xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/bitbake/lib/toaster/toastergui/static/js/libtoaster.js (revision c124f4f2e04dca16a428a76c89677328bc7bf908)
1"use strict";
2/* All shared functionality to go in libtoaster object.
3 * This object really just helps readability since we can then have
4 * a traceable namespace.
5 */
6var libtoaster = (function () {
7  // prevent conflicts with Bootstrap 2's typeahead (required during
8  // transition from v2 to v3)
9  var typeahead = jQuery.fn.typeahead.noConflict();
10  jQuery.fn._typeahead = typeahead;
12  /* Make a typeahead from an input element
13   *
14   * _makeTypeahead parameters
15   * jQElement: input element as selected by $('selector')
16   * xhrUrl: the url to get the JSON from; this URL should return JSON in the
17   * format:
18   *   { "results": [ { "name": "test", "detail" : "a test thing"  }, ... ] }
19   * xhrParams: the data/parameters to pass to the getJSON url e.g.
20   *   { 'type' : 'projects' }; the text typed will be passed as 'search'.
21   * selectedCB: function to call once an item has been selected; has
22   * signature selectedCB(item), where item is an item in the format shown
23   * in the JSON list above, i.e.
24   *   { "name": "name", "detail": "detail" }.
25   */
26  function _makeTypeahead(jQElement, xhrUrl, xhrParams, selectedCB) {
27    if (!xhrUrl || xhrUrl.length === 0) {
28      throw("No url supplied for typeahead");
29    }
31    var xhrReq;
33    jQElement._typeahead(
34      {
35        highlight: true,
36        classNames: {
37          open: "dropdown-menu",
38          cursor: "active"
39        }
40      },
41      {
42        source: function (query, syncResults, asyncResults) {
43          xhrParams.search = query;
45          // if we have a request in progress, cancel it and start another
46          if (xhrReq) {
47            xhrReq.abort();
48          }
50          xhrReq = $.getJSON(xhrUrl, xhrParams, function (data) {
51            if (data.error !== "ok") {
52              console.error("Error getting data from server: " + data.error);
53              return;
54            }
56            xhrReq = null;
58            asyncResults(data.results);
59          });
60        },
62        // how the selected item is shown in the input
63        display: function (item) {
64          return item.name;
65        },
67        templates: {
68          // how the item is displayed in the dropdown
69          suggestion: function (item) {
70            var elt = document.createElement("div");
71            elt.innerHTML = item.name + " " + item.detail;
72            return elt;
73          }
74        }
75      }
76    );
78    // when an item is selected using the typeahead, invoke the callback
79    jQElement.on("typeahead:select", function (event, item) {
80      selectedCB(item);
81    });
82  }
84  /* startABuild:
85   * url: xhr_buildrequest or null for current project
86   * targets: an array or space separated list of targets to build
87   * onsuccess: callback for successful execution
88   * onfail: callback for failed execution
89   */
90  function _startABuild (url, targets, onsuccess, onfail) {
92    if (!url)
93      url = libtoaster.ctx.xhrBuildRequestUrl;
95    /* Flatten the array of targets into a space spearated list */
96    if (targets instanceof Array){
97      targets = targets.reduce(function(prevV, nextV){
98        return prev + ' ' + next;
99      });
100    }
102    $.ajax( {
103        type: "POST",
104        url: url,
105        data: { 'targets' : targets },
106        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
107        success: function (_data) {
108          if (_data.error !== "ok") {
109            console.warn(_data.error);
110          } else {
111            if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
112          }
113        },
114        error: function (_data) {
115          console.warn("Call failed");
116          console.warn(_data);
117          if (onfail) onfail(data);
118    } });
119  }
121  /* cancelABuild:
122   * url: xhr_buildrequest url or null for current project
123   * buildRequestIds: space separated list of build request ids
124   * onsuccess: callback for successful execution
125   * onfail: callback for failed execution
126   */
127  function _cancelABuild(url, buildRequestIds, onsuccess, onfail){
128    if (!url)
129      url = libtoaster.ctx.xhrBuildRequestUrl;
131    $.ajax( {
