#include "config.h" #include "manager.hpp" #include "backup_restore.hpp" #include "constants.hpp" #include "exceptions.hpp" #include "logger.hpp" #include "parser.hpp" #include "parser_factory.hpp" #include "parser_interface.hpp" #include "types.hpp" #include "utility/dbus_utility.hpp" #include "utility/json_utility.hpp" #include "utility/vpd_specific_utility.hpp" #include #include #include namespace vpd { Manager::Manager( const std::shared_ptr& ioCon, const std::shared_ptr& iFace, const std::shared_ptr& asioConnection) : m_ioContext(ioCon), m_interface(iFace), m_asioConnection(asioConnection) { try { #ifdef IBM_SYSTEM if (dbusUtility::isChassisPowerOn()) { // At power on, less number of FRU(s) needs collection. we can scale // down the threads to reduce CPU utilization. m_worker = std::make_shared(INVENTORY_JSON_DEFAULT, constants::VALUE_1); } else { // Initialize with default configuration m_worker = std::make_shared(INVENTORY_JSON_DEFAULT); } // Set up minimal things that is needed before bus name is claimed. m_worker->performInitialSetup(); // set callback to detect any asset tag change registerAssetTagChangeCallback(); // set async timer to detect if system VPD is published on D-Bus. SetTimerToDetectSVPDOnDbus(); // set async timer to detect if VPD collection is done. SetTimerToDetectVpdCollectionStatus(); // Instantiate GpioMonitor class m_gpioMonitor = std::make_shared( m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(), m_worker, m_ioContext); #endif // set callback to detect host state change. registerHostStateChangeCallback(); // For backward compatibility. Should be depricated. iFace->register_method( "WriteKeyword", [this](const sdbusplus::message::object_path i_path, const std::string i_recordName, const std::string i_keyword, const types::BinaryVector i_value) -> int { return this->updateKeyword( i_path, std::make_tuple(i_recordName, i_keyword, i_value)); }); // Register methods under com.ibm.VPD.Manager interface iFace->register_method( "UpdateKeyword", [this](const types::Path i_vpdPath, const types::WriteVpdParams i_paramsToWriteData) -> int { return this->updateKeyword(i_vpdPath, i_paramsToWriteData); }); iFace->register_method( "WriteKeywordOnHardware", [this](const types::Path i_fruPath, const types::WriteVpdParams i_paramsToWriteData) -> int { return this->updateKeywordOnHardware(i_fruPath, i_paramsToWriteData); }); iFace->register_method( "ReadKeyword", [this](const types::Path i_fruPath, const types::ReadVpdParams i_paramsToReadData) -> types::DbusVariantType { return this->readKeyword(i_fruPath, i_paramsToReadData); }); iFace->register_method( "CollectFRUVPD", [this](const sdbusplus::message::object_path& i_dbusObjPath) { this->collectSingleFruVpd(i_dbusObjPath); }); iFace->register_method( "deleteFRUVPD", [this](const sdbusplus::message::object_path& i_dbusObjPath) { this->deleteSingleFruVpd(i_dbusObjPath); }); iFace->register_method( "GetExpandedLocationCode", [this](const std::string& i_unexpandedLocationCode, uint16_t& i_nodeNumber) -> std::string { return this->getExpandedLocationCode(i_unexpandedLocationCode, i_nodeNumber); }); iFace->register_method("GetFRUsByExpandedLocationCode", [this](const std::string& i_expandedLocationCode) -> types::ListOfPaths { return this->getFrusByExpandedLocationCode( i_expandedLocationCode); }); iFace->register_method( "GetFRUsByUnexpandedLocationCode", [this](const std::string& i_unexpandedLocationCode, uint16_t& i_nodeNumber) -> types::ListOfPaths { return this->getFrusByUnexpandedLocationCode( i_unexpandedLocationCode, i_nodeNumber); }); iFace->register_method( "GetHardwarePath", [this](const sdbusplus::message::object_path& i_dbusObjPath) -> std::string { return this->getHwPath(i_dbusObjPath); }); iFace->register_method("PerformVPDRecollection", [this]() { this->performVpdRecollection(); }); // Indicates FRU VPD collection for the system has not started. iFace->register_property_rw( "CollectionStatus", sdbusplus::vtable::property_::emits_change, [this](const