## This file is a template. The comment below is emitted ## into the rendered file; feel free to edit this file. // WARNING: Generated header. Do not edit! <% import re from collections import defaultdict objects = list(settingsDict.viewkeys()) sdbusplus_namespaces = [] sdbusplus_includes = [] props = defaultdict(list) validators = defaultdict(tuple) def get_setting_sdbusplus_type(setting_intf): setting = "sdbusplus::" + setting_intf.replace('.', '::') i = setting.rfind('::') setting = setting[:i] + '::server::' + setting[i+2:] return setting def get_setting_type(path): path = path[1:] path = path.replace('/', '::') return path %>\ #pragma once % for object in objects: % for item in settingsDict[object]: <% include = item['Interface'] include = include.replace('.', '/') include = include + "/server.hpp" sdbusplus_includes.append(include) %>\ % endfor % endfor #include <cereal/archives/json.hpp> #include <cereal/types/vector.hpp> #include <fstream> #include <utility> #include <experimental/filesystem> #include <regex> #include <phosphor-logging/elog.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/elog-errors.hpp> #include <phosphor-logging/log.hpp> #include "config.h" #include <xyz/openbmc_project/Common/error.hpp> using namespace phosphor::logging; % for i in set(sdbusplus_includes): #include "${i}" % endfor % for object in objects: % for item in settingsDict[object]: <% ns = get_setting_sdbusplus_type(item['Interface']) i = ns.rfind('::') ns = ns[:i] sdbusplus_namespaces.append(ns) %>\ % endfor % endfor namespace phosphor { namespace settings { namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; namespace persistent { // A setting d-bus object /foo/bar/baz is persisted in the filesystem with the // same path. This eases re-construction of settings objects when we restore // from the filesystem. This can be a problem though when you have two objects // such as - /foo/bar and /foo/bar/baz. This is because 'bar' will be treated as // a file in the first case, and a subdir in the second. To solve this, suffix // files with a trailing __. The __ is a safe character sequence to use, because // we won't have d-bus object paths ending with this. // With this the objects would be persisted as - /foo/bar__ and /foo/bar/baz__. constexpr auto fileSuffix = "__"; } % for n in set(sdbusplus_namespaces): using namespace ${n}; % endfor % for object in objects: <% ns = object.split('/') ns.pop(0) %>\ % for n in ns: namespace ${n} { % endfor <% interfaces = [] aliases = [] for item in settingsDict[object]: interfaces.append(item['Interface']) for name, meta in item['Properties'].items(): if 'Validation' in meta: dict = meta['Validation'] if dict['Type'] == "range": validators[name] = (dict['Type'], dict['Validator'], dict['Unit']) else: validators[name] = (dict['Type'], dict['Validator']) %> % for index, intf in enumerate(interfaces): using Iface${index} = ${get_setting_sdbusplus_type(intf)}; <% aliases.append("Iface" + str(index)) %>\ % endfor <% parent = "sdbusplus::server::object::object" + "<" + ", ".join(aliases) + ">" %>\ using Parent = ${parent}; class Impl : public Parent { public: Impl(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus, const char* path): Parent(bus, path, true), path(path) { } virtual ~Impl() = default; % for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]): % for propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items(): <% t = propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] %>\ <% fname = "validate" + propName %>\ decltype(std::declval<Iface${index}>().${t}()) ${t}(decltype(std::declval<Iface${index}>().${t}()) value) override { auto result = Iface${index}::${t}(); if (value != result) { % if propName in validators: if (!${fname}(value)) { namespace error = sdbusplus::xyz::openbmc_project::Common::Error; namespace metadata = phosphor::logging::xyz::openbmc_project::Common; phosphor::logging::report<error::InvalidArgument>( metadata::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("${t}"), % if validators[propName][0] != "regex": metadata::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(std::to_string(value).c_str())); % else: metadata::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE(value.c_str())); % endif return result; } % endif fs::path p(SETTINGS_PERSIST_PATH); p /= path; p += persistent::fileSuffix; fs::create_directories(p.parent_path()); std::ofstream os(p.c_str(), std::ios::binary); cereal::JSONOutputArchive oarchive(os); result = Iface${index}::${t}(value); oarchive(*this); } return result; } using Iface${index}::${t}; % endfor % endfor private: fs::path path; % for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]): % for propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items(): <% t = propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] %>\ <% fname = "validate" + propName %>\ % if propName in validators: bool ${fname}(decltype(std::declval<Iface${index}>().