#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # # This build script is for running the OpenBMC builds as Docker containers. # ############################################################################### # # Script Variables: # build_scripts_dir The path of the openbmc-build-scripts directory. # Default: The directory containing this script # http_proxy The HTTP address of the proxy server to connect to. # Default: "", proxy is not setup if this is not set # WORKSPACE Path of the workspace directory where some intermediate # files and the images will be saved to. # Default: "~/{RandomNumber}" # num_cpu Number of cpu's to give bitbake, default is total amount # in system # UBUNTU_MIRROR [optional] The URL of a mirror of Ubuntu to override the # default ones in /etc/apt/sources.list # default is empty, and no mirror is used. # ENV_LOCAL_CONF [optional] The environment variables to inject into the # build, which will be written into local.conf. # default is empty. # CONTAINER_ONLY Set to "true" if you only want to build the docker # container. The bitbake will not occur in this case. # DOCKER_REG: /etc/apt/sources.list && \ echo \"deb ${UBUNTU_MIRROR} \$(. /etc/os-release && echo \$VERSION_CODENAME)-updates main restricted universe multiverse\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \ echo \"deb ${UBUNTU_MIRROR} \$(. /etc/os-release && echo \$VERSION_CODENAME)-security main restricted universe multiverse\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \ echo \"deb ${UBUNTU_MIRROR} \$(. /etc/os-release && echo \$VERSION_CODENAME)-proposed main restricted universe multiverse\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && \ echo \"deb ${UBUNTU_MIRROR} \$(. /etc/os-release && echo \$VERSION_CODENAME)-backports main restricted universe multiverse\" >> /etc/apt/sources.list" fi # Timestamp for job echo "Build started, $(date)" # If the obmc_dir directory doesn't exist clone it in if [ ! -d "${obmc_dir}" ] && [ "${container_only}" = false ]; then echo "Clone in openbmc master to ${obmc_dir}" git clone https://github.com/openbmc/openbmc "${obmc_dir}" fi if [[ "$target" = repotest ]]; then DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME=$(./scripts/build-unit-test-docker) docker run --cap-add=sys_admin --rm=true \ --network host \ --privileged=true \ -u "$USER" \ -w "${obmc_dir}" -v "${obmc_dir}:${obmc_dir}" \ -t "${DOCKER_IMAGE_NAME}" \ "${obmc_dir}"/meta-phosphor/scripts/run-repotest exit fi # Make and chown the xtrct_path directory to avoid permission errors if [ ! -d "${xtrct_path}" ]; then mkdir -p "${xtrct_path}" fi chown "${UID}:${GROUPS[0]}" "${xtrct_path}" # Perform overrides for specific machines as required. DISTRO=${DISTRO:-} # Set build target and BitBake command MACHINE="${target}" BITBAKE_CMD="source ./setup ${MACHINE} ${build_dir}" # Configure Docker build if [[ "${distro}" == fedora ]];then if [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]]; then PROXY="RUN echo \"proxy=${http_proxy}\" >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf" fi Dockerfile=$(cat << EOF FROM ${docker_reg}/${distro}:${img_tag} ${PROXY} RUN dnf --refresh install -y \ bzip2 \ chrpath \ cpio \ diffstat \ file \ findutils \ gcc \ gcc-c++ \ git \ lz4 \ make \ patch \ perl-bignum \ perl-Data-Dumper \ perl-Thread-Queue \ python3-devel \ SDL-devel \ socat \ subversion \ tar \ texinfo \ wget \ which \ file \ hostname \ rpcgen \ glibc-langpack-en \ glibc-locale-source \ zstd # Set the locale ENV LANG=en_US.utf8 RUN localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_US en_US.UTF-8 RUN grep -q ${GROUPS[0]} /etc/group || groupadd -g ${GROUPS[0]} ${USER} RUN grep -q ${UID} /etc/passwd || useradd -d ${HOME} -m -u ${UID} -g ${GROUPS[0]} ${USER} USER ${USER} ENV HOME ${HOME} EOF ) elif [[ "${distro}" == ubuntu ]]; then if [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]]; then PROXY="RUN echo \"Acquire::http::Proxy \\"\"${http_proxy}/\\"\";\" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/000apt-cacher-ng-proxy" fi Dockerfile=$(cat << EOF FROM ${docker_reg}/${distro}:${img_tag} ${PROXY} ${MIRROR} ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -yy \ build-essential \ chrpath \ cpio \ debianutils \ diffstat \ file \ gawk \ git \ iputils-ping \ libdata-dumper-simple-perl \ lz4 \ libsdl1.2-dev \ libthread-queue-any-perl \ locales \ python3 \ socat \ subversion \ texinfo \ vim \ wget \ zstd # Set the locale RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANG en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE en_US:en ENV LC_ALL en_US.UTF-8 # Latest Ubuntu added a default user (ubuntu), which takes 1000 UID. # If the user calling this build script happens to also have a UID of 1000 # then the container no longer will work. Delete the new ubuntu user # so there is no conflict RUN if id ubuntu > /dev/null 2>&1; then userdel -r ubuntu > /dev/null 2>&1; fi RUN grep -q ${GROUPS[0]} /etc/group || groupadd -g ${GROUPS[0]} ${USER} RUN grep -q ${UID} /etc/passwd || useradd -d ${HOME} -m -u ${UID} -g ${GROUPS[0]} ${USER} USER ${USER} ENV HOME ${HOME} EOF ) fi # Create the Docker run script export PROXY_HOST=${http_proxy/#http*:\/\/} export PROXY_HOST=${PROXY_HOST/%:[0-9]*} export PROXY_PORT=${http_proxy/#http*:\/\/*:} mkdir -p "${WORKSPACE}" # Determine command for bitbake image build if [ "$no_tar" = "false" ]; then bitbake_target="${bitbake_target} obmc-phosphor-debug-tarball" fi cat > "${WORKSPACE}"/build.sh << EOF_SCRIPT #!/bin/bash set -xeo pipefail # Go into the OpenBMC directory, the build will handle changing directories cd ${obmc_dir} # Set up proxies export ftp_proxy=${http_proxy} export http_proxy=${http_proxy} export https_proxy=${http_proxy} mkdir -p ${WORKSPACE}/bin # Configure proxies for BitBake if [[ -n "${http_proxy}" ]]; then cat > ${WORKSPACE}/bin/git-proxy << \EOF_GIT #!/bin/bash # \$1 = hostname, \$2 = port PROXY=${PROXY_HOST} PROXY_PORT=${PROXY_PORT} exec socat STDIO PROXY:\${PROXY}:\${1}:\${2},proxyport=\${PROXY_PORT} EOF_GIT chmod a+x ${WORKSPACE}/bin/git-proxy export PATH=${WORKSPACE}/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:${PATH} lock=${HOME}/build-setup.lock flock \${lock} git config --global core.gitProxy ${WORKSPACE}/bin/git-proxy flock \${lock} git config --global http.proxy ${http_proxy} flock \${lock} mkdir -p ~/.subversion flock \${lock} cat > ~/.subversion/servers << EOF_SVN [global] http-proxy-host = ${PROXY_HOST} http-proxy-port = ${PROXY_PORT} EOF_SVN flock \${lock} cat > ~/.wgetrc << EOF_WGETRC https_proxy = ${http_proxy} http_proxy = ${http_proxy} use_proxy = on EOF_WGETRC flock \${lock} cat > ~/.curlrc << EOF_CURLRC proxy = ${PROXY_HOST}:${PROXY_PORT} EOF_CURLRC fi # Source our build env ${BITBAKE_CMD} if [[ -z "${MACHINE}" ]]; then echo "MACHINE is not configured for ${target}" exit 1 fi export MACHINE="${MACHINE}" if [[ -z "${DISTRO}" ]]; then echo "DISTRO is not configured for ${target} so will use default" unset DISTRO else export DISTRO="${DISTRO}" fi # bitbake requires SDKMACHINE be x86 export SDKMACHINE=x86_64 # Custom BitBake config settings cat >> conf/local.conf << EOF_CONF BB_NUMBER_THREADS = "$num_cpu" PARALLEL_MAKE = "-j$num_cpu" INHERIT += "rm_work" BB_GENERATE_MIRROR_TARBALLS = "1" DL_DIR="${ssc_dir}/bitbake_downloads" SSTATE_DIR="${ssc_dir}/bitbake_sharedstatecache" USER_CLASSES += "buildstats" INHERIT:remove = "uninative" TMPDIR="${build_dir}" ${ENV_LOCAL_CONF} EOF_CONF # Kick off a build if [[ -n "${nice_priority}" ]]; then nice -${nice_priority} bitbake -k ${BITBAKE_OPTS} ${bitbake_target} else bitbake -k ${BITBAKE_OPTS} ${bitbake_target} fi # Copy internal build directory into xtrct_path directory if [[ ${xtrct_small_copy_dir} ]]; then mkdir -p ${xtrct_path}/${xtrct_small_copy_dir} timeout ${xtrct_copy_timeout} cp -r ${build_dir}/${xtrct_small_copy_dir}/* ${xtrct_path}/${xtrct_small_copy_dir} else timeout ${xtrct_copy_timeout} cp -r ${build_dir}/* ${xtrct_path} fi if [[ 0 -ne $? ]]; then echo "Received a non-zero exit code from timeout" exit 1 fi EOF_SCRIPT chmod a+x "${WORKSPACE}/build.sh" # Give the Docker image a name based on the distro,tag,arch,and target img_name=${img_name:-openbmc/${distro}:${img_tag}-${target}} # Ensure appropriate docker build output to see progress and identify # any issues export BUILDKIT_PROGRESS=plain # Build the Docker image docker build --network=host -t "${img_name}" - <<< "${Dockerfile}" if [[ "$container_only" = "true" ]]; then exit 0 fi # If obmc_dir or ssc_dir are ${HOME} or a subdirectory they will not be mounted mount_obmc_dir="-v ""${obmc_dir}"":""${obmc_dir}"" " mount_ssc_dir="-v ""${ssc_dir}"":""${ssc_dir}"" " mount_workspace_dir="-v ""${WORKSPACE}"":""${WORKSPACE}"" " if [[ "${obmc_dir}" = "${HOME}/"* || "${obmc_dir}" = "${HOME}" ]];then mount_obmc_dir="" fi if [[ "${ssc_dir}" = "${HOME}/"* || "${ssc_dir}" = "${HOME}" ]];then mount_ssc_dir="" fi if [[ "${WORKSPACE}" = "${HOME}/"* || "${WORKSPACE}" = "${HOME}" ]];then mount_workspace_dir="" fi # If we are building on a podman based machine, need to have this set in # the env to allow the home mount to work (no impact on non-podman systems) export PODMAN_USERNS="keep-id" # Run the Docker container, execute the build.sh script # shellcheck disable=SC2086 # mount commands word-split purposefully docker run \ --cap-add=sys_admin \ --cap-add=sys_nice \ --net=host \ --rm=true \ -e WORKSPACE="${WORKSPACE}" \ -w "${HOME}" \ -v "${HOME}:${HOME}" \ ${mount_obmc_dir} \ ${mount_ssc_dir} \ ${mount_workspace_dir} \ "${img_name}" \ "${WORKSPACE}/build.sh" # To maintain function of resources that used an older path, add a link ln -sf "${xtrct_path}/deploy" "${WORKSPACE}/deploy" # Timestamp for build echo "Build completed, $(date)"