/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Intel Corporation. * Copyright (c) 2018-present Facebook. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum class MemErrType { memTrainErr = 0, memPmicErr = 7 }; enum class PostEvtType { pxeBootFail = 0, httpBootFail = 6, getCertFail = 7, amdAblFail = 10 }; enum class PcieEvtType { dpc = 0 }; enum class MemEvtType { ppr = 0, adddc = 5, noDimm = 7 }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Platform specific functions for storing app data //---------------------------------------------------------------------- static std::string byteToStr(uint8_t byte) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0'); ss << std::setw(2) << (int)byte; return ss.str(); } static void toHexStr(std::vector& bytes, std::string& hexStr) { std::stringstream stream; stream << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0'); for (const uint8_t byte : bytes) { stream << std::setw(2) << static_cast(byte); } hexStr = stream.str(); } static int fromHexStr(const std::string hexStr, std::vector& data) { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < hexStr.size(); i += 2) { try { data.push_back(static_cast( std::stoul(hexStr.substr(i, 2), nullptr, 16))); } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) { phosphor::logging::log(e.what()); return -1; } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { phosphor::logging::log(e.what()); return -1; } } return 0; } namespace fb_oem::ipmi::sel { class SELData { private: nlohmann::json selDataObj; void flush() { std::ofstream file(SEL_JSON_DATA_FILE); file << selDataObj; file.close(); } void init() { selDataObj[KEY_SEL_VER] = 0x51; selDataObj[KEY_SEL_COUNT] = 0; selDataObj[KEY_ADD_TIME] = 0xFFFFFFFF; selDataObj[KEY_ERASE_TIME] = 0xFFFFFFFF; selDataObj[KEY_OPER_SUPP] = 0x02; /* Spec indicates that more than 64kB is free */ selDataObj[KEY_FREE_SPACE] = 0xFFFF; } void writeEmptyJson() { selDataObj = nlohmann::json::object(); // Create an empty JSON object std::ofstream outFile(SEL_JSON_DATA_FILE); if (outFile) { // Write empty JSON object to the file outFile << selDataObj.dump(4); outFile.close(); } else { lg2::info("Failed to create SEL JSON file with empty JSON."); } } public: SELData() { /* Get App data stored in json file */ std::ifstream file(SEL_JSON_DATA_FILE); if (file) { try { file >> selDataObj; } catch (const nlohmann::json::parse_error& e) { lg2::error("Error parsing SEL JSON file: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e); writeEmptyJson(); init(); // Initialize to default values } file.close(); } else { lg2::info("Failed to open SEL JSON file."); writeEmptyJson(); init(); } /* Initialize SelData object if no entries. */ if (selDataObj.find(KEY_SEL_COUNT) == selDataObj.end()) { init(); } } int clear() { /* Clear the complete Sel Json object */ selDataObj.clear(); /* Reinitialize it with basic data */ init(); /* Save the erase time */ struct timespec selTime = {}; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &selTime) < 0) { return -1; } selDataObj[KEY_ERASE_TIME] = selTime.tv_sec; flush(); return 0; } uint32_t getCount() { return selDataObj[KEY_SEL_COUNT]; } void getInfo(GetSELInfoData& info) { info.selVersion = selDataObj[KEY_SEL_VER]; info.entries = selDataObj[KEY_SEL_COUNT]; info.freeSpace = selDataObj[KEY_FREE_SPACE]; info.addTimeStamp = selDataObj[KEY_ADD_TIME]; info.eraseTimeStamp = selDataObj[KEY_ERASE_TIME]; info.operationSupport = selDataObj[KEY_OPER_SUPP]; } int getEntry(uint32_t index, std::string& rawStr) { std::stringstream ss; ss << std::hex; ss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << index; /* Check or the requested SEL Entry, if record is available */ if (selDataObj.find(ss.str()) == selDataObj.end()) { return -1; } rawStr = selDataObj[ss.str()][KEY_SEL_ENTRY_RAW]; return 0; } int addEntry(std::string keyStr) { struct timespec selTime = {}; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &selTime) < 0) { return -1; } selDataObj[KEY_ADD_TIME] = selTime.tv_sec; int selCount = selDataObj[KEY_SEL_COUNT]; selDataObj[KEY_SEL_COUNT] = ++selCount; std::stringstream ss; ss << std::hex; ss << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << selCount; selDataObj[ss.str()][KEY_SEL_ENTRY_RAW] = keyStr; flush(); return selCount; } }; /* * A Function to parse common SEL message, a helper function * for parseStdSel. * * Note that this function __CANNOT__ be overridden. * To add board specific routine, please override parseStdSel. */ /*Used by decoding ME event*/ std::vector nmDomName = { "Entire Platform", "CPU Subsystem", "Memory Subsystem", "HW Protection", "High Power I/O subsystem", "Unknown"}; /* Default log message for unknown type */ static void logDefault(uint8_t*, std::string& errLog) { errLog = "Unknown"; } static void logSysEvent(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0xE5) { errLog = "Cause of Time change - "; switch (data[2]) { case 0x00: errLog += "NTP"; break; case 0x01: errLog += "Host RTL"; break; case 0x02: errLog += "Set SEL time cmd"; break; case 0x03: errLog += "Set SEL