 	u32 awb_fr_enable;					/** awb_fr enabled in binary,
57 								   0:disabled, 1:enabled */
58 	struct awb_fr_public_grid_config
59 		awb_fr_grd_info;/** see description in awb_fr_public.h*/
61 	u32 elem_bit_depth;    /** TODO:Taken from BYT  - need input from AIQ
62 					if needed for SKC
63 					Bit depth of element used
64 					to calculate 3A statistics.
65 					This is 13, which is the normalized
66 					bayer bit depth in DSP. */
68 #else
69 	u32 enable;            /** 3A statistics enabled.
70 					0:disabled, 1:enabled */
71 	u32 use_dmem;          /** DMEM or VMEM determines layout.
72 					0:3A statistics are stored to VMEM,
73 					1:3A statistics are stored to DMEM */
74 	u32 has_histogram;     /** Statistics include histogram.
75 					0:no histogram, 1:has histogram */
76 	u32 width;		    /** Width of 3A grid table.
77 					(= Horizontal number of grid cells
78 					in table, which cells have effective
79 					statistics.) */
80 	u32 height;	    /** Height of 3A grid table.
81 					(= Vertical number of grid cells
82 					in table, which cells have effective
83 					statistics.) */
84 	u32 aligned_width;     /** Horizontal stride (for alloc).
85 					(= Horizontal number of grid cells
86 					in table, which means
87 					the allocated width.) */
88 	u32 aligned_height;    /** Vertical stride (for alloc).
89 					(= Vertical number of grid cells
90 					in table, which means
91 					the allocated height.) */
92 	u32 bqs_per_grid_cell; /** Grid cell size in BQ(Bayer Quad) unit.
93 					(1BQ means {Gr,R,B,Gb}(2x2 pixels).)
94 					Valid values are 8,16,32,64. */
95 	u32 deci_factor_log2;  /** log2 of bqs_per_grid_cell. */
96 	u32 elem_bit_depth;    /** Bit depth of element used
97 					to calculate 3A statistics.
98 					This is 13, which is the normalized
99 					bayer bit depth in DSP. */
100 #endif
101 };
103 /* This struct should be split into 3, for AE, AWB and AF.
104  * However, that will require driver/ 3A lib modifications.
105  */
107 /* 3A configuration. This configures the 3A statistics collection
108  *  module.
109  *
110  *  ae_y_*: Coefficients to calculate luminance from bayer.
111  *  awb_lg_*: Thresholds to check the saturated bayer pixels for AWB.
112  *    Condition of effective pixel for AWB level gate check:
113  *      bayer(sensor) <= awb_lg_high_raw &&
114  *      bayer(when AWB statisitcs is calculated) >= awb_lg_low &&
115  *      bayer(when AWB statisitcs is calculated) <= awb_lg_high
116  *  af_fir*: Coefficients of high pass filter to calculate AF statistics.
117  *
118  *  ISP block: S3A1(ae_y_* for AE/AF, awb_lg_* for AWB)
119  *             S3A2(ae_y_* for AF, awb_lg_* for AWB)
120  *             SDVS1(ae_y_*)
121  *             SDVS2(ae_y_*)
122  *  ISP1: S3A1 and SDVS1 are used.
123  *  ISP2: S3A2 and SDVS2 are used.
124  */
125 struct ia_css_3a_config {
126 	ia_css_u0_16 ae_y_coef_r;	/** Weight of R for Y.
127 						u0.16, [0,65535],
128 						default/ineffective 25559 */
129 	ia_css_u0_16 ae_y_coef_g;	/** Weight of G for Y.
130 						u0.16, [0,65535],
131 						default/ineffective 32768 */
132 	ia_css_u0_16 ae_y_coef_b;	/** Weight of B for Y.
133 						u0.16, [0,65535],
134 						default/ineffective 7209 */
135 	ia_css_u0_16 awb_lg_high_raw;	/** AWB level gate high for raw.
136 						u0.16, [0,65535],
137 						default 65472(=1023*64),
138 						ineffective 65535 */
139 	ia_css_u0_16 awb_lg_low;	/** AWB level gate low.