132        type: "POST",
133        url: url,
134        data: { 'buildCancel': buildRequestIds },
135        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
136        success: function (_data) {
137          if (_data.error !== "ok") {
138            console.warn(_data.error);
139          } else {
140            if (onsuccess) onsuccess(_data);
141          }
142        },
143        error: function (_data) {
144          console.warn("Call failed");
145          console.warn(_data);
146          if (onfail) onfail(_data);
147        }
148    });
149  }
151  function _getMostRecentBuilds(url, onsuccess, onfail) {
152    $.ajax({
153      url: url,
154      type: 'GET',
155      data : {format: 'json'},
156      headers: {'X-CSRFToken': $.cookie('csrftoken')},
157      success: function (data) {
158        onsuccess ? onsuccess(data) : console.log(data);
159      },
160      error: function (data) {
161        onfail ? onfail(data) : console.error(data);
162      }
163    });
164  }
166  /* Get a project's configuration info */
167  function _getProjectInfo(url, onsuccess, onfail){
168    $.ajax({
169        type: "GET",
170        url: url,
171        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
172        success: function (_data) {
173          if (_data.error !== "ok") {
174            console.warn(_data.error);
175          } else {
176            if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
177          }
178        },
179        error: function (_data) {
180          console.warn(_data);
181          if (onfail) onfail(_data);
182        }
183    });
184  }
186  /* Properties for data can be:
187   * layerDel (csv)
188   * layerAdd (csv)
189   * projectName
190   * projectVersion
191   * machineName
192   */
193  function _editCurrentProject(data, onSuccess, onFail){
194    $.ajax({
195        type: "POST",
196        url: libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUrl,
197        data: data,
198        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
199        success: function (data) {
200          if (data.error != "ok") {
201            console.log(data.error);
202            if (onFail !== undefined)
203              onFail(data);
204          } else {
205            if (onSuccess !== undefined)
206              onSuccess(data);
207          }
208        },
209        error: function (data) {
210          console.log("Call failed");
211          console.log(data);
212        }
213    });
214  }
216  function _getLayerDepsForProject(url, onSuccess, onFail){
217    /* Check for dependencies not in the current project */
218    $.getJSON(url,
219      { format: 'json' },
220      function(data) {
221        if (data.error != "ok") {
222          console.log(data.error);
223          if (onFail !== undefined)
224            onFail(data);
225        } else {
226          var deps = {};
227          /* Filter out layer dep ids which are in the
228           * project already.
229           */
230          deps.list = data.layerdeps.list.filter(function(layerObj){
231            return (data.projectlayers.lastIndexOf(layerObj.id) < 0);
232          });
234          onSuccess(deps);
235        }
236      }, function() {
237        console.log("E: Failed to make request");
238    });
239  }
241  /* parses the query string of the current window.location to an object */
242  function _parseUrlParams() {
243    var string = window.location.search;
244    string = string.substr(1);
245    var stringArray = string.split ("&");
246    var obj = {};
248    for (var i in stringArray) {
249      var keyVal = stringArray[i].split ("=");
250      obj[keyVal[0]] = keyVal[1];
251    }
253    return obj;
254  }
256  /* takes a flat object and outputs it as a query string
257   * e.g. the output of dumpsUrlParams
258   */
259  function _dumpsUrlParams(obj) {
260    var str = "?";
262    for (var key in obj){
263      if (!obj[key])
264        continue;
266      str += key+ "="+obj[key].toString();
267      str += "&";
268    }
270    /* Maintain the current hash */
271    str += window.location.hash;
273    return str;
274  }
276  function _addRmLayer(layerObj, add, doneCb){
277    if (layerObj.xhrLayerUrl === undefined){
278      alert("ERROR: missing xhrLayerUrl object. Please file a bug.");
279      return;
280    }
282    if (add === true) {
283      /* If adding get the deps for this layer */
