// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright OpenBMC Authors #pragma once #include "bmcweb_config.h" #include "app.hpp" #include "async_resp.hpp" #include "dbus_utility.hpp" #include "error_messages.hpp" #include "ethernet.hpp" #include "generated/enums/action_info.hpp" #include "generated/enums/computer_system.hpp" #include "generated/enums/resource.hpp" #include "http_request.hpp" #include "logging.hpp" #include "query.hpp" #include "registries/privilege_registry.hpp" #include "utils/dbus_utils.hpp" #include "utils/ip_utils.hpp" #include "utils/json_utils.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace redfish { /** * @brief Retrieves hypervisor state properties over dbus * * The hypervisor state object is optional so this function will only set the * state variables if the object is found * * @param[in] asyncResp Shared pointer for completing asynchronous calls. * * @return None. */ inline void getHypervisorState(const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Get hypervisor state information."); dbus::utility::getProperty( "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Hypervisor", "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/hypervisor0", "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host", "CurrentHostState", [asyncResp](const boost::system::error_code& ec, const std::string& hostState) { if (ec) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("DBUS response error {}", ec); // This is an optional D-Bus object so just return if // error occurs return; } BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Hypervisor state: {}", hostState); // Verify Host State if (hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Running") { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["PowerState"] = resource::PowerState::On; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Status"]["State"] = resource::State::Enabled; } else if (hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState." "Quiesced") { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["PowerState"] = resource::PowerState::On; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Status"]["State"] = resource::State::Quiesced; } else if (hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState." "Standby") { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["PowerState"] = resource::PowerState::On; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Status"]["State"] = resource::State::StandbyOffline; } else if (hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState." "TransitioningToRunning") { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["PowerState"] = resource::PowerState::PoweringOn; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Status"]["State"] = resource::State::Starting; } else if (hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState." "TransitioningToOff") { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["PowerState"] = resource::PowerState::PoweringOff; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Status"]["State"] = resource::State::Enabled; } else if (hostState == "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.HostState.Off") { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["PowerState"] = resource::PowerState::Off; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Status"]["State"] = resource::State::Disabled; } else { messages::internalError(asyncResp->res); return; } }); } /** * @brief Populate Actions if any are valid for hypervisor object * * The hypervisor state object is optional so this function will only set the * Action if the object is found * * @param[in] asyncResp Shared pointer for completing asynchronous calls. * * @return None. */ inline void getHypervisorActions(const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Get hypervisor actions."); constexpr std::array interfaces = { "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host"}; dbus::utility::getDbusObject( "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/hypervisor0", interfaces, [asyncResp]( const boost::system::error_code& ec, const std::vector>>& objInfo) { if (ec) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("DBUS response error {}", ec); // This is an optional D-Bus object so just return if // error occurs return; } if (objInfo.empty()) { // As noted above, this is an optional interface so just return // if there is no instance found return; } if (objInfo.size() > 1) { // More then one hypervisor object is not