1 #include "config.h"
3 #include "worker.hpp"
5 #include "backup_restore.hpp"
6 #include "configuration.hpp"
7 #include "constants.hpp"
8 #include "event_logger.hpp"
9 #include "exceptions.hpp"
10 #include "logger.hpp"
11 #include "parser.hpp"
12 #include "parser_factory.hpp"
13 #include "parser_interface.hpp"
15 #include <utility/dbus_utility.hpp>
16 #include <utility/json_utility.hpp>
17 #include <utility/vpd_specific_utility.hpp>
19 #include <filesystem>
20 #include <fstream>
21 #include <future>
22 #include <typeindex>
23 #include <unordered_set>
25 namespace vpd
26 {
Worker(std::string pathToConfigJson,uint8_t i_maxThreadCount)28 Worker::Worker(std::string pathToConfigJson, uint8_t i_maxThreadCount) :
29 m_configJsonPath(pathToConfigJson), m_semaphore(i_maxThreadCount)
30 {
31 // Implies the processing is based on some config JSON
32 if (!m_configJsonPath.empty())
33 {
34 // Check if symlink is already there to confirm fresh boot/factory
35 // reset.
36 if (std::filesystem::exists(INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK))
37 {
38 logging::logMessage("Sym Link already present");
39 m_configJsonPath = INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK;
40 m_isSymlinkPresent = true;
41 }
43 try
44 {
45 m_parsedJson = jsonUtility::getParsedJson(m_configJsonPath);
47 // check for mandatory fields at this point itself.
48 if (!m_parsedJson.contains("frus"))
49 {
50 throw std::runtime_error("Mandatory tag(s) missing from JSON");
51 }
52 }
53 catch (const std::exception& ex)
54 {
55 throw(JsonException(ex.what(), m_configJsonPath));
56 }
57 }
58 else
59 {
60 logging::logMessage("Processing in not based on any config JSON");
61 }
62 }
enableMuxChips()64 void Worker::enableMuxChips()
65 {
66 if (m_parsedJson.empty())
67 {
68 // config JSON should not be empty at this point of execution.
69 throw std::runtime_error("Config JSON is empty. Can't enable muxes");
70 return;
71 }
73 if (!m_parsedJson.contains("muxes"))
74 {
75 logging::logMessage("No mux defined for the system in config JSON");
76 return;
77 }
79 // iterate over each MUX detail and enable them.
80 for (const auto& item : m_parsedJson["muxes"])
81 {
82 if (item.contains("holdidlepath"))
83 {
84 std::string cmd = "echo 0 > ";
85 cmd += item["holdidlepath"];
87 logging::logMessage("Enabling mux with command = " + cmd);
89 commonUtility::executeCmd(cmd);
90 continue;
91 }
93 logging::logMessage(
94 "Mux Entry does not have hold idle path. Can't enable the mux");
95 }
96 }
98 #ifdef IBM_SYSTEM
primeSystemBlueprint()99 void Worker::primeSystemBlueprint()
100 {
101 if (m_parsedJson.empty())
102 {
103 return;
104 }
106 const nlohmann::json& l_listOfFrus =
107 m_parsedJson["frus"].get_ref<const nlohmann::json::object_t&>();
109 for (const auto& l_itemFRUS : l_listOfFrus.items())
110 {
111 const std::string& l_vpdFilePath = l_itemFRUS.key();
113 if (l_vpdFilePath == SYSTEM_VPD_FILE_PATH)
114 {
115 continue;
116 }
118 // Prime the inventry for FRUs which
119 // are not present/processing had some error.
120 if (!primeInventory(l_vpdFilePath))
121 {
122 logging::logMessage(
123 "Priming of inventory failed for FRU " + l_vpdFilePath);
124 }
125 }
126 }
performInitialSetup()128 void Worker::performInitialSetup()
129 {
130 try
131 {
132 if (!dbusUtility::isChassisPowerOn())
133 {
134 logging::logMessage("Chassis is in Off state.");
135 setDeviceTreeAndJson();
136 primeSystemBlueprint();
137 }
139 // Enable all mux which are used for connecting to the i2c on the
140 // pcie slots for pcie cards. These are not enabled by kernel due to
141 // an issue seen with Castello cards, where the i2c line hangs on a
142 // probe.
143 enableMuxChips();
145 // Nothing needs to be done. Service restarted or BMC re-booted for
146 // some reason at system power on.
147 return;
148 }
149 catch (const std::exception& ex)
150 {
151 if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(DataException)))
152 {
153 // TODO:Catch logic to be implemented once PEL code goes in.
154 }
155 else if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(EccException)))
156 {
157 // TODO:Catch logic to be implemented once PEL code goes in.
158 }
159 else if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(JsonException)))
160 {
161 // TODO:Catch logic to be implemented once PEL code goes in.
162 }
164 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
165 throw;
166 }
167 }
168 #endif
readFitConfigValue()170 static std::string readFitConfigValue()
171 {
172 std::vector<std::string> output =
173 commonUtility::executeCmd("/sbin/fw_printenv");
174 std::string fitConfigValue;
176 for (const auto& entry : output)
177 {
178 auto pos = entry.find("=");
179 auto key = entry.substr(0, pos);
180 if (key != "fitconfig")
181 {
182 continue;
183 }
185 if (pos + 1 < entry.size())
186 {
187 fitConfigValue = entry.substr(pos + 1);
188 }
189 }
191 return fitConfigValue;
192 }
isSystemVPDOnDBus() const194 bool Worker::isSystemVPDOnDBus() const
195 {
196 const std::string& mboardPath =
197 m_parsedJson["frus"][SYSTEM_VPD_FILE_PATH].at(0).value(
198 "inventoryPath", "");
200 if (mboardPath.empty())
201 {
202 throw JsonException("System vpd file path missing in JSON",
204 }
206 std::array<const char*, 1> interfaces = {
207 "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Board.Motherboard"};
209 const types::MapperGetObject& objectMap =
210 dbusUtility::getObjectMap(mboardPath, interfaces);
212 if (objectMap.empty())
213 {
214 return false;
215 }
216 return true;
217 }
getIMValue(const types::IPZVpdMap & parsedVpd) const219 std::string Worker::getIMValue(const types::IPZVpdMap& parsedVpd) const
220 {
221 if (parsedVpd.empty())
222 {
223 throw std::runtime_error("Empty VPD map. Can't Extract IM value");
224 }
226 const auto& itrToVSBP = parsedVpd.find("VSBP");
227 if (itrToVSBP == parsedVpd.end())
228 {
229 throw DataException("VSBP record missing.");
230 }
232 const auto& itrToIM = (itrToVSBP->second).find("IM");
233 if (itrToIM == (itrToVSBP->second).end())
234 {
235 throw DataException("IM keyword missing.");
236 }
238 types::BinaryVector imVal;
239 std::copy(itrToIM->second.begin(), itrToIM->second.end(),
240 back_inserter(imVal));
242 std::ostringstream imData;
243 for (auto& aByte : imVal)
244 {
245 imData << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex
246 << static_cast<int>(aByte);
247 }
249 return imData.str();
250 }
getHWVersion(const types::IPZVpdMap & parsedVpd) const252 std::string Worker::getHWVersion(const types::IPZVpdMap& parsedVpd) const
253 {
254 if (parsedVpd.empty())
255 {
256 throw std::runtime_error("Empty VPD map. Can't Extract HW value");
257 }
259 const auto& itrToVINI = parsedVpd.find("VINI");
260 if (itrToVINI == parsedVpd.end())
261 {
262 throw DataException("VINI record missing.");
263 }
265 const auto& itrToHW = (itrToVINI->second).find("HW");
266 if (itrToHW == (itrToVINI->second).end())
267 {
268 throw DataException("HW keyword missing.");
269 }
271 types::BinaryVector hwVal;
272 std::copy(itrToHW->second.begin(), itrToHW->second.end(),
273 back_inserter(hwVal));
275 // The planar pass only comes from the LSB of the HW keyword,
276 // where as the MSB is used for other purposes such as signifying clock
277 // termination.