std::string l_currStatus, const auto&) { m_vpdCollectionStatus = l_currStatus; return 0; }, [this](const auto&) { return m_vpdCollectionStatus; }); } catch (const std::exception& e) { logging::logMessage( "VPD-Manager service failed. " + std::string(e.what())); throw; } } #ifdef IBM_SYSTEM void Manager::registerAssetTagChangeCallback() { static std::shared_ptr l_assetMatch = std::make_shared( *m_asioConnection, sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::propertiesChanged( constants::systemInvPath, constants::assetTagInf), [this](sdbusplus::message_t& l_msg) { processAssetTagChangeCallback(l_msg); }); } void Manager::processAssetTagChangeCallback(sdbusplus::message_t& i_msg) { try { if (i_msg.is_method_error()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Error reading callback msg for asset tag."); } std::string l_objectPath; types::PropertyMap l_propMap; i_msg.read(l_objectPath, l_propMap); const auto& l_itrToAssetTag = l_propMap.find("AssetTag"); if (l_itrToAssetTag != l_propMap.end()) { if (auto l_assetTag = std::get_if(&(l_itrToAssetTag->second))) { // Call Notify to persist the AssetTag types::ObjectMap l_objectMap = { {sdbusplus::message::object_path(constants::systemInvPath), {{constants::assetTagInf, {{"AssetTag", *l_assetTag}}}}}}; // Notify PIM if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(move(l_objectMap))) { throw std::runtime_error( "Call to PIM failed for asset tag update."); } } } else { throw std::runtime_error( "Could not find asset tag in callback message."); } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Log PEL with below description. logging::logMessage("Asset tag callback update failed with error: " + std::string(l_ex.what())); } } void Manager::SetTimerToDetectSVPDOnDbus() { try { static boost::asio::steady_timer timer(*m_ioContext); // timer for 2 seconds auto asyncCancelled = timer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(2)); (asyncCancelled == 0) ? logging::logMessage("Timer started") : logging::logMessage("Timer re-started"); timer.async_wait([this](const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { throw std::runtime_error( std::string(__FUNCTION__) + ": Timer to detect system VPD collection status was aborted."); } if (ec) { throw std::runtime_error( std::string(__FUNCTION__) + ": Timer to detect System VPD collection failed"); } if (m_worker->isSystemVPDOnDBus()) { // cancel the timer timer.cancel(); // Triggering FRU VPD collection. Setting status to "In // Progress". m_interface->set_property("CollectionStatus", std::string("InProgress")); m_worker->collectFrusFromJson(); } }); } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { EventLogger::createAsyncPel( EventLogger::getErrorType(l_ex), types::SeverityType::Critical, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 0, std::string("Collection for FRUs failed with reason:") + EventLogger::getErrorMsg(l_ex), std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt); } } void Manager::SetTimerToDetectVpdCollectionStatus() { // Keeping max retry for 2 minutes. TODO: Make it configurable based on // system type. static constexpr auto MAX_RETRY = 12; static boost::asio::steady_timer l_timer(*m_ioContext); static uint8_t l_timerRetry = 0; auto l_asyncCancelled = l_timer.expires_after(std::chrono::seconds(10)); (l_asyncCancelled == 0) ? logging::logMessage("Collection Timer started") : logging::logMessage("Collection Timer re-started"); l_timer.async_wait([this](const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if (ec == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) { throw std::runtime_error( "Timer to detect thread collection status was aborted"); } if (ec) { throw std::runtime_error( "Timer to detect thread collection failed"); } if (m_worker->isAllFruCollectionDone()) { // cancel the timer l_timer.cancel(); processFailedEeproms(); // update VPD for powerVS system. ConfigurePowerVsSystem(); m_interface->set_property("CollectionStatus", std::string("Completed")); const