supported and is an // error messages::internalError(asyncResp->res); return; } // Object present so system support limited ComputerSystem Action nlohmann::json& reset = asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Actions"]["#ComputerSystem.Reset"]; reset["target"] = "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/Actions/ComputerSystem.Reset"; reset["@Redfish.ActionInfo"] = "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/ResetActionInfo"; }); } inline bool extractHypervisorInterfaceData( const std::string& ethIfaceId, const dbus::utility::ManagedObjectType& dbusData, EthernetInterfaceData& ethData, std::vector& ipv4Config) { bool idFound = false; for (const auto& objpath : dbusData) { for (const auto& ifacePair : objpath.second) { if (objpath.first == "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor/" + ethIfaceId) { idFound = true; if (ifacePair.first == "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.EthernetInterface") { for (const auto& propertyPair : ifacePair.second) { if (propertyPair.first == "DHCPEnabled") { const std::string* dhcp = std::get_if(&propertyPair.second); if (dhcp != nullptr) { ethData.dhcpEnabled = *dhcp; break; // Interested on only "DHCPEnabled". // Stop parsing since we got the // "DHCPEnabled" value. } } } } } if (objpath.first == "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor/" + ethIfaceId + "/ipv4/addr0") { IPv4AddressData& ipv4Address = ipv4Config.emplace_back(); if (ifacePair.first == "xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Enable") { for (const auto& property : ifacePair.second) { if (property.first == "Enabled") { const bool* intfEnable = std::get_if(&property.second); if (intfEnable != nullptr) { ipv4Address.isActive = *intfEnable; break; } } } } if (ifacePair.first == "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP") { for (const auto& property : ifacePair.second) { if (property.first == "Address") { const std::string* address = std::get_if(&property.second); if (address != nullptr) { ipv4Address.address = *address; } } else if (property.first == "Origin") { const std::string* origin = std::get_if(&property.second); if (origin != nullptr) { ipv4Address.origin = translateAddressOriginDbusToRedfish(*origin, true); } } else if (property.first == "PrefixLength") { const uint8_t* mask = std::get_if(&property.second); if (mask != nullptr) { // convert it to the string ipv4Address.netmask = getNetmask(*mask); } } else if (property.first == "Type" || property.first == "Gateway") { // Type & Gateway is not used continue; } else { BMCWEB_LOG_ERROR( "Got extra property: {} on the {} object", property.first, objpath.first.str); } } } } if (objpath.first == "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor") { // System configuration shows up in the global namespace, so no // need to check eth number if (ifacePair.first == "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration") { for (const auto& propertyPair : ifacePair.second) { if (propertyPair.first == "HostName") { const std::string* hostName = std::get_if(&propertyPair.second); if (hostName != nullptr) { ethData.hostName = *hostName; } } else if (propertyPair.first == "DefaultGateway") { const std::string* defaultGateway = std::get_if(&propertyPair.second); if (defaultGateway != nullptr) { ethData.defaultGateway = *defaultGateway; } } } } } } } return idFound; } /** * Function that retrieves all properties for given Hypervisor Ethernet * Interface Object from Settings Manager * @param ethIfaceId Hypervisor ethernet interface id to query on DBus * @param callback a function that shall be called to convert Dbus output * into JSON */ template void getHypervisorIfaceData(const std::string& ethIfaceId, CallbackFunc&& callback) { sdbusplus::message::object_path path("/"); dbus::utility::getManagedObjects( "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", path, [ethIfaceId{std::string{ethIfaceId}}, callback = std::forward(callback)]( const boost::system::error_code& ec, const dbus::utility::ManagedObjectType& resp) mutable { EthernetInterfaceData ethData{}; std::vector ipv4Data; if (ec) { callback(false, ethData, ipv4Data); return; } bool found = extractHypervisorInterfaceData(ethIfaceId, resp, ethData, ipv4Data); if (!found) { BMCWEB_LOG_INFO("Hypervisor Interface not found"); } callback(found, ethData, ipv4Data); }); } /** * @brief Sets the Hypervisor Interface IPAddress DBUS * * @param[in] asyncResp Shared pointer for generating response