278 hwVal[0] = 0x00;
280 std::ostringstream hwString;
281 for (auto& aByte : hwVal)
282 {
283 hwString << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex
284 << static_cast<int>(aByte);
285 }
287 return hwString.str();
288 }
fillVPDMap(const std::string & vpdFilePath,types::VPDMapVariant & vpdMap)290 void Worker::fillVPDMap(const std::string& vpdFilePath,
291 types::VPDMapVariant& vpdMap)
292 {
293 logging::logMessage(std::string("Parsing file = ") + vpdFilePath);
295 if (vpdFilePath.empty())
296 {
297 throw std::runtime_error("Invalid file path passed to fillVPDMap API.");
298 }
300 if (!std::filesystem::exists(vpdFilePath))
301 {
302 throw std::runtime_error("Can't Find physical file");
303 }
305 try
306 {
307 std::shared_ptr<Parser> vpdParser =
308 std::make_shared<Parser>(vpdFilePath, m_parsedJson);
309 vpdMap = vpdParser->parse();
310 }
311 catch (const std::exception& ex)
312 {
313 if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(DataException)))
314 {
315 // TODO: Do what needs to be done in case of Data exception.
316 // Uncomment when PEL implementation goes in.
317 /* string errorMsg =
318 "VPD file is either empty or invalid. Parser failed for [";
319 errorMsg += m_vpdFilePath;
320 errorMsg += "], with error = " + std::string(ex.what());
322 additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", errorMsg);
323 additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH",
324 INVENTORY_PATH + baseFruInventoryPath);
325 createPEL(additionalData, pelSeverity, errIntfForInvalidVPD,
326 nullptr);*/
328 // throw generic error from here to inform main caller about
329 // failure.
330 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
331 throw std::runtime_error(
332 "Data Exception occurred for file path = " + vpdFilePath);
333 }
335 if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(EccException)))
336 {
337 // TODO: Do what needs to be done in case of ECC exception.
338 // Uncomment when PEL implementation goes in.
339 /* additionalData.emplace("DESCRIPTION", "ECC check failed");
340 additionalData.emplace("CALLOUT_INVENTORY_PATH",
341 INVENTORY_PATH + baseFruInventoryPath);
342 createPEL(additionalData, pelSeverity, errIntfForEccCheckFail,
343 nullptr);
344 */
346 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
347 // Need to decide once all error handling is implemented.
348 // vpdSpecificUtility::dumpBadVpd(vpdFilePath,vpdVector);
350 // throw generic error from here to inform main caller about
351 // failure.
352 throw std::runtime_error(
353 "Ecc Exception occurred for file path = " + vpdFilePath);
354 }
355 }
356 }
getSystemJson(std::string & systemJson,const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap)358 void Worker::getSystemJson(std::string& systemJson,
359 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap)
360 {
361 if (auto pVal = std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
362 {
363 std::string hwKWdValue = getHWVersion(*pVal);
364 if (hwKWdValue.empty())
365 {
366 throw DataException("HW value fetched is empty.");
367 }
369 const std::string& imKwdValue = getIMValue(*pVal);
370 if (imKwdValue.empty())
371 {
372 throw DataException("IM value fetched is empty.");
373 }
375 auto itrToIM = config::systemType.find(imKwdValue);
376 if (itrToIM == config::systemType.end())
377 {
378 throw DataException("IM keyword does not map to any system type");
379 }
381 const types::HWVerList hwVersionList = itrToIM->second.second;
382 if (!hwVersionList.empty())
383 {
384 transform(hwKWdValue.begin(), hwKWdValue.end(), hwKWdValue.begin(),
385 ::toupper);
387 auto itrToHW =
388 std::find_if(hwVersionList.begin(), hwVersionList.end(),
389 [&hwKWdValue](const auto& aPair) {
390 return aPair.first == hwKWdValue;
391 });
393 if (itrToHW != hwVersionList.end())
394 {
395 if (!(*itrToHW).second.empty())
396 {
397 systemJson += (*itrToIM).first + "_" + (*itrToHW).second +
398 ".json";
399 }
400 else
401 {
402 systemJson += (*itrToIM).first + ".json";
403 }
404 return;
405 }
406 }
407 systemJson += itrToIM->second.first + ".json";
408 return;
409 }
411 throw DataException("Invalid VPD type returned from Parser");
412 }
setEnvAndReboot(const std::string & key,const std::string & value)414 static void setEnvAndReboot(const std::string& key, const std::string& value)
415 {
416 // set env and reboot and break.
417 commonUtility::executeCmd("/sbin/fw_setenv", key, value);
418 logging::logMessage("Rebooting BMC to pick up new device tree");
420 // make dbus call to reboot
421 auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default_system();
422 auto method = bus.new_method_call(
423 "org.freedesktop.systemd1", "/org/freedesktop/systemd1",
424 "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", "Reboot");
425 bus.call_noreply(method);
426 }
setJsonSymbolicLink(const std::string & i_systemJson)428 void Worker::setJsonSymbolicLink(const std::string& i_systemJson)
429 {
430 std::error_code l_ec;
431 l_ec.clear();
432 if (!std::filesystem::exists(VPD_SYMLIMK_PATH, l_ec))
433 {
434 if (l_ec)
435 {
436 throw std::runtime_error(
437 "File system call to exist failed with error = " +
438 l_ec.message());
439 }
441 // implies it is a fresh boot/factory reset.
442 // Create the directory for hosting the symlink
443 if (!std::filesystem::create_directories(VPD_SYMLIMK_PATH, l_ec))
444 {
445 if (l_ec)
446 {
447 throw std::runtime_error(
448 "File system call to create directory failed with error = " +
449 l_ec.message());
450 }
451 }
452 }
454 // create a new symlink based on the system
455 std::filesystem::create_symlink(i_systemJson, INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK,
456 l_ec);
458 if (l_ec)
459 {
460 throw std::runtime_error(
461 "create_symlink system call failed with error: " + l_ec.message());
462 }
464 // If the flow is at this point implies the symlink was not present there.
465 // Considering this as factory reset.
466 m_isFactoryResetDone = true;
467 }
setDeviceTreeAndJson()469 void Worker::setDeviceTreeAndJson()
470 {
471 // JSON is madatory for processing of this API.
472 if (m_parsedJson.empty())
473 {
474 throw std::runtime_error("JSON is empty");
475 }
477 types::VPDMapVariant parsedVpdMap;
478 fillVPDMap(SYSTEM_VPD_FILE_PATH, parsedVpdMap);
480 // Implies it is default JSON.
481 std::string systemJson{JSON_ABSOLUTE_PATH_PREFIX};
483 // ToDo: Need to check if INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK pointing to correct system
484 // This is required to support movement from rainier to Blue Ridge on the
485 // fly.
487 // Do we have the entry for device tree in parsed JSON?
488 if (m_parsedJson.find("devTree") == m_parsedJson.end())
489 {
490 getSystemJson(systemJson, parsedVpdMap);
492 if (!systemJson.compare(JSON_ABSOLUTE_PATH_PREFIX))
493 {
494 // TODO: Log a PEL saying that "System type not supported"
495 throw DataException("Error in getting system JSON.");
496 }
498 // re-parse the JSON once appropriate JSON has been selected.
499 m_parsedJson = jsonUtility::getParsedJson(systemJson);
501 if (m_parsedJson.empty())
502 {
503 throw(JsonException("Json parsing failed", systemJson));
504 }
505 }
507 std::string devTreeFromJson;
508 if (m_parsedJson.contains("devTree"))
509 {
510 devTreeFromJson = m_parsedJson["devTree"];
512 if (devTreeFromJson.empty())
513 {
514 // TODO:: Log a predictive PEL
515 logging::logMessage(
516 "Mandatory value for device tree missing from JSON[" +
517 std::string(INVENTORY_JSON_SYM_LINK) + "]");
518 }
519 }
521 auto fitConfigVal = readFitConfigValue();
523 if (devTreeFromJson.empty() ||
524 fitConfigVal.find(devTreeFromJson) != std::string::npos)
525 { // Skipping setting device tree as either devtree info is missing from
526 // Json or it is rightly set.
