1# 2# Copyright OpenEmbedded Contributors 3# 4# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 5# 6 7import os 8 9from oeqa.selftest.case import OESelftestTestCase 10from oeqa.utils.commands import bitbake, get_bb_var 11import oeqa.utils.ftools as ftools 12 13class LayerAppendTests(OESelftestTestCase): 14 layerconf = """ 15# We have a conf and classes directory, append to BBPATH 16BBPATH .= ":${LAYERDIR}" 17 18# We have a recipes directory, add to BBFILES 19BBFILES += "${LAYERDIR}/recipes*/*.bb ${LAYERDIR}/recipes*/*.bbappend" 20 21BBFILE_COLLECTIONS += "meta-layerINT" 22BBFILE_PATTERN_meta-layerINT := "^${LAYERDIR}/" 23BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-layerINT = "6" 24""" 25 recipe = """ 26LICENSE="CLOSED" 27INHIBIT_DEFAULT_DEPS = "1" 28 29python do_build() { 30 bb.plain('Building ...') 31} 32addtask build 33""" 34 append = """ 35FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" 36 37SRC_URI:append = " file://appendtest.txt" 38 39sysroot_stage_all:append() { 40 install -m 644 ${UNPACKDIR}/appendtest.txt ${SYSROOT_DESTDIR}/ 41} 42 43""" 44 45 append2 = """ 46FILESEXTRAPATHS:prepend := "${THISDIR}/${PN}:" 47 48SRC_URI:append = " file://appendtest.txt" 49""" 50 layerappend = '' 51 52 def tearDownLocal(self): 53 if self.layerappend: 54 ftools.remove_from_file(self.builddir + "/conf/bblayers.conf", self.layerappend) 55 super(LayerAppendTests, self).tearDownLocal() 56 57 def test_layer_appends(self): 58 corebase = get_bb_var("COREBASE") 59 60 for l in ["0", "1", "2"]: 61 layer = os.path.join(corebase, "meta-layertest" + l) 62 self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(layer)) 63 os.mkdir(layer) 64 os.mkdir(layer + "/conf") 65 with open(layer + "/conf/layer.conf", "w") as f: 66 f.write(self.layerconf.replace("INT", l)) 67 os.mkdir(layer + "/recipes-test") 68 if l == "0": 69 with open(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest.bb", "w") as f: 70 f.write(self.recipe) 71 elif l == "1": 72 with open(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest.bbappend", "w") as f: 73 f.write(self.append) 74 os.mkdir(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest") 75 with open(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest/appendtest.txt", "w") as f: 76 f.write("Layer 1 test") 77 elif l == "2": 78 with open(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest.bbappend", "w") as f: 79 f.write(self.append2) 80 os.mkdir(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest") 81 with open(layer + "/recipes-test/layerappendtest/appendtest.txt", "w") as f: 82 f.write("Layer 2 test") 83 self.track_for_cleanup(layer) 84 85 self.layerappend = "BBLAYERS += \"{0}/meta-layertest0 {0}/meta-layertest1 {0}/meta-layertest2\"".format(corebase) 86 ftools.append_file(self.builddir + "/conf/bblayers.conf", self.layerappend) 87 stagingdir = get_bb_var("SYSROOT_DESTDIR", "layerappendtest") 88 bitbake("layerappendtest") 89 data = ftools.read_file(stagingdir + "/appendtest.txt") 90 self.assertEqual(data, "Layer 2 test") 91 os.remove(corebase + "/meta-layertest2/recipes-test/layerappendtest/appendtest.txt") 92 bitbake("layerappendtest") 93 data = ftools.read_file(stagingdir + "/appendtest.txt") 94 self.assertEqual(data, "Layer 1 test") 95 with open(corebase + "/meta-layertest2/recipes-test/layerappendtest/appendtest.txt", "w") as f: 96 f.write("Layer 2 test") 97 bitbake("layerappendtest") 98 data = ftools.read_file(stagingdir + "/appendtest.txt") 99 self.assertEqual(data, "Layer 2 test") 100