284      libtoaster.getLayerDepsForProject(layerObj.xhrLayerUrl,
285        function (layers) {
287        /* got result for dependencies */
288        if (layers.list.length === 0){
289          var editData = { layerAdd : layerObj.id };
290          libtoaster.editCurrentProject(editData, function() {
291            doneCb([]);
292          });
293          return;
294        } else {
295          try {
296            showLayerDepsModal(layerObj, layers.list, null, null,  true, doneCb);
297          }  catch (e) {
298            $.getScript(libtoaster.ctx.jsUrl + "layerDepsModal.js", function(){
299              showLayerDepsModal(layerObj, layers.list, null, null,  true, doneCb);
300            }, function(){
301              console.warn("Failed to load layerDepsModal");
302            });
303          }
304        }
305      }, null);
306    } else if (add === false) {
307      var editData = { layerDel : layerObj.id };
309      libtoaster.editCurrentProject(editData, function () {
310        doneCb([]);
311      }, function () {
312        console.warn ("Removing layer from project failed");
313        doneCb(null);
314      });
315    }
316  }
318  function _makeLayerAddRmAlertMsg(layer, layerDepsList, add) {
319    var alertMsg;
321    if (layerDepsList.length > 0 && add === true) {
322      alertMsg = $("<span>You have added <strong>"+(layerDepsList.length+1)+"</strong> layers to your project: <a class=\"alert-link\" id=\"layer-affected-name\"></a> and its dependencies </span>");
324      /* Build the layer deps list */
325      layerDepsList.map(function(layer, i){
326        var link = $("<a class=\"alert-link\"></a>");
328        link.attr("href", layer.layerdetailurl);
329        link.text(layer.name);
330        link.tooltip({title: layer.tooltip});
332        if (i !== 0)
333          alertMsg.append(", ");
335        alertMsg.append(link);
336      });
337    } else if (layerDepsList.length === 0 && add === true) {
338      alertMsg = $("<span>You have added <strong>1</strong> layer to your project: <a class=\"alert-link\" id=\"layer-affected-name\"></a></span></span>");
339    } else if (add === false) {
340      alertMsg = $("<span>You have removed <strong>1</strong> layer from your project: <a class=\"alert-link\" id=\"layer-affected-name\"></a></span>");
341    }
343    alertMsg.children("#layer-affected-name").text(layer.name);
344    alertMsg.children("#layer-affected-name").attr("href", layer.layerdetailurl);
346    return alertMsg.html();
347  }
349  function _showChangeNotification(message){
350    $(".alert-dismissible").fadeOut().promise().done(function(){
351      var alertMsg = $("#change-notification-msg");
353      alertMsg.html(message);
354      $("#change-notification, #change-notification *").fadeIn();
355    });
356  }
358  function _createCustomRecipe(name, baseRecipeId, doneCb){
359    var data = {
360      'name' : name,
361      'project' : libtoaster.ctx.projectId,
362      'base' : baseRecipeId,
363    };
365    $.ajax({
366        type: "POST",
367        url: libtoaster.ctx.xhrCustomRecipeUrl,
368        data: data,
369        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
370        success: function (ret) {
371          if (doneCb){
372            doneCb(ret);
373          } else if (ret.error !== "ok") {
374            console.warn(ret.error);
375          }
376        },
377        error: function (ret) {
378          console.warn("Call failed");
379          console.warn(ret);
380        }
381    });
382  }
384  /* Validate project names. Use unique project names
386     All arguments accepted by this function are JQeury objects.
388     For example if the HTML element has "hint-error-project-name", then
389     it is passed to this function as $("#hint-error-project-name").
391     Arg1 - projectName : This is a string object. In the HTML, project name will be entered here.
392     Arg2 - hintEerror : This is a jquery object which will accept span which throws error for
393            duplicate project
394     Arg3 - ctrlGrpValidateProjectName : This object holds the div with class "control-group"
395     Arg4 - enableOrDisableBtn : This object will help the API to enable or disable the form.
396            For example in the new project the create project button will be hidden if the
397            duplicate project exist. Similarly in the projecttopbar the save button will be
398            disabled if the project name already exist.