time UTC offset cmd"; break; default: errLog += "Unknown"; } if (data[1] == 0x00) errLog += " - First Time"; else if (data[1] == 0x80) errLog += " - Second Time"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logThermalEvent(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0x1) { errLog = "Limit Exceeded"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logCritIrq(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0x0) { errLog = "NMI / Diagnostic Interrupt"; } else if (data[0] == 0x03) { errLog = "Software NMI"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } /* TODO: Call add_cri_sel for CRITICAL_IRQ */ } static void logPostErr(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if ((data[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0) { errLog = "System Firmware Error"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } if (((data[0] >> 6) & 0x03) == 0x3) { // TODO: Need to implement IPMI spec based Post Code errLog += ", IPMI Post Code"; } else if (((data[0] >> 6) & 0x03) == 0x2) { errLog += ", OEM Post Code 0x" + byteToStr(data[2]) + byteToStr(data[1]); switch ((data[2] << 8) | data[1]) { case 0xA105: errLog += ", BMC Failed (No Response)"; break; case 0xA106: errLog += ", BMC Failed (Self Test Fail)"; break; case 0xA10A: errLog += ", System Firmware Corruption Detected"; break; case 0xA10B: errLog += ", TPM Self-Test FAIL Detected"; } } } static void logMchChkErr(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { /* TODO: Call add_cri_sel for CRITICAL_IRQ */ switch (data[0] & 0x0F) { case 0x0B: switch ((data[1] >> 5) & 0x03) { case 0x00: errLog = "Uncorrected Recoverable Error"; break; case 0x01: errLog = "Uncorrected Thread Fatal Error"; break; case 0x02: errLog = "Uncorrected System Fatal Error"; break; default: errLog = "Unknown"; } break; case 0x0C: switch ((data[1] >> 5) & 0x03) { case 0x00: errLog = "Correctable Error"; break; case 0x01: errLog = "Deferred Error"; break; default: errLog = "Unknown"; } break; default: errLog = "Unknown"; } errLog += ", Machine Check bank Number " + std::to_string(data[1]) + ", CPU " + std::to_string(data[2] >> 5) + ", Core " + std::to_string(data[2] & 0x1F); } static void logPcieErr(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { std::stringstream tmp1, tmp2; tmp1 << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0'); tmp2 << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0'); tmp1 << " (Bus " << std::setw(2) << (int)(data[2]) << " / Dev " << std::setw(2) << (int)(data[1] >> 3) << " / Fun " << std::setw(2) << (int)(data[1] & 0x7) << ")"; switch (data[0] & 0xF) { case 0x4: errLog = "PCI PERR" + tmp1.str(); break; case 0x5: errLog = "PCI SERR" + tmp1.str(); break; case 0x7: errLog = "Correctable" + tmp1.str(); break; case 0x8: errLog = "Uncorrectable" + tmp1.str(); break; case 0xA: errLog = "Bus Fatal" + tmp1.str(); break; case 0xD: { uint32_t venId = (uint32_t)data[1] << 8 | (uint32_t)data[2]; tmp2 << "Vendor ID: 0x" << std::setw(4) << venId; errLog = tmp2.str(); } break; case 0xE: { uint32_t devId = (uint32_t)data[1] << 8 | (uint32_t)data[2]; tmp2 << "Device ID: 0x" << std::setw(4) << devId; errLog = tmp2.str(); } break; case 0xF: tmp2 << "Error ID from downstream: 0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)(data[1]) << std::setw(2) << (int)(data[2]); errLog = tmp2.str(); break; default: errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logIioErr(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { std::vector tmpStr = { "IRP0", "IRP1", " IIO-Core", "VT-d", "Intel Quick Data", "Misc", " DMA", "ITC", "OTC", "CI"}; if ((data[0] & 0xF) == 0) { errLog += "CPU " + std::to_string(data[2] >> 5) + ", Error ID 0x" + byteToStr(data[1]) + " - "; if ((data[2] & 0xF) <= 0x9) { errLog += tmpStr[(data[2] & 0xF)]; } else { errLog += "Reserved"; } } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } [[maybe_unused]] static void logMemErr(uint8_t* dataPtr, std::string& errLog) { uint8_t snrType = dataPtr[0]; uint8_t snrNum = dataPtr[1]; uint8_t* data = &(dataPtr[3]); /* TODO: add pal_add_cri_sel */ if (snrNum == memoryEccError) { /* SEL from MEMORY_ECC_ERR Sensor */ switch (data[0] & 0x0F) { case 0x0: if (snrType == 0x0C) { errLog = "Correctable"; } else if (snrType == 0x10) { errLog = "Correctable ECC error Logging Disabled"; } break; case 0x1: errLog = "Uncorrectable"; break; case 0x5: errLog = "Correctable ECC error Logging Limit Disabled"; break; default: errLog = "Unknown"; } } else if (snrNum == memoryErrLogDIS) { // SEL from MEMORY_ERR_LOG_DIS Sensor if ((data[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0) { errLog = "Correctable Memory Error Logging Disabled"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } else { errLog = "Unknown"; return; } /* Common routine for both MEM_ECC_ERR and MEMORY_ERR_LOG_DIS */ errLog += " (DIMM " + byteToStr(data[2]) + ") Logical Rank " + std::to_string(data[1] & 0x03); /* DIMM number (data[2]): * Bit[7:5]: Socket number (Range: 0-7) * Bit[4:3]: Channel number (Range: 0-3) * Bit[2:0]: DIMM number (Range: 0-7) */ /* TODO: