xref: /openbmc/bmcweb/redfish-core/include/registries/privilege_registry.hpp (revision 40e9b92ec19acffb46f83a6e55b18974da5d708e)
1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
2 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright OpenBMC Authors
3 #pragma once
4 /****************************************************************
5  *                 READ THIS WARNING FIRST
6  * This is an auto-generated header which contains definitions
7  * for Redfish DMTF defined messages.
8  * DO NOT modify this registry outside of running the
9  * parse_registries.py script.  The definitions contained within
10  * this file are owned by DMTF.  Any modifications to these files
11  * should be first pushed to the relevant registry in the DMTF
12  * github organization.
13  ***************************************************************/
14 #include "privileges.hpp"
16 #include <array>
18 // clang-format off
20 namespace redfish::privileges
21 {
22 const std::array<Privileges, 1> privilegeSetLogin = {{
23     {"Login"}
24 }};
25 const std::array<Privileges, 1> privilegeSetConfigureComponents = {{
26     {"ConfigureComponents"}
27 }};
28 const std::array<Privileges, 1> privilegeSetConfigureUsers = {{
29     {"ConfigureUsers"}
30 }};
31 const std::array<Privileges, 1> privilegeSetConfigureManager = {{
32     {"ConfigureManager"}
33 }};
34 const std::array<Privileges, 2> privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents = {{
35     {"ConfigureManager"},
36     {"ConfigureComponents"}
37 }};
38 const std::array<Privileges, 2> privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf = {{
39     {"ConfigureManager"},
40     {"ConfigureSelf"}
41 }};
42 const std::array<Privileges, 3> privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureUsersOrConfigureSelf = {{
43     {"ConfigureManager"},
44     {"ConfigureUsers"},
45     {"ConfigureSelf"}
46 }};
47 const std::array<Privileges, 2> privilegeSetLoginOrNoAuth = {{
48     {"Login"},
49     {}
50 }};
51 // AccelerationFunction
52 const static auto& getAccelerationFunction = privilegeSetLogin;
53 const static auto& headAccelerationFunction = privilegeSetLogin;
54 const static auto& patchAccelerationFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
55 const static auto& putAccelerationFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
56 const static auto& deleteAccelerationFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
57 const static auto& postAccelerationFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
59 // AccelerationFunctionCollection
60 const static auto& getAccelerationFunctionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
61 const static auto& headAccelerationFunctionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
62 const static auto& patchAccelerationFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
63 const static auto& putAccelerationFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
64 const static auto& deleteAccelerationFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
65 const static auto& postAccelerationFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
67 // AccountService
68 const static auto& getAccountService = privilegeSetLogin;
69 const static auto& headAccountService = privilegeSetLogin;
70 const static auto& patchAccountService = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
71 const static auto& putAccountService = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
72 const static auto& deleteAccountService = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
73 const static auto& postAccountService = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
75 // ActionInfo
76 const static auto& getActionInfo = privilegeSetLogin;
77 const static auto& headActionInfo = privilegeSetLogin;
78 const static auto& patchActionInfo = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
79 const static auto& putActionInfo = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
80 const static auto& deleteActionInfo = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
81 const static auto& postActionInfo = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
83 // AddressPool
84 const static auto& getAddressPool = privilegeSetLogin;
85 const static auto& headAddressPool = privilegeSetLogin;
86 const static auto& patchAddressPool = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
87 const static auto& putAddressPool = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
88 const static auto& deleteAddressPool = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
89 const static auto& postAddressPool = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
91 // AddressPoolCollection
92 const static auto& getAddressPoolCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
93 const static auto& headAddressPoolCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
94 const static auto& patchAddressPoolCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
95 const static auto& putAddressPoolCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
96 const static auto& deleteAddressPoolCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
97 const static auto& postAddressPoolCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
99 // Aggregate
100 const static auto& getAggregate = privilegeSetLogin;
101 const static auto& headAggregate = privilegeSetLogin;
102 const static auto& patchAggregate = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
103 const static auto& putAggregate = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
104 const static auto& deleteAggregate = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
105 const static auto& postAggregate = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
107 // AggregateCollection
108 const static auto& getAggregateCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
109 const static auto& headAggregateCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
110 const static auto& patchAggregateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
111 const static auto& putAggregateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
112 const static auto& deleteAggregateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
113 const static auto& postAggregateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
115 // AggregationService
116 const static auto& getAggregationService = privilegeSetLogin;
117 const static auto& headAggregationService = privilegeSetLogin;
118 const static auto& patchAggregationService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
119 const static auto& putAggregationService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
120 const static auto& deleteAggregationService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
121 const static auto& postAggregationService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
123 // AggregationSource
124 const static auto& getAggregationSource = privilegeSetLogin;
125 const static auto& headAggregationSource = privilegeSetLogin;
126 const static auto& patchAggregationSource = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
127 const static auto& putAggregationSource = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
128 const static auto& deleteAggregationSource = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
129 const static auto& postAggregationSource = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
131 // AggregationSourceCollection
132 const static auto& getAggregationSourceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
133 const static auto& headAggregationSourceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
134 const static auto& patchAggregationSourceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
135 const static auto& putAggregationSourceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
136 const static auto& deleteAggregationSourceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
137 const static auto& postAggregationSourceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
139 // AllowDeny
140 const static auto& getAllowDeny = privilegeSetLogin;
141 const static auto& headAllowDeny = privilegeSetLogin;
142 const static auto& patchAllowDeny = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
143 const static auto& putAllowDeny = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
144 const static auto& deleteAllowDeny = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
145 const static auto& postAllowDeny = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
147 // AllowDenyCollection
148 const static auto& getAllowDenyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
149 const static auto& headAllowDenyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
150 const static auto& patchAllowDenyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
151 const static auto& putAllowDenyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
152 const static auto& deleteAllowDenyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
153 const static auto& postAllowDenyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
155 // Application
156 const static auto& getApplication = privilegeSetLogin;
157 const static auto& headApplication = privilegeSetLogin;
158 const static auto& patchApplication = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
159 const static auto& putApplication = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
160 const static auto& deleteApplication = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
161 const static auto& postApplication = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
163 // ApplicationCollection
164 const static auto& getApplicationCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
165 const static auto& headApplicationCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
166 const static auto& patchApplicationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
167 const static auto& putApplicationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
168 const static auto& deleteApplicationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
169 const static auto& postApplicationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
171 // Assembly
172 const static auto& getAssembly = privilegeSetLogin;
173 const static auto& headAssembly = privilegeSetLogin;
174 const static auto& patchAssembly = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
175 const static auto& putAssembly = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
176 const static auto& deleteAssembly = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
177 const static auto& postAssembly = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
179 // AttributeRegistry
180 const static auto& getAttributeRegistry = privilegeSetLogin;
181 const static auto& headAttributeRegistry = privilegeSetLogin;
182 const static auto& patchAttributeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
183 const static auto& putAttributeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
184 const static auto& deleteAttributeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
185 const static auto& postAttributeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
187 // Battery
188 const static auto& getBattery = privilegeSetLogin;
189 const static auto& headBattery = privilegeSetLogin;
190 const static auto& patchBattery = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
191 const static auto& putBattery = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
192 const static auto& deleteBattery = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
193 const static auto& postBattery = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
195 // BatteryCollection
196 const static auto& getBatteryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
197 const static auto& headBatteryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
198 const static auto& patchBatteryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
199 const static auto& putBatteryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
200 const static auto& deleteBatteryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
201 const static auto& postBatteryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
203 // BatteryMetrics
204 const static auto& getBatteryMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
205 const static auto& headBatteryMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
206 const static auto& patchBatteryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
207 const static auto& putBatteryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
208 const static auto& deleteBatteryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
209 const static auto& postBatteryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
211 // Bios
212 const static auto& getBios = privilegeSetLogin;
213 const static auto& headBios = privilegeSetLogin;
214 const static auto& patchBios = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
215 const static auto& postBios = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
216 const static auto& putBios = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
217 const static auto& deleteBios = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
219 // BootOption
220 const static auto& getBootOption = privilegeSetLogin;
221 const static auto& headBootOption = privilegeSetLogin;
222 const static auto& patchBootOption = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
223 const static auto& putBootOption = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
224 const static auto& deleteBootOption = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
225 const static auto& postBootOption = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
227 // BootOptionCollection
228 const static auto& getBootOptionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
229 const static auto& headBootOptionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
230 const static auto& patchBootOptionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
231 const static auto& putBootOptionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
232 const static auto& deleteBootOptionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
233 const static auto& postBootOptionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
235 // Cable
236 const static auto& getCable = privilegeSetLogin;
237 const static auto& headCable = privilegeSetLogin;
238 const static auto& patchCable = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
239 const static auto& putCable = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
240 const static auto& deleteCable = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
241 const static auto& postCable = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
243 // CableCollection
244 const static auto& getCableCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
245 const static auto& headCableCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
246 const static auto& patchCableCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
247 const static auto& putCableCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
248 const static auto& deleteCableCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
249 const static auto& postCableCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
251 // Certificate
252 const static auto& getCertificate = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
253 const static auto& headCertificate = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
254 const static auto& patchCertificate = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
255 const static auto& putCertificate = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
256 const static auto& deleteCertificate = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
257 const static auto& postCertificate = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
259 // CertificateCollection
260 const static auto& getCertificateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
261 const static auto& headCertificateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
262 const static auto& patchCertificateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
263 const static auto& putCertificateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
264 const static auto& deleteCertificateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
265 const static auto& postCertificateCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
267 // CertificateLocations
268 const static auto& getCertificateLocations = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
269 const static auto& headCertificateLocations = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
270 const static auto& patchCertificateLocations = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