nlohmann::json& l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); if (jsonUtility::isBackupAndRestoreRequired(l_sysCfgJsonObj)) { BackupAndRestore l_backupAndRestoreObj(l_sysCfgJsonObj); l_backupAndRestoreObj.backupAndRestore(); } } else { auto l_threadCount = m_worker->getActiveThreadCount(); if (l_timerRetry == MAX_RETRY) { l_timer.cancel(); logging::logMessage("Taking too long. Active thread = " + std::to_string(l_threadCount)); } else { l_timerRetry++; logging::logMessage("Collection is in progress for [" + std::to_string(l_threadCount) + "] FRUs."); SetTimerToDetectVpdCollectionStatus(); } } }); } void Manager::checkAndUpdatePowerVsVpd( const nlohmann::json& i_powerVsJsonObj, std::vector& o_failedPathList) { for (const auto& [l_fruPath, l_recJson] : i_powerVsJsonObj.items()) { nlohmann::json l_sysCfgJsonObj{}; if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); } // The utility method will handle emty JSON case. No explicit // handling required here. auto l_inventoryPath = jsonUtility::getInventoryObjPathFromJson( l_sysCfgJsonObj, l_fruPath); // Mark it as failed if inventory path not found in JSON. if (l_inventoryPath.empty()) { o_failedPathList.push_back(l_fruPath); continue; } // check if the FRU is present if (!dbusUtility::isInventoryPresent(l_inventoryPath)) { logging::logMessage( "Inventory not present, skip updating part number. Path: " + l_inventoryPath); continue; } // check if the FRU needs CCIN check before updating PN. if (l_recJson.contains("CCIN")) { const auto& l_ccinFromDbus = vpdSpecificUtility::getCcinFromDbus(l_inventoryPath); // Not an ideal situation as CCIN can't be empty. if (l_ccinFromDbus.empty()) { o_failedPathList.push_back(l_fruPath); continue; } std::vector l_ccinListFromJson = l_recJson["CCIN"]; if (find(l_ccinListFromJson.begin(), l_ccinListFromJson.end(), l_ccinFromDbus) == l_ccinListFromJson.end()) { // Don't update PN in this case. continue; } } for (const auto& [l_recordName, l_kwdJson] : l_recJson.items()) { // Record name can't be CCIN, skip processing as it is there for PN // update based on CCIN check. if (l_recordName == constants::kwdCCIN) { continue; } for (const auto& [l_kwdName, l_kwdValue] : l_kwdJson.items()) { // Is value of type array. if (!l_kwdValue.is_array()) { o_failedPathList.push_back(l_fruPath); continue; } // Get current FRU Part number. auto l_retVal = dbusUtility::readDbusProperty( constants::pimServiceName, l_inventoryPath, constants::viniInf, constants::kwdFN); auto l_ptrToFn = std::get_if(&l_retVal); if (!l_ptrToFn) { o_failedPathList.push_back(l_fruPath); continue; } types::BinaryVector l_binaryKwdValue = l_kwdValue.get(); if (l_binaryKwdValue == (*l_ptrToFn)) { continue; } // Update part number only if required. if (updateKeyword( l_fruPath, std::make_tuple(l_recordName, l_kwdName, l_kwdValue)) == constants::FAILURE) { o_failedPathList.push_back(l_fruPath); continue; } // update the Asset interface Spare part number explicitly. if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(types::ObjectMap{ {l_inventoryPath, {{constants::assetInf, {{"SparePartNumber", std::string(l_binaryKwdValue.begin(), l_binaryKwdValue.end())}}}}}})) { logging::logMessage( "Updating Spare Part Number under Asset interface failed for path [" + l_inventoryPath + "]"); } // Just needed for logging. std::string l_initialPartNum((*l_ptrToFn).begin(), (*l_ptrToFn).end()); std::string l_finalPartNum(l_binaryKwdValue.begin(), l_binaryKwdValue.end()); logging::logMessage( "FRU Part number updated for path [" + l_inventoryPath + "]" + "From [" + l_initialPartNum + "]" + " to [" + l_finalPartNum + "]"); } } } } void Manager::ConfigurePowerVsSystem() { std::vector l_failedPathList; try { types::BinaryVector l_imValue = dbusUtility::getImFromDbus(); if (l_imValue.empty()) { throw DbusException("Invalid IM value read from Dbus"); } if (!vpdSpecificUtility::isPowerVsConfiguration(l_imValue)) { // TODO: Should booting be blocked in case of some // misconfigurations? return; } const nlohmann::json& l_powerVsJsonObj = jsonUtility::getPowerVsJson(l_imValue); if (l_powerVsJsonObj.