Verify these bits */ std::string cpuStr = "CPU# " + std::to_string((data[2] & 0xE0) >> 5); std::string chStr = "CHN# " + std::to_string((data[2] & 0x18) >> 3); std::string dimmStr = "DIMM#" + std::to_string(data[2] & 0x7); switch ((data[1] & 0xC) >> 2) { case 0x0: { /* All Info Valid */ [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t chnNum = (data[2] & 0x1C) >> 2; [[maybe_unused]] uint8_t dimmNum = data[2] & 0x3; /* TODO: If critical SEL logging is available, do it */ if (snrType == 0x0C) { if ((data[0] & 0x0F) == 0x0) { /* TODO: add_cri_sel */ /* "DIMM"+ 'A'+ chnNum + dimmNum + " ECC err,FRU:1" */ } else if ((data[0] & 0x0F) == 0x1) { /* TODO: add_cri_sel */ /* "DIMM"+ 'A'+ chnNum + dimmNum + " UECC err,FRU:1" */ } } /* Continue to parse the error into a string. All Info Valid */ errLog += " (" + cpuStr + ", " + chStr + ", " + dimmStr + ")"; } break; case 0x1: /* DIMM info not valid */ errLog += " (" + cpuStr + ", " + chStr + ")"; break; case 0x2: /* CHN info not valid */ errLog += " (" + cpuStr + ", " + dimmStr + ")"; break; case 0x3: /* CPU info not valid */ errLog += " (" + chStr + ", " + dimmStr + ")"; break; } } static void logPwrErr(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0x1) { errLog = "SYS_PWROK failure"; /* Also try logging to Critical log file, if available */ /* "SYS_PWROK failure,FRU:1" */ } else if (data[0] == 0x2) { errLog = "PCH_PWROK failure"; /* Also try logging to Critical log file, if available */ /* "PCH_PWROK failure,FRU:1" */ } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logCatErr(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0x0) { errLog = "IERR/CATERR"; /* Also try logging to Critical log file, if available */ /* "IERR,FRU:1 */ } else if (data[0] == 0xB) { errLog = "MCERR/CATERR"; /* Also try logging to Critical log file, if available */ /* "MCERR,FRU:1 */ } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logDimmHot(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if ((data[0] << 16 | data[1] << 8 | data[2]) == 0x01FFFF) { errLog = "SOC MEMHOT"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; /* Also try logging to Critical log file, if available */ /* ""CPU_DIMM_HOT %s,FRU:1" */ } } static void logSwNMI(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if ((data[0] << 16 | data[1] << 8 | data[2]) == 0x03FFFF) { errLog = "Software NMI"; } else { errLog = "Unknown SW NMI"; } } static void logCPUThermalSts(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { switch (data[0]) { case 0x0: errLog = "CPU Critical Temperature"; break; case 0x1: errLog = "PROCHOT#"; break; case 0x2: errLog = "TCC Activation"; break; default: errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logMEPwrState(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { switch (data[0]) { case 0: errLog = "RUNNING"; break; case 2: errLog = "POWER_OFF"; break; default: errLog = "Unknown[" + std::to_string(data[0]) + "]"; break; } } static void logSPSFwHealth(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if ((data[0] & 0x0F) == 0x00) { const std::vector tmpStr = { "Recovery GPIO forced", "Image execution failed", "Flash erase error", "Flash state information", "Internal error", "BMC did not respond", "Direct Flash update", "Manufacturing error", "Automatic Restore to Factory Presets", "Firmware Exception", "Flash Wear-Out Protection Warning", "Unknown", "Unknown", "DMI interface error", "MCTP interface error", "Auto-configuration finished", "Unsupported Segment Defined Feature", "Unknown", "CPU Debug Capability Disabled", "UMA operation error"}; if (data[1] < 0x14) { errLog = tmpStr[data[1]]; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } else if ((data[0] & 0x0F) == 0x01) { errLog = "SMBus link failure"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logNmExcA(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { /*NM4.0 #550710, Revision 1.95, and turn to p.155*/ if (data[0] == 0xA8) { errLog = "Policy Correction Time Exceeded"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logPCHThermal(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { const std::vector thresEvtName = { "Lower Non-critical", "Unknown", "Lower Critical", "Unknown", "Lower Non-recoverable", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Upper Non-critical", "Unknown", "Upper Critical", "Unknown", "Upper Non-recoverable"}; if ((data[0] & 0x0f) < 12) { errLog = thresEvtName[(data[0] & 0x0f)]; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } errLog += ", curr_val: " + std::to_string(data[1]) + " C, thresh_val: " + std::to_string(data[2]) + " C"; } static void logNmHealth(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { std::vector nmErrType = { "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Extended Telemetry Device Reading Failure", "Outlet Temperature Reading Failure", "Volumetric Airflow Reading Failure", "Policy Misconfiguration", "Power Sensor Reading Failure", "Inlet Temperature Reading Failure", "Host Communication Error", "Real-time Clock Synchronization Failure", "Platform Shutdown Initiated