140 						u0.16, [0,65535],
141 						default 64(=1*64),
142 						ineffective 0 */
143 	ia_css_u0_16 awb_lg_high;	/** AWB level gate high.
144 						u0.16, [0,65535],
145 						default 65535,
146 						ineffective 65535 */
147 	ia_css_s0_15 af_fir1_coef[7];	/** AF FIR coefficients of fir1.
148 						s0.15, [-32768,32767],
149 				default/ineffective
150 				-6689,-12207,-32768,32767,12207,6689,0 */
151 	ia_css_s0_15 af_fir2_coef[7];	/** AF FIR coefficients of fir2.
152 						s0.15, [-32768,32767],
153 				default/ineffective
154 				2053,0,-18437,32767,-18437,2053,0 */
155 };
157 /* 3A statistics. This structure describes the data stored
158  *  in each 3A grid point.
159  *
160  *  ISP block: S3A1 (3A Support for 3A ver.1) (Histogram is not used for AE)
161  *             S3A2 (3A Support for 3A ver.2) (Histogram is used for AE)
162  *             - ae_y is used only for S3A1.
163  *             - awb_* and af_* are used both for S3A1 and S3A2.
164  *  ISP1: S3A1 is used.
165  *  ISP2: S3A2 is used.
166  */
167 struct ia_css_3a_output {
168 	s32 ae_y;    /** Sum of Y in a statistics window, for AE.
169 				(u19.13) */
170 	s32 awb_cnt; /** Number of effective pixels
171 				in a statistics window.
172 				Pixels passed by the AWB level gate check are
173 				judged as "effective". (u32) */
174 	s32 awb_gr;  /** Sum of Gr in a statistics window, for AWB.
175 				All Gr pixels (not only for effective pixels)
176 				are summed. (u19.13) */
177 	s32 awb_r;   /** Sum of R in a statistics window, for AWB.
178 				All R pixels (not only for effective pixels)
179 				are summed. (u19.13) */
180 	s32 awb_b;   /** Sum of B in a statistics window, for AWB.
181 				All B pixels (not only for effective pixels)
182 				are summed. (u19.13) */
183 	s32 awb_gb;  /** Sum of Gb in a statistics window, for AWB.
184 				All Gb pixels (not only for effective pixels)
185 				are summed. (u19.13) */
186 	s32 af_hpf1; /** Sum of |Y| following high pass filter af_fir1
187 				within a statistics window, for AF. (u19.13) */
188 	s32 af_hpf2; /** Sum of |Y| following high pass filter af_fir2
189 				within a statistics window, for AF. (u19.13) */
190 };
192 /* 3A Statistics. This structure describes the statistics that are generated
193  *  using the provided configuration (ia_css_3a_config).
194  */
195 struct ia_css_3a_statistics {
196 	struct ia_css_3a_grid_info
197 		grid;	/** grid info contains the dimensions of the 3A grid */
198 	struct ia_css_3a_output
199 		*data;	/** the pointer to 3a_output[grid.width * grid.height]
200 						     containing the 3A statistics */
201 	struct ia_css_3a_rgby_output *rgby_data;/** the pointer to 3a_rgby_output[256]
202 						     containing the histogram */
203 };
205 /* Histogram (Statistics for AE).
206  *
207  *  4 histograms(r,g,b,y),
208  *  256 bins for each histogram, unsigned 24bit value for each bin.
209  *    struct ia_css_3a_rgby_output data[256];
211  *  ISP block: HIST2
212  * (ISP1: HIST2 is not used.)
213  *  ISP2: HIST2 is used.
214  */
215 struct ia_css_3a_rgby_output {
216 	u32 r;	/** Number of R of one bin of the histogram R. (u24) */
217 	u32 g;	/** Number of G of one bin of the histogram G. (u24) */
218 	u32 b;	/** Number of B of one bin of the histogram B. (u24) */
219 	u32 y;	/** Number of Y of one bin of the histogram Y. (u24) */
220 };
222 #endif /* __IA_CSS_S3A_TYPES_H */