/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "api.h" #include "dsp/base.h" #include <assert.h> #include <libpldm/base.h> #include <libpldm/pldm_types.h> #include <endian.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> int pack_pldm_header_errno(const struct pldm_header_info *hdr, struct pldm_msg_hdr *msg) { if (msg == NULL || hdr == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (hdr->msg_type != PLDM_RESPONSE && hdr->msg_type != PLDM_REQUEST && hdr->msg_type != PLDM_ASYNC_REQUEST_NOTIFY) { return -EINVAL; } if (hdr->instance > PLDM_INSTANCE_MAX) { return -EINVAL; } if (hdr->pldm_type > (PLDM_MAX_TYPES - 1)) { return -ENOMSG; } uint8_t datagram = (hdr->msg_type == PLDM_ASYNC_REQUEST_NOTIFY) ? 1 : 0; if (hdr->msg_type == PLDM_RESPONSE) { msg->request = PLDM_RESPONSE; } else if (hdr->msg_type == PLDM_REQUEST || hdr->msg_type == PLDM_ASYNC_REQUEST_NOTIFY) { msg->request = PLDM_REQUEST; } msg->datagram = datagram; msg->reserved = 0; msg->instance_id = hdr->instance; msg->header_ver = PLDM_CURRENT_VERSION; msg->type = hdr->pldm_type; msg->command = hdr->command; return 0; } int unpack_pldm_header_errno(const struct pldm_msg_hdr *msg, struct pldm_header_info *hdr) { if (msg == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } if (msg->request == PLDM_RESPONSE) { hdr->msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; } else { hdr->msg_type = msg->datagram ? PLDM_ASYNC_REQUEST_NOTIFY : PLDM_REQUEST; } hdr->instance = msg->instance_id; hdr->pldm_type = msg->type; hdr->command = msg->command; return 0; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE uint8_t pack_pldm_header(const struct pldm_header_info *hdr, struct pldm_msg_hdr *msg) { enum pldm_completion_codes cc; int rc; rc = pack_pldm_header_errno(hdr, msg); if (!rc) { return PLDM_SUCCESS; } cc = pldm_xlate_errno(rc); assert(cc < UINT8_MAX); if (cc > UINT8_MAX) { static_assert(PLDM_ERROR < UINT8_MAX, "Unable to report error"); return PLDM_ERROR; } return cc; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE uint8_t unpack_pldm_header(const struct pldm_msg_hdr *msg, struct pldm_header_info *hdr) { enum pldm_completion_codes cc; int rc; rc = unpack_pldm_header_errno(msg, hdr); if (!rc) { return PLDM_SUCCESS; } cc = pldm_xlate_errno(rc); assert(cc < UINT8_MAX); if (cc > UINT8_MAX) { static_assert(PLDM_ERROR < UINT8_MAX, "Unable to report error"); return PLDM_ERROR; } return cc; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE bool pldm_msg_hdr_correlate_response(const struct pldm_msg_hdr *req, const struct pldm_msg_hdr *resp) { return req->instance_id == resp->instance_id && req->request && !resp->request && req->type == resp->type && req->command == resp->command; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_types_req(uint8_t instance_id, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_REQUEST; header.command = PLDM_GET_PLDM_TYPES; return pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_commands_req(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t type, ver32_t version, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_REQUEST; header.command = PLDM_GET_PLDM_COMMANDS; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_get_commands_req *request = (struct pldm_get_commands_req *)msg->payload; request->type = type; request->version = version; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_types_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, const bitfield8_t *types, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; header.command = PLDM_GET_PLDM_TYPES; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_get_types_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_types_resp *)msg->payload; response->completion_code = completion_code; if (response->completion_code == PLDM_SUCCESS) { if (types == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } memcpy(response->types, &(types->byte), PLDM_MAX_TYPES / 8); } return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_get_commands_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *type, ver32_t *version) { if (msg == NULL || type == NULL || version == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } if (payload_length != PLDM_GET_COMMANDS_REQ_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_get_commands_req *request = (struct pldm_get_commands_req *)msg->payload; *type = request->type; *version = request->version; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_commands_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, const bitfield8_t *commands, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; header.command = PLDM_GET_PLDM_COMMANDS; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_get_commands_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_commands_resp *)msg->payload; response->completion_code = completion_code; if (response->completion_code == PLDM_SUCCESS) { if (commands == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } memcpy(response->commands, &(commands->byte), PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8); } return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_get_types_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, bitfield8_t *types) { if (msg == NULL || types == NULL || completion_code == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } *completion_code = msg->payload[0]; if (PLDM_SUCCESS != *completion_code) { return PLDM_SUCCESS; } if (payload_length != PLDM_GET_TYPES_RESP_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_get_types_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_types_resp *)msg->payload; memcpy(&(types->byte), response->types, PLDM_MAX_TYPES / 8); return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_get_commands_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, bitfield8_t *commands) { if (msg == NULL || commands == NULL || completion_code == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } *completion_code = msg->payload[0]; if (PLDM_SUCCESS != *completion_code) { return PLDM_SUCCESS; } if (payload_length != PLDM_GET_COMMANDS_RESP_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_get_commands_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_commands_resp *)msg->payload; memcpy(&(commands->byte), response->commands, PLDM_MAX_CMDS_PER_TYPE / 8); return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_version_req(uint8_t instance_id, uint32_t transfer_handle, uint8_t transfer_opflag, uint8_t type, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (NULL == msg) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.msg_type = PLDM_REQUEST; header.instance = instance_id; header.pldm_type = PLDM_BASE; header.command = PLDM_GET_PLDM_VERSION; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_get_version_req *request = (struct pldm_get_version_req *)msg->payload; transfer_handle = htole32(transfer_handle); request->transfer_handle = transfer_handle; request->transfer_opflag = transfer_opflag; request->type = type; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_DEPRECATED_UNSAFE int encode_get_version_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, uint32_t next_transfer_handle, uint8_t transfer_flag, const ver32_t *version_data, size_t version_size, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (NULL == msg || NULL == version_data) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; header.instance = instance_id; header.pldm_type = PLDM_BASE; header.command = PLDM_GET_PLDM_VERSION; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_get_version_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_version_resp *)msg->payload; response->completion_code = completion_code; if (response->completion_code == PLDM_SUCCESS) { response->next_transfer_handle = htole32(next_transfer_handle); response->transfer_flag = transfer_flag; memcpy(response->version_data, (uint8_t *)version_data, version_size); } return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_get_version_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint32_t *transfer_handle, uint8_t *transfer_opflag, uint8_t *type) { if (payload_length != PLDM_GET_VERSION_REQ_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_get_version_req *request = (struct pldm_get_version_req *)msg->payload; *transfer_handle = le32toh(request->transfer_handle); *transfer_opflag = request->transfer_opflag; *type = request->type; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_get_version_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint32_t *next_transfer_handle, uint8_t *transfer_flag, ver32_t *version) { if (msg == NULL || next_transfer_handle == NULL || transfer_flag == NULL || completion_code == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } *completion_code = msg->payload[0]; if (PLDM_SUCCESS != *completion_code) { return PLDM_SUCCESS; } if (payload_length < PLDM_GET_VERSION_RESP_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_get_version_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_version_resp *)msg->payload; *next_transfer_handle = le32toh(response->next_transfer_handle); *transfer_flag = response->transfer_flag; memcpy(version, (uint8_t *)response->version_data, sizeof(ver32_t)); return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_tid_req(uint8_t instance_id, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_REQUEST; header.command = PLDM_GET_TID; return pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_get_tid_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t completion_code, uint8_t tid, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; header.command = PLDM_GET_TID; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_get_tid_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_tid_resp *)msg->payload; response->completion_code = completion_code; response->tid = tid; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_get_tid_resp(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *completion_code, uint8_t *tid) { if (msg == NULL || tid == NULL || completion_code == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } *completion_code = msg->payload[0]; if (PLDM_SUCCESS != *completion_code) { return PLDM_SUCCESS; } if (payload_length != PLDM_GET_TID_RESP_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_get_tid_resp *response = (struct pldm_get_tid_resp *)msg->payload; *tid = response->tid; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_set_tid_req(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t tid, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } if (tid == 0x0 || tid == 0xff) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_REQUEST; header.command = PLDM_SET_TID; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &(msg->hdr)); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } struct pldm_set_tid_req *request = (struct pldm_set_tid_req *)msg->payload; request->tid = tid; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int decode_multipart_receive_req(const struct pldm_msg *msg, size_t payload_length, uint8_t *pldm_type, uint8_t *transfer_opflag, uint32_t *transfer_ctx, uint32_t *transfer_handle, uint32_t *section_offset, uint32_t *section_length) { if (msg == NULL || pldm_type == NULL || transfer_opflag == NULL || transfer_ctx == NULL || transfer_handle == NULL || section_offset == NULL || section_length == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } if (payload_length != PLDM_MULTIPART_RECEIVE_REQ_BYTES) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_LENGTH; } struct pldm_multipart_receive_req *request = (struct pldm_multipart_receive_req *)msg->payload; if (request->pldm_type != PLDM_BASE) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_PLDM_TYPE; } // Any enum value above PLDM_XFER_CURRENT_PART is invalid. if (request->transfer_opflag > PLDM_XFER_CURRENT_PART) { return PLDM_INVALID_TRANSFER_OPERATION_FLAG; } // A section offset of 0 is only valid on FIRST_PART or COMPLETE Xfers. uint32_t sec_offset = le32toh(request->section_offset); if (sec_offset == 0 && (request->transfer_opflag != PLDM_XFER_FIRST_PART && request->transfer_opflag != PLDM_XFER_COMPLETE)) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } uint32_t handle = le32toh(request->transfer_handle); if (handle == 0 && request->transfer_opflag != PLDM_XFER_COMPLETE) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } *pldm_type = request->pldm_type; *transfer_opflag = request->transfer_opflag; *transfer_ctx = request->transfer_ctx; *transfer_handle = handle; *section_offset = sec_offset; *section_length = le32toh(request->section_length); return PLDM_SUCCESS; } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_cc_only_resp(uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t type, uint8_t command, uint8_t cc, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return PLDM_ERROR_INVALID_DATA; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.instance = instance_id; header.msg_type = PLDM_RESPONSE; header.pldm_type = type; header.command = command; uint8_t rc = pack_pldm_header(&header, &msg->hdr); if (rc != PLDM_SUCCESS) { return rc; } msg->payload[0] = cc; return PLDM_SUCCESS; } int encode_pldm_header_only_errno(uint8_t msg_type, uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t pldm_type, uint8_t command, struct pldm_msg *msg) { if (msg == NULL) { return -EINVAL; } struct pldm_header_info header = { 0 }; header.msg_type = msg_type; header.instance = instance_id; header.pldm_type = pldm_type; header.command = command; return pack_pldm_header_errno(&header, &(msg->hdr)); } LIBPLDM_ABI_STABLE int encode_pldm_header_only(uint8_t msg_type, uint8_t instance_id, uint8_t pldm_type, uint8_t command, struct pldm_msg *msg) { int rc = encode_pldm_header_only_errno(msg_type, instance_id, pldm_type, command, msg); if (rc) { return pldm_xlate_errno(rc); } return PLDM_SUCCESS; }