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("PowerVS Json not found"); } checkAndUpdatePowerVsVpd(l_powerVsJsonObj, l_failedPathList); if (!l_failedPathList.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Part number update failed for following paths: "); } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO log appropriate PEL } } void Manager::processFailedEeproms() { if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { // TODO: // - iterate through list of EEPROMs for which thread creation has // failed // - For each failed EEPROM, trigger VPD collection m_worker->getFailedEepromPaths().clear(); } } #endif int Manager::updateKeyword(const types::Path i_vpdPath, const types::WriteVpdParams i_paramsToWriteData) { if (i_vpdPath.empty()) { logging::logMessage("Given VPD path is empty."); return -1; } types::Path l_fruPath; nlohmann::json l_sysCfgJsonObj{}; if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); // Get the EEPROM path if (!l_sysCfgJsonObj.empty()) { l_fruPath = jsonUtility::getFruPathFromJson(l_sysCfgJsonObj, i_vpdPath); } } if (l_fruPath.empty()) { l_fruPath = i_vpdPath; } try { std::shared_ptr l_parserObj = std::make_shared(l_fruPath, l_sysCfgJsonObj); return l_parserObj->updateVpdKeyword(i_paramsToWriteData); } catch (const std::exception& l_exception) { // TODO:: error log needed logging::logMessage("Update keyword failed for file[" + i_vpdPath + "], reason: " + std::string(l_exception.what())); return -1; } } int Manager::updateKeywordOnHardware( const types::Path i_fruPath, const types::WriteVpdParams i_paramsToWriteData) noexcept { try { if (i_fruPath.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error("Given FRU path is empty"); } nlohmann::json l_sysCfgJsonObj{}; if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); } std::shared_ptr l_parserObj = std::make_shared(i_fruPath, l_sysCfgJsonObj); return l_parserObj->updateVpdKeywordOnHardware(i_paramsToWriteData); } catch (const std::exception& l_exception) { EventLogger::createAsyncPel( types::ErrorType::InvalidEeprom, types::SeverityType::Informational, __FILE__, __FUNCTION__, 0, "Update keyword on hardware failed for file[" + i_fruPath + "], reason: " + std::string(l_exception.what()), std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt, std::nullopt); return constants::FAILURE; } } types::DbusVariantType Manager::readKeyword( const types::Path i_fruPath, const types::ReadVpdParams i_paramsToReadData) { try { nlohmann::json l_jsonObj{}; if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { l_jsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); } std::error_code ec; // Check if given path is filesystem path if (!std::filesystem::exists(i_fruPath, ec) && (ec)) { throw std::runtime_error( "Given file path " + i_fruPath + " not found."); } logging::logMessage("Performing VPD read on " + i_fruPath); std::shared_ptr l_parserObj = std::make_shared(i_fruPath, l_jsonObj); std::shared_ptr l_vpdParserInstance = l_parserObj->getVpdParserInstance(); return ( l_vpdParserInstance->readKeywordFromHardware(i_paramsToReadData)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { logging::logMessage( e.what() + std::string(". VPD manager read operation failed for ") + i_fruPath); throw types::DeviceError::ReadFailure(); } } void Manager::collectSingleFruVpd( const sdbusplus::message::object_path& i_dbusObjPath) { try { if (m_vpdCollectionStatus != "Completed") { logging::logMessage( "Currently VPD CollectionStatus is not completed. Cannot perform single FRU VPD collection for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); return; } // Get system config JSON object from worker class nlohmann::json l_sysCfgJsonObj{}; if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); } // Check if system config JSON is present if (l_sysCfgJsonObj.empty()) { logging::logMessage( "System config JSON