400     Return - This function doesn't return anything. It sets/unsets the behavior of the elements.
401  */
403  function _makeProjectNameValidation(projectName, hintError,
404                ctrlGrpValidateProjectName, enableOrDisableBtn ) {
406     function checkProjectName(projectName){
407       $.ajax({
408            type: "GET",
409            url: libtoaster.ctx.projectsTypeAheadUrl,
410            data: { 'search' : projectName },
411            headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
412            success: function(data){
413              if (data.results.length > 0 &&
414                  data.results[0].name === projectName) {
415                // This project name exists hence show the error and disable
416                // the save button
417                ctrlGrpValidateProjectName.addClass('has-error');
418                hintError.show();
419                enableOrDisableBtn.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
420              } else {
421                ctrlGrpValidateProjectName.removeClass('has-error');
422                hintError.hide();
423                enableOrDisableBtn.removeAttr('disabled');
424              }
425            },
426            error: function (data) {
427              console.log(data);
428            },
429       });
430     }
432     /* The moment user types project name remove the error */
433     projectName.on("input", function() {
434        var projectName = $(this).val();
435        checkProjectName(projectName)
436     });
438     /* Validate new project name */
439     projectName.on("blur", function(){
440        var projectName = $(this).val();
441        checkProjectName(projectName)
442     });
443  }
445  // if true, the loading spinner for Ajax requests will be displayed
446  // if requests take more than 1200ms
447  var ajaxLoadingTimerEnabled = true;
449  // turn on the page-level loading spinner for Ajax requests
450  function _enableAjaxLoadingTimer() {
451    ajaxLoadingTimerEnabled = true;
452  }
454  // turn off the page-level loading spinner for Ajax requests
455  function _disableAjaxLoadingTimer() {
456    ajaxLoadingTimerEnabled = false;
457  }
459  /* Utility function to set a notification for the next page load */
460  function _setNotification(name, message){
461    var data = {
462      name: name,
463      message: message
464    };
466    $.cookie('toaster-notification', JSON.stringify(data), { path: '/'});
467  }
469  /* _updateProject:
470   * url: xhrProjectUpdateUrl or null for current project
471   * onsuccess: callback for successful execution
472   * onfail: callback for failed execution
473   */
474  function _updateProject (url, targets, default_image, onsuccess, onfail) {
476    if (!url)
477      url = libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectUpdateUrl;
479    /* Flatten the array of targets into a space spearated list */
480    if (targets instanceof Array){
481      targets = targets.reduce(function(prevV, nextV){
482        return prev + ' ' + next;
483      });
484    }
486    $.ajax( {
487        type: "POST",
488        url: url,
489        data: { 'do_update' : 'True' , 'targets' : targets , 'default_image' : default_image , },
490        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
491        success: function (_data) {
492          if (_data.error !== "ok") {
493            console.warn(_data.error);
494          } else {
495            if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
496          }
497        },
498        error: function (_data) {
499          console.warn("Call failed");
500          console.warn(_data);
501          if (onfail) onfail(data);
502    } });
503  }
505  /* _cancelProject:
506   * url: xhrProjectUpdateUrl or null for current project
507   * onsuccess: callback for successful execution
508   * onfail: callback for failed execution
509   */
510  function _cancelProject (url, onsuccess, onfail) {
512    if (!url)
513      url = libtoaster.ctx.xhrProjectCancelUrl;
515    $.ajax( {
516        type: "POST",
517        url: url,
518        data: { 'do_cancel' : 'True'  },
519        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
520        success: function (_data) {
521          if (_data.error !== "ok") {
522            console.warn(_data.error);
523          } else {
524            if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
525          }
526        },
527        error: function (_data) {
528          console.warn("Call failed");
529          console.warn(_data);
530          if (onfail) onfail(data);
531    } });
532  }
534  /* _setDefaultImage:
535   * url: xhrSetDefaultImageUrl or null for current project
536   * targets: an array or space separated list of targets to set as default
537   * onsuccess: callback for successful execution
538   * onfail: callback for failed execution