by Intel NM Policy", "Unknown"}; uint8_t nmTypeIdx = (data[0] & 0xf); uint8_t domIdx = (data[1] & 0xf); uint8_t errIdx = ((data[1] >> 4) & 0xf); if (nmTypeIdx == 2) { errLog = "SensorIntelNM"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } errLog += ", Domain:" + nmDomName[domIdx] + ", ErrType:" + nmErrType[errIdx] + ", Err:0x" + byteToStr(data[2]); } static void logNmCap(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { const std::vector nmCapStsStr = {"Not Available", "Available"}; if (data[0] & 0x7) // BIT1=policy, BIT2=monitoring, BIT3=pwr // limit and the others are reserved { errLog = "PolicyInterface:" + nmCapStsStr[BIT(data[0], 0)] + ",Monitoring:" + nmCapStsStr[BIT(data[0], 1)] + ",PowerLimit:" + nmCapStsStr[BIT(data[0], 2)]; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logNmThreshold(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { uint8_t thresNum = (data[0] & 0x3); uint8_t domIdx = (data[1] & 0xf); uint8_t polId = data[2]; uint8_t polEvtIdx = BIT(data[0], 3); const std::vector polEvtStr = { "Threshold Exceeded", "Policy Correction Time Exceeded"}; errLog = "Threshold Number:" + std::to_string(thresNum) + "-" + polEvtStr[polEvtIdx] + ", Domain:" + nmDomName[domIdx] + ", PolicyID:0x" + byteToStr(polId); } static void logPwrThreshold(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0x00) { errLog = "Limit Not Exceeded"; } else if (data[0] == 0x01) { errLog = "Limit Exceeded"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logMSMI(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[0] == 0x0) { errLog = "IERR/MSMI"; } else if (data[0] == 0x0B) { errLog = "MCERR/MSMI"; } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static void logHprWarn(uint8_t* data, std::string& errLog) { if (data[2] == 0x01) { if (data[1] == 0xFF) { errLog = "Infinite Time"; } else { errLog = std::to_string(data[1]) + " minutes"; } } else { errLog = "Unknown"; } } static const boost::container::flat_map< uint8_t, std::pair>> sensorNameTable = { {0xE9, {"SYSTEM_EVENT", logSysEvent}}, {0x7D, {"THERM_THRESH_EVT", logThermalEvent}}, {0xAA, {"BUTTON", logDefault}}, {0xAB, {"POWER_STATE", logDefault}}, {0xEA, {"CRITICAL_IRQ", logCritIrq}}, {0x2B, {"POST_ERROR", logPostErr}}, {0x40, {"MACHINE_CHK_ERR", logMchChkErr}}, {0x41, {"PCIE_ERR", logPcieErr}}, {0x43, {"IIO_ERR", logIioErr}}, {0X63, {"MEMORY_ECC_ERR", logDefault}}, {0X87, {"MEMORY_ERR_LOG_DIS", logDefault}}, {0X51, {"PROCHOT_EXT", logDefault}}, {0X56, {"PWR_ERR", logPwrErr}}, {0xE6, {"CATERR_A", logCatErr}}, {0xEB, {"CATERR_B", logCatErr}}, {0xB3, {"CPU_DIMM_HOT", logDimmHot}}, {0x90, {"SOFTWARE_NMI", logSwNMI}}, {0x1C, {"CPU0_THERM_STATUS", logCPUThermalSts}}, {0x1D, {"CPU1_THERM_STATUS", logCPUThermalSts}}, {0x16, {"ME_POWER_STATE", logMEPwrState}}, {0x17, {"SPS_FW_HEALTH", logSPSFwHealth}}, {0x18, {"NM_EXCEPTION_A", logNmExcA}}, {0x08, {"PCH_THERM_THRESHOLD", logPCHThermal}}, {0x19, {"NM_HEALTH", logNmHealth}}, {0x1A, {"NM_CAPABILITIES", logNmCap}}, {0x1B, {"NM_THRESHOLD", logNmThreshold}}, {0x3B, {"PWR_THRESH_EVT", logPwrThreshold}}, {0xE7, {"MSMI", logMSMI}}, {0xC5, {"HPR_WARNING", logHprWarn}}}; static void parseSelHelper(StdSELEntry* data, std::string& errStr) { /* Check if sensor type is OS_BOOT (0x1f) */ if (data->sensorType == 0x1F) { /* OS_BOOT used by OS */ switch (data->eventData1 & 0xF) { case 0x07: errStr = "Base OS/Hypervisor Installation started"; break; case 0x08: errStr = "Base OS/Hypervisor Installation completed"; break; case 0x09: errStr = "Base OS/Hypervisor Installation aborted"; break; case 0x0A: errStr = "Base OS/Hypervisor Installation failed"; break; default: errStr = "Unknown"; } return; } auto findSensorName = sensorNameTable.find(data->sensorNum); if (findSensorName == sensorNameTable.end()) { errStr = "Unknown"; return; } else { switch (data->sensorNum) { /* logMemErr function needs data from sensor type */ case memoryEccError: case memoryErrLogDIS: findSensorName->second.second(&(data->sensorType), errStr); break; /* Other sensor function needs only event data for parsing */ default: findSensorName->second.second(&(data->eventData1), errStr); } } if (((data->eventData3 & 0x80) >> 7) == 0) { errStr += " Assertion"; } else { errStr += " Deassertion"; } } static void parseDimmPhyloc(StdSELEntry* data, std::string& errStr) { // Log when " All info available" uint8_t chNum = (data->eventData3 & 0x18) >> 3; uint8_t dimmNum = data->eventData3 & 0x7; uint8_t rankNum = data->eventData2 & 0x03; uint8_t nodeNum = (data->eventData3 & 0xE0) >> 5; if (chNum == 3 && dimmNum == 0) { errStr += " Node: " + std::to_string(nodeNum) + "," + " Card: " + std::to_string(chNum) + "," + " Module: " + std::to_string(dimmNum) + "," + " Rank Number: " + std::to_string(rankNum) + "," + " Location: DIMM A0"; } else if (chNum == 2 && dimmNum == 0) { errStr += " Node: " + std::to_string(nodeNum) + "," + " Card: " + std::to_string(chNum) + "," + " Module: " + std::to_string(dimmNum) + "," + " Rank Number: " + std::to_string(rankNum) + "," + " Location: DIMM B0"; } else if (chNum == 4 && dimmNum == 