528 // avoid setting symlink on every reboot.
529 if (!m_isSymlinkPresent)
530 {
531 setJsonSymbolicLink(systemJson);
532 }
534 if (isSystemVPDOnDBus() &&
535 jsonUtility::isBackupAndRestoreRequired(m_parsedJson))
536 {
537 performBackupAndRestore(parsedVpdMap);
538 }
540 // proceed to publish system VPD.
541 publishSystemVPD(parsedVpdMap);
542 return;
543 }
545 setEnvAndReboot("fitconfig", devTreeFromJson);
546 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
547 }
populateIPZVPDpropertyMap(types::InterfaceMap & interfacePropMap,const types::IPZKwdValueMap & keyordValueMap,const std::string & interfaceName)549 void Worker::populateIPZVPDpropertyMap(
550 types::InterfaceMap& interfacePropMap,
551 const types::IPZKwdValueMap& keyordValueMap,
552 const std::string& interfaceName)
553 {
554 types::PropertyMap propertyValueMap;
555 for (const auto& kwdVal : keyordValueMap)
556 {
557 auto kwd = kwdVal.first;
559 if (kwd[0] == '#')
560 {
561 kwd = std::string("PD_") + kwd[1];
562 }
563 else if (isdigit(kwd[0]))
564 {
565 kwd = std::string("N_") + kwd;
566 }
568 types::BinaryVector value(kwdVal.second.begin(), kwdVal.second.end());
569 propertyValueMap.emplace(move(kwd), move(value));
570 }
572 if (!propertyValueMap.empty())
573 {
574 interfacePropMap.emplace(interfaceName, propertyValueMap);
575 }
576 }
populateKwdVPDpropertyMap(const types::KeywordVpdMap & keyordVPDMap,types::InterfaceMap & interfaceMap)578 void Worker::populateKwdVPDpropertyMap(const types::KeywordVpdMap& keyordVPDMap,
579 types::InterfaceMap& interfaceMap)
580 {
581 for (const auto& kwdValMap : keyordVPDMap)
582 {
583 types::PropertyMap propertyValueMap;
584 auto kwd = kwdValMap.first;
586 if (kwd[0] == '#')
587 {
588 kwd = std::string("PD_") + kwd[1];
589 }
590 else if (isdigit(kwd[0]))
591 {
592 kwd = std::string("N_") + kwd;
593 }
595 if (auto keywordValue = get_if<types::BinaryVector>(&kwdValMap.second))
596 {
597 types::BinaryVector value((*keywordValue).begin(),
598 (*keywordValue).end());
599 propertyValueMap.emplace(move(kwd), move(value));
600 }
601 else if (auto keywordValue = get_if<std::string>(&kwdValMap.second))
602 {
603 types::BinaryVector value((*keywordValue).begin(),
604 (*keywordValue).end());
605 propertyValueMap.emplace(move(kwd), move(value));
606 }
607 else if (auto keywordValue = get_if<size_t>(&kwdValMap.second))
608 {
609 if (kwd == "MemorySizeInKB")
610 {
611 types::PropertyMap memProp;
612 memProp.emplace(move(kwd), ((*keywordValue)));
613 interfaceMap.emplace("xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Dimm",
614 move(memProp));
615 continue;
616 }
617 else
618 {
619 logging::logMessage(
620 "Unknown Keyword =" + kwd + " found in keyword VPD map");
621 continue;
622 }
623 }
624 else
625 {
626 logging::logMessage(
627 "Unknown variant type found in keyword VPD map.");
628 continue;
629 }
631 if (!propertyValueMap.empty())
632 {
633 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(
634 interfaceMap, constants::kwdVpdInf, move(propertyValueMap));
635 }
636 }
637 }
populateInterfaces(const nlohmann::json & interfaceJson,types::InterfaceMap & interfaceMap,const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap)639 void Worker::populateInterfaces(const nlohmann::json& interfaceJson,
640 types::InterfaceMap& interfaceMap,
641 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap)
642 {
643 for (const auto& interfacesPropPair : interfaceJson.items())
644 {
645 const std::string& interface = interfacesPropPair.key();
646 types::PropertyMap propertyMap;
648 for (const auto& propValuePair : interfacesPropPair.value().items())
649 {
650 const std::string property = propValuePair.key();
652 if (propValuePair.value().is_boolean())
653 {
654 propertyMap.emplace(property,
655 propValuePair.value().get<bool>());
656 }
657 else if (propValuePair.value().is_string())
658 {
659 if (property.compare("LocationCode") == 0 &&
660 interface.compare("com.ibm.ipzvpd.Location") == 0)
661 {
662 std::string value =
663 vpdSpecificUtility::getExpandedLocationCode(
664 propValuePair.value().get<std::string>(),
665 parsedVpdMap);
666 propertyMap.emplace(property, value);
668 auto l_locCodeProperty = propertyMap;
669 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(
670 interfaceMap,
671 std::string(constants::xyzLocationCodeInf),
672 move(l_locCodeProperty));
673 }
674 else
675 {
676 propertyMap.emplace(
677 property, propValuePair.value().get<std::string>());
678 }
679 }
680 else if (propValuePair.value().is_array())
681 {
682 try
683 {
684 propertyMap.emplace(
685 property,
686 propValuePair.value().get<types::BinaryVector>());
687 }
688 catch (const nlohmann::detail::type_error& e)
689 {
690 std::cerr << "Type exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
691 }
692 }
693 else if (propValuePair.value().is_number())
694 {
695 // For now assume the value is a size_t. In the future it would
696 // be nice to come up with a way to get the type from the JSON.
697 propertyMap.emplace(property,
698 propValuePair.value().get<size_t>());
699 }
700 else if (propValuePair.value().is_object())
701 {
702 const std::string& record =
703 propValuePair.value().value("recordName", "");
704 const std::string& keyword =
705 propValuePair.value().value("keywordName", "");
706 const std::string& encoding =
707 propValuePair.value().value("encoding", "");
709 if (auto ipzVpdMap =
710 std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
711 {
712 if (!record.empty() && !keyword.empty() &&
713 (*ipzVpdMap).count(record) &&
714 (*ipzVpdMap).at(record).count(keyword))
715 {
716 auto encoded = vpdSpecificUtility::encodeKeyword(
717 ((*ipzVpdMap).at(record).at(keyword)), encoding);
718 propertyMap.emplace(property, encoded);
719 }
720 }
721 else if (auto kwdVpdMap =
722 std::get_if<types::KeywordVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
723 {
724 if (!keyword.empty() && (*kwdVpdMap).count(keyword))
725 {
726 if (auto kwValue = std::get_if<types::BinaryVector>(
727 &(*kwdVpdMap).at(keyword)))
728 {
729 auto encodedValue =
730 vpdSpecificUtility::encodeKeyword(
731 std::string((*kwValue).begin(),
732 (*kwValue).end()),
733 encoding);
735 propertyMap.emplace(property, encodedValue);
736 }
737 else if (auto kwValue = std::get_if<std::string>(
738 &(*kwdVpdMap).at(keyword)))
739 {
740 auto encodedValue =
741 vpdSpecificUtility::encodeKeyword(
742 std::string((*kwValue).begin(),
743 (*kwValue).end()),
744 encoding);
746 propertyMap.emplace(property, encodedValue);
747 }
748 else if (auto uintValue = std::get_if<size_t>(
749 &(*kwdVpdMap).at(keyword)))
750 {
751 propertyMap.emplace(property, *uintValue);
752 }
753 else
754 {
755 logging::logMessage(
756 "Unknown keyword found, Keywrod = " + keyword);
757 }
758 }
759 }
760 }
761 }
762 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(interfaceMap, interface,
763 move(propertyMap));
764 }
765 }
isCPUIOGoodOnly(const std::string & i_pgKeyword)767 bool Worker::isCPUIOGoodOnly(const std::string& i_pgKeyword)
768 {
769 const unsigned char l_io[] = {
770 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF,
771 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF, 0xE7, 0xF9, 0xFF};
773 // EQ0 index (in PG keyword) starts at 97 (with offset starting from 0).
