xref: /openbmc/phosphor-inventory-manager/gen_serialization.mako.hpp (revision b11abf26b105bc8ed96363e3e22291e45c13177f)
1 ## This file is a template.  The comment below is emitted
2 ## into the rendered file; feel free to edit this file.
3 // This file was auto generated.  Do not edit.
5 #include "config.h"
7 #include <cereal/types/map.hpp>
8 #include <cereal/types/set.hpp>
9 #include <cereal/types/string.hpp>
10 #include <cereal/types/tuple.hpp>
11 #include <cereal/types/vector.hpp>
12 % for iface in interfaces:
13 #include <${iface.header()}>
14 % endfor
16 % for iface in interfaces:
17 <% properties = interface_composite.names(str(iface)) %>\
18 CEREAL_CLASS_VERSION(${iface.namespace()}, CLASS_VERSION);
19 % endfor
21 // Emitting signals prior to claiming a well known DBus service name causes
22 // un-necessary DBus traffic and wakeups.  De-serialization only happens prior
23 // to claiming a well known name, so don't emit signals.
24 static constexpr auto skipSignals = true;
25 namespace cereal
26 {
27 // The version we started using cereal NVP from
28 static constexpr size_t CLASS_VERSION_WITH_NVP = 2;
30 % for iface in interfaces:
31 <% properties = interface_composite.names(str(iface)) %>\
32 template<class Archive>
33 void save(Archive& a,
34           const ${iface.namespace()}& object,
35           const std::uint32_t /* version */)
36 {
37 % for p in properties:
38 <% t = "cereal::make_nvp(\"" + p.CamelCase + "\", object." + p.camelCase + "())"
39 %>\
40         a(${t});
41 % endfor
42 }
44 template<class Archive>
45 void load(Archive& a,
46           ${iface.namespace()}& object,
47           const std::uint32_t version)
48 {
49 % for p in properties:
50 <% t = "object." + p.camelCase + "()" %>\
51     decltype(${t}) ${p.CamelCase}{};
52 % endfor
53     if (version < CLASS_VERSION_WITH_NVP)
54     {
55 <%
56     props = ', '.join([p.CamelCase for p in properties])
57 %>\
58         a(${props});
59     }
60     else
61     {
62 % for p in properties:
63 <% t = "cereal::make_nvp(\"" + p.CamelCase + "\", " + p.CamelCase + ")" %>\
64         try
65         {
66             a(${t});
67         }
68         catch (const Exception &e)
69         {
70             // Ignore any exceptions, property value stays default
71         }
72 % endfor
73     }
74 % for p in properties:
75 <% t = "object." + p.camelCase + "(" + p.CamelCase + ", skipSignals)" %>\
76     ${t};
77 % endfor
78 }
80 % endfor
81 } // namespace cereal