// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // Copyright (C) 2018 IBM Corp. #define _GNU_SOURCE #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <limits.h> #include <poll.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <signal.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/timerfd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <systemd/sd-bus.h> #include "config.h" #include "dbus.h" #define USAGE \ "\nUsage: %s [--silent | -s] <command> [args]\n\n" \ "\t\t--silent\t\t- no output on the command line\n\n" \ "\tCommands: (num args)\n" \ "\t\t--ping\t\t\t- ping the daemon (0)\n" \ "\t\t--daemon-state\t\t- check state of the daemon (0)\n" \ "\t\t--lpc-state\t\t- check the state of the lpc mapping (0)\n" \ "\t\t--kill\t\t\t- stop the daemon [no flush] (0)\n" \ "\t\t--reset\t\t\t- hard reset the daemon state (0)\n" \ "\t\t--point-to-flash\t- point the lpc mapping back to flash (0)\n" \ "\t\t--suspend\t\t- suspend the daemon to inhibit flash accesses (0)\n" \ "\t\t--resume\t\t- resume the daemon (1)\n" \ "\t\t\targ[0]: < \"clean\" | \"modified\" >\n" \ "\t\t--clear-cache\t- tell the daemon to discard any caches (0)\n" #define NAME "Mailbox Control" static bool silent; #define MSG_OUT(...) do { if (!silent) { \ fprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__); } \ } while (0) #define MSG_ERR(...) do { if (!silent) { \ fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); } \ } while (0) struct mboxctl_context { sd_bus *bus; }; static void usage(char *name) { MSG_OUT(USAGE, name); exit(0); } static const char *dbus_err_str[] = { "Success", "Failed - Internal Error", "Failed - Invalid Command or Request", "Failed - Request Rejected by Daemon", "Failed - BMC Hardware Error", "Failed - Insufficient Memory for Allocation Request" }; static int init_mboxctl_dbus(struct mboxctl_context *context) { int rc; rc = sd_bus_default_system(&context->bus); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to connect to the system bus: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); } return rc; } static int send_dbus_msg(struct mboxctl_context *context, struct mbox_dbus_msg *msg, struct mbox_dbus_msg *resp) { sd_bus_error error = SD_BUS_ERROR_NULL; sd_bus_message *m = NULL, *n = NULL; uint8_t *buf; size_t sz; int rc; /* Generate the bus message */ rc = sd_bus_message_new_method_call(context->bus, &m, DBUS_NAME, DOBJ_NAME, DBUS_NAME, "cmd"); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to init method call: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } /* Add the command */ rc = sd_bus_message_append(m, "y", msg->cmd); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to add cmd to message: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } /* Add the args */ rc = sd_bus_message_append_array(m, 'y', msg->args, msg->num_args); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to add args to message: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } /* Send the message */ rc = sd_bus_call(context->bus, m, 0, &error, &n); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to post message: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } /* Read response code */ rc = sd_bus_message_read(n, "y", &resp->cmd); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to read response code: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } /* Read response args */ rc = sd_bus_message_read_array(n, 'y', (const void **) &buf, &sz); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to read response args: %s\n", strerror(-rc)); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } if (sz < resp->num_args) { MSG_ERR("Command returned insufficient response args\n"); rc = -E_DBUS_INTERNAL; goto out; } memcpy(resp->args, buf, resp->num_args); rc = 0; out: sd_bus_error_free(&error); sd_bus_message_unref(m); sd_bus_message_unref(n); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_ping(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_PING; rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send ping command\n"); return rc; } rc = -resp.cmd; MSG_OUT("Ping: %s\n", dbus_err_str[-rc]); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_daemon_state(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_DAEMON_STATE; resp.num_args = DAEMON_STATE_NUM_ARGS; resp.args = calloc(resp.num_args, sizeof(*resp.args)); if (!resp.args) { MSG_ERR("Memory allocation failed\n"); return -E_DBUS_NO_MEM; } rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send daemon state command\n"); goto out; } rc = -resp.cmd; if (resp.cmd != DBUS_SUCCESS) { MSG_ERR("Daemon state command failed\n"); goto out; } MSG_OUT("Daemon State: %s\n", resp.args[0] == DAEMON_STATE_ACTIVE ? "Active" : "Suspended"); out: free(resp.args); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_lpc_state(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_LPC_STATE; resp.num_args = LPC_STATE_NUM_ARGS; resp.args = calloc(resp.num_args, sizeof(*resp.args)); if (!resp.args) { MSG_ERR("Memory allocation failed\n"); return -E_DBUS_NO_MEM; } rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send lpc state command\n"); goto out; } rc = -resp.cmd; if (resp.cmd != DBUS_SUCCESS) { MSG_ERR("LPC state command failed\n"); goto out; } MSG_OUT("LPC Bus Maps: %s\n", resp.args[0] == LPC_STATE_MEM ? "BMC Memory" : (resp.args[0] == LPC_STATE_FLASH ? "Flash Device" : "Invalid System State")); out: free(resp.args); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_kill(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_KILL; rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send kill command\n"); return rc; } rc = -resp.cmd; MSG_OUT("Kill: %s\n", dbus_err_str[-rc]); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_reset(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_RESET; rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send reset command\n"); return rc; } rc = -resp.cmd; MSG_OUT("Reset: %s\n", dbus_err_str[-rc]); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_suspend(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_SUSPEND; rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send suspend command\n"); return rc; } rc = -resp.cmd; MSG_OUT("Suspend: %s\n", dbus_err_str[-rc]); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_resume(struct mboxctl_context *context, char *arg) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; if (!arg) { MSG_ERR("Resume command takes an argument\n"); return -E_DBUS_INVAL; } msg.cmd = DBUS_C_RESUME; msg.num_args = RESUME_NUM_ARGS; msg.args = calloc(msg.num_args, sizeof(*msg.args)); if (!msg.args) { MSG_ERR("Memory allocation failed\n"); return -E_DBUS_NO_MEM; } if (!strncmp(arg, "clean", strlen("clean"))) { msg.args[0] = RESUME_NOT_MODIFIED; } else if (!strncmp(arg, "modified", strlen("modified"))) { msg.args[0] = RESUME_FLASH_MODIFIED; } else { MSG_ERR("Resume command takes argument < \"clean\" | " "\"modified\" >\n"); rc = -E_DBUS_INVAL; goto out; } rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send resume command\n"); goto out; } rc = -resp.cmd; MSG_OUT("Resume: %s\n", dbus_err_str[-rc]); out: free(msg.args); return rc; } static int handle_cmd_modified(struct mboxctl_context *context) { struct mbox_dbus_msg msg = { 0 }, resp = { 0 }; int rc; msg.cmd = DBUS_C_MODIFIED; rc = send_dbus_msg(context, &msg, &resp); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to send flash modified command\n"); return rc; } rc = -resp.cmd; MSG_OUT("Clear Cache: %s\n", dbus_err_str[-rc]); return rc; } static int parse_cmdline(struct mboxctl_context *context, int argc, char **argv) { int opt, rc = -1; static const struct option long_options[] = { { "silent", no_argument, 0, 's' }, { "ping", no_argument, 0, 'p' }, { "daemon-state", no_argument, 0, 'd' }, { "lpc-state", no_argument, 0, 'l' }, { "kill", no_argument, 0, 'k' }, { "reset", no_argument, 0, 'r' }, { "point-to-flash", no_argument, 0, 'f' }, { "suspend", no_argument, 0, 'u' }, { "resume", required_argument, 0, 'e' }, { "clear-cache", no_argument, 0, 'c' }, { "version", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, { "help", no_argument, 0, 'h' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; if (argc <= 1) { usage(argv[0]); return -E_DBUS_INVAL; } while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "spdlkrfue:cvh", long_options, NULL)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 's': silent = true; continue; case 'p': rc = handle_cmd_ping(context); break; case 'd': rc = handle_cmd_daemon_state(context); break; case 'l': rc = handle_cmd_lpc_state(context); break; case 'k': rc = handle_cmd_kill(context); break; case 'r': /* These are the same for now (reset may change) */ case 'f': rc = handle_cmd_reset(context); break; case 'u': rc = handle_cmd_suspend(context); break; case 'e': rc = handle_cmd_resume(context, optarg); break; case 'c': rc = handle_cmd_modified(context); break; case 'v': MSG_OUT("%s V%s\n", NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION); rc = 0; break; case 'h': usage(argv[0]); rc = 0; break; default: usage(argv[0]); rc = -E_DBUS_INVAL; break; } } return rc; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct mboxctl_context context; int rc; silent = false; rc = init_mboxctl_dbus(&context); if (rc < 0) { MSG_ERR("Failed to init dbus\n"); return rc; } rc = parse_cmdline(&context, argc, argv); return rc; }