271 const static auto& putCertificateLocations = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
272 const static auto& deleteCertificateLocations = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
273 const static auto& postCertificateLocations = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
275 // CertificateService
276 const static auto& getCertificateService = privilegeSetLogin;
277 const static auto& headCertificateService = privilegeSetLogin;
278 const static auto& patchCertificateService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
279 const static auto& putCertificateService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
280 const static auto& deleteCertificateService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
281 const static auto& postCertificateService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
283 // Chassis
284 const static auto& getChassis = privilegeSetLogin;
285 const static auto& headChassis = privilegeSetLogin;
286 const static auto& patchChassis = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
287 const static auto& putChassis = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
288 const static auto& deleteChassis = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
289 const static auto& postChassis = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
291 // ChassisCollection
292 const static auto& getChassisCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
293 const static auto& headChassisCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
294 const static auto& patchChassisCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
295 const static auto& putChassisCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
296 const static auto& deleteChassisCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
297 const static auto& postChassisCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
299 // Circuit
300 const static auto& getCircuit = privilegeSetLogin;
301 const static auto& headCircuit = privilegeSetLogin;
302 const static auto& patchCircuit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
303 const static auto& putCircuit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
304 const static auto& deleteCircuit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
305 const static auto& postCircuit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
307 // CircuitCollection
308 const static auto& getCircuitCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
309 const static auto& headCircuitCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
310 const static auto& patchCircuitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
311 const static auto& putCircuitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
312 const static auto& deleteCircuitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
313 const static auto& postCircuitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
315 // ComponentIntegrity
316 const static auto& getComponentIntegrity = privilegeSetLogin;
317 const static auto& headComponentIntegrity = privilegeSetLogin;
318 const static auto& patchComponentIntegrity = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
319 const static auto& putComponentIntegrity = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
320 const static auto& deleteComponentIntegrity = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
321 const static auto& postComponentIntegrity = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
323 // ComponentIntegrityCollection
324 const static auto& getComponentIntegrityCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
325 const static auto& headComponentIntegrityCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
326 const static auto& patchComponentIntegrityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
327 const static auto& putComponentIntegrityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
328 const static auto& deleteComponentIntegrityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
329 const static auto& postComponentIntegrityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
331 // CompositionReservation
332 const static auto& getCompositionReservation = privilegeSetLogin;
333 const static auto& headCompositionReservation = privilegeSetLogin;
334 const static auto& patchCompositionReservation = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
335 const static auto& putCompositionReservation = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
336 const static auto& deleteCompositionReservation = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
337 const static auto& postCompositionReservation = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
339 // CompositionReservationCollection
340 const static auto& getCompositionReservationCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
341 const static auto& headCompositionReservationCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
342 const static auto& patchCompositionReservationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
343 const static auto& putCompositionReservationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
344 const static auto& deleteCompositionReservationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
345 const static auto& postCompositionReservationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
347 // CompositionService
348 const static auto& getCompositionService = privilegeSetLogin;
349 const static auto& headCompositionService = privilegeSetLogin;
350 const static auto& patchCompositionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
351 const static auto& putCompositionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
352 const static auto& deleteCompositionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
353 const static auto& postCompositionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
355 // ComputerSystem
356 const static auto& getComputerSystem = privilegeSetLogin;
357 const static auto& headComputerSystem = privilegeSetLogin;
358 const static auto& patchComputerSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
359 const static auto& postComputerSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
360 const static auto& putComputerSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
361 const static auto& deleteComputerSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
363 // ComputerSystemCollection
364 const static auto& getComputerSystemCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
365 const static auto& headComputerSystemCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
366 const static auto& patchComputerSystemCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
367 const static auto& postComputerSystemCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
368 const static auto& putComputerSystemCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
369 const static auto& deleteComputerSystemCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
371 // Connection
372 const static auto& getConnection = privilegeSetLogin;
373 const static auto& headConnection = privilegeSetLogin;
374 const static auto& patchConnection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
375 const static auto& postConnection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
376 const static auto& putConnection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
377 const static auto& deleteConnection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
379 // ConnectionCollection
380 const static auto& getConnectionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
381 const static auto& headConnectionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
382 const static auto& patchConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
383 const static auto& postConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
384 const static auto& putConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
385 const static auto& deleteConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
387 // ConnectionMethod
388 const static auto& getConnectionMethod = privilegeSetLogin;
389 const static auto& headConnectionMethod = privilegeSetLogin;
390 const static auto& patchConnectionMethod = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
391 const static auto& putConnectionMethod = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
392 const static auto& deleteConnectionMethod = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
393 const static auto& postConnectionMethod = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
395 // ConnectionMethodCollection
396 const static auto& getConnectionMethodCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
397 const static auto& headConnectionMethodCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
398 const static auto& patchConnectionMethodCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
399 const static auto& putConnectionMethodCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
400 const static auto& deleteConnectionMethodCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
401 const static auto& postConnectionMethodCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
403 // Container
404 const static auto& getContainer = privilegeSetLogin;
405 const static auto& headContainer = privilegeSetLogin;
406 const static auto& patchContainer = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
407 const static auto& putContainer = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
408 const static auto& deleteContainer = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
409 const static auto& postContainer = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
411 // ContainerCollection
412 const static auto& getContainerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
413 const static auto& headContainerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
414 const static auto& patchContainerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
415 const static auto& putContainerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
416 const static auto& deleteContainerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
417 const static auto& postContainerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
419 // ContainerImage
420 const static auto& getContainerImage = privilegeSetLogin;
421 const static auto& headContainerImage = privilegeSetLogin;
422 const static auto& patchContainerImage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
423 const static auto& putContainerImage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
424 const static auto& deleteContainerImage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
425 const static auto& postContainerImage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
427 // ContainerImageCollection
428 const static auto& getContainerImageCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
429 const static auto& headContainerImageCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
430 const static auto& patchContainerImageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
431 const static auto& putContainerImageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
432 const static auto& deleteContainerImageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
433 const static auto& postContainerImageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
435 // Control
436 const static auto& getControl = privilegeSetLogin;
437 const static auto& headControl = privilegeSetLogin;
438 const static auto& patchControl = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
439 const static auto& putControl = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
440 const static auto& deleteControl = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
441 const static auto& postControl = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
443 // ControlCollection
444 const static auto& getControlCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
445 const static auto& headControlCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
446 const static auto& patchControlCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
447 const static auto& putControlCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
448 const static auto& deleteControlCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
449 const static auto& postControlCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
451 // CoolantConnector
452 const static auto& getCoolantConnector = privilegeSetLogin;
453 const static auto& headCoolantConnector = privilegeSetLogin;
454 const static auto& patchCoolantConnector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
455 const static auto& putCoolantConnector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
456 const static auto& deleteCoolantConnector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
457 const static auto& postCoolantConnector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
459 // CoolantConnectorCollection
460 const static auto& getCoolantConnectorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
461 const static auto& headCoolantConnectorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
462 const static auto& patchCoolantConnectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
463 const static auto& putCoolantConnectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
464 const static auto& deleteCoolantConnectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
465 const static auto& postCoolantConnectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
467 // CoolingLoop
468 const static auto& getCoolingLoop = privilegeSetLogin;
469 const static auto& headCoolingLoop = privilegeSetLogin;
470 const static auto& patchCoolingLoop = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
471 const static auto& putCoolingLoop = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
472 const static auto& deleteCoolingLoop = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
473 const static auto& postCoolingLoop = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
475 // CoolingLoopCollection
476 const static auto& getCoolingLoopCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
477 const static auto& headCoolingLoopCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
478 const static auto& patchCoolingLoopCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
479 const static auto& putCoolingLoopCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
480 const static auto& deleteCoolingLoopCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
481 const static auto& postCoolingLoopCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
483 // CoolingUnit
484 const static auto& getCoolingUnit = privilegeSetLogin;
485 const static auto& headCoolingUnit = privilegeSetLogin;
486 const static auto& patchCoolingUnit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
487 const static auto& putCoolingUnit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
488 const static auto& deleteCoolingUnit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
489 const static auto& postCoolingUnit = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
491 // CoolingUnitCollection
492 const static auto& getCoolingUnitCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
493 const static auto& headCoolingUnitCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
494 const static auto& patchCoolingUnitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
495 const static auto& putCoolingUnitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
496 const static auto& deleteCoolingUnitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
497 const static auto& postCoolingUnitCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
499 // CXLLogicalDevice
500 const static auto& getCXLLogicalDevice = privilegeSetLogin;
501 const static auto& headCXLLogicalDevice = privilegeSetLogin;
502 const static auto& patchCXLLogicalDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
503 const static auto& putCXLLogicalDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
504 const static auto& deleteCXLLogicalDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
505 const static auto& postCXLLogicalDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
507 // CXLLogicalDeviceCollection
508 const static auto& getCXLLogicalDeviceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
509 const static auto& headCXLLogicalDeviceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
510 const static auto& patchCXLLogicalDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
511 const static auto& putCXLLogicalDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
512 const static auto& deleteCXLLogicalDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