0) { errStr += " Node: " + std::to_string(nodeNum) + "," + " Card: " + std::to_string(chNum) + "," + " Module: " + std::to_string(dimmNum) + "," + " Rank Number: " + std::to_string(rankNum) + "," + " Location: DIMM C0 "; } else if (chNum == 5 && dimmNum == 0) { errStr += " Node: " + std::to_string(nodeNum) + "," + " Card: " + std::to_string(chNum) + "," + " Module: " + std::to_string(dimmNum) + "," + " Rank Number: " + std::to_string(rankNum) + "," + " Location: DIMM D0"; } else { errStr += " Node: " + std::to_string(nodeNum) + "," + " Card: " + std::to_string(chNum) + "," + " Module: " + std::to_string(dimmNum) + "," + " Rank Number: " + std::to_string(rankNum) + "," + " Location: DIMM Unknown"; } } static void parseStdSel(StdSELEntry* data, std::string& errStr) { std::stringstream tmpStream; tmpStream << std::hex << std::uppercase; /* TODO: add pal_add_cri_sel */ switch (data->sensorNum) { case memoryEccError: switch (data->eventData1 & 0x0F) { case 0x00: errStr = "Correctable"; tmpStream << "DIMM" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << data->eventData3 << " ECC err"; parseDimmPhyloc(data, errStr); break; case 0x01: errStr = "Uncorrectable"; tmpStream << "DIMM" << std::setw(2) << std::setfill('0') << data->eventData3 << " UECC err"; parseDimmPhyloc(data, errStr); break; case 0x02: errStr = "Parity"; break; case 0x05: errStr = "Correctable ECC error Logging Limit Reached"; break; default: errStr = "Unknown"; } break; case memoryErrLogDIS: if ((data->eventData1 & 0x0F) == 0) { errStr = "Correctable Memory Error Logging Disabled"; } else { errStr = "Unknown"; } break; default: parseSelHelper(data, errStr); return; } errStr += " (DIMM " + std::to_string(data->eventData3) + ")"; errStr += " Logical Rank " + std::to_string(data->eventData2 & 0x03); switch ((data->eventData2 & 0x0C) >> 2) { case 0x00: // Ignore when " All info available" break; case 0x01: errStr += " DIMM info not valid"; break; case 0x02: errStr += " CHN info not valid"; break; case 0x03: errStr += " CPU info not valid"; break; default: errStr += " Unknown"; } if (((data->eventType & 0x80) >> 7) == 0) { errStr += " Assertion"; } else { errStr += " Deassertion"; } return; } static void parseOemSel(TsOemSELEntry* data, std::string& errStr) { std::stringstream tmpStream; tmpStream << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0'); switch (data->recordType) { case 0xC0: tmpStream << "VID:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[1] << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[0] << " DID:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[3] << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[2] << " Slot:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[4] << " Error ID:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[5]; break; case 0xC2: tmpStream << "Extra info:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[1] << " MSCOD:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[3] << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[2] << " MCACOD:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[5] << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[4]; break; case 0xC3: int bank = (data->oemData[1] & 0xf0) >> 4; int col = ((data->oemData[1] & 0x0f) << 8) | data->oemData[2]; tmpStream << "Fail Device:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[0] << " Bank:0x" << std::setw(2) << bank << " Column:0x" << std::setw(2) << col << " Failed Row:0x" << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[3] << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[4] << std::setw(2) << (int)data->oemData[5]; } errStr = tmpStream.str(); return; } static std::string dimmLocationStr(uint8_t socket, uint8_t channel, uint8_t slot) { uint8_t sled = (socket >> 4) & 0x3; socket &= 0xf; if (channel == 0xFF && slot == 0xFF) { return std::format( "DIMM Slot Location: Sled {:02}/Socket {:02}, Channel unknown" ", Slot unknown, DIMM unknown", sled, socket); } else { channel &= 0xf; slot &= 0xf; const char label[] = {'A', 'C', 'B', 'D'}; uint8_t idx = socket * 2 + slot; return std::format("DIMM Slot Location: Sled {:02}/Socket {:02}" ", Channel {:02}, Slot {:02} DIMM {}", sled, socket, channel, slot, (idx < sizeof(label)) ? label[idx] + std::to_string(channel) : "NA"); } } static void parseOemUnifiedSel(NtsOemSELEntry* data, std::string& errStr) { uint8_t* ptr = data->oemData; uint8_t eventType = ptr[5] & 0xf; int genInfo = ptr[0]; int errType = genInfo & 0x0f; std::vector dimmErr = { "Memory training failure", "Memory correctable error", "Memory uncorrectable error", "Memory correctable error (Patrol scrub)", "Memory uncorrectable error (Patrol scrub)", "Memory Parity Error (PCC=0)", "Memory Parity Error (PCC=1)", "Memory PMIC Error", "CXL Memory training error", "Reserved"}; std::vector postEvent = { "System PXE boot fail", "CMOS/NVRAM configuration cleared", "TPM Self-Test Fail", "Boot Drive failure", "Data Drive failure", "Received invalid boot order request from BMC", "System HTTP boot fail", "BIOS fails to get the certificate from BMC", "Password