message. * @param[in] ipv4Address Address from the incoming request * @param[in] ethIfaceId Hypervisor Interface Id * * @return None. */ inline void setHypervisorIPv4Address( const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp, const std::string& ethIfaceId, const std::string& ipv4Address) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Setting the Hypervisor IPaddress : {} on Iface: {}", ipv4Address, ethIfaceId); setDbusProperty( asyncResp, "IPv4StaticAddresses/1/Address", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor/" + ethIfaceId + "/ipv4/addr0", "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP", "Address", ipv4Address); } /** * @brief Sets the Hypervisor Interface SubnetMask DBUS * * @param[in] asyncResp Shared pointer for generating response message. * @param[in] subnet SubnetMask from the incoming request * @param[in] ethIfaceId Hypervisor Interface Id * * @return None. */ inline void setHypervisorIPv4Subnet(const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp, const std::string& ethIfaceId, const uint8_t subnet) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Setting the Hypervisor subnet : {} on Iface: {}", subnet, ethIfaceId); setDbusProperty( asyncResp, "IPv4StaticAddresses/1/SubnetMask", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor/" + ethIfaceId + "/ipv4/addr0", "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP", "PrefixLength", subnet); } /** * @brief Sets the Hypervisor Interface Gateway DBUS * * @param[in] asyncResp Shared pointer for generating response message. * @param[in] gateway Gateway from the incoming request * @param[in] ethIfaceId Hypervisor Interface Id * * @return None. */ inline void setHypervisorIPv4Gateway( const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp, const std::string& gateway) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG( "Setting the DefaultGateway to the last configured gateway"); setDbusProperty(asyncResp, "IPv4StaticAddresses/1/Gateway", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", sdbusplus::message::object_path( "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor"), "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration", "DefaultGateway", gateway); } /** * @brief Creates a static IPv4 entry * * @param[in] ifaceId Id of interface upon which to create the IPv4 entry * @param[in] prefixLength IPv4 prefix syntax for the subnet mask * @param[in] gateway IPv4 address of this interfaces gateway * @param[in] address IPv4 address to assign to this interface * @param[io] asyncResp Response object that will be returned to client * * @return None */ inline void createHypervisorIPv4(const std::string& ifaceId, uint8_t prefixLength, const std::string& gateway, const std::string& address, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { setHypervisorIPv4Address(asyncResp, ifaceId, address); setHypervisorIPv4Gateway(asyncResp, gateway); setHypervisorIPv4Subnet(asyncResp, ifaceId, prefixLength); } /** * @brief Deletes given IPv4 interface * * @param[in] ifaceId Id of interface whose IP should be deleted * @param[io] asyncResp Response object that will be returned to client * * @return None */ inline void deleteHypervisorIPv4(const std::string& ifaceId, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { std::string address = ""; std::string gateway = ""; const uint8_t prefixLength = 0; setHypervisorIPv4Address(asyncResp, ifaceId, address); setHypervisorIPv4Gateway(asyncResp, gateway); setHypervisorIPv4Subnet(asyncResp, ifaceId, prefixLength); } inline void parseInterfaceData(nlohmann::json& jsonResponse, const std::string& ifaceId, const EthernetInterfaceData& ethData, const std::vector& ipv4Data) { jsonResponse["Id"] = ifaceId; jsonResponse["@odata.id"] = boost::urls::format( "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/{}", ifaceId); jsonResponse["InterfaceEnabled"] = true; jsonResponse["HostName"] = ethData.hostName; jsonResponse["DHCPv4"]["DHCPEnabled"] = translateDhcpEnabledToBool(ethData.dhcpEnabled, true); nlohmann::json& ipv4Array = jsonResponse["IPv4Addresses"]; nlohmann::json& ipv4StaticArray = jsonResponse["IPv4StaticAddresses"]; ipv4Array = nlohmann::json::array(); ipv4StaticArray = nlohmann::json::array(); for (const auto& ipv4Config : ipv4Data) { if (ipv4Config.isActive) { nlohmann::json::object_t ipv4; ipv4["AddressOrigin"] = ipv4Config.origin; ipv4["SubnetMask"] = ipv4Config.netmask; ipv4["Address"] = ipv4Config.address; ipv4["Gateway"] = ethData.defaultGateway; if (ipv4Config.origin == "Static") { ipv4StaticArray.push_back(ipv4); } ipv4Array.emplace_back(std::move(ipv4)); } } } inline void setDHCPEnabled(const std::string& ifaceId, bool ipv4DHCPEnabled, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { const std::string dhcp = getDhcpEnabledEnumeration(ipv4DHCPEnabled, false); setDbusProperty( asyncResp, "DHCPv4/DHCPEnabled", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", sdbusplus::message::object_path( "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor") / ifaceId, "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.EthernetInterface", "DHCPEnabled", dhcp); // Set the IPv4 address origin to the DHCP / Static as per the new value // of the DHCPEnabled property std::string origin; if (!ipv4DHCPEnabled) { origin = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.Static"; } else { // DHCPEnabled is set to true. Delete the current IPv4 settings // to receive the new values from DHCP server. deleteHypervisorIPv4(ifaceId, asyncResp); origin = "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP.AddressOrigin.DHCP"; } setDbusProperty( asyncResp, "IPv4StaticAddresses/1/AddressOrigin", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor/" + ifaceId + "/ipv4/addr0", "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.IP", "Origin", origin); } inline void handleHypervisorIPv4StaticPatch( const std::string& ifaceId, std::vector>& input, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { // Hypervisor considers the first IP address in the array list // as the Hypervisor's virtual management interface supports single IPv4 // address std::variant& thisJson = input[0]; nlohmann::json::object_t* obj = std::get_if(&thisJson); if (obj == nullptr) { deleteHypervisorIPv4(ifaceId, asyncResp); return; } if (obj->empty()) { return; } // For the error string std::string pathString = "IPv4StaticAddresses/1"; std::string address; std::string subnetMask; std::string gateway; if (!json_util::readJsonObject( // *obj, asyncResp->res, // "Address", address, // "Gateway", gateway, // "SubnetMask", subnetMask // )) { return; } uint8_t prefixLength = 0; if (!ip_util::ipv4VerifyIpAndGetBitcount(address)) { messages::propertyValueFormatError(asyncResp->res, address, pathString + "/Address"); return; } if (!ip_util::ipv4VerifyIpAndGetBitcount(subnetMask, &prefixLength)) { messages::propertyValueFormatError(asyncResp->res, subnetMask, pathString + "/SubnetMask"); return; } if (!ip_util::ipv4VerifyIpAndGetBitcount(gateway)) { messages::propertyValueFormatError(asyncResp->res, gateway, pathString + "/Gateway"); return; } BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("Calling createHypervisorIPv4 on : {},{}", ifaceId, address); createHypervisorIPv4(ifaceId, prefixLength, gateway, address, asyncResp); // Set the DHCPEnabled to false since the Static IPv4 is set setDHCPEnabled(ifaceId, false, asyncResp); } inline void handleHypervisorHostnamePatch( const std::string& hostName, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { if (!isHostnameValid(hostName)) { messages::propertyValueFormatError(asyncResp->res, hostName, "HostName"); return; } asyncResp->res.jsonValue["HostName"] = hostName; setDbusProperty(asyncResp, "HostName", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", sdbusplus::message::object_path( "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor"), "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.SystemConfiguration", "HostName", hostName); } inline void setIPv4InterfaceEnabled(const std::string& ifaceId, bool isActive, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { setDbusProperty( asyncResp, "InterfaceEnabled", "xyz.openbmc_project.Settings", "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor/" + ifaceId + "/ipv4/addr0", "xyz.openbmc_project.Object.Enable", "Enabled", isActive); } inline void handleHypervisorEthernetInterfaceCollectionGet( App& app, const crow::Request& req, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { if (!redfish::setUpRedfishRoute(app, req, asyncResp)) { return; } constexpr std::array interfaces = { "xyz.openbmc_project.Network.EthernetInterface"}; dbus::utility::getSubTreePaths( "/xyz/openbmc_project/network/hypervisor", 0, interfaces, [asyncResp]( const boost::system::error_code& ec, const dbus::utility::MapperGetSubTreePathsResponse& ifaceList) { if (ec) { messages::resourceNotFound(asyncResp->res, "System", "hypervisor"); return; } asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.type"] = "#EthernetInterfaceCollection." "EthernetInterfaceCollection"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.id"] = "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Name"] = "Hypervisor Ethernet " "Interface Collection"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Description"] = "Collection of Virtual Management " "Interfaces for the hypervisor"; nlohmann::json& ifaceArray = asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Members"]; ifaceArray = nlohmann::json::array(); for (const std::string& iface : ifaceList) { sdbusplus::message::object_path path(iface); std::string name = path.filename(); if (name.empty()) { continue; } nlohmann::json::object_t ethIface; ethIface["@odata.id"] = boost::urls::format( "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/{}", name); ifaceArray.emplace_back(std::move(ethIface)); } asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Members@odata.count"] = ifaceArray.size(); }); } inline void handleHypervisorEthernetInterfaceGet( App& app, const crow::Request& req, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp, const std::string& id) { if (!redfish::setUpRedfishRoute(app, req, asyncResp)) { return; } getHypervisorIfaceData( id, [asyncResp, ifaceId{std::string(id)}]( bool success, const EthernetInterfaceData& ethData, const std::vector& ipv4Data) { if (!success) { messages::resourceNotFound(asyncResp->res, "EthernetInterface", ifaceId); return; } asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.type"] = "#EthernetInterface.v1_9_0.EthernetInterface"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Name"] = "Hypervisor Ethernet Interface"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Description"] = "Hypervisor's Virtual Management Ethernet Interface"; parseInterfaceData(asyncResp->res.jsonValue, ifaceId, ethData, ipv4Data); }); } inline void handleHypervisorSystemGet( const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.type"] = "#ComputerSystem.v1_6_0.ComputerSystem"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.id"] = "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Description"] = "Hypervisor"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Name"] = "Hypervisor"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Id"] = "hypervisor"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["SystemType"] = computer_system::SystemType::OS; nlohmann::json::array_t managedBy; nlohmann::json::object_t manager; manager["@odata.id"] = boost::urls::format("/redfish/v1/Managers/{}", BMCWEB_REDFISH_MANAGER_URI_NAME); managedBy.emplace_back(std::move(manager)); asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Links"]["ManagedBy"] = std::move(managedBy); asyncResp->res.jsonValue["EthernetInterfaces"]["@odata.id"] = "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces"; getHypervisorState(asyncResp); getHypervisorActions(asyncResp); // TODO: Add "SystemType" : "hypervisor" } inline void handleHypervisorEthernetInterfacePatch( App& app, const crow::Request& req, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp, const std::string& ifaceId) { if (!redfish::setUpRedfishRoute(app, req, asyncResp)) { return; } std::optional hostName; std::optional< std::vector>> ipv4StaticAddresses; std::optional> ipv4Addresses; std::optional ipv4DHCPEnabled; if (!json_util::readJsonPatch( // req, asyncResp->res, // "DHCPv4/DHCPEnabled", ipv4DHCPEnabled, // "IPv4Addresses", ipv4Addresses, // "IPv4StaticAddresses", ipv4StaticAddresses, // "HostName", hostName // )) { return; } if (ipv4Addresses) { messages::propertyNotWritable(asyncResp->res, "IPv4Addresses"); return; } getHypervisorIfaceData( ifaceId, [asyncResp, ifaceId, hostName = std::move(hostName), ipv4StaticAddresses = std::move(ipv4StaticAddresses), ipv4DHCPEnabled](bool success, const EthernetInterfaceData& ethData, const std::vector&) mutable { if (!success) { messages::resourceNotFound(asyncResp->res, "EthernetInterface", ifaceId); return; } if (ipv4StaticAddresses) { std::vector>& ipv4Static = *ipv4StaticAddresses; if (ipv4Static.begin() == ipv4Static.end()) { messages::propertyValueTypeError(asyncResp->res, std::vector(), "IPv4StaticAddresses"); return; } // One and only one hypervisor instance supported if (ipv4Static.size() != 1) { messages::propertyValueFormatError(asyncResp->res, "[]", "IPv4StaticAddresses"); return; } std::variant& ipv4Json = ipv4Static[0]; // Check if the param is 'null'. If its null, it means // that user wants to delete the IP address. Deleting // the IP address is