774 // Each EQ carries 3 bytes of data. Totally there are 8 EQs. If all EQs'
775 // value equals 0xE7F9FF, then the cpu has no good cores and its treated as
776 // IO.
777 if (memcmp(l_io, i_pgKeyword.data() + constants::INDEX_OF_EQ0_IN_PG,
778 constants::SIZE_OF_8EQ_IN_PG) == 0)
779 {
780 return true;
781 }
783 // The CPU is not an IO
784 return false;
785 }
primeInventory(const std::string & i_vpdFilePath)787 bool Worker::primeInventory(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath)
788 {
789 if (i_vpdFilePath.empty())
790 {
791 logging::logMessage("Empty VPD file path given");
792 return false;
793 }
795 if (m_parsedJson.empty())
796 {
797 logging::logMessage("Empty JSON detected for " + i_vpdFilePath);
798 return false;
799 }
800 else if (!m_parsedJson["frus"].contains(i_vpdFilePath))
801 {
802 logging::logMessage("File " + i_vpdFilePath +
803 ", is not found in the system config JSON file.");
804 return false;
805 }
807 types::ObjectMap l_objectInterfaceMap;
808 for (const auto& l_Fru : m_parsedJson["frus"][i_vpdFilePath])
809 {
810 types::InterfaceMap l_interfaces;
811 sdbusplus::message::object_path l_fruObjectPath(l_Fru["inventoryPath"]);
813 if (l_Fru.contains("ccin"))
814 {
815 continue;
816 }
818 if (l_Fru.contains("noprime") && l_Fru.value("noprime", false))
819 {
820 continue;
821 }
823 // Reset data under PIM for this FRU only if the FRU is not synthesized
824 // and we handle it's Present property.
825 if (isPresentPropertyHandlingRequired(l_Fru))
826 {
827 // Clear data under PIM if already exists.
828 vpdSpecificUtility::resetDataUnderPIM(
829 std::string(l_Fru["inventoryPath"]), l_interfaces);
830 }
832 // Add extra interfaces mentioned in the Json config file
833 if (l_Fru.contains("extraInterfaces"))
834 {
835 populateInterfaces(l_Fru["extraInterfaces"], l_interfaces,
836 std::monostate{});
837 }
839 types::PropertyMap l_propertyValueMap;
841 // Update Present property for this FRU only if we handle Present
842 // property for the FRU.
843 if (isPresentPropertyHandlingRequired(l_Fru))
844 {
845 l_propertyValueMap.emplace("Present", false);
847 // TODO: Present based on file will be taken care in future.
848 // By default present is set to false for FRU at the time of
849 // priming. Once collection goes through, it will be set to true in
850 // that flow.
851 /*if (std::filesystem::exists(i_vpdFilePath))
852 {
853 l_propertyValueMap["Present"] = true;
854 }*/
855 }
857 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(l_interfaces,
858 "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item",
859 move(l_propertyValueMap));
861 if (l_Fru.value("inherit", true) &&
862 m_parsedJson.contains("commonInterfaces"))
863 {
864 populateInterfaces(m_parsedJson["commonInterfaces"], l_interfaces,
865 std::monostate{});
866 }
868 processFunctionalProperty(l_Fru["inventoryPath"], l_interfaces);
869 processEnabledProperty(l_Fru["inventoryPath"], l_interfaces);
871 // Emplace the default state of FRU VPD collection
872 types::PropertyMap l_fruCollectionProperty = {
873 {"CollectionStatus", constants::vpdCollectionNotStarted}};
875 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(l_interfaces,
876 constants::vpdCollectionInterface,
877 std::move(l_fruCollectionProperty));
879 l_objectInterfaceMap.emplace(std::move(l_fruObjectPath),
880 std::move(l_interfaces));
881 }
883 // Notify PIM
884 if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(move(l_objectInterfaceMap)))
885 {
886 logging::logMessage("Call to PIM failed for VPD file " + i_vpdFilePath);
887 return false;
888 }
890 return true;
891 }
processEmbeddedAndSynthesizedFrus(const nlohmann::json & singleFru,types::InterfaceMap & interfaces)893 void Worker::processEmbeddedAndSynthesizedFrus(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
894 types::InterfaceMap& interfaces)
895 {
896 // embedded property(true or false) says whether the subfru is embedded
897 // into the parent fru (or) not. VPD sets Present property only for
898 // embedded frus. If the subfru is not an embedded FRU, the subfru may
899 // or may not be physically present. Those non embedded frus will always
900 // have Present=false irrespective of its physical presence or absence.
901 // Eg: nvme drive in nvme slot is not an embedded FRU. So don't set
902 // Present to true for such sub frus.
903 // Eg: ethernet port is embedded into bmc card. So set Present to true
904 // for such sub frus. Also donot populate present property for embedded
905 // subfru which is synthesized. Currently there is no subfru which are
906 // both embedded and synthesized. But still the case is handled here.
908 // Check if its required to handle presence for this FRU.
909 if (singleFru.value("handlePresence", true))
910 {
911 types::PropertyMap presProp;
912 presProp.emplace("Present", true);
913 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(
914 interfaces, "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item", move(presProp));
915 }
916 }
processExtraInterfaces(const nlohmann::json & singleFru,types::InterfaceMap & interfaces,const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap)918 void Worker::processExtraInterfaces(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
919 types::InterfaceMap& interfaces,
920 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap)
921 {
922 populateInterfaces(singleFru["extraInterfaces"], interfaces, parsedVpdMap);
923 if (auto ipzVpdMap = std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
924 {
925 if (singleFru["extraInterfaces"].contains(
926 "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item.Cpu"))
927 {
928 auto itrToRec = (*ipzVpdMap).find("CP00");
929 if (itrToRec == (*ipzVpdMap).end())
930 {
931 return;
932 }
934 const std::string pgKeywordValue{
935 vpdSpecificUtility::getKwVal(itrToRec->second, "PG")};
937 if (!pgKeywordValue.empty())
938 {
939 if (isCPUIOGoodOnly(pgKeywordValue))
940 {
941 interfaces["xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Item"]
942 ["PrettyName"] = "IO Module";
943 }
944 }
945 else
946 {
947 throw std::runtime_error("Failed to get value for keyword PG");
948 }
949 }
950 }
951 }
processCopyRecordFlag(const nlohmann::json & singleFru,const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap,types::InterfaceMap & interfaces)953 void Worker::processCopyRecordFlag(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
954 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap,
955 types::InterfaceMap& interfaces)
956 {
957 if (auto ipzVpdMap = std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
958 {
959 for (const auto& record : singleFru["copyRecords"])
960 {
961 const std::string& recordName = record;
962 if ((*ipzVpdMap).find(recordName) != (*ipzVpdMap).end())
963 {
964 populateIPZVPDpropertyMap(interfaces,
965 (*ipzVpdMap).at(recordName),
966 constants::ipzVpdInf + recordName);
967 }
968 }
969 }
970 }
processInheritFlag(const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap,types::InterfaceMap & interfaces)972 void Worker::processInheritFlag(const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap,
973 types::InterfaceMap& interfaces)
974 {
975 if (auto ipzVpdMap = std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
976 {
977 for (const auto& [recordName, kwdValueMap] : *ipzVpdMap)
978 {
979 populateIPZVPDpropertyMap(interfaces, kwdValueMap,
980 constants::ipzVpdInf + recordName);
981 }
982 }
983 else if (auto kwdVpdMap = std::get_if<types::KeywordVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
984 {
985 populateKwdVPDpropertyMap(*kwdVpdMap, interfaces);
986 }
988 if (m_parsedJson.contains("commonInterfaces"))
989 {
990 populateInterfaces(m_parsedJson["commonInterfaces"], interfaces,
991 parsedVpdMap);
992 }
993 }
processFruWithCCIN(const nlohmann::json & singleFru,const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap)995 bool Worker::processFruWithCCIN(const nlohmann::json& singleFru,
996 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap)
997 {
998 if (auto ipzVPDMap = std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
999 {
1000 auto itrToRec = (*ipzVPDMap).find("VINI");
1001 if (itrToRec == (*ipzVPDMap).end())
1002 {
1003 return false;
1004 }
1006 std::string ccinFromVpd{
1007 vpdSpecificUtility::getKwVal(itrToRec->second, "CC")};
1009 if (ccinFromVpd.empty())
1010 {
1011 return false;
1012 }
1014 transform(ccinFromVpd.begin(), ccinFromVpd.end(), ccinFromVpd.begin(),
1015 ::toupper);
1017 std::vector<std::string> ccinList;
1018 for (std::string ccin : singleFru["ccin"])
1019 {
1020 transform(ccin.begin(), ccin.end(), ccin.begin(), ::toupper);
1021 ccinList.push_back(ccin);
1022 }
1024 if (ccinList.empty())
1025 {
1026 return false;
1027 }
1029 if (find(ccinList.begin(), ccinList.end(), ccinFromVpd) ==
1030 ccinList.end())
1031 {
1032 return false;
1033 }
1034 }
1035 return true;
1036 }
processFunctionalProperty(const std::string & i_inventoryObjPath,types::InterfaceMap & io_interfaces)1038 void Worker::processFunctionalProperty(const std::string& i_inventoryObjPath,
1039 types::InterfaceMap& io_interfaces)
1040 {
1041 if (!dbusUtility::isChassisPowerOn())
1042 {
1043 std::array<const char*, 1> l_operationalStatusInf = {
1044 constants::operationalStatusInf};
1046 auto mapperObjectMap = dbusUtility::getObjectMap(
1047 i_inventoryObjPath, l_operationalStatusInf);
1049 // If the object has been found. Check if it is under PIM.
