1{% load projecttags %} 2<!-- component to display a generic table --> 3 {% if disable_sort %} 4 <table class="table table-bordered table-hover" id="detail_table"> 5 <thead> 6 <tr> 7 {% for tc in tablecols %} 8 <th class="{%if tc.dclass%}{{tc.dclass}}{%endif%} {%if tc.clclass%}{{tc.clclass}}{%endif%}"> 9 {%if tc.qhelp%}<i class="icon-question-sign get-help" title="{{tc.qhelp}}"></i>{%endif%} 10 {{tc.name}} 11 </th> 12 {% endfor %} 13 </tr> 14 </thead> 15 {% else %} 16 <table class="table table-bordered table-hover tablesorter" id="otable"> 17 <thead> 18 <!-- Table header row; generated from "tablecols" entry in the context dict --> 19 <tr> 20 {% for tc in tablecols %} 21 <th class="{%if tc.dclass%}{{tc.dclass}}{%endif%} {%if tc.clclass%}{{tc.clclass}}{%endif%}"> 22 {%if tc.qhelp%}<i class="icon-question-sign get-help" title="{{tc.qhelp}}"></i>{%endif%} 23 {%if tc.orderfield%} 24 <a {%if tc.ordericon%} class="sorted" {%endif%} 25 href="javascript:reload_params({'page': 1, 'orderby' : '{{tc.orderfield}}' })" > 26 {{tc.name}} 27 </a> 28 {%else%} 29 <span class="muted"> 30 {{tc.name}} 31 </span> 32 {%endif%} 33 {%if tc.ordericon%} <i class="icon-caret-{{tc.ordericon}}"></i>{%endif%} 34 </th> 35 {% endfor %} 36 </tr> 37 </thead> 38 {% endif %} 39