allowed only if its statically // configured. Deleting the address originated from DHCP // is not allowed. if (std::holds_alternative(ipv4Json) && translateDhcpEnabledToBool(ethData.dhcpEnabled, true)) { BMCWEB_LOG_INFO( "Ignoring the delete on ipv4StaticAddresses " "as the interface is DHCP enabled"); } else { handleHypervisorIPv4StaticPatch(ifaceId, ipv4Static, asyncResp); } } if (hostName) { handleHypervisorHostnamePatch(*hostName, asyncResp); } if (ipv4DHCPEnabled) { setDHCPEnabled(ifaceId, *ipv4DHCPEnabled, asyncResp); } // Set this interface to disabled/inactive. This will be set // to enabled/active by the pldm once the hypervisor // consumes the updated settings from the user. setIPv4InterfaceEnabled(ifaceId, false, asyncResp); }); asyncResp->res.result(boost::beast::http::status::accepted); } inline void handleHypervisorResetActionGet( const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { // Only return action info if hypervisor D-Bus object present constexpr std::array interfaces = { "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host"}; dbus::utility::getDbusObject( "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/hypervisor0", interfaces, [asyncResp]( const boost::system::error_code& ec, const std::vector>>& objInfo) { if (ec) { BMCWEB_LOG_DEBUG("DBUS response error {}", ec); // No hypervisor objects found by mapper if (ec.value() == boost::system::errc::io_error) { messages::resourceNotFound(asyncResp->res, "hypervisor", "ResetActionInfo"); return; } messages::internalError(asyncResp->res); return; } // One and only one hypervisor instance supported if (objInfo.size() != 1) { messages::internalError(asyncResp->res); return; } // The hypervisor object only support the ability to // turn On The system object Action should be utilized // for other operations asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.type"] = "#ActionInfo.v1_1_2.ActionInfo"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["@odata.id"] = "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/ResetActionInfo"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Name"] = "Reset Action Info"; asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Id"] = "ResetActionInfo"; nlohmann::json::array_t parameters; nlohmann::json::object_t parameter; parameter["Name"] = "ResetType"; parameter["Required"] = true; parameter["DataType"] = action_info::ParameterTypes::String; nlohmann::json::array_t allowed; allowed.emplace_back("On"); parameter["AllowableValues"] = std::move(allowed); parameters.emplace_back(std::move(parameter)); asyncResp->res.jsonValue["Parameters"] = std::move(parameters); }); } inline void handleHypervisorSystemResetPost( const crow::Request& req, const std::shared_ptr& asyncResp) { std::optional resetType; if (!json_util::readJsonAction(req, asyncResp->res, "ResetType", resetType)) { // readJson adds appropriate error to response return; } if (!resetType) { messages::actionParameterMissing(asyncResp->res, "ComputerSystem.Reset", "ResetType"); return; } // Hypervisor object only support On operation if (resetType != "On") { messages::propertyValueNotInList(asyncResp->res, *resetType, "ResetType"); return; } std::string command = "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host.Transition.On"; setDbusPropertyAction( asyncResp, "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Hypervisor", sdbusplus::message::object_path( "/xyz/openbmc_project/state/hypervisor0"), "xyz.openbmc_project.State.Host", "RequestedHostTransition", "ResetType", "ComputerSystem.Reset", command); } inline void requestRoutesHypervisorSystems(App& app) { /** * HypervisorInterfaceCollection class to handle the GET and PATCH on * Hypervisor Interface */ BMCWEB_ROUTE(app, "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces/") .privileges(redfish::privileges::getEthernetInterfaceCollection) .methods(boost::beast::http::verb::get)(std::bind_front( handleHypervisorEthernetInterfaceCollectionGet, std::ref(app))); BMCWEB_ROUTE(app, "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces//") .privileges(redfish::privileges::getEthernetInterface) .methods(boost::beast::http::verb::get)(std::bind_front( handleHypervisorEthernetInterfaceGet, std::ref(app))); BMCWEB_ROUTE(app, "/redfish/v1/Systems/hypervisor/EthernetInterfaces//") .privileges(redfish::privileges::patchEthernetInterface) .methods(boost::beast::http::verb::patch)(std::bind_front( handleHypervisorEthernetInterfacePatch, std::ref(app))); } } // namespace redfish