cleared by jumper", "DXE FV check failure", "AMD ABL failure", "Reserved"}; std::vector certErr = { "No certificate at BMC", "IPMI transaction fail", "Certificate data corrupted", "Reserved"}; std::vector pcieEvent = { "PCIe DPC Event", "PCIe LER Event", "PCIe Link Retraining and Recovery", "PCIe Link CRC Error Check and Retry", "PCIe Corrupt Data Containment", "PCIe Express ECRC", "Reserved"}; std::vector memEvent = { "Memory PPR event", "Memory Correctable Error logging limit reached", "Memory disable/map-out for FRB", "Memory SDDC", "Memory Address range/Partial mirroring", "Memory ADDDC", "Memory SMBus hang recovery", "No DIMM in System", "Reserved"}; std::vector memPprTime = {"Boot time", "Autonomous", "Run time", "Reserved"}; std::vector memPpr = {"PPR success", "PPR fail", "PPR request", "Reserved"}; std::vector memAdddc = { "Bank VLS", "r-Bank VLS + re-buddy", "r-Bank VLS + Rank VLS", "r-Rank VLS + re-buddy", "Reserved"}; std::vector pprEvent = {"PPR disable", "Soft PPR", "Hard PPR", "Reserved"}; std::stringstream tmpStream; switch (errType) { case unifiedPcieErr: tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: x86/PCIeErr(0x{:02X})" ", Bus {:02X}/Dev {:02X}/Fun {:02X}, TotalErrID1Cnt: 0x{:04X}" ", ErrID2: 0x{:02X}, ErrID1: 0x{:02X}", genInfo, ptr[8], ptr[7] >> 3, ptr[7] & 0x7, (ptr[10] << 8) | ptr[9], ptr[11], ptr[12]); break; case unifiedMemErr: eventType = ptr[9] & 0xf; tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: MemErr(0x{:02X}), {}, DIMM Failure Event: {}", genInfo, dimmLocationStr(ptr[5], ptr[6], ptr[7]), dimmErr[std::min(eventType, static_cast(dimmErr.size() - 1))]); if (static_cast(eventType) == MemErrType::memTrainErr || static_cast(eventType) == MemErrType::memPmicErr) { bool amd = ptr[9] & 0x80; tmpStream << std::format( ", Major Code: 0x{:02X}, Minor Code: 0x{:0{}X}", ptr[10], amd ? (ptr[12] << 8 | ptr[11]) : ptr[11], amd ? 4 : 2); } break; case unifiedIioErr: tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: IIOErr(0x{:02X})" ", IIO Port Location: Sled {:02}/Socket {:02}, Stack 0x{:02X}" ", Error Type: 0x{:02X}, Error Severity: 0x{:02X}" ", Error ID: 0x{:02X}", genInfo, (ptr[5] >> 4) & 0x3, ptr[5] & 0xf, ptr[6], ptr[10], ptr[11] & 0xf, ptr[12]); break; case unifiedPostEvt: tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: POST(0x{:02X}), POST Failure Event: {}", genInfo, postEvent[std::min( eventType, static_cast(postEvent.size() - 1))]); switch (static_cast(eventType)) { case PostEvtType::pxeBootFail: case PostEvtType::httpBootFail: { uint8_t failType = ptr[10] & 0xf; tmpStream << std::format(", Fail Type: {}, Error Code: 0x{:02X}", (failType == 4 || failType == 6) ? std::format("IPv{} fail", failType) : std::format("0x{:02X}", ptr[10]), ptr[11]); break; } case PostEvtType::getCertFail: tmpStream << std::format( ", Failure Detail: {}", certErr[std::min( ptr[9], static_cast(certErr.size() - 1))]); break; case PostEvtType::amdAblFail: tmpStream << std::format(", ABL Error Code: 0x{:04X}", (ptr[12] << 8) | ptr[11]); break; } break; case unifiedPcieEvt: tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: PCIeEvent(0x{:02X}), PCIe Failure Event: {}", genInfo, pcieEvent[std::min( eventType, static_cast(pcieEvent.size() - 1))]); if (static_cast(eventType) == PcieEvtType::dpc) { tmpStream << std::format( ", Status: 0x{:04X}, Source ID: 0x{:04X}", (ptr[8] << 8) | ptr[7], (ptr[10] << 8) | ptr[9]); } break; case unifiedMemEvt: eventType = ptr[9] & 0xf; tmpStream << std::format("GeneralInfo: MemEvent(0x{:02X})", genInfo) << (static_cast(eventType) != MemEvtType::noDimm ? std::format(", {}", dimmLocationStr(ptr[5], ptr[6], ptr[7])) : "") << ", DIMM Failure Event: "; switch (static_cast(eventType)) { case MemEvtType::ppr: tmpStream << std::format("{} {}", memPprTime[(ptr[10] >> 2) & 0x3], memPpr[ptr[10] & 0x3]); break; case MemEvtType::adddc: tmpStream << std::format( "{} {}", memEvent[std::min(eventType, static_cast( memEvent.size() - 1))], memAdddc[std::min( static_cast(ptr[11] & 0xf), static_cast(memAdddc.size() - 1))]); break; default: tmpStream << std::format( "{}", memEvent[std::min( eventType, static_cast(memEvent.size() - 1))]); break; } break; case unifiedBootGuard: tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: Boot Guard ACM Failure Events(0x{:02X})" ", Error Class: 0x{:02X}, Error Code: 0x{:02X}", genInfo, ptr[9], ptr[10]); break; case unifiedPprEvt: tmpStream << std::format( "GeneralInfo: PPREvent(0x{:02X}), {}" ", DIMM Info: {:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", genInfo, pprEvent[std::min(eventType, static_cast(pprEvent.size() - 1))], ptr[6], ptr[7], ptr[8], ptr[9], ptr[10], ptr[11], ptr[12]); break; default: std::vector oemData(ptr, ptr + 13); std::string oemDataStr; toHexStr(oemData, oemDataStr); tmpStream << std::format("Undefined Error Type(0x{:02X}), Raw: {}", errType, oemDataStr); } errStr = tmpStream.str(); return; } static void parseSelData(uint8_t fruId, std::vector& reqData, std::string& msgLog) { /* Get record type */ int recType = reqData[2]; std::string