513 const static auto& postCXLLogicalDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
515 // Drive
516 const static auto& getDrive = privilegeSetLogin;
517 const static auto& headDrive = privilegeSetLogin;
518 const static auto& patchDrive = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
519 const static auto& postDrive = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
520 const static auto& putDrive = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
521 const static auto& deleteDrive = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
523 // DriveCollection
524 const static auto& getDriveCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
525 const static auto& headDriveCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
526 const static auto& patchDriveCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
527 const static auto& postDriveCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
528 const static auto& putDriveCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
529 const static auto& deleteDriveCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
531 // DriveMetrics
532 const static auto& getDriveMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
533 const static auto& headDriveMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
534 const static auto& patchDriveMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
535 const static auto& putDriveMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
536 const static auto& deleteDriveMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
537 const static auto& postDriveMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
539 // Endpoint
540 const static auto& getEndpoint = privilegeSetLogin;
541 const static auto& headEndpoint = privilegeSetLogin;
542 const static auto& patchEndpoint = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
543 const static auto& postEndpoint = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
544 const static auto& putEndpoint = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
545 const static auto& deleteEndpoint = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
547 // EndpointCollection
548 const static auto& getEndpointCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
549 const static auto& headEndpointCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
550 const static auto& patchEndpointCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
551 const static auto& postEndpointCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
552 const static auto& putEndpointCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
553 const static auto& deleteEndpointCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
555 // EndpointGroup
556 const static auto& getEndpointGroup = privilegeSetLogin;
557 const static auto& headEndpointGroup = privilegeSetLogin;
558 const static auto& patchEndpointGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
559 const static auto& postEndpointGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
560 const static auto& putEndpointGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
561 const static auto& deleteEndpointGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
563 // EndpointGroupCollection
564 const static auto& getEndpointGroupCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
565 const static auto& headEndpointGroupCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
566 const static auto& patchEndpointGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
567 const static auto& postEndpointGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
568 const static auto& putEndpointGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
569 const static auto& deleteEndpointGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
571 // EnvironmentMetrics
572 const static auto& getEnvironmentMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
573 const static auto& headEnvironmentMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
574 const static auto& patchEnvironmentMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
575 const static auto& putEnvironmentMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
576 const static auto& deleteEnvironmentMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
577 const static auto& postEnvironmentMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
579 // EthernetInterface
580 const static auto& getEthernetInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
581 const static auto& headEthernetInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
582 const static auto& patchEthernetInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
583 const static auto& postEthernetInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
584 const static auto& putEthernetInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
585 const static auto& deleteEthernetInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
587 // EthernetInterfaceCollection
588 const static auto& getEthernetInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
589 const static auto& headEthernetInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
590 const static auto& patchEthernetInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
591 const static auto& postEthernetInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
592 const static auto& putEthernetInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
593 const static auto& deleteEthernetInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
595 // EventDestination
596 const static auto& getEventDestination = privilegeSetLogin;
597 const static auto& headEventDestination = privilegeSetLogin;
598 const static auto& patchEventDestination = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
599 const static auto& postEventDestination = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
600 const static auto& putEventDestination = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
601 const static auto& deleteEventDestination = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
603 // EventDestinationCollection
604 const static auto& getEventDestinationCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
605 const static auto& headEventDestinationCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
606 const static auto& patchEventDestinationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
607 const static auto& postEventDestinationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
608 const static auto& putEventDestinationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
609 const static auto& deleteEventDestinationCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
611 // EventService
612 const static auto& getEventService = privilegeSetLogin;
613 const static auto& headEventService = privilegeSetLogin;
614 const static auto& patchEventService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
615 const static auto& postEventService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
616 const static auto& putEventService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
617 const static auto& deleteEventService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
619 // ExternalAccountProvider
620 const static auto& getExternalAccountProvider = privilegeSetLogin;
621 const static auto& headExternalAccountProvider = privilegeSetLogin;
622 const static auto& patchExternalAccountProvider = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
623 const static auto& putExternalAccountProvider = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
624 const static auto& deleteExternalAccountProvider = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
625 const static auto& postExternalAccountProvider = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
627 // ExternalAccountProviderCollection
628 const static auto& getExternalAccountProviderCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
629 const static auto& headExternalAccountProviderCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
630 const static auto& patchExternalAccountProviderCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
631 const static auto& putExternalAccountProviderCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
632 const static auto& deleteExternalAccountProviderCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
633 const static auto& postExternalAccountProviderCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
635 // Fabric
636 const static auto& getFabric = privilegeSetLogin;
637 const static auto& headFabric = privilegeSetLogin;
638 const static auto& patchFabric = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
639 const static auto& postFabric = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
640 const static auto& putFabric = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
641 const static auto& deleteFabric = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
643 // FabricCollection
644 const static auto& getFabricCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
645 const static auto& headFabricCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
646 const static auto& patchFabricCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
647 const static auto& postFabricCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
648 const static auto& putFabricCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
649 const static auto& deleteFabricCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
651 // FabricAdapter
652 const static auto& getFabricAdapter = privilegeSetLogin;
653 const static auto& headFabricAdapter = privilegeSetLogin;
654 const static auto& patchFabricAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
655 const static auto& postFabricAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
656 const static auto& putFabricAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
657 const static auto& deleteFabricAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
659 // FabricAdapterCollection
660 const static auto& getFabricAdapterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
661 const static auto& headFabricAdapterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
662 const static auto& patchFabricAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
663 const static auto& postFabricAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
664 const static auto& putFabricAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
665 const static auto& deleteFabricAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
667 // Facility
668 const static auto& getFacility = privilegeSetLogin;
669 const static auto& headFacility = privilegeSetLogin;
670 const static auto& patchFacility = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
671 const static auto& putFacility = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
672 const static auto& deleteFacility = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
673 const static auto& postFacility = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
675 // FacilityCollection
676 const static auto& getFacilityCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
677 const static auto& headFacilityCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
678 const static auto& patchFacilityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
679 const static auto& putFacilityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
680 const static auto& deleteFacilityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
681 const static auto& postFacilityCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
683 // Fan
684 const static auto& getFan = privilegeSetLogin;
685 const static auto& headFan = privilegeSetLogin;
686 const static auto& patchFan = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
687 const static auto& putFan = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
688 const static auto& deleteFan = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
689 const static auto& postFan = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
691 // FanCollection
692 const static auto& getFanCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
693 const static auto& headFanCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
694 const static auto& patchFanCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
695 const static auto& putFanCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
696 const static auto& deleteFanCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
697 const static auto& postFanCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
699 // Filter
700 const static auto& getFilter = privilegeSetLogin;
701 const static auto& headFilter = privilegeSetLogin;
702 const static auto& patchFilter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
703 const static auto& putFilter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
704 const static auto& deleteFilter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
705 const static auto& postFilter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
707 // FilterCollection
708 const static auto& getFilterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
709 const static auto& headFilterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
710 const static auto& patchFilterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
711 const static auto& putFilterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
712 const static auto& deleteFilterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
713 const static auto& postFilterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
715 // GraphicsController
716 const static auto& getGraphicsController = privilegeSetLogin;
717 const static auto& headGraphicsController = privilegeSetLogin;
718 const static auto& patchGraphicsController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
719 const static auto& putGraphicsController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
720 const static auto& deleteGraphicsController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
721 const static auto& postGraphicsController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
723 // GraphicsControllerCollection
724 const static auto& getGraphicsControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
725 const static auto& headGraphicsControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
726 const static auto& patchGraphicsControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
727 const static auto& putGraphicsControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
728 const static auto& deleteGraphicsControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
729 const static auto& postGraphicsControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
731 // Heater
732 const static auto& getHeater = privilegeSetLogin;
733 const static auto& headHeater = privilegeSetLogin;
734 const static auto& patchHeater = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
735 const static auto& putHeater = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
736 const static auto& deleteHeater = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
737 const static auto& postHeater = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
739 // HeaterCollection
740 const static auto& getHeaterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
741 const static auto& headHeaterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
742 const static auto& patchHeaterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
743 const static auto& putHeaterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
744 const static auto& deleteHeaterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
745 const static auto& postHeaterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
747 // HeaterMetrics
748 const static auto& getHeaterMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
749 const static auto& headHeaterMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
750 const static auto& patchHeaterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
751 const static auto& putHeaterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
752 const static auto& deleteHeaterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
753 const static auto& postHeaterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
755 // HostInterface
756 const static auto& getHostInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
757 const static auto& headHostInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
758 const static auto& patchHostInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
759 const static auto& postHostInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
760 const static auto& putHostInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