object not present. Single FRU VPD collection is not performed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); return; } // Get FRU path for the given D-bus object path from JSON const std::string& l_fruPath = jsonUtility::getFruPathFromJson(l_sysCfgJsonObj, i_dbusObjPath); if (l_fruPath.empty()) { logging::logMessage( "D-bus object path not present in JSON. Single FRU VPD collection is not performed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); return; } // Check if host is up and running if (dbusUtility::isHostRunning()) { if (!jsonUtility::isFruReplaceableAtRuntime(l_sysCfgJsonObj, l_fruPath)) { logging::logMessage( "Given FRU is not replaceable at host runtime. Single FRU VPD collection is not performed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); return; } } else if (dbusUtility::isBMCReady()) { if (!jsonUtility::isFruReplaceableAtStandby(l_sysCfgJsonObj, l_fruPath) && (!jsonUtility::isFruReplaceableAtRuntime(l_sysCfgJsonObj, l_fruPath))) { logging::logMessage( "Given FRU is neither replaceable at standby nor replaceable at runtime. Single FRU VPD collection is not performed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); return; } } // Set CollectionStatus as InProgress. Since it's an intermediate state // D-bus set-property call is good enough to update the status. const std::string& l_collStatusProp = "CollectionStatus"; if (!dbusUtility::writeDbusProperty( jsonUtility::getServiceName(l_sysCfgJsonObj, std::string(i_dbusObjPath)), std::string(i_dbusObjPath), constants::vpdCollectionInterface, l_collStatusProp, types::DbusVariantType{constants::vpdCollectionInProgress})) { logging::logMessage( "Unable to set CollectionStatus as InProgress for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath) + ". Continue single FRU VPD collection."); } // Parse VPD types::VPDMapVariant l_parsedVpd = m_worker->parseVpdFile(l_fruPath); // If l_parsedVpd is pointing to std::monostate if (l_parsedVpd.index() == 0) { throw std::runtime_error( "VPD parsing failed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); } // Get D-bus object map from worker class types::ObjectMap l_dbusObjectMap; m_worker->populateDbus(l_parsedVpd, l_dbusObjectMap, l_fruPath); if (l_dbusObjectMap.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to create D-bus object map. Single FRU VPD collection failed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); } // Call PIM's Notify method if (!dbusUtility::callPIM(move(l_dbusObjectMap))) { throw std::runtime_error( "Notify PIM failed. Single FRU VPD collection failed for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); } } catch (const std::exception& l_error) { // Notify FRU's VPD CollectionStatus as Failure if (!dbusUtility::notifyFRUCollectionStatus( std::string(i_dbusObjPath), constants::vpdCollectionFailure)) { logging::logMessage( "Call to PIM Notify method failed to update Collection status as Failure for " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); } // TODO: Log PEL logging::logMessage(std::string(l_error.what())); } } void Manager::deleteSingleFruVpd( const sdbusplus::message::object_path& i_dbusObjPath) { try { if (std::string(i_dbusObjPath).empty()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Given DBus object path is empty. Aborting FRU VPD deletion."); } if (m_worker.get() == nullptr) { throw std::runtime_error( "Worker object not found, can't perform FRU VPD deletion for: " + std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); } m_worker->deleteFruVpd(std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Log PEL logging::logMessage(l_ex.what()); } } bool Manager::isValidUnexpandedLocationCode( const std::string& i_unexpandedLocationCode) { if ((i_unexpandedLocationCode.length() < constants::UNEXP_LOCATION_CODE_MIN_LENGTH) || ((i_unexpandedLocationCode.compare(0, 4, "Ufcs") != constants::STR_CMP_SUCCESS) && (i_unexpandedLocationCode.compare(0, 