1050 if (mapperObjectMap.size() != 0)
1051 {
1052 for (const auto& [l_serviceName, l_interfaceLsit] : mapperObjectMap)
1053 {
1054 if (l_serviceName == constants::pimServiceName)
1055 {
1056 // The object is already under PIM. No need to process
1057 // again. Retain the old value.
1058 return;
1059 }
1060 }
1061 }
1063 // Implies value is not there in D-Bus. Populate it with default
1064 // value "true".
1065 types::PropertyMap l_functionalProp;
1066 l_functionalProp.emplace("Functional", true);
1067 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(io_interfaces,
1068 constants::operationalStatusInf,
1069 move(l_functionalProp));
1070 }
1072 // if chassis is power on. Functional property should be there on D-Bus.
1073 // Don't process.
1074 return;
1075 }
processEnabledProperty(const std::string & i_inventoryObjPath,types::InterfaceMap & io_interfaces)1077 void Worker::processEnabledProperty(const std::string& i_inventoryObjPath,
1078 types::InterfaceMap& io_interfaces)
1079 {
1080 if (!dbusUtility::isChassisPowerOn())
1081 {
1082 std::array<const char*, 1> l_enableInf = {constants::enableInf};
1084 auto mapperObjectMap =
1085 dbusUtility::getObjectMap(i_inventoryObjPath, l_enableInf);
1087 // If the object has been found. Check if it is under PIM.
1088 if (mapperObjectMap.size() != 0)
1089 {
1090 for (const auto& [l_serviceName, l_interfaceLsit] : mapperObjectMap)
1091 {
1092 if (l_serviceName == constants::pimServiceName)
1093 {
1094 // The object is already under PIM. No need to process
1095 // again. Retain the old value.
1096 return;
1097 }
1098 }
1099 }
1101 // Implies value is not there in D-Bus. Populate it with default
1102 // value "true".
1103 types::PropertyMap l_enabledProp;
1104 l_enabledProp.emplace("Enabled", true);
1105 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(io_interfaces, constants::enableInf,
1106 move(l_enabledProp));
1107 }
1109 // if chassis is power on. Enabled property should be there on D-Bus.
1110 // Don't process.
1111 return;
1112 }
populateDbus(const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap,types::ObjectMap & objectInterfaceMap,const std::string & vpdFilePath)1114 void Worker::populateDbus(const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap,
1115 types::ObjectMap& objectInterfaceMap,
1116 const std::string& vpdFilePath)
1117 {
1118 if (vpdFilePath.empty())
1119 {
1120 throw std::runtime_error(
1121 "Invalid parameter passed to populateDbus API.");
1122 }
1124 // JSON config is mandatory for processing of "if". Add "else" for any
1125 // processing without config JSON.
1126 if (!m_parsedJson.empty())
1127 {
1128 types::InterfaceMap interfaces;
1130 for (const auto& aFru : m_parsedJson["frus"][vpdFilePath])
1131 {
1132 const auto& inventoryPath = aFru["inventoryPath"];
1133 sdbusplus::message::object_path fruObjectPath(inventoryPath);
1134 if (aFru.contains("ccin"))
1135 {
1136 if (!processFruWithCCIN(aFru, parsedVpdMap))
1137 {
1138 continue;
1139 }
1140 }
1142 if (aFru.value("inherit", true))
1143 {
1144 processInheritFlag(parsedVpdMap, interfaces);
1145 }
1147 // If specific record needs to be copied.
1148 if (aFru.contains("copyRecords"))
1149 {
1150 processCopyRecordFlag(aFru, parsedVpdMap, interfaces);
1151 }
1153 if (aFru.contains("extraInterfaces"))
1154 {
1155 // Process extra interfaces w.r.t a FRU.
1156 processExtraInterfaces(aFru, interfaces, parsedVpdMap);
1157 }
1159 // Process FRUS which are embedded in the parent FRU and whose VPD
1160 // will be synthesized.
1161 if ((aFru.value("embedded", true)) &&
1162 (!aFru.value("synthesized", false)))
1163 {
1164 processEmbeddedAndSynthesizedFrus(aFru, interfaces);
1165 }
1167 processFunctionalProperty(inventoryPath, interfaces);
1168 processEnabledProperty(inventoryPath, interfaces);
1170 // Update collection status as successful
1171 types::PropertyMap l_collectionProperty = {
1172 {"CollectionStatus", constants::vpdCollectionSuccess}};
1174 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(interfaces,
1175 constants::vpdCollectionInterface,
1176 std::move(l_collectionProperty));
1178 objectInterfaceMap.emplace(std::move(fruObjectPath),
1179 std::move(interfaces));
1180 }
1181 }
1182 }
createAssetTagString(const types::VPDMapVariant & i_parsedVpdMap)1184 std::string Worker::createAssetTagString(
1185 const types::VPDMapVariant& i_parsedVpdMap)
1186 {
1187 std::string l_assetTag;
1189 // system VPD will be in IPZ format.