761 const static auto& deleteHostInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
763 // HostInterfaceCollection
764 const static auto& getHostInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
765 const static auto& headHostInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
766 const static auto& patchHostInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
767 const static auto& postHostInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
768 const static auto& putHostInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
769 const static auto& deleteHostInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
771 // Job
772 const static auto& getJob = privilegeSetLogin;
773 const static auto& headJob = privilegeSetLogin;
774 const static auto& patchJob = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
775 const static auto& putJob = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
776 const static auto& deleteJob = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
777 const static auto& postJob = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
779 // JobCollection
780 const static auto& getJobCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
781 const static auto& headJobCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
782 const static auto& patchJobCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
783 const static auto& putJobCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
784 const static auto& deleteJobCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
785 const static auto& postJobCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
787 // JobService
788 const static auto& getJobService = privilegeSetLogin;
789 const static auto& headJobService = privilegeSetLogin;
790 const static auto& patchJobService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
791 const static auto& putJobService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
792 const static auto& deleteJobService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
793 const static auto& postJobService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
795 // JsonSchemaFile
796 const static auto& getJsonSchemaFile = privilegeSetLogin;
797 const static auto& headJsonSchemaFile = privilegeSetLogin;
798 const static auto& patchJsonSchemaFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
799 const static auto& postJsonSchemaFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
800 const static auto& putJsonSchemaFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
801 const static auto& deleteJsonSchemaFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
803 // JsonSchemaFileCollection
804 const static auto& getJsonSchemaFileCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
805 const static auto& headJsonSchemaFileCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
806 const static auto& patchJsonSchemaFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
807 const static auto& postJsonSchemaFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
808 const static auto& putJsonSchemaFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
809 const static auto& deleteJsonSchemaFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
811 // Key
812 const static auto& getKey = privilegeSetLogin;
813 const static auto& headKey = privilegeSetLogin;
814 const static auto& patchKey = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
815 const static auto& putKey = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
816 const static auto& deleteKey = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
817 const static auto& postKey = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
819 // KeyCollection
820 const static auto& getKeyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
821 const static auto& headKeyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
822 const static auto& patchKeyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
823 const static auto& putKeyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
824 const static auto& deleteKeyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
825 const static auto& postKeyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
827 // KeyPolicy
828 const static auto& getKeyPolicy = privilegeSetLogin;
829 const static auto& headKeyPolicy = privilegeSetLogin;
830 const static auto& patchKeyPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
831 const static auto& putKeyPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
832 const static auto& deleteKeyPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
833 const static auto& postKeyPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
835 // KeyPolicyCollection
836 const static auto& getKeyPolicyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
837 const static auto& headKeyPolicyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
838 const static auto& patchKeyPolicyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
839 const static auto& putKeyPolicyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
840 const static auto& deleteKeyPolicyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
841 const static auto& postKeyPolicyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
843 // KeyService
844 const static auto& getKeyService = privilegeSetLogin;
845 const static auto& headKeyService = privilegeSetLogin;
846 const static auto& patchKeyService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
847 const static auto& putKeyService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
848 const static auto& deleteKeyService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
849 const static auto& postKeyService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
851 // LeakDetection
852 const static auto& getLeakDetection = privilegeSetLogin;
853 const static auto& headLeakDetection = privilegeSetLogin;
854 const static auto& patchLeakDetection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
855 const static auto& postLeakDetection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
856 const static auto& putLeakDetection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
857 const static auto& deleteLeakDetection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
859 // LeakDetector
860 const static auto& getLeakDetector = privilegeSetLogin;
861 const static auto& headLeakDetector = privilegeSetLogin;
862 const static auto& patchLeakDetector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
863 const static auto& postLeakDetector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
864 const static auto& putLeakDetector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
865 const static auto& deleteLeakDetector = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
867 // LeakDetectorCollection
868 const static auto& getLeakDetectorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
869 const static auto& headLeakDetectorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
870 const static auto& patchLeakDetectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
871 const static auto& postLeakDetectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
872 const static auto& putLeakDetectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
873 const static auto& deleteLeakDetectorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
875 // License
876 const static auto& getLicense = privilegeSetLogin;
877 const static auto& headLicense = privilegeSetLogin;
878 const static auto& patchLicense = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
879 const static auto& putLicense = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
880 const static auto& deleteLicense = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
881 const static auto& postLicense = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
883 // LicenseCollection
884 const static auto& getLicenseCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
885 const static auto& headLicenseCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
886 const static auto& patchLicenseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
887 const static auto& putLicenseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
888 const static auto& deleteLicenseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
889 const static auto& postLicenseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
891 // LicenseService
892 const static auto& getLicenseService = privilegeSetLogin;
893 const static auto& headLicenseService = privilegeSetLogin;
894 const static auto& patchLicenseService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
895 const static auto& putLicenseService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
896 const static auto& deleteLicenseService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
897 const static auto& postLicenseService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
899 // LogEntry
900 const static auto& getLogEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
901 const static auto& headLogEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
902 const static auto& patchLogEntry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
903 const static auto& putLogEntry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
904 const static auto& deleteLogEntry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
905 const static auto& postLogEntry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
907 // LogEntryCollection
908 const static auto& getLogEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
909 const static auto& headLogEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
910 const static auto& patchLogEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
911 const static auto& putLogEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
912 const static auto& deleteLogEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
913 const static auto& postLogEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
915 // LogService
916 const static auto& getLogService = privilegeSetLogin;
917 const static auto& headLogService = privilegeSetLogin;
918 const static auto& patchLogService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
919 const static auto& putLogService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
920 const static auto& deleteLogService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
921 const static auto& postLogService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
923 // LogServiceCollection
924 const static auto& getLogServiceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
925 const static auto& headLogServiceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
926 const static auto& patchLogServiceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
927 const static auto& putLogServiceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
928 const static auto& deleteLogServiceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
929 const static auto& postLogServiceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
931 // Manager
932 const static auto& getManager = privilegeSetLogin;
933 const static auto& headManager = privilegeSetLogin;
934 const static auto& patchManager = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
935 const static auto& postManager = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
936 const static auto& putManager = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
937 const static auto& deleteManager = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
939 // ManagerCollection
940 const static auto& getManagerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
941 const static auto& headManagerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
942 const static auto& patchManagerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
943 const static auto& postManagerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
944 const static auto& putManagerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
945 const static auto& deleteManagerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
947 // ManagerAccount
948 const static auto& getManagerAccount = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureUsersOrConfigureSelf;
949 const static auto& headManagerAccount = privilegeSetLogin;
950 const static auto& patchManagerAccount = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
951 const static auto& postManagerAccount = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
952 const static auto& putManagerAccount = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
953 const static auto& deleteManagerAccount = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
955 // ManagerAccountCollection
956 const static auto& getManagerAccountCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
957 const static auto& headManagerAccountCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
958 const static auto& patchManagerAccountCollection = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
959 const static auto& putManagerAccountCollection = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
960 const static auto& deleteManagerAccountCollection = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
961 const static auto& postManagerAccountCollection = privilegeSetConfigureUsers;
963 // ManagerDiagnosticData
964 const static auto& getManagerDiagnosticData = privilegeSetLogin;
965 const static auto& headManagerDiagnosticData = privilegeSetLogin;
966 const static auto& patchManagerDiagnosticData = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
967 const static auto& postManagerDiagnosticData = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
968 const static auto& deleteManagerDiagnosticData = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
969 const static auto& putManagerDiagnosticData = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
971 // ManagerNetworkProtocol
972 const static auto& getManagerNetworkProtocol = privilegeSetLogin;
973 const static auto& headManagerNetworkProtocol = privilegeSetLogin;
974 const static auto& patchManagerNetworkProtocol = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
975 const static auto& postManagerNetworkProtocol = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
976 const static auto& putManagerNetworkProtocol = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
977 const static auto& deleteManagerNetworkProtocol = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
979 // MediaController
980 const static auto& getMediaController = privilegeSetLogin;
981 const static auto& headMediaController = privilegeSetLogin;
982 const static auto& patchMediaController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
983 const static auto& postMediaController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
984 const static auto& putMediaController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
985 const static auto& deleteMediaController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
987 // MediaControllerCollection
988 const static auto& getMediaControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
989 const static auto& headMediaControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
990 const static auto& patchMediaControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
991 const static auto& postMediaControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
992 const static auto& putMediaControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
993 const static auto& deleteMediaControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
995 // Memory
996 const static auto& getMemory = privilegeSetLogin;
997 const static auto& headMemory = privilegeSetLogin;
998 const static auto& patchMemory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
999 const static auto& postMemory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1000 const static auto& putMemory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1001 const static auto& deleteMemory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1003 // MemoryCollection
1004 const static auto& getMemoryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1005 const static auto& headMemoryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1006 const static auto& patchMemoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1007 const static auto& postMemoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1008 const static auto& putMemoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1009 const static auto& deleteMemoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1011 // MemoryChunks
1012 const static auto& getMemoryChunks = privilegeSetLogin;
1013 const static auto& headMemoryChunks = privilegeSetLogin;
