1for cmd in xargs file; do 2 if ! command -v $cmd > /dev/null 2>&1; then 3 echo "The command '$cmd' is required by the relocation script, please install it first. Abort!" 4 exit 1 5 fi 6done 7 8# fix dynamic loader paths in all ELF SDK binaries 9# allow symlinks to be accessed via the find command too 10native_sysroot=$($SUDO_EXEC cat $env_setup_script |grep 'OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT='|cut -d'=' -f2|tr -d '"') 11dl_path=$($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot/lib/ -maxdepth 1 -name "ld-linux*") 12if [ "$dl_path" = "" ] ; then 13 echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script unable to find ld-linux.so. Abort!" 14 exit 1 15fi 16executable_files=$($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type f \ 17 \( -perm -0100 -o -perm -0010 -o -perm -0001 \) -printf "'%h/%f' ") 18if [ "x$executable_files" = "x" ]; then 19 echo "SDK relocate failed, could not get executalbe files" 20 exit 1 21fi 22 23tdir=`mktemp -d` 24if [ x$tdir = x ] ; then 25 echo "SDK relocate failed, could not create a temporary directory" 26 exit 1 27fi 28cat <<EOF >> $tdir/relocate_sdk.sh 29#!/bin/sh 30for py in python python2 python3 31do 32 PYTHON=\`which \${py} 2>/dev/null\` 33 if [ \$? -eq 0 ]; then 34 break; 35 fi 36done 37 38if [ x\${PYTHON} = "x" ]; then 39 echo "SDK could not be relocated. No python found." 40 exit 1 41fi 42\${PYTHON} ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.py $target_sdk_dir $dl_path $executable_files 43EOF 44 45$SUDO_EXEC mv $tdir/relocate_sdk.sh ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.sh 46$SUDO_EXEC chmod 755 ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.sh 47rm -rf $tdir 48if [ $relocate = 1 ] ; then 49 $SUDO_EXEC ${env_setup_script%/*}/relocate_sdk.sh 50 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 51 echo "SDK could not be set up. Relocate script failed. Abort!" 52 exit 1 53 fi 54fi 55 56# replace @SDKPATH@ with the new prefix in all text files: configs/scripts/etc. 57# replace the host perl with SDK perl. 58for replace in "$target_sdk_dir -maxdepth 1" "$native_sysroot"; do 59 $SUDO_EXEC find $replace -type f 60done | xargs -d '\n' -n100 file | \ 61 awk -F': ' '{if (match($2, ".*(ASCII|script|source).*text")) {printf "\"%s\"\n", $1}}' | \ 62 grep -Fv -e "$target_sdk_dir/environment-setup-" \ 63 -e "$target_sdk_dir/relocate_sdk" \ 64 -e "$target_sdk_dir/post-relocate-setup" \ 65 -e "$target_sdk_dir/${0##*/}" | \ 66 xargs -n100 $SUDO_EXEC sed -i \ 67 -e "s:$SDK_BUILD_PATH:$target_sdk_dir:g" \ 68 -e "s:^#! */usr/bin/perl.*:#! /usr/bin/env perl:g" \ 69 -e "s: /usr/bin/perl: /usr/bin/env perl:g" 70 71if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 72 echo "Failed to replace perl. Relocate script failed. Abort!" 73 exit 1 74fi 75 76# change all symlinks pointing to @SDKPATH@ 77for l in $($SUDO_EXEC find $native_sysroot -type l); do 78 $SUDO_EXEC ln -sfn $(readlink $l|$SUDO_EXEC sed -e "s:$SDK_BUILD_PATH:$target_sdk_dir:") $l 79 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then 80 echo "Failed to setup symlinks. Relocate script failed. Abort!" 81 exit 1 82 fi 83done 84 85echo done 86