errType, errLog; uint8_t* ptr = NULL; std::stringstream recTypeStream; recTypeStream << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << recType; msgLog = "SEL Entry: FRU: " + std::to_string(fruId) + ", Record: "; if (recType == stdErrType) { StdSELEntry* data = reinterpret_cast(&reqData[0]); std::string sensorName; errType = stdErr; if (data->sensorType == 0x1F) { sensorName = "OS"; } else { auto findSensorName = sensorNameTable.find(data->sensorNum); if (findSensorName == sensorNameTable.end()) { sensorName = "Unknown"; } else { sensorName = findSensorName->second.first; } } parseStdSel(data, errLog); ptr = &(data->eventData1); std::vector evtData(ptr, ptr + 3); std::string eventData; toHexStr(evtData, eventData); std::stringstream senNumStream; senNumStream << std::hex << std::uppercase << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << (int)(data->sensorNum); msgLog += errType + " (0x" + recTypeStream.str() + "), Sensor: " + sensorName + " (0x" + senNumStream.str() + "), Event Data: (" + eventData + ") " + errLog; } else if ((recType >= oemTSErrTypeMin) && (recType <= oemTSErrTypeMax)) { /* timestamped OEM SEL records */ TsOemSELEntry* data = reinterpret_cast(&reqData[0]); ptr = data->mfrId; std::vector mfrIdData(ptr, ptr + 3); std::string mfrIdStr; toHexStr(mfrIdData, mfrIdStr); ptr = data->oemData; std::vector oemData(ptr, ptr + 6); std::string oemDataStr; toHexStr(oemData, oemDataStr); errType = oemTSErr; parseOemSel(data, errLog); msgLog += errType + " (0x" + recTypeStream.str() + "), MFG ID: " + mfrIdStr + ", OEM Data: (" + oemDataStr + ") " + errLog; } else if (recType == fbUniErrType) { NtsOemSELEntry* data = reinterpret_cast(&reqData[0]); errType = fbUniSELErr; parseOemUnifiedSel(data, errLog); msgLog += errType + " (0x" + recTypeStream.str() + "), " + errLog; } else if ((recType >= oemNTSErrTypeMin) && (recType <= oemNTSErrTypeMax)) { /* Non timestamped OEM SEL records */ NtsOemSELEntry* data = reinterpret_cast(&reqData[0]); errType = oemNTSErr; ptr = data->oemData; std::vector oemData(ptr, ptr + 13); std::string oemDataStr; toHexStr(oemData, oemDataStr); parseOemSel((TsOemSELEntry*)data, errLog); msgLog += errType + " (0x" + recTypeStream.str() + "), OEM Data: (" + oemDataStr + ") " + errLog; } else { errType = unknownErr; toHexStr(reqData, errLog); msgLog += errType + " (0x" + recTypeStream.str() + ") RawData: " + errLog; } } } // namespace fb_oem::ipmi::sel namespace ipmi { namespace storage { static void registerSELFunctions() __attribute__((constructor)); static fb_oem::ipmi::sel::SELData selObj __attribute__((init_priority(101))); ipmi::RspType // operation support ipmiStorageGetSELInfo() { fb_oem::ipmi::sel::GetSELInfoData info; selObj.getInfo(info); return ipmi::responseSuccess(info.selVersion, info.entries, info.freeSpace, info.addTimeStamp, info.eraseTimeStamp, info.operationSupport); } ipmi::RspType> ipmiStorageGetSELEntry( std::vector data) { if (data.size() != sizeof(fb_oem::ipmi::sel::GetSELEntryRequest)) { return ipmi::responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } fb_oem::ipmi::sel::GetSELEntryRequest* reqData = reinterpret_cast(&data[0]); if (reqData->reservID != 0) { if (!checkSELReservation(reqData->reservID)) { return ipmi::responseInvalidReservationId(); } } uint16_t selCnt = selObj.getCount(); if (selCnt == 0) { return ipmi::responseSensorInvalid(); } /* If it is asked for first entry */ if (reqData->recordID == fb_oem::ipmi::sel::firstEntry) { /* First Entry (0x0000) as per Spec */ reqData->recordID = 1; } else if (reqData->recordID == fb_oem::ipmi::sel::lastEntry) { /* Last entry (0xFFFF) as per Spec */ reqData->recordID = selCnt; } std::string ipmiRaw; if (selObj.getEntry(reqData->recordID, ipmiRaw) < 0) { return ipmi::responseSensorInvalid(); } std::vector recDataBytes; if (fromHexStr(ipmiRaw, recDataBytes) < 0) { return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError(); } /* Identify the next SEL record ID. If recordID is same as * total SeL count then next id should be last entry else * it should be incremented by 1 to current RecordID */ uint16_t nextRecord; if (reqData->recordID == selCnt) { nextRecord = fb_oem::ipmi::sel::lastEntry; } else { nextRecord = reqData->recordID + 1; } if (reqData->readLen == fb_oem::ipmi::sel::entireRecord) { return ipmi::responseSuccess(nextRecord, recDataBytes); } else { if (reqData->offset >= fb_oem::ipmi::sel::selRecordSize || reqData->readLen > fb_oem::ipmi::sel::selRecordSize) { return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError(); } std::vector recPartData; auto diff = fb_oem::ipmi::sel::selRecordSize - reqData->offset; auto readLength = std::min(diff, static_cast(reqData->readLen)); for (int i = 0; i < readLength; i++) { recPartData.push_back(recDataBytes[i + reqData->offset]); } return ipmi::responseSuccess(nextRecord, recPartData); } } // Retry function to log the SEL entry message and make D-Bus call bool logWithRetry( const std::string& journalMsg, const std::string& messageID, const std::string& logErr, const std::string& severity, const std::map& ad, int