1# 2# Macros used in the documentation 3# 4 5DISTRO : "5.1" 6DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP : "styhead" 7DISTRO_NAME : "Styhead" 8DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP_MINUS_ONE : "scarthgap" 9DISTRO_NAME_NO_CAP_LTS : "scarthgap" 10YOCTO_DOC_VERSION : "5.1" 11DISTRO_REL_TAG : "yocto-5.1" 12DOCCONF_VERSION : "dev" 13BITBAKE_SERIES : "" 14YOCTO_DL_URL : "https://downloads.yoctoproject.org" 15YOCTO_RELEASE_DL_URL : "&YOCTO_DL_URL;/releases/yocto/yocto-&DISTRO;" 16MIN_PYTHON_VERSION : "3.8.0" 17MIN_TAR_VERSION : "1.28" 18MIN_GIT_VERSION : "" 19MIN_GCC_VERSION : "8.0" 20MIN_MAKE_VERSION : "4.0" 21# Disk space (Gbytes) needed to generate qemux86-64 core-image-sato on Ubuntu 22.04 (x86-64), rounded up from 87 22MIN_DISK_SPACE : "90" 23# Disk space (Gbytes) needed to generate qemux86-64 core-image-sato on Ubuntu 22.04 (x86-64) with "rm_work", rounded up from 38 24MIN_DISK_SPACE_RM_WORK : "40" 25# RAM (Gbytes) needed to generate qemux86-64 core-image-sato on Ubuntu 22.04 (x86-64) on a 4 core system 26MIN_RAM : "8" 27 28# 29# Dependencies 30# 31 32# Shared between distros 33PIP3_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC: sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme pyyaml 34 35UBUNTU_DEBIAN_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL: >- 36 build-essential 37 chrpath 38 cpio 39 debianutils 40 diffstat 41 file 42 gawk 43 gcc 44 git 45 iputils-ping 46 libacl1 47 liblz4-tool 48 locales 49 python3 50 python3-git 51 python3-jinja2 52 python3-pexpect 53 python3-pip 54 python3-subunit 55 socat 56 texinfo 57 unzip 58 wget 59 xz-utils 60 zstd 61 62UBUNTU_DEBIAN_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC: >- 63 git 64 librsvg2-bin 65 locales 66 make 67 python3-saneyaml 68 python3-sphinx-rtd-theme 69 sphinx 70 71UBUNTU_DEBIAN_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC_PDF: >- 72 fonts-freefont-otf 73 latexmk 74 tex-gyre 75 texlive-fonts-extra 76 texlive-fonts-recommended 77 texlive-lang-all 78 texlive-latex-extra 79 texlive-latex-recommended 80 texlive-xetex 81 82FEDORA_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL: >- 83 bzip2 84 ccache 85 chrpath 86 cpio 87 cpp 88 diffstat 89 diffutils 90 file 91 findutils 92 gawk 93 gcc 94 gcc-c++ 95 git 96 glibc-devel 97 glibc-langpack-en 98 gzip 99 hostname 100 libacl 101 lz4 102 make 103 patch 104 perl 105 perl-Data-Dumper 106 perl-File-Compare 107 perl-File-Copy 108 perl-FindBin 109 perl-Text-ParseWords 110 perl-Thread-Queue 111 perl-bignum 112 perl-locale 113 python 114 python3 115 python3-GitPython 116 python3-jinja2 117 python3-pexpect 118 python3-pip 119 rpcgen 120 socat 121 tar 122 texinfo 123 unzip 124 wget 125 which 126 xz 127 zstd 128 129FEDORA_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC: >- 130 git 131 glibc-locale-source 132 librsvg2-tools 133 make 134 python3-pip 135 which 136 137FEDORA_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC_PDF: >- 138 'texlive-collection-lang*' 139 latexmk 140 texlive-collection-fontsextra 141 texlive-collection-fontsrecommended 142 texlive-collection-latex 143 texlive-collection-latexextra 144 texlive-collection-latexrecommended 145 texlive-collection-xetex 146 texlive-fncychap 147 texlive-gnu-freefont 148 texlive-tex-gyre 149 texlive-xetex 150 151OPENSUSE_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL: >- 152 bzip2 153 chrpath 154 diffstat 155 gcc 156 gcc-c++ 157 git 158 gzip 159 hostname 160 libacl1 161 lz4 162 make 163 makeinfo 164 patch 165 python 166 python-curses 167 python-xml 168 python3 169 python3-Jinja2 170 python3-curses 171 python3-pexpect 172 python3-pip 173 rpcgen 174 socat 175 tar 176 wget 177 which 178 xz 179 zstd 180 181OPENSUSE_PIP3_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL: GitPython 182 183OPENSUSE_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC: >- 184 git 185 glibc-i18ndata 186 make 187 python3-pip 188 rsvg-convert 189 which 190 191OPENSUSE_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC_PDF: >- 192 'texlive-collection-lang*' 193 texlive-collection-fontsextra 194 texlive-collection-fontsrecommended 195 texlive-collection-latex 196 texlive-collection-latexextra 197 texlive-collection-latexrecommended 198 texlive-collection-xetex 199 texlive-fncychap 200 texlive-gnu-freefont 201 texlive-latexmk 202 texlive-tex-gyre 203 texlive-xetex 204 205ALMALINUX_HOST_PACKAGES_ESSENTIAL: >- 206 bzip2 207 ccache 208 chrpath 209 cpio 210 cpp 211 diffstat 212 diffutils 213 gawk 214 gcc 215 gcc-c++ 216 git 217 glibc-devel 218 glibc-langpack-en 219 gzip 220 libacl 221 lz4 222 make 223 patch 224 perl 225 perl-Data-Dumper 226 perl-Text-ParseWords 227 perl-Thread-Queue 228 python3 229 python3-GitPython 230 python3-jinja2 231 python3-pexpect 232 python3-pip 233 rpcgen 234 socat 235 tar 236 texinfo 237 unzip 238 wget 239 which 240 xz 241 zstd 242 243ALMALINUX_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC: >- 244 git 245 glibc-locale-source 246 librsvg2-tools 247 make 248 python3-pip 249 which 250 251ALMALINUX_HOST_PACKAGES_DOC_PDF: >- 252 latexmk 253 texlive-collection-fontsrecommended 254 texlive-collection-latex 255 texlive-collection-latexrecommended 256 texlive-collection-xetex 257 texlive-fncychap 258 texlive-gnu-freefont 259 texlive-tex-gyre 260 texlive-xetex 261