${t}()) value) { bool matched = false; % if (validators[propName][0] == 'regex'): std::regex regexToCheck("${validators[propName][1]}"); matched = std::regex_search(value, regexToCheck); if (!matched) { std::string err = "Input parameter for ${propName} is invalid " "Input: " + value + " not in the format of this regex: " "${validators[propName][1]}"; using namespace phosphor::logging; log<level::ERR>(err.c_str()); } % elif (validators[propName][0] == 'range'): <% lowhigh = re.split('\.\.', validators[propName][1]) %>\ if ((value <= ${lowhigh[1]}) && (value >= ${lowhigh[0]})) { matched = true; } else { std::string err = "Input parameter for ${propName} is invalid " "Input: " + std::to_string(value) + "in uint: " "${validators[propName][2]} is not in range:${validators[propName][1]}"; using namespace phosphor::logging; log<level::ERR>(err.c_str()); } % else: <% assert("Unknown validation type: propName") %>\ % endif return matched; } % endif % endfor % endfor }; template<class Archive> void save(Archive& a, const Impl& setting, const std::uint32_t version) { <% props = [] for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]): intfProps = ["setting." + propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] + "()" for \ propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items()] props.extend(intfProps) props = ', '.join(props) %>\ a(${props}); } template<class Archive> void load(Archive& a, Impl& setting, const std::uint32_t version) { <% props = [] %>\ % for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]): % for prop, metaDict in item['Properties'].items(): <% t = "setting." + prop[:1].lower() + prop[1:] + "()" props.append(prop) %>\ decltype(${t}) ${prop}{}; % endfor % endfor <% props = ', '.join(props) %> a(${props}); <% props = [] %> % for index, item in enumerate(settingsDict[object]): % for prop, metaDict in item['Properties'].items(): <% t = "setting." + prop[:1].lower() + prop[1:] + "(" + prop + ")" %>\ ${t}; % endfor % endfor } % for n in reversed(ns): } // namespace ${n} % endfor % endfor /** @class Manager * * @brief Compose settings objects and put them on the bus. */ class Manager { public: Manager() = delete; Manager(const Manager&) = delete; Manager& operator=(const Manager&) = delete; Manager(Manager&&) = delete; Manager& operator=(Manager&&) = delete; virtual ~Manager() = default; /** @brief Constructor to put settings objects on to the bus. * @param[in] bus - Bus to attach to. */ Manager(sdbusplus::bus::bus& bus) { fs::path path{}; settings = std::make_tuple( % for index, path in enumerate(objects): <% type = get_setting_type(path) + "::Impl" %>\ std::make_unique<${type}>( bus, % if index < len(settingsDict) - 1: "${path}"), % else: "${path}")); % endif % endfor % for index, path in enumerate(objects): path = fs::path(SETTINGS_PERSIST_PATH) / "${path}"; path += persistent::fileSuffix; auto initSetting${index} = [&]() { % for item in settingsDict[path]: % for propName, metaDict in item['Properties'].items(): <% p = propName[:1].lower() + propName[1:] %>\ <% defaultValue = metaDict['Default'] %>\ std::get<${index}>(settings)-> ${get_setting_sdbusplus_type(item['Interface'])}::${p}(${defaultValue}); % endfor % endfor }; try { if (fs::exists(path)) { std::ifstream is(path.c_str(), std::ios::in); cereal::JSONInputArchive iarchive(is); iarchive(*std::get<${index}>(settings)); } else { initSetting${index}(); } } catch (cereal::Exception& e) { log<level::ERR>(e.what()); fs::remove(path); initSetting${index}(); } std::get<${index}>(settings)->emit_object_added(); % endfor } private: /* @brief Composition of settings objects. */ std::tuple< % for index, path in enumerate(objects): <% type = get_setting_type(path) + "::Impl" %>\ % if index < len(settingsDict) - 1: std::unique_ptr<${type}>, % else: std::unique_ptr<${type}>> settings; % endif % endfor }; } // namespace settings } // namespace phosphor // Now register the class version with Cereal % for object in objects: <% classname = "phosphor::settings" ns = object.split('/') ns.pop(0) %>\ % for n in ns: <% classname += "::" + n %>\ % endfor CEREAL_CLASS_VERSION(${classname + "::Impl"}, CLASS_VERSION); % endfor