maxRetries = 10, std::chrono::milliseconds waitTimeMs = std::chrono::milliseconds(100)) { // Attempt to log the SEL entry message lg2::info( "SEL Entry Added: {IPMI_RAW}, IPMISEL_MESSAGE_ID={MESSAGE_ID}, IPMISEL_MESSAGE_ARGS={LOG_ERR}", "IPMI_RAW", journalMsg, "MESSAGE_ID", messageID, "LOG_ERR", logErr); int attempts = 0; while (attempts < maxRetries) { // Create D-Bus call auto bus = sdbusplus::bus::new_default(); auto reqMsg = bus.new_method_call( "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging", "/xyz/openbmc_project/logging", "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Create", "Create"); reqMsg.append(logErr, severity, ad); try { // Attempt to make the D-Bus call bus.call(reqMsg); return true; // D-Bus call successful, exit the loop } catch (sdbusplus::exception_t& e) { lg2::error("D-Bus call failed: {ERROR}", "ERROR", e); } // Wait before retrying std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(waitTimeMs)); attempts++; } return false; // Failed after max retries } // Main function to add SEL entry ipmi::RspType ipmiStorageAddSELEntry(ipmi::Context::ptr ctx, std::vector data) { /* Per the IPMI spec, need to cancel any reservation when a * SEL entry is added */ cancelSELReservation(); if (data.size() != fb_oem::ipmi::sel::selRecordSize) { return ipmi::responseReqDataLenInvalid(); } std::string ipmiRaw, logErr; toHexStr(data, ipmiRaw); /* Parse sel data and get an error log to be filed */ fb_oem::ipmi::sel::parseSelData((ctx->hostIdx + 1), data, logErr); static const std::string openBMCMessageRegistryVersion("0.1"); std::string messageID = "OpenBMC." + openBMCMessageRegistryVersion + ".SELEntryAdded"; /* Log the Raw SEL message to the journal */ std::string journalMsg = "SEL Entry Added: " + ipmiRaw; std::map ad; std::string severity = "xyz.openbmc_project.Logging.Entry.Level.Critical"; ad.emplace("IPMI_RAW", ipmiRaw); // Launch the logging thread std::thread([=]() { bool success = logWithRetry(journalMsg, messageID, logErr, severity, ad); if (!success) { lg2::error("Failed to log SEL entry added event after retries."); } }).detach(); int responseID = selObj.addEntry(ipmiRaw.c_str()); if (responseID < 0) { return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError(); } return ipmi::responseSuccess(static_cast(responseID)); } ipmi::RspType ipmiStorageClearSEL(uint16_t reservationID, const std::array& clr, uint8_t eraseOperation) { if (!checkSELReservation(reservationID)) { return ipmi::responseInvalidReservationId(); } static constexpr std::array clrExpected = {'C', 'L', 'R'}; if (clr != clrExpected) { return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } /* If there is no sel then return erase complete */ if (selObj.getCount() == 0) { return ipmi::responseSuccess(fb_oem::ipmi::sel::eraseComplete); } /* Erasure status cannot be fetched, so always return erasure * status as `erase completed`. */ if (eraseOperation == fb_oem::ipmi::sel::getEraseStatus) { return ipmi::responseSuccess(fb_oem::ipmi::sel::eraseComplete); } /* Check that initiate erase is correct */ if (eraseOperation != fb_oem::ipmi::sel::initiateErase) { return ipmi::responseInvalidFieldRequest(); } /* Per the IPMI spec, need to cancel any reservation when the * SEL is cleared */ cancelSELReservation(); /* Clear the complete Sel Json object */ if (selObj.clear() < 0) { return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError(); } return ipmi::responseSuccess(fb_oem::ipmi::sel::eraseComplete); } ipmi::RspType ipmiStorageGetSELTime() { struct timespec selTime = {}; if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &selTime) < 0) { return ipmi::responseUnspecifiedError(); } return ipmi::responseSuccess(selTime.tv_sec); } ipmi::RspType<> ipmiStorageSetSELTime(uint32_t) { // Set SEL Time is not supported return ipmi::responseInvalidCommand(); } ipmi::RspType ipmiStorageGetSELTimeUtcOffset() { /* TODO: For now, the SEL time stamp is based on UTC time, * so return 0x0000 as offset. Might need to change once * supporting zones in SEL time stamps */ uint16_t utcOffset = 0x0000; return ipmi::responseSuccess(utcOffset); } void registerSELFunctions() { // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdGetSelInfo, ipmi::Privilege::User, ipmiStorageGetSELInfo); // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdGetSelEntry, ipmi::Privilege::User, ipmiStorageGetSELEntry); // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdAddSelEntry, ipmi::Privilege::Operator, ipmiStorageAddSELEntry); // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdClearSel, ipmi::Privilege::Operator, ipmiStorageClearSEL); // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdGetSelTime, ipmi::Privilege::User, ipmiStorageGetSELTime); // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdSetSelTime, ipmi::Privilege::Operator, ipmiStorageSetSELTime); // ipmi::registerHandler(ipmi::prioOpenBmcBase, ipmi::netFnStorage, ipmi::storage::cmdGetSelTimeUtcOffset, ipmi::Privilege::User, ipmiStorageGetSELTimeUtcOffset); return; } } // namespace storage } // namespace ipmi