1190 if (auto l_parsedVpdMap = std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&i_parsedVpdMap))
1191 {
1192 auto l_itrToVsys = (*l_parsedVpdMap).find(constants::recVSYS);
1193 if (l_itrToVsys != (*l_parsedVpdMap).end())
1194 {
1195 const std::string l_tmKwdValue{vpdSpecificUtility::getKwVal(
1196 l_itrToVsys->second, constants::kwdTM)};
1198 if (l_tmKwdValue.empty())
1199 {
1200 throw std::runtime_error(
1201 std::string("Failed to get value for keyword [") +
1202 constants::kwdTM +
1203 std::string("] while creating Asset tag."));
1204 }
1206 const std::string l_seKwdValue{vpdSpecificUtility::getKwVal(
1207 l_itrToVsys->second, constants::kwdSE)};
1209 if (l_seKwdValue.empty())
1210 {
1211 throw std::runtime_error(
1212 std::string("Failed to get value for keyword [") +
1213 constants::kwdSE +
1214 std::string("] while creating Asset tag."));
1215 }
1217 l_assetTag = std::string{"Server-"} + l_tmKwdValue +
1218 std::string{"-"} + l_seKwdValue;
1219 }
1220 else
1221 {
1222 throw std::runtime_error(
1223 "VSYS record not found in parsed VPD map to create Asset tag.");
1224 }
1225 }
1226 else
1227 {
1228 throw std::runtime_error(
1229 "Invalid VPD type recieved to create Asset tag.");
1230 }
1232 return l_assetTag;
1233 }
publishSystemVPD(const types::VPDMapVariant & parsedVpdMap)1235 void Worker::publishSystemVPD(const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap)
1236 {
1237 types::ObjectMap objectInterfaceMap;
1239 if (std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&parsedVpdMap))
1240 {
1241 populateDbus(parsedVpdMap, objectInterfaceMap, SYSTEM_VPD_FILE_PATH);
1243 try
1244 {
1245 if (m_isFactoryResetDone)
1246 {
1247 const auto& l_assetTag = createAssetTagString(parsedVpdMap);
1249 auto l_itrToSystemPath = objectInterfaceMap.find(
1250 sdbusplus::message::object_path(constants::systemInvPath));
1251 if (l_itrToSystemPath == objectInterfaceMap.end())
1252 {
1253 throw std::runtime_error(
1254 "System Path not found in object map.");
1255 }
1257 types::PropertyMap l_assetTagProperty;
1258 l_assetTagProperty.emplace("AssetTag", l_assetTag);
1260 (l_itrToSystemPath->second)
1261 .emplace(constants::assetTagInf,
1262 std::move(l_assetTagProperty));
1263 }
1264 }
1265 catch (const std::exception& l_ex)
1266 {
1267 EventLogger::createSyncPel(
1268 types::ErrorType::InvalidVpdMessage,
1269 types::SeverityType::Informational, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 0,
1270 "Asset tag update failed with following error: " +
1271 std::string(l_ex.what()),
1272 std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt);
1273 }
1275 // Notify PIM
1276 if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(move(objectInterfaceMap)))
1277 {
1278 throw std::runtime_error("Call to PIM failed for system VPD");
1279 }
1280 }
1281 else
1282 {
1283 throw DataException("Invalid format of parsed VPD map.");
1284 }
1285 }
processPreAction(const std::string & i_vpdFilePath,const std::string & i_flagToProcess)1287 bool Worker::processPreAction(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath,
1288 const std::string& i_flagToProcess)
1289 {
1290 if (i_vpdFilePath.empty() || i_flagToProcess.empty())
1291 {
1292 logging::logMessage(
1293 "Invalid input parameter. Abort processing pre action");
1294 return false;
1295 }
1297 if ((!jsonUtility::executeBaseAction(m_parsedJson, "preAction",
1298 i_vpdFilePath, i_flagToProcess)) &&
1299 (i_flagToProcess.compare("collection") == constants::STR_CMP_SUCCESS))
1300 {
1301 // TODO: Need a way to delete inventory object from Dbus and persisted
1302 // data section in case any FRU is not present or there is any
1303 // problem in collecting it. Once it has been deleted, it can be
1304 // re-created in the flow of priming the inventory. This needs to be
1305 // done either here or in the exception section of "parseAndPublishVPD"
1306 // API. Any failure in the process of collecting FRU will land up in the
1307 // excpetion of "parseAndPublishVPD".
1309 // If the FRU is not there, clear the VINI/CCIN data.
1310 // Enity manager probes for this keyword to look for this
1311 // FRU, now if the data is persistent on BMC and FRU is
1312 // removed this can lead to ambiguity. Hence clearing this
1313 // Keyword if FRU is absent.
1314 const auto& inventoryPath =
1315 m_parsedJson["frus"][i_vpdFilePath].at(0).value("inventoryPath",
1316 "");
1318 if (!inventoryPath.empty())
1319 {
1320 types::ObjectMap l_pimObjMap{
1321 {inventoryPath,
1322 {{constants::kwdVpdInf,
1323 {{constants::kwdCCIN, types::BinaryVector{}}}}}}};
1325 if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(std::move(l_pimObjMap)))
1326 {
1327 logging::logMessage(
1328 "Call to PIM failed for file " + i_vpdFilePath);
1329 }
1330 }
1331 else
1332 {
1333 logging::logMessage(
1334 "Inventory path is empty in Json for file " + i_vpdFilePath);
1335 }
1337 return false;
1338 }
1339 return true;
1340 }
processPostAction(const std::string & i_vpdFruPath,const std::string & i_flagToProcess,const std::optional<types::VPDMapVariant> i_parsedVpd)1342 bool Worker::processPostAction(
1343 const std::string& i_vpdFruPath, const std::string& i_flagToProcess,
1344 const std::optional<types::VPDMapVariant> i_parsedVpd)
1345 {
1346 if (i_vpdFruPath.empty() || i_flagToProcess.empty())
1347 {
1348 logging::logMessage(
1349 "Invalid input parameter. Abort processing post action");
1350 return false;
1351 }
1353 // Check if post action tag is to be triggered in the flow of collection
1354 // based on some CCIN value?
1355 if (m_parsedJson["frus"][i_vpdFruPath]
1356 .at(0)["postAction"][i_flagToProcess]
1357 .contains("ccin"))
1358 {
1359 if (!i_parsedVpd.has_value())
1360 {
1361 logging::logMessage("Empty VPD Map");
1362 return false;
1363 }
1365 // CCIN match is required to process post action for this FRU as it
1366 // contains the flag.
1367 if (!vpdSpecificUtility::findCcinInVpd(
1368 m_parsedJson["frus"][i_vpdFruPath].at(
1369 0)["postAction"]["collection"],
1370 i_parsedVpd.value()))
1371 {
1372 // If CCIN is not found, implies post action processing is not
1373 // required for this FRU. Let the flow continue.
1374 return true;
1375 }
1376 }
1378 if (!jsonUtility::executeBaseAction(m_parsedJson, "postAction",
1379 i_vpdFruPath, i_flagToProcess))
1380 {
1381 logging::logMessage(
1382 "Execution of post action failed for path: " + i_vpdFruPath);
1384 // If post action was required and failed only in that case return
1385 // false. In all other case post action is considered passed.
1386 return false;
1387 }
1389 return true;
1390 }
parseVpdFile(const std::string & i_vpdFilePath)1392 types::VPDMapVariant Worker::parseVpdFile(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath)
1393 {
1394 if (i_vpdFilePath.empty())
1395 {
1396 throw std::runtime_error(
1397 "Empty VPD file path passed to Worker::parseVpdFile. Abort processing");
1398 }
1400 try
1401 {
1402 if (jsonUtility::isActionRequired(m_parsedJson, i_vpdFilePath,
1403 "preAction", "collection"))
1404 {
1405 if (!processPreAction(i_vpdFilePath, "collection"))
1406 {
1407 throw std::runtime_error("Pre-Action failed");
1408 }
1409 }
1411 if (!std::filesystem::exists(i_vpdFilePath))
1412 {
1413 throw std::runtime_error(
1414 "Could not find file path " + i_vpdFilePath +
1415 "Skipping parser trigger for the EEPROM");
1416 }
1418 std::shared_ptr<Parser> vpdParser =
1419 std::make_shared<Parser>(i_vpdFilePath, m_parsedJson);
1421 types::VPDMapVariant l_parsedVpd = vpdParser->parse();
1423 // Before returning, as collection is over, check if FRU qualifies for
1424 // any post action in the flow of collection.
1425 // Note: Don't change the order, post action needs to be processed only
1426 // after collection for FRU is successfully done.