1014 const static auto& patchMemoryChunks = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1015 const static auto& postMemoryChunks = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1016 const static auto& putMemoryChunks = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1017 const static auto& deleteMemoryChunks = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1019 // MemoryChunksCollection
1020 const static auto& getMemoryChunksCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1021 const static auto& headMemoryChunksCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1022 const static auto& patchMemoryChunksCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1023 const static auto& postMemoryChunksCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1024 const static auto& putMemoryChunksCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1025 const static auto& deleteMemoryChunksCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1027 // MemoryDomain
1028 const static auto& getMemoryDomain = privilegeSetLogin;
1029 const static auto& headMemoryDomain = privilegeSetLogin;
1030 const static auto& patchMemoryDomain = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1031 const static auto& postMemoryDomain = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1032 const static auto& putMemoryDomain = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1033 const static auto& deleteMemoryDomain = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1035 // MemoryDomainCollection
1036 const static auto& getMemoryDomainCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1037 const static auto& headMemoryDomainCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1038 const static auto& patchMemoryDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1039 const static auto& postMemoryDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1040 const static auto& putMemoryDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1041 const static auto& deleteMemoryDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1043 // MemoryMetrics
1044 const static auto& getMemoryMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1045 const static auto& headMemoryMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1046 const static auto& patchMemoryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1047 const static auto& postMemoryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1048 const static auto& putMemoryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1049 const static auto& deleteMemoryMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1051 // MemoryRegion
1052 const static auto& getMemoryRegion = privilegeSetLogin;
1053 const static auto& headMemoryRegion = privilegeSetLogin;
1054 const static auto& patchMemoryRegion = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1055 const static auto& postMemoryRegion = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1056 const static auto& putMemoryRegion = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1057 const static auto& deleteMemoryRegion = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1059 // MemoryRegionCollection
1060 const static auto& getMemoryRegionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1061 const static auto& headMemoryRegionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1062 const static auto& patchMemoryRegionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1063 const static auto& postMemoryRegionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1064 const static auto& putMemoryRegionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1065 const static auto& deleteMemoryRegionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1067 // MessageRegistry
1068 const static auto& getMessageRegistry = privilegeSetLogin;
1069 const static auto& headMessageRegistry = privilegeSetLogin;
1070 const static auto& patchMessageRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1071 const static auto& postMessageRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1072 const static auto& putMessageRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1073 const static auto& deleteMessageRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1075 // MessageRegistryFile
1076 const static auto& getMessageRegistryFile = privilegeSetLogin;
1077 const static auto& headMessageRegistryFile = privilegeSetLogin;
1078 const static auto& patchMessageRegistryFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1079 const static auto& postMessageRegistryFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1080 const static auto& putMessageRegistryFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1081 const static auto& deleteMessageRegistryFile = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1083 // MessageRegistryFileCollection
1084 const static auto& getMessageRegistryFileCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1085 const static auto& headMessageRegistryFileCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1086 const static auto& patchMessageRegistryFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1087 const static auto& postMessageRegistryFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1088 const static auto& putMessageRegistryFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1089 const static auto& deleteMessageRegistryFileCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1091 // MetricDefinition
1092 const static auto& getMetricDefinition = privilegeSetLogin;
1093 const static auto& headMetricDefinition = privilegeSetLogin;
1094 const static auto& patchMetricDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1095 const static auto& putMetricDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1096 const static auto& deleteMetricDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1097 const static auto& postMetricDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1099 // MetricDefinitionCollection
1100 const static auto& getMetricDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1101 const static auto& headMetricDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1102 const static auto& patchMetricDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1103 const static auto& putMetricDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1104 const static auto& deleteMetricDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1105 const static auto& postMetricDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1107 // MetricReport
1108 const static auto& getMetricReport = privilegeSetLogin;
1109 const static auto& headMetricReport = privilegeSetLogin;
1110 const static auto& patchMetricReport = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1111 const static auto& putMetricReport = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1112 const static auto& deleteMetricReport = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1113 const static auto& postMetricReport = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1115 // MetricReportCollection
1116 const static auto& getMetricReportCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1117 const static auto& headMetricReportCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1118 const static auto& patchMetricReportCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1119 const static auto& putMetricReportCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1120 const static auto& deleteMetricReportCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1121 const static auto& postMetricReportCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1123 // MetricReportDefinition
1124 const static auto& getMetricReportDefinition = privilegeSetLogin;
1125 const static auto& headMetricReportDefinition = privilegeSetLogin;
1126 const static auto& patchMetricReportDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1127 const static auto& putMetricReportDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1128 const static auto& deleteMetricReportDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1129 const static auto& postMetricReportDefinition = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1131 // MetricReportDefinitionCollection
1132 const static auto& getMetricReportDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1133 const static auto& headMetricReportDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1134 const static auto& patchMetricReportDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1135 const static auto& putMetricReportDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1136 const static auto& deleteMetricReportDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1137 const static auto& postMetricReportDefinitionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1139 // NetworkAdapter
1140 const static auto& getNetworkAdapter = privilegeSetLogin;
1141 const static auto& headNetworkAdapter = privilegeSetLogin;
1142 const static auto& patchNetworkAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1143 const static auto& postNetworkAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1144 const static auto& putNetworkAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1145 const static auto& deleteNetworkAdapter = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1147 // NetworkAdapterCollection
1148 const static auto& getNetworkAdapterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1149 const static auto& headNetworkAdapterCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1150 const static auto& patchNetworkAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1151 const static auto& postNetworkAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1152 const static auto& putNetworkAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1153 const static auto& deleteNetworkAdapterCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1155 // NetworkAdapterMetrics
1156 const static auto& getNetworkAdapterMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1157 const static auto& headNetworkAdapterMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1158 const static auto& patchNetworkAdapterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1159 const static auto& putNetworkAdapterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1160 const static auto& deleteNetworkAdapterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1161 const static auto& postNetworkAdapterMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1163 // NetworkDeviceFunction
1164 const static auto& getNetworkDeviceFunction = privilegeSetLogin;
1165 const static auto& headNetworkDeviceFunction = privilegeSetLogin;
1166 const static auto& patchNetworkDeviceFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1167 const static auto& postNetworkDeviceFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1168 const static auto& putNetworkDeviceFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1169 const static auto& deleteNetworkDeviceFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1171 // NetworkDeviceFunctionCollection
1172 const static auto& getNetworkDeviceFunctionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1173 const static auto& headNetworkDeviceFunctionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1174 const static auto& patchNetworkDeviceFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1175 const static auto& postNetworkDeviceFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1176 const static auto& putNetworkDeviceFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1177 const static auto& deleteNetworkDeviceFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1179 // NetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics
1180 const static auto& getNetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1181 const static auto& headNetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1182 const static auto& patchNetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1183 const static auto& putNetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1184 const static auto& deleteNetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1185 const static auto& postNetworkDeviceFunctionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1187 // NetworkInterface
1188 const static auto& getNetworkInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
1189 const static auto& headNetworkInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
1190 const static auto& patchNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1191 const static auto& postNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1192 const static auto& putNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1193 const static auto& deleteNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1195 // NetworkInterfaceCollection
1196 const static auto& getNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1197 const static auto& headNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1198 const static auto& patchNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1199 const static auto& postNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1200 const static auto& putNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1201 const static auto& deleteNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1203 // NetworkPort
1204 const static auto& getNetworkPort = privilegeSetLogin;
1205 const static auto& headNetworkPort = privilegeSetLogin;
1206 const static auto& patchNetworkPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1207 const static auto& postNetworkPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1208 const static auto& putNetworkPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1209 const static auto& deleteNetworkPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1211 // NetworkPortCollection
1212 const static auto& getNetworkPortCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1213 const static auto& headNetworkPortCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1214 const static auto& patchNetworkPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1215 const static auto& postNetworkPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1216 const static auto& putNetworkPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1217 const static auto& deleteNetworkPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1219 // OperatingConfig
1220 const static auto& getOperatingConfig = privilegeSetLogin;
1221 const static auto& headOperatingConfig = privilegeSetLogin;
1222 const static auto& patchOperatingConfig = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1223 const static auto& postOperatingConfig = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1224 const static auto& putOperatingConfig = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1225 const static auto& deleteOperatingConfig = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1227 // OperatingConfigCollection
1228 const static auto& getOperatingConfigCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1229 const static auto& headOperatingConfigCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1230 const static auto& patchOperatingConfigCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1231 const static auto& postOperatingConfigCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1232 const static auto& putOperatingConfigCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1233 const static auto& deleteOperatingConfigCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1235 // OperatingSystem
1236 const static auto& getOperatingSystem = privilegeSetLogin;
1237 const static auto& headOperatingSystem = privilegeSetLogin;
1238 const static auto& patchOperatingSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1239 const static auto& postOperatingSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1240 const static auto& putOperatingSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1241 const static auto& deleteOperatingSystem = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1243 // OutboundConnection
1244 const static auto& getOutboundConnection = privilegeSetLogin;
1245 const static auto& headOutboundConnection = privilegeSetLogin;
1246 const static auto& patchOutboundConnection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1247 const static auto& putOutboundConnection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1248 const static auto& deleteOutboundConnection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1249 const static auto& postOutboundConnection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1251 // OutboundConnectionCollection