4, "Umts") != constants::STR_CMP_SUCCESS)) || ((i_unexpandedLocationCode.length() > constants::UNEXP_LOCATION_CODE_MIN_LENGTH) && (i_unexpandedLocationCode.find("-") != 4))) { return false; } return true; } std::string Manager::getExpandedLocationCode( const std::string& i_unexpandedLocationCode, [[maybe_unused]] const uint16_t i_nodeNumber) { if (!isValidUnexpandedLocationCode(i_unexpandedLocationCode)) { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_unexpandedLocationCode.c_str())); } const nlohmann::json& l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); if (!l_sysCfgJsonObj.contains("frus")) { logging::logMessage("Missing frus tag in system config JSON"); } const nlohmann::json& l_listOfFrus = l_sysCfgJsonObj["frus"].get_ref(); for (const auto& l_frus : l_listOfFrus.items()) { for (const auto& l_aFru : l_frus.value()) { if (l_aFru["extraInterfaces"].contains( constants::locationCodeInf) && l_aFru["extraInterfaces"][constants::locationCodeInf].value( "LocationCode", "") == i_unexpandedLocationCode) { return std::get(dbusUtility::readDbusProperty( l_aFru["serviceName"], l_aFru["inventoryPath"], constants::locationCodeInf, "LocationCode")); } } } phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_unexpandedLocationCode.c_str())); } types::ListOfPaths Manager::getFrusByUnexpandedLocationCode( const std::string& i_unexpandedLocationCode, [[maybe_unused]] const uint16_t i_nodeNumber) { types::ListOfPaths l_inventoryPaths; if (!isValidUnexpandedLocationCode(i_unexpandedLocationCode)) { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_unexpandedLocationCode.c_str())); } const nlohmann::json& l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); if (!l_sysCfgJsonObj.contains("frus")) { logging::logMessage("Missing frus tag in system config JSON"); } const nlohmann::json& l_listOfFrus = l_sysCfgJsonObj["frus"].get_ref(); for (const auto& l_frus : l_listOfFrus.items()) { for (const auto& l_aFru : l_frus.value()) { if (l_aFru["extraInterfaces"].contains( constants::locationCodeInf) && l_aFru["extraInterfaces"][constants::locationCodeInf].value( "LocationCode", "") == i_unexpandedLocationCode) { l_inventoryPaths.push_back( l_aFru.at("inventoryPath") .get_ref()); } } } if (l_inventoryPaths.empty()) { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_unexpandedLocationCode.c_str())); } return l_inventoryPaths; } std::string Manager::getHwPath( const sdbusplus::message::object_path& i_dbusObjPath) { // Dummy code to supress unused variable warning. To be removed. logging::logMessage(std::string(i_dbusObjPath)); return std::string{}; } std::tuple Manager::getUnexpandedLocationCode( const std::string& i_expandedLocationCode) { /** * Location code should always start with U and fulfil minimum length * criteria. */ if (i_expandedLocationCode[0] != 'U' || i_expandedLocationCode.length() < constants::EXP_LOCATION_CODE_MIN_LENGTH) { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_expandedLocationCode.c_str())); } std::string l_fcKwd; auto l_fcKwdValue = dbusUtility::readDbusProperty( "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager", "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard", "com.ibm.ipzvpd.VCEN", "FC"); if (auto l_kwdValue = std::get_if(&l_fcKwdValue)) { l_fcKwd.assign(l_kwdValue->begin(), l_kwdValue->end()); } // Get the first part of expanded location code to check for FC or TM. std::string l_firstKwd = i_expandedLocationCode.substr(1, 4); std::string l_unexpandedLocationCode{}; uint16_t l_nodeNummber = constants::INVALID_NODE_NUMBER; // Check if this value matches the value of FC keyword. if (l_fcKwd.substr(0, 4) == l_firstKwd) { /** * Period(.) should be there in expanded location code to seggregate * FC, node number and SE values. */ size_t l_nodeStartPos = i_expandedLocationCode.find('.'); if (l_nodeStartPos == std::string::npos) { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_expandedLocationCode.c_str())); } size_t l_nodeEndPos = i_expandedLocationCode.find('.', l_nodeStartPos + 1); if (l_nodeEndPos == std::string::npos) { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_expandedLocationCode.c_str())); } // Skip 3 bytes for '.ND' l_nodeNummber = std::stoi(i_expandedLocationCode.substr( l_nodeStartPos + 3, (l_nodeEndPos - l_nodeStartPos - 3))); /** * Confirm if there are other details apart FC, node number and SE * in location code */ if (i_expandedLocationCode.length() > constants::EXP_LOCATION_CODE_MIN_LENGTH) { l_unexpandedLocationCode = i_expandedLocationCode[0] + std::string("fcs") + i_expandedLocationCode.substr( l_nodeEndPos + 1 + constants::SE_KWD_LENGTH, std::string::npos); } else { l_unexpandedLocationCode = "Ufcs"; } } else { std::string l_tmKwd; // Read TM keyword value. auto l_tmKwdValue = dbusUtility::readDbusProperty( "xyz.openbmc_project.Inventory.Manager", "/xyz/openbmc_project/inventory/system/chassis/motherboard", "com.ibm.ipzvpd.VSYS", "TM"); if (auto l_kwdValue = std::get_if(&l_tmKwdValue)) { l_tmKwd.assign(l_kwdValue->begin(), l_kwdValue->end()); } // Check if the substr matches to TM keyword value. if (l_tmKwd.substr(0, 4) == l_firstKwd) { /** * System location code will not have node number and any other * details. */ l_unexpandedLocationCode = "Umts"; } // The given location code is neither "fcs" or "mts". else { phosphor::logging::elog( types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_NAME("LOCATIONCODE"), types::InvalidArgument::ARGUMENT_VALUE( i_expandedLocationCode.c_str())); } } return std::make_tuple(l_unexpandedLocationCode, l_nodeNummber); } types::ListOfPaths Manager::getFrusByExpandedLocationCode( const std::string& i_expandedLocationCode) { std::tuple l_locationAndNodePair = getUnexpandedLocationCode(i_expandedLocationCode); return getFrusByUnexpandedLocationCode(std::get<0>(l_locationAndNodePair), std::get<1>(l_locationAndNodePair)); } void Manager::registerHostStateChangeCallback() { static std::shared_ptr l_hostState = std::make_shared( *m_asioConnection, sdbusplus::bus::match::rules::propertiesChanged( constants::hostObjectPath, constants::hostInterface), [this](sdbusplus::message_t& i_msg) { hostStateChangeCallBack(i_msg); }); } void Manager::hostStateChangeCallBack(sdbusplus::message_t& i_msg) { try { if (i_msg.is_method_error()) { throw std::runtime_error( "Error reading callback message for host state"); } std::string l_objectPath; types::PropertyMap l_propMap; i_msg.read(l_objectPath, l_propMap); const auto l_itr = l_propMap.find("CurrentHostState"); if (l_itr == l_propMap.end()) { throw std::runtime_error( "CurrentHostState field is missing in callback message"); } if (auto l_hostState = std::get_if(&(l_itr->second))) { // implies system is moving from standby to power on state if (*l_hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState." "TransitioningToRunning") { // TODO: check for all the essential FRUs in the system. // Perform recollection. performVpdRecollection(); return; } } else { throw std::runtime_error( "Invalid type recieved in variant for host state."); } } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO: Log PEL. logging::logMessage(l_ex.what()); } } void Manager::performVpdRecollection() { try { if (m_worker.get() != nullptr) { nlohmann::json l_sysCfgJsonObj = m_worker->getSysCfgJsonObj(); // Check if system config JSON is present if (l_sysCfgJsonObj.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error( "System config json object is empty, can't process recollection."); } const auto& l_frusReplaceableAtStandby = jsonUtility::getListOfFrusReplaceableAtStandby(l_sysCfgJsonObj); for (const auto& l_fruInventoryPath : l_frusReplaceableAtStandby) { // ToDo: Add some logic/trace to know the flow to // collectSingleFruVpd has been directed via // performVpdRecollection. collectSingleFruVpd(l_fruInventoryPath); } return; } throw std::runtime_error( "Worker object not found can't process recollection"); } catch (const std::exception& l_ex) { // TODO Log PEL logging::logMessage( "VPD recollection failed with error: " + std::string(l_ex.what())); } } } // namespace vpd