1427 if (jsonUtility::isActionRequired(m_parsedJson, i_vpdFilePath,
1428 "postAction", "collection"))
1429 {
1430 if (!processPostAction(i_vpdFilePath, "collection", l_parsedVpd))
1431 {
1432 // TODO: Log PEL
1433 logging::logMessage("Required post action failed for path [" +
1434 i_vpdFilePath + "]");
1435 }
1436 }
1438 return l_parsedVpd;
1439 }
1440 catch (std::exception& l_ex)
1441 {
1442 // If post fail action is required, execute it.
1443 if (jsonUtility::isActionRequired(m_parsedJson, i_vpdFilePath,
1444 "postFailAction", "collection"))
1445 {
1446 if (!jsonUtility::executePostFailAction(m_parsedJson, i_vpdFilePath,
1447 "collection"))
1448 {
1449 // TODO: Log PEL
1450 throw std::runtime_error(
1451 "VPD parsing failed for " + i_vpdFilePath +
1452 " due to error: " + l_ex.what() +
1453 ". Post Fail Action also failed, aborting collection for this FRU");
1454 }
1455 }
1457 // TODO: Log PEL
1458 throw std::runtime_error("VPD parsing failed for " + i_vpdFilePath +
1459 " due to error: " + l_ex.what());
1460 }
1461 }
parseAndPublishVPD(const std::string & i_vpdFilePath)1463 std::tuple<bool, std::string> Worker::parseAndPublishVPD(
1464 const std::string& i_vpdFilePath)
1465 {
1466 std::string l_inventoryPath{};
1468 try
1469 {
1470 m_semaphore.acquire();
1472 // Thread launched.
1473 m_mutex.lock();
1474 m_activeCollectionThreadCount++;
1475 m_mutex.unlock();
1477 // Set CollectionStatus as InProgress. Since it's an intermediate state
1478 // D-bus set-property call is good enough to update the status.
1479 l_inventoryPath = jsonUtility::getInventoryObjPathFromJson(
1480 m_parsedJson, i_vpdFilePath);
1482 if (!l_inventoryPath.empty())
1483 {
1484 if (!dbusUtility::writeDbusProperty(
1485 jsonUtility::getServiceName(m_parsedJson, l_inventoryPath),
1486 l_inventoryPath, constants::vpdCollectionInterface,
1487 "CollectionStatus",
1488 types::DbusVariantType{constants::vpdCollectionInProgress}))
1489 {
1490 logging::logMessage(
1491 "Unable to set CollectionStatus as InProgress for " +
1492 i_vpdFilePath + ". Error : " + "DBus write failed");
1493 }
1494 }
1496 const types::VPDMapVariant& parsedVpdMap = parseVpdFile(i_vpdFilePath);
1498 types::ObjectMap objectInterfaceMap;
1499 populateDbus(parsedVpdMap, objectInterfaceMap, i_vpdFilePath);
1501 // logging::logMessage("Dbus sucessfully populated for FRU " +
1502 // i_vpdFilePath);
1504 // Notify PIM
1505 if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(move(objectInterfaceMap)))
1506 {
1507 throw std::runtime_error(
1508 "Call to PIM failed while publishing VPD.");
1509 }
1510 }
1511 catch (const std::exception& ex)
1512 {
1513 // Notify FRU's VPD CollectionStatus as Failure
1514 if (!dbusUtility::notifyFRUCollectionStatus(
1515 l_inventoryPath, constants::vpdCollectionFailure))
1516 {
1517 logging::logMessage(
1518 "Call to PIM Notify method failed to update Collection status as Failure for " +
1519 i_vpdFilePath);
1520 }
1522 // handle all the exceptions internally. Return only true/false
1523 // based on status of execution.
1524 if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(DataException)))
1525 {
1526 // In case of pass1 planar, VPD can be corrupted on PCIe cards. Skip
1527 // logging error for these cases.
1528 if (vpdSpecificUtility::isPass1Planar())
1529 {
1530 const std::string& l_invPathLeafValue =
1531 sdbusplus::message::object_path(
1532 jsonUtility::getInventoryObjPathFromJson(m_parsedJson,
1533 i_vpdFilePath))
1534 .filename();
1536 if ((l_invPathLeafValue.find("pcie_card", 0) !=
1537 std::string::npos))
1538 {
1539 // skip logging any PEL for PCIe cards on pass 1 planar.
1540 return std::make_tuple(false, i_vpdFilePath);
1541 }
1542 }
1544 // TODO: Add custom handling
1545 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
1546 }
1547 else if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(EccException)))
1548 {
1549 // TODO: Add custom handling
1550 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
1551 }
1552 else if (typeid(ex) == std::type_index(typeid(JsonException)))
1553 {
1554 // TODO: Add custom handling
1555 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
1556 }
1557 else
1558 {
1559 logging::logMessage(ex.what());
1560 }
1562 // TODO: Figure out a way to clear data in case of any failure at
1563 // runtime.
1565 // set present property to false for any error case. In future this will
1566 // be replaced by presence logic.
1567 // Update Present property for this FRU only if we handle Present
1568 // property for the FRU.
1569 if (isPresentPropertyHandlingRequired(
1570 m_parsedJson["frus"][i_vpdFilePath].at(0)))
1571 {
1572 setPresentProperty(i_vpdFilePath, false);
1573 }
1575 m_semaphore.release();
1576 return std::make_tuple(false, i_vpdFilePath);
1577 }
1578 m_semaphore.release();
1579 return std::make_tuple(true, i_vpdFilePath);
1580 }
skipPathForCollection(const std::string & i_vpdFilePath)1582 bool Worker::skipPathForCollection(const std::string& i_vpdFilePath)
1583 {
1584 if (i_vpdFilePath.empty())
1585 {
1586 return true;
1587 }
1589 // skip processing of system VPD again as it has been already collected.
1590 if (i_vpdFilePath == SYSTEM_VPD_FILE_PATH)
1591 {
1592 return true;
1593 }
1595 if (dbusUtility::isChassisPowerOn())
1596 {
1597 // If chassis is powered on, skip collecting FRUs which are
1598 // powerOffOnly.
1599 if (jsonUtility::isFruPowerOffOnly(m_parsedJson, i_vpdFilePath))
1600 {
1601 return true;
1602 }
1604 const std::string& l_invPathLeafValue =
1605 sdbusplus::message::object_path(
1606 jsonUtility::getInventoryObjPathFromJson(m_parsedJson,
1607 i_vpdFilePath))
1608 .filename();
1610 if ((l_invPathLeafValue.find("pcie_card", 0) != std::string::npos))
1611 {
1612 return true;
1613 }
1614 }
1616 return false;
1617 }
collectFrusFromJson()1619 void Worker::collectFrusFromJson()
1620 {
1621 // A parsed JSON file should be present to pick FRUs EEPROM paths
1622 if (m_parsedJson.empty())
1623 {
1624 throw std::runtime_error(
1625 "A config JSON is required for processing of FRUs");
1626 }
1628 const nlohmann::json& listOfFrus =
1629 m_parsedJson["frus"].get_ref<const nlohmann::json::object_t&>();
1631 for (const auto& itemFRUS : listOfFrus.items())
1632 {
1633 const std::string& vpdFilePath = itemFRUS.key();
1635 if (skipPathForCollection(vpdFilePath))
1636 {
1637 continue;
1638 }
1640 try
1641 {
1642 std::thread{[vpdFilePath, this]() {
1643 const auto& l_parseResult = parseAndPublishVPD(vpdFilePath);
1645 m_mutex.lock();
1646 m_activeCollectionThreadCount--;
1647 m_mutex.unlock();
1649 if (!m_activeCollectionThreadCount)
1650 {
1651 m_isAllFruCollected = true;
1652 }
1653 }}.detach();
1654 }
1655 catch (const std::exception& l_ex)
1656 {
1657 // add vpdFilePath(EEPROM path) to failed list
1658 m_failedEepromPaths.push_front(vpdFilePath);
1659 }
1660 }
1661 }
1663 // ToDo: Move the API under IBM_SYSTEM
performBackupAndRestore(types::VPDMapVariant & io_srcVpdMap)1664 void Worker::performBackupAndRestore(types::VPDMapVariant& io_srcVpdMap)
1665 {
1666 try
1667 {
1668 std::string l_backupAndRestoreCfgFilePath =
1669 m_parsedJson.value("backupRestoreConfigPath", "");
1671 nlohmann::json l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj =
1672 jsonUtility::getParsedJson(l_backupAndRestoreCfgFilePath);
1674 if (l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj.empty())
1675 {
1676 throw JsonException("JSON parsing failed",
1677 l_backupAndRestoreCfgFilePath);
1678 }
1680 // check if either of "source" or "destination" has inventory path.