1252 const static auto& getOutboundConnectionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1253 const static auto& headOutboundConnectionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1254 const static auto& patchOutboundConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1255 const static auto& putOutboundConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1256 const static auto& deleteOutboundConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1257 const static auto& postOutboundConnectionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1259 // Outlet
1260 const static auto& getOutlet = privilegeSetLogin;
1261 const static auto& headOutlet = privilegeSetLogin;
1262 const static auto& patchOutlet = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1263 const static auto& postOutlet = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1264 const static auto& putOutlet = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1265 const static auto& deleteOutlet = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1267 // OutletCollection
1268 const static auto& getOutletCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1269 const static auto& headOutletCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1270 const static auto& patchOutletCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1271 const static auto& postOutletCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1272 const static auto& putOutletCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1273 const static auto& deleteOutletCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1275 // OutletGroup
1276 const static auto& getOutletGroup = privilegeSetLogin;
1277 const static auto& headOutletGroup = privilegeSetLogin;
1278 const static auto& patchOutletGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1279 const static auto& postOutletGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1280 const static auto& putOutletGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1281 const static auto& deleteOutletGroup = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1283 // OutletGroupCollection
1284 const static auto& getOutletGroupCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1285 const static auto& headOutletGroupCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1286 const static auto& patchOutletGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1287 const static auto& postOutletGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1288 const static auto& putOutletGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1289 const static auto& deleteOutletGroupCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1291 // PCIeDevice
1292 const static auto& getPCIeDevice = privilegeSetLogin;
1293 const static auto& headPCIeDevice = privilegeSetLogin;
1294 const static auto& patchPCIeDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1295 const static auto& postPCIeDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1296 const static auto& putPCIeDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1297 const static auto& deletePCIeDevice = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1299 // PCIeDeviceCollection
1300 const static auto& getPCIeDeviceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1301 const static auto& headPCIeDeviceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1302 const static auto& patchPCIeDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1303 const static auto& postPCIeDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1304 const static auto& putPCIeDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1305 const static auto& deletePCIeDeviceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1307 // PCIeFunction
1308 const static auto& getPCIeFunction = privilegeSetLogin;
1309 const static auto& headPCIeFunction = privilegeSetLogin;
1310 const static auto& patchPCIeFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1311 const static auto& postPCIeFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1312 const static auto& putPCIeFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1313 const static auto& deletePCIeFunction = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1315 // PCIeFunctionCollection
1316 const static auto& getPCIeFunctionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1317 const static auto& headPCIeFunctionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1318 const static auto& patchPCIeFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1319 const static auto& postPCIeFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1320 const static auto& putPCIeFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1321 const static auto& deletePCIeFunctionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1323 // PCIeSlots
1324 const static auto& getPCIeSlots = privilegeSetLogin;
1325 const static auto& headPCIeSlots = privilegeSetLogin;
1326 const static auto& patchPCIeSlots = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1327 const static auto& postPCIeSlots = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1328 const static auto& putPCIeSlots = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1329 const static auto& deletePCIeSlots = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1331 // Port
1332 const static auto& getPort = privilegeSetLogin;
1333 const static auto& headPort = privilegeSetLogin;
1334 const static auto& patchPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1335 const static auto& postPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1336 const static auto& putPort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1337 const static auto& deletePort = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1339 // PortCollection
1340 const static auto& getPortCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1341 const static auto& headPortCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1342 const static auto& patchPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1343 const static auto& postPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1344 const static auto& putPortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1345 const static auto& deletePortCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1347 // PortMetrics
1348 const static auto& getPortMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1349 const static auto& headPortMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1350 const static auto& patchPortMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1351 const static auto& postPortMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1352 const static auto& putPortMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1353 const static auto& deletePortMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1355 // Power
1356 const static auto& getPower = privilegeSetLogin;
1357 const static auto& headPower = privilegeSetLogin;
1358 const static auto& patchPower = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1359 const static auto& putPower = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1360 const static auto& deletePower = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1361 const static auto& postPower = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1363 // PowerDistribution
1364 const static auto& getPowerDistribution = privilegeSetLogin;
1365 const static auto& headPowerDistribution = privilegeSetLogin;
1366 const static auto& patchPowerDistribution = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1367 const static auto& postPowerDistribution = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1368 const static auto& putPowerDistribution = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1369 const static auto& deletePowerDistribution = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1371 // PowerDistributionCollection
1372 const static auto& getPowerDistributionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1373 const static auto& headPowerDistributionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1374 const static auto& patchPowerDistributionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1375 const static auto& postPowerDistributionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1376 const static auto& putPowerDistributionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1377 const static auto& deletePowerDistributionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1379 // PowerDistributionMetrics
1380 const static auto& getPowerDistributionMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1381 const static auto& headPowerDistributionMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1382 const static auto& patchPowerDistributionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1383 const static auto& postPowerDistributionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1384 const static auto& putPowerDistributionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1385 const static auto& deletePowerDistributionMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1387 // PowerDomain
1388 const static auto& getPowerDomain = privilegeSetLogin;
1389 const static auto& headPowerDomain = privilegeSetLogin;
1390 const static auto& patchPowerDomain = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1391 const static auto& putPowerDomain = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1392 const static auto& deletePowerDomain = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1393 const static auto& postPowerDomain = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1395 // PowerDomainCollection
1396 const static auto& getPowerDomainCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1397 const static auto& headPowerDomainCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1398 const static auto& patchPowerDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1399 const static auto& putPowerDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1400 const static auto& deletePowerDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1401 const static auto& postPowerDomainCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1403 // PowerEquipment
1404 const static auto& getPowerEquipment = privilegeSetLogin;
1405 const static auto& headPowerEquipment = privilegeSetLogin;
1406 const static auto& patchPowerEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1407 const static auto& putPowerEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1408 const static auto& deletePowerEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1409 const static auto& postPowerEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1411 // PowerSubsystem
1412 const static auto& getPowerSubsystem = privilegeSetLogin;
1413 const static auto& headPowerSubsystem = privilegeSetLogin;
1414 const static auto& patchPowerSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1415 const static auto& putPowerSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1416 const static auto& deletePowerSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1417 const static auto& postPowerSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1419 // PowerSupply
1420 const static auto& getPowerSupply = privilegeSetLogin;
1421 const static auto& headPowerSupply = privilegeSetLogin;
1422 const static auto& patchPowerSupply = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1423 const static auto& putPowerSupply = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1424 const static auto& deletePowerSupply = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1425 const static auto& postPowerSupply = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1427 // PowerSupplyCollection
1428 const static auto& getPowerSupplyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1429 const static auto& headPowerSupplyCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1430 const static auto& patchPowerSupplyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1431 const static auto& putPowerSupplyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1432 const static auto& deletePowerSupplyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1433 const static auto& postPowerSupplyCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1435 // PowerSupplyMetrics
1436 const static auto& getPowerSupplyMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1437 const static auto& headPowerSupplyMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1438 const static auto& patchPowerSupplyMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1439 const static auto& putPowerSupplyMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1440 const static auto& deletePowerSupplyMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1441 const static auto& postPowerSupplyMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1443 // PrivilegeRegistry
1444 const static auto& getPrivilegeRegistry = privilegeSetLogin;
1445 const static auto& headPrivilegeRegistry = privilegeSetLogin;
1446 const static auto& patchPrivilegeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1447 const static auto& postPrivilegeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1448 const static auto& putPrivilegeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1449 const static auto& deletePrivilegeRegistry = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1451 // Processor
1452 const static auto& getProcessor = privilegeSetLogin;
1453 const static auto& headProcessor = privilegeSetLogin;
1454 const static auto& patchProcessor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1455 const static auto& putProcessor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1456 const static auto& deleteProcessor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1457 const static auto& postProcessor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1459 // ProcessorCollection
1460 const static auto& getProcessorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1461 const static auto& headProcessorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1462 const static auto& patchProcessorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1463 const static auto& putProcessorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1464 const static auto& deleteProcessorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1465 const static auto& postProcessorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1467 // ProcessorMetrics
1468 const static auto& getProcessorMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1469 const static auto& headProcessorMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1470 const static auto& patchProcessorMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1471 const static auto& putProcessorMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1472 const static auto& deleteProcessorMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1473 const static auto& postProcessorMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1475 // Pump
1476 const static auto& getPump = privilegeSetLogin;
1477 const static auto& headPump = privilegeSetLogin;
1478 const static auto& patchPump = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1479 const static auto& putPump = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1480 const static auto& deletePump = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1481 const static auto& postPump = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1483 // PumpCollection
1484 const static auto& getPumpCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1485 const static auto& headPumpCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1486 const static auto& patchPumpCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1487 const static auto& putPumpCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1488 const static auto& deletePumpCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1489 const static auto& postPumpCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1491 // RegisteredClient
1492 const static auto& getRegisteredClient = privilegeSetLogin;
1493 const static auto& headRegisteredClient = privilegeSetLogin;
1494 const static auto& patchRegisteredClient = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1495 const static auto& postRegisteredClient = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1496 const static auto& putRegisteredClient = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1497 const static auto& deleteRegisteredClient = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1499 // RegisteredClientCollection
1500 const static auto& getRegisteredClientCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1501 const static auto& headRegisteredClientCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1502 const static auto& patchRegisteredClientCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
1503 const static auto& postRegisteredClientCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
1504 const static auto& putRegisteredClientCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