539   */
540  function _setDefaultImage (url, targets, onsuccess, onfail) {
542    if (!url)
543      url = libtoaster.ctx.xhrSetDefaultImageUrl;
545    /* Flatten the array of targets into a space spearated list */
546    if (targets instanceof Array){
547      targets = targets.reduce(function(prevV, nextV){
548        return prev + ' ' + next;
549      });
550    }
552    $.ajax( {
553        type: "POST",
554        url: url,
555        data: { 'targets' : targets },
556        headers: { 'X-CSRFToken' : $.cookie('csrftoken')},
557        success: function (_data) {
558          if (_data.error !== "ok") {
559            console.warn(_data.error);
560          } else {
561            if (onsuccess !== undefined) onsuccess(_data);
562          }
563        },
564        error: function (_data) {
565          console.warn("Call failed");
566          console.warn(_data);
567          if (onfail) onfail(data);
568    } });
569  }
571  return {
572    enableAjaxLoadingTimer: _enableAjaxLoadingTimer,
573    disableAjaxLoadingTimer: _disableAjaxLoadingTimer,
574    reload_params : reload_params,
575    startABuild : _startABuild,
576    cancelABuild : _cancelABuild,
577    getMostRecentBuilds: _getMostRecentBuilds,
578    makeTypeahead : _makeTypeahead,
579    getProjectInfo: _getProjectInfo,
580    getLayerDepsForProject : _getLayerDepsForProject,
581    editCurrentProject : _editCurrentProject,
582    debug: false,
583    parseUrlParams : _parseUrlParams,
584    dumpsUrlParams : _dumpsUrlParams,
585    addRmLayer : _addRmLayer,
586    makeLayerAddRmAlertMsg : _makeLayerAddRmAlertMsg,
587    showChangeNotification : _showChangeNotification,
588    createCustomRecipe: _createCustomRecipe,
589    makeProjectNameValidation: _makeProjectNameValidation,
590    setNotification: _setNotification,
591    updateProject : _updateProject,
592    cancelProject : _cancelProject,
593    setDefaultImage : _setDefaultImage,
594  };
597/* keep this in the global scope for compatability */
598function reload_params(params) {
599    var uri = window.location.href;
600    var splitlist = uri.split("?");
601    var url = splitlist[0];
602    var parameters = splitlist[1];
603    // deserialize the call parameters
604    var cparams = [];
605    if(parameters)
606      cparams = parameters.split("&");
608    var nparams = {};
609    for (var i = 0; i < cparams.length; i++) {
610        var temp = cparams[i].split("=");
611        nparams[temp[0]] = temp[1];
612    }
613    // update parameter values
614    for (i in params) {
615        nparams[encodeURIComponent(i)] = encodeURIComponent(params[i]);
616    }
617    // serialize the structure
618    var callparams = [];
619    for (i in nparams) {
620        callparams.push(i+"="+nparams[i]);
621    }
622    window.location.href = url+"?"+callparams.join('&');
625/* Things that happen for all pages */
626$(document).ready(function() {
628  (function showNotificationRequest(){
629    var cookie = $.cookie('toaster-notification');
631    if (!cookie)
632      return;
634    var notificationData = JSON.parse(cookie);
636    libtoaster.showChangeNotification(notificationData.message);
638    $.removeCookie('toaster-notification', { path: "/"});
639  })();
643  var ajaxLoadingTimer;
645  /* If we don't have a console object which might be the case in some
646     * browsers, no-op it to avoid undefined errors.
647     */
648    if (!window.console) {
649      window.console = {};
650      window.console.warn = function() {};
651      window.console.error = function() {};
652    }
654    /*
655     * highlight plugin.
656     */
657    hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();
659    // Prevent invalid links from jumping page scroll
660    $('a[href="#"]').click(function() {
661        return false;
662    });
665    /* START TODO Delete this section now redundant */
666    /* Belen's additions */
668    // turn Edit columns dropdown into a multiselect menu
669    $('.dropdown-menu input, .dropdown-menu label').click(function(e) {
670        e.stopPropagation();
671    });
673    // enable popovers in any table cells that contain an anchor with the
674    // .btn class applied, and make sure popovers work on click, are mutually
675    // exclusive and they close when your click outside their area
677    $('html').click(function(){
678        $('td > a.btn').popover('hide');
679    });
681    $('td > a.btn').popover({
682        html:true,
683        placement:'left',
684        container:'body',
685        trigger:'manual'
686    }).click(function(e){
687        $('td > a.btn').not(this).popover('hide');
688        // ideally we would use 'toggle' here
689        // but it seems buggy in our Bootstrap version
690        $(this).popover('show');
691        e.stopPropagation();
692    });
694    // enable tooltips for applied filters