1681 // this indicates that this sytem has System VPD on hardware
1682 // and other copy on D-Bus (BMC cache).
1683 if (!l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj.empty() &&
1684 ((l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj.contains("source") &&
1685 l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj["source"].contains(
1686 "inventoryPath")) ||
1687 (l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj.contains("destination") &&
1688 l_backupAndRestoreCfgJsonObj["destination"].contains(
1689 "inventoryPath"))))
1690 {
1691 BackupAndRestore l_backupAndRestoreObj(m_parsedJson);
1692 auto [l_srcVpdVariant,
1693 l_dstVpdVariant] = l_backupAndRestoreObj.backupAndRestore();
1695 // ToDo: Revisit is this check is required or not.
1696 if (auto l_srcVpdMap =
1697 std::get_if<types::IPZVpdMap>(&l_srcVpdVariant);
1698 l_srcVpdMap && !(*l_srcVpdMap).empty())
1699 {
1700 io_srcVpdMap = std::move(l_srcVpdVariant);
1701 }
1702 }
1703 }
1704 catch (const std::exception& l_ex)
1705 {
1706 EventLogger::createSyncPel(
1707 EventLogger::getErrorType(l_ex), types::SeverityType::Informational,
1708 __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 0,
1709 std::string(
1710 "Exception caught while backup and restore VPD keyword's.") +
1711 EventLogger::getErrorMsg(l_ex),
1712 std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt);
1713 }
1714 }
deleteFruVpd(const std::string & i_dbusObjPath)1716 void Worker::deleteFruVpd(const std::string& i_dbusObjPath)
1717 {
1718 if (i_dbusObjPath.empty())
1719 {
1720 throw std::runtime_error("Given DBus object path is empty.");
1721 }
1723 const std::string& l_fruPath =
1724 jsonUtility::getFruPathFromJson(m_parsedJson, i_dbusObjPath);
1726 try
1727 {
1728 auto l_presentPropValue = dbusUtility::readDbusProperty(
1729 constants::pimServiceName, i_dbusObjPath,
1730 constants::inventoryItemInf, "Present");
1732 if (auto l_value = std::get_if<bool>(&l_presentPropValue))
1733 {
1734 if (!(*l_value))
1735 {
1736 throw std::runtime_error("Given FRU is not present");
1737 }
1738 else
1739 {
1740 if (jsonUtility::isActionRequired(m_parsedJson, l_fruPath,
1741 "preAction", "deletion"))
1742 {
1743 if (!processPreAction(l_fruPath, "deletion"))
1744 {
1745 throw std::runtime_error("Pre action failed");
1746 }
1747 }
1749 std::vector<std::string> l_interfaceList{
1750 constants::operationalStatusInf};
1752 types::MapperGetSubTree l_subTreeMap =
1753 dbusUtility::getObjectSubTree(i_dbusObjPath, 0,
1754 l_interfaceList);
1756 types::ObjectMap l_objectMap;
1758 // Updates VPD specific interfaces property value under PIM for
1759 // sub FRUs.
1760 for (const auto& [l_objectPath, l_serviceInterfaceMap] :
1761 l_subTreeMap)
1762 {
1763 types::InterfaceMap l_interfaceMap;
1764 vpdSpecificUtility::resetDataUnderPIM(l_objectPath,
1765 l_interfaceMap);
1766 l_objectMap.emplace(l_objectPath,
1767 std::move(l_interfaceMap));
1768 }
1770 types::InterfaceMap l_interfaceMap;
1771 vpdSpecificUtility::resetDataUnderPIM(i_dbusObjPath,
1772 l_interfaceMap);
1774 l_objectMap.emplace(i_dbusObjPath, std::move(l_interfaceMap));
1776 if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(std::move(l_objectMap)))
1777 {
1778 throw std::runtime_error("Call to PIM failed.");
1779 }
1781 if (jsonUtility::isActionRequired(m_parsedJson, l_fruPath,
1782 "postAction", "deletion"))
1783 {
1784 if (!processPostAction(l_fruPath, "deletion"))
1785 {
1786 throw std::runtime_error("Post action failed");
1787 }
1788 }
1789 }
1790 }
1791 else
1792 {
1793 logging::logMessage(
1794 "Can't process delete VPD for FRU [" + i_dbusObjPath +
1795 "] as unable to read present property");
1796 return;
1797 }
1799 logging::logMessage(
1800 "Successfully completed deletion of FRU VPD for " + i_dbusObjPath);
1801 }
1802 catch (const std::exception& l_ex)
1803 {
1804 if (jsonUtility::isActionRequired(m_parsedJson, l_fruPath,
1805 "postFailAction", "deletion"))
1806 {
1807 if (!jsonUtility::executePostFailAction(m_parsedJson, l_fruPath,
1808 "deletion"))
1809 {
1810 logging::logMessage(
1811 "Post fail action failed for: " + i_dbusObjPath);
1812 }
1813 }
1815 logging::logMessage("Failed to delete VPD for FRU : " + i_dbusObjPath +
1816 " error: " + std::string(l_ex.what()));
1817 }
1818 }
setPresentProperty(const std::string & i_vpdPath,const bool & i_value)1820 void Worker::setPresentProperty(const std::string& i_vpdPath,
1821 const bool& i_value)
1822 {
1823 try
1824 {
1825 if (i_vpdPath.empty())
1826 {
1827 throw std::runtime_error(
1828 "Path is empty. Can't set present property");
1829 }
1831 types::ObjectMap l_objectInterfaceMap;
1833 // If the given path is EEPROM path.
1834 if (m_parsedJson["frus"].contains(i_vpdPath))
1835 {
1836 for (const auto& l_Fru : m_parsedJson["frus"][i_vpdPath])
1837 {
1838 sdbusplus::message::object_path l_fruObjectPath(
1839 l_Fru["inventoryPath"]);
1841 types::PropertyMap l_propertyValueMap;
1842 l_propertyValueMap.emplace("Present", i_value);
1844 types::InterfaceMap l_interfaces;
1845 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(l_interfaces,
1846 constants::inventoryItemInf,
1847 move(l_propertyValueMap));
1849 l_objectInterfaceMap.emplace(std::move(l_fruObjectPath),
1850 std::move(l_interfaces));
1851 }
1852 }
1853 else
1854 {
1855 // consider it as an inventory path.
1856 if (i_vpdPath.find(constants::pimPath) != constants::VALUE_0)
1857 {
1858 throw std::runtime_error(
1859 "Invalid inventory path: " + i_vpdPath);
1860 }
1862 types::PropertyMap l_propertyValueMap;
1863 l_propertyValueMap.emplace("Present", i_value);
1865 types::InterfaceMap l_interfaces;
1866 vpdSpecificUtility::insertOrMerge(l_interfaces,
1867 constants::inventoryItemInf,
1868 move(l_propertyValueMap));
1870 l_objectInterfaceMap.emplace(i_vpdPath, std::move(l_interfaces));
1871 }
1873 // Notify PIM
1874 if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(move(l_objectInterfaceMap)))
1875 {
1876 throw std::runtime_error(
1877 "Call to PIM failed while setting present property for path " +
1878 i_vpdPath);
1879 }
1880 }
1881 catch (const std::exception& l_ex)
1882 {
1883 logging::logMessage(l_ex.what());
1884 }
1885 }
1887 } // namespace vpd