1505 const static auto& deleteRegisteredClientCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureComponents;
1507 // Reservoir
1508 const static auto& getReservoir = privilegeSetLogin;
1509 const static auto& headReservoir = privilegeSetLogin;
1510 const static auto& patchReservoir = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1511 const static auto& putReservoir = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1512 const static auto& deleteReservoir = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1513 const static auto& postReservoir = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1515 // ReservoirCollection
1516 const static auto& getReservoirCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1517 const static auto& headReservoirCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1518 const static auto& patchReservoirCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1519 const static auto& putReservoirCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1520 const static auto& deleteReservoirCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1521 const static auto& postReservoirCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1523 // ResourceBlock
1524 const static auto& getResourceBlock = privilegeSetLogin;
1525 const static auto& headResourceBlock = privilegeSetLogin;
1526 const static auto& patchResourceBlock = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1527 const static auto& putResourceBlock = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1528 const static auto& deleteResourceBlock = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1529 const static auto& postResourceBlock = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1531 // ResourceBlockCollection
1532 const static auto& getResourceBlockCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1533 const static auto& headResourceBlockCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1534 const static auto& patchResourceBlockCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1535 const static auto& putResourceBlockCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1536 const static auto& deleteResourceBlockCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1537 const static auto& postResourceBlockCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1539 // Role
1540 const static auto& getRole = privilegeSetLogin;
1541 const static auto& headRole = privilegeSetLogin;
1542 const static auto& patchRole = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1543 const static auto& putRole = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1544 const static auto& deleteRole = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1545 const static auto& postRole = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1547 // RoleCollection
1548 const static auto& getRoleCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1549 const static auto& headRoleCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1550 const static auto& patchRoleCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1551 const static auto& putRoleCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1552 const static auto& deleteRoleCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1553 const static auto& postRoleCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1555 // RouteEntry
1556 const static auto& getRouteEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
1557 const static auto& headRouteEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
1558 const static auto& patchRouteEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1559 const static auto& putRouteEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1560 const static auto& deleteRouteEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1561 const static auto& postRouteEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1563 // RouteEntryCollection
1564 const static auto& getRouteEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1565 const static auto& headRouteEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1566 const static auto& patchRouteEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1567 const static auto& putRouteEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1568 const static auto& deleteRouteEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1569 const static auto& postRouteEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1571 // RouteSetEntry
1572 const static auto& getRouteSetEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
1573 const static auto& headRouteSetEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
1574 const static auto& patchRouteSetEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1575 const static auto& putRouteSetEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1576 const static auto& deleteRouteSetEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1577 const static auto& postRouteSetEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1579 // RouteSetEntryCollection
1580 const static auto& getRouteSetEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1581 const static auto& headRouteSetEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1582 const static auto& patchRouteSetEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1583 const static auto& putRouteSetEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1584 const static auto& deleteRouteSetEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1585 const static auto& postRouteSetEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1587 // SecureBoot
1588 const static auto& getSecureBoot = privilegeSetLogin;
1589 const static auto& headSecureBoot = privilegeSetLogin;
1590 const static auto& patchSecureBoot = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1591 const static auto& postSecureBoot = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1592 const static auto& putSecureBoot = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1593 const static auto& deleteSecureBoot = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1595 // SecureBootDatabase
1596 const static auto& getSecureBootDatabase = privilegeSetLogin;
1597 const static auto& headSecureBootDatabase = privilegeSetLogin;
1598 const static auto& patchSecureBootDatabase = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1599 const static auto& postSecureBootDatabase = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1600 const static auto& putSecureBootDatabase = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1601 const static auto& deleteSecureBootDatabase = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1603 // SecureBootDatabaseCollection
1604 const static auto& getSecureBootDatabaseCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1605 const static auto& headSecureBootDatabaseCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1606 const static auto& patchSecureBootDatabaseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1607 const static auto& postSecureBootDatabaseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1608 const static auto& putSecureBootDatabaseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1609 const static auto& deleteSecureBootDatabaseCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1611 // SecurityPolicy
1612 const static auto& getSecurityPolicy = privilegeSetLogin;
1613 const static auto& headSecurityPolicy = privilegeSetLogin;
1614 const static auto& patchSecurityPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1615 const static auto& putSecurityPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1616 const static auto& deleteSecurityPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1617 const static auto& postSecurityPolicy = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1619 // Sensor
1620 const static auto& getSensor = privilegeSetLogin;
1621 const static auto& headSensor = privilegeSetLogin;
1622 const static auto& patchSensor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1623 const static auto& postSensor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1624 const static auto& putSensor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1625 const static auto& deleteSensor = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1627 // SensorCollection
1628 const static auto& getSensorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1629 const static auto& headSensorCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1630 const static auto& patchSensorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1631 const static auto& postSensorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1632 const static auto& putSensorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1633 const static auto& deleteSensorCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1635 // SerialInterface
1636 const static auto& getSerialInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
1637 const static auto& headSerialInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
1638 const static auto& patchSerialInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1639 const static auto& putSerialInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1640 const static auto& deleteSerialInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1641 const static auto& postSerialInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1643 // SerialInterfaceCollection
1644 const static auto& getSerialInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1645 const static auto& headSerialInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1646 const static auto& patchSerialInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1647 const static auto& putSerialInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1648 const static auto& deleteSerialInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1649 const static auto& postSerialInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1651 // ServiceConditions
1652 const static auto& getServiceConditions = privilegeSetLogin;
1653 const static auto& headServiceConditions = privilegeSetLogin;
1654 const static auto& patchServiceConditions = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1655 const static auto& putServiceConditions = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1656 const static auto& deleteServiceConditions = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1657 const static auto& postServiceConditions = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1659 // ServiceRoot
1660 const static auto& getServiceRoot = privilegeSetLoginOrNoAuth;
1661 const static auto& headServiceRoot = privilegeSetLoginOrNoAuth;
1662 const static auto& patchServiceRoot = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1663 const static auto& putServiceRoot = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1664 const static auto& deleteServiceRoot = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1665 const static auto& postServiceRoot = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1667 // Session
1668 const static auto& getSession = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1669 const static auto& headSession = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1670 const static auto& patchSession = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1671 const static auto& putSession = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1672 const static auto& deleteSession = privilegeSetConfigureManagerOrConfigureSelf;
1673 const static auto& postSession = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1675 // SessionCollection
1676 const static auto& getSessionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1677 const static auto& headSessionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1678 const static auto& patchSessionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1679 const static auto& putSessionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1680 const static auto& deleteSessionCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1681 const static auto& postSessionCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1683 // SessionService
1684 const static auto& getSessionService = privilegeSetLogin;
1685 const static auto& headSessionService = privilegeSetLogin;
1686 const static auto& patchSessionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1687 const static auto& putSessionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1688 const static auto& deleteSessionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1689 const static auto& postSessionService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1691 // Signature
1692 const static auto& getSignature = privilegeSetLogin;
1693 const static auto& headSignature = privilegeSetLogin;
1694 const static auto& patchSignature = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1695 const static auto& postSignature = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1696 const static auto& putSignature = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1697 const static auto& deleteSignature = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1699 // SignatureCollection
1700 const static auto& getSignatureCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1701 const static auto& headSignatureCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1702 const static auto& patchSignatureCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1703 const static auto& postSignatureCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1704 const static auto& putSignatureCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1705 const static auto& deleteSignatureCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1707 // SimpleStorage
1708 const static auto& getSimpleStorage = privilegeSetLogin;
1709 const static auto& headSimpleStorage = privilegeSetLogin;
1710 const static auto& patchSimpleStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1711 const static auto& postSimpleStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1712 const static auto& putSimpleStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1713 const static auto& deleteSimpleStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1715 // SimpleStorageCollection
1716 const static auto& getSimpleStorageCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1717 const static auto& headSimpleStorageCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1718 const static auto& patchSimpleStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1719 const static auto& postSimpleStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1720 const static auto& putSimpleStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1721 const static auto& deleteSimpleStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1723 // SoftwareInventory
1724 const static auto& getSoftwareInventory = privilegeSetLogin;
1725 const static auto& headSoftwareInventory = privilegeSetLogin;
1726 const static auto& patchSoftwareInventory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1727 const static auto& postSoftwareInventory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1728 const static auto& putSoftwareInventory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1729 const static auto& deleteSoftwareInventory = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1731 // SoftwareInventoryCollection
1732 const static auto& getSoftwareInventoryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1733 const static auto& headSoftwareInventoryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1734 const static auto& patchSoftwareInventoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1735 const static auto& postSoftwareInventoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1736 const static auto& putSoftwareInventoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1737 const static auto& deleteSoftwareInventoryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1739 // Storage
1740 const static auto& getStorage = privilegeSetLogin;
1741 const static auto& headStorage = privilegeSetLogin;
1742 const static auto& patchStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1743 const static auto& postStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1744 const static auto& putStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1745 const static auto& deleteStorage = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1747 // StorageCollection
1748 const static auto& getStorageCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1749 const static auto& headStorageCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1750 const static auto& patchStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1751 const static auto& postStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1752 const static auto& putStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1753 const static auto& deleteStorageCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1755 // StorageController