695    $('th a.btn-primary').tooltip({container:'body', html:true, placement:'bottom', delay:{hide:1500}});
697    // hide applied filter tooltip when you click on the filter button
698    $('th a.btn-primary').click(function () {
699        $('.tooltip').hide();
700    });
702    /* Initialise bootstrap tooltips */
703    $(".get-help, [data-toggle=tooltip]").tooltip({
704      container : 'body',
705      html : true,
706      delay: { show : 300 }
707    });
709    // show help bubble on hover inside tables
710    $("table").on("mouseover", "th, td", function () {
711        $(this).find(".hover-help").css("visibility","visible");
712    });
714    $("table").on("mouseleave", "th, td", function () {
715        $(this).find(".hover-help").css("visibility","hidden");
716    });
718    /* END TODO Delete this section now redundant */
720    // show task type and outcome in task details pages
721    $(".task-info").tooltip({ container: 'body', html: true, delay: {show: 200}, placement: 'right' });
723    // initialise the tooltips for the edit icons
724    $(".glyphicon-edit").tooltip({ container: 'body', html: true, delay: {show: 400}, title: "Change" });
726    // initialise the tooltips for the download icons
727    $(".icon-download-alt").tooltip({ container: 'body', html: true, delay: { show: 200 } });
729    // initialise popover for debug information
730    $(".glyphicon-info-sign").popover( { placement: 'bottom', html: true, container: 'body' });
732    // linking directly to tabs
733    $(function(){
734          var hash = window.location.hash;
735          $('ul.nav a[href="' + hash + '"]').tab('show');
737          $('.nav-tabs a').click(function () {
738            $(this).tab('show');
739            $('body').scrollTop();
740          });
741    });
743    // toggle for long content (variables, python stack trace, etc)
744    $('.full, .full-hide').hide();
745    $('.full-show').click(function(){
746        $('.full').slideDown(function(){
747            $('.full-hide').show();
748        });
749        $(this).hide();
750    });
751    $('.full-hide').click(function(){
752        $(this).hide();
753        $('.full').slideUp(function(){
754            $('.full-show').show();
755        });
756    });
758    //toggle the errors and warnings sections
759    $('.show-errors').click(function() {
760        $('#collapse-errors').addClass('in');
761    });
762    $('.toggle-errors').click(function() {
763        $('#collapse-errors').toggleClass('in');
764    });
765    $('.show-warnings').click(function() {
766        $('#collapse-warnings').addClass('in');
767    });
768    $('.toggle-warnings').click(function() {
769        $('#collapse-warnings').toggleClass('in');
770    });
771    $('.show-exceptions').click(function() {
772        $('#collapse-exceptions').addClass('in');
773    });
774    $('.toggle-exceptions').click(function() {
775        $('#collapse-exceptions').toggleClass('in');
776    });
779    $("#hide-alert").click(function(){
780      $(this).parent().fadeOut();
781    });
783    //show warnings section when requested from the previous page
784    if (location.href.search('#warnings') > -1) {
785        $('#collapse-warnings').addClass('in');
786    }
788    /* Show the loading notification if nothing has happend after 1.5
789     * seconds
790     */
791    $(document).bind("ajaxStart", function(){
792      if (ajaxLoadingTimer)
793        window.clearTimeout(ajaxLoadingTimer);
795      ajaxLoadingTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {
796        if (libtoaster.ajaxLoadingTimerEnabled) {
797          $("#loading-notification").fadeIn();
798        }
799      }, 1200);
800    });
802    $(document).bind("ajaxStop", function(){
803      if (ajaxLoadingTimer)
804        window.clearTimeout(ajaxLoadingTimer);
806      $("#loading-notification").fadeOut();
807    });
809    $(document).ajaxError(function(event, jqxhr, settings, errMsg){
810      if (errMsg === 'abort')
811        return;
813      console.warn("Problem with xhr call");
814      console.warn(errMsg);
815      console.warn(jqxhr.responseText);
816    });
818    function check_for_duplicate_ids () {
819      /* warn about duplicate element ids */
820      var ids = {};
821      $("[id]").each(function() {
822        if (this.id && ids[this.id]) {
823          console.warn('Duplicate element id #'+this.id);
824        }
825        ids[this.id] = true;
826      });
827    }
829    /* Make sure we don't have a notification overlay a modal */
830    $(".modal").on('show.bs.modal', function(){
831      $(".alert-dismissible").fadeOut();
832    });
834    if (libtoaster.debug) {
835      check_for_duplicate_ids();
836    } else {
837      /* Debug is false so supress warnings by overriding the functions */
838      window.console.warn = function () {};
839      window.console.error = function () {};
840   }