1756 const static auto& getStorageController = privilegeSetLogin;
1757 const static auto& headStorageController = privilegeSetLogin;
1758 const static auto& patchStorageController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1759 const static auto& postStorageController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1760 const static auto& putStorageController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1761 const static auto& deleteStorageController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1763 // StorageControllerCollection
1764 const static auto& getStorageControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1765 const static auto& headStorageControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1766 const static auto& patchStorageControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1767 const static auto& postStorageControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1768 const static auto& putStorageControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1769 const static auto& deleteStorageControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1771 // StorageControllerMetrics
1772 const static auto& getStorageControllerMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1773 const static auto& headStorageControllerMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1774 const static auto& patchStorageControllerMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1775 const static auto& postStorageControllerMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1776 const static auto& putStorageControllerMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1777 const static auto& deleteStorageControllerMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1779 // Switch
1780 const static auto& getSwitch = privilegeSetLogin;
1781 const static auto& headSwitch = privilegeSetLogin;
1782 const static auto& patchSwitch = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1783 const static auto& postSwitch = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1784 const static auto& putSwitch = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1785 const static auto& deleteSwitch = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1787 // SwitchCollection
1788 const static auto& getSwitchCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1789 const static auto& headSwitchCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1790 const static auto& patchSwitchCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1791 const static auto& postSwitchCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1792 const static auto& putSwitchCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1793 const static auto& deleteSwitchCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1795 // SwitchMetrics
1796 const static auto& getSwitchMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1797 const static auto& headSwitchMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1798 const static auto& patchSwitchMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1799 const static auto& postSwitchMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1800 const static auto& putSwitchMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1801 const static auto& deleteSwitchMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1803 // Task
1804 const static auto& getTask = privilegeSetLogin;
1805 const static auto& headTask = privilegeSetLogin;
1806 const static auto& patchTask = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1807 const static auto& putTask = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1808 const static auto& deleteTask = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1809 const static auto& postTask = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1811 // TaskCollection
1812 const static auto& getTaskCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1813 const static auto& headTaskCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1814 const static auto& patchTaskCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1815 const static auto& putTaskCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1816 const static auto& deleteTaskCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1817 const static auto& postTaskCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1819 // TaskService
1820 const static auto& getTaskService = privilegeSetLogin;
1821 const static auto& headTaskService = privilegeSetLogin;
1822 const static auto& patchTaskService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1823 const static auto& putTaskService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1824 const static auto& deleteTaskService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1825 const static auto& postTaskService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1827 // TelemetryService
1828 const static auto& getTelemetryService = privilegeSetLogin;
1829 const static auto& headTelemetryService = privilegeSetLogin;
1830 const static auto& patchTelemetryService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1831 const static auto& putTelemetryService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1832 const static auto& deleteTelemetryService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1833 const static auto& postTelemetryService = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1835 // Thermal
1836 const static auto& getThermal = privilegeSetLogin;
1837 const static auto& headThermal = privilegeSetLogin;
1838 const static auto& patchThermal = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1839 const static auto& putThermal = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1840 const static auto& deleteThermal = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1841 const static auto& postThermal = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1843 // ThermalEquipment
1844 const static auto& getThermalEquipment = privilegeSetLogin;
1845 const static auto& headThermalEquipment = privilegeSetLogin;
1846 const static auto& patchThermalEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1847 const static auto& putThermalEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1848 const static auto& deleteThermalEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1849 const static auto& postThermalEquipment = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1851 // ThermalMetrics
1852 const static auto& getThermalMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1853 const static auto& headThermalMetrics = privilegeSetLogin;
1854 const static auto& patchThermalMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1855 const static auto& putThermalMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1856 const static auto& deleteThermalMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1857 const static auto& postThermalMetrics = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1859 // ThermalSubsystem
1860 const static auto& getThermalSubsystem = privilegeSetLogin;
1861 const static auto& headThermalSubsystem = privilegeSetLogin;
1862 const static auto& patchThermalSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1863 const static auto& putThermalSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1864 const static auto& deleteThermalSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1865 const static auto& postThermalSubsystem = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1867 // Triggers
1868 const static auto& getTriggers = privilegeSetLogin;
1869 const static auto& headTriggers = privilegeSetLogin;
1870 const static auto& patchTriggers = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1871 const static auto& putTriggers = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1872 const static auto& deleteTriggers = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1873 const static auto& postTriggers = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1875 // TriggersCollection
1876 const static auto& getTriggersCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1877 const static auto& headTriggersCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1878 const static auto& patchTriggersCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1879 const static auto& putTriggersCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1880 const static auto& deleteTriggersCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1881 const static auto& postTriggersCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1883 // TrustedComponent
1884 const static auto& getTrustedComponent = privilegeSetLogin;
1885 const static auto& headTrustedComponent = privilegeSetLogin;
1886 const static auto& patchTrustedComponent = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1887 const static auto& putTrustedComponent = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1888 const static auto& deleteTrustedComponent = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1889 const static auto& postTrustedComponent = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1891 // TrustedComponentCollection
1892 const static auto& getTrustedComponentCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1893 const static auto& headTrustedComponentCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1894 const static auto& patchTrustedComponentCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1895 const static auto& putTrustedComponentCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1896 const static auto& deleteTrustedComponentCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1897 const static auto& postTrustedComponentCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1899 // UpdateService
1900 const static auto& getUpdateService = privilegeSetLogin;
1901 const static auto& headUpdateService = privilegeSetLogin;
1902 const static auto& patchUpdateService = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1903 const static auto& postUpdateService = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1904 const static auto& putUpdateService = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1905 const static auto& deleteUpdateService = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1907 // USBController
1908 const static auto& getUSBController = privilegeSetLogin;
1909 const static auto& headUSBController = privilegeSetLogin;
1910 const static auto& patchUSBController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1911 const static auto& putUSBController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1912 const static auto& deleteUSBController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1913 const static auto& postUSBController = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1915 // USBControllerCollection
1916 const static auto& getUSBControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1917 const static auto& headUSBControllerCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1918 const static auto& patchUSBControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1919 const static auto& putUSBControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1920 const static auto& deleteUSBControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1921 const static auto& postUSBControllerCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1923 // VCATEntry
1924 const static auto& getVCATEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
1925 const static auto& headVCATEntry = privilegeSetLogin;
1926 const static auto& patchVCATEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1927 const static auto& putVCATEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1928 const static auto& deleteVCATEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1929 const static auto& postVCATEntry = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1931 // VCATEntryCollection
1932 const static auto& getVCATEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1933 const static auto& headVCATEntryCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1934 const static auto& patchVCATEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1935 const static auto& putVCATEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1936 const static auto& deleteVCATEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1937 const static auto& postVCATEntryCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1939 // VLanNetworkInterface
1940 const static auto& getVLanNetworkInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
1941 const static auto& headVLanNetworkInterface = privilegeSetLogin;
1942 const static auto& patchVLanNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1943 const static auto& putVLanNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1944 const static auto& deleteVLanNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1945 const static auto& postVLanNetworkInterface = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1947 // VLanNetworkInterfaceCollection
1948 const static auto& getVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1949 const static auto& headVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1950 const static auto& patchVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1951 const static auto& putVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1952 const static auto& deleteVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1953 const static auto& postVLanNetworkInterfaceCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1955 // VirtualMedia
1956 const static auto& getVirtualMedia = privilegeSetLogin;
1957 const static auto& headVirtualMedia = privilegeSetLogin;
1958 const static auto& patchVirtualMedia = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1959 const static auto& putVirtualMedia = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1960 const static auto& deleteVirtualMedia = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1961 const static auto& postVirtualMedia = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1963 // VirtualMediaCollection
1964 const static auto& getVirtualMediaCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1965 const static auto& headVirtualMediaCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1966 const static auto& patchVirtualMediaCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1967 const static auto& putVirtualMediaCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1968 const static auto& deleteVirtualMediaCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1969 const static auto& postVirtualMediaCollection = privilegeSetConfigureManager;
1971 // Volume
1972 const static auto& getVolume = privilegeSetLogin;
1973 const static auto& headVolume = privilegeSetLogin;
1974 const static auto& patchVolume = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1975 const static auto& postVolume = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1976 const static auto& putVolume = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1977 const static auto& deleteVolume = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1979 // VolumeCollection
1980 const static auto& getVolumeCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1981 const static auto& headVolumeCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1982 const static auto& patchVolumeCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1983 const static auto& postVolumeCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1984 const static auto& putVolumeCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1985 const static auto& deleteVolumeCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1987 // Zone
1988 const static auto& getZone = privilegeSetLogin;
1989 const static auto& headZone = privilegeSetLogin;
1990 const static auto& patchZone = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1991 const static auto& postZone = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1992 const static auto& putZone = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1993 const static auto& deleteZone = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1995 // ZoneCollection
1996 const static auto& getZoneCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1997 const static auto& headZoneCollection = privilegeSetLogin;
1998 const static auto& patchZoneCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
1999 const static auto& postZoneCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
2000 const static auto& putZoneCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
2001 const static auto& deleteZoneCollection = privilegeSetConfigureComponents;
2003 } // namespace redfish::privileges
2004 // clang-format on