Lines Matching full:d
5 console_gfx_reuse(int index) "%d"
6 console_gfx_close(int index) "%d"
7 … esc_param0, int esc_param1, int ch, int nb_esc_params) "escape sequence CSI%d;%d%c, %d parameters"
9 console_txt_new(int w, int h) "%dx%d"
10 console_select(int nr) "%d"
11 console_refresh(int interval) "interval %d ms"
12 displaysurface_create(int w, int h) "%dx%d"
13 displaysurface_create_from(void *display_surface, int w, int h, uint32_t format) "surface=%p, %dx%d…
18 ppm_save(int fd, void *image) "fd=%d image=%p"
23 gd_switch(const char *tab, int width, int height) "tab=%s, width=%d, height=%d"
24 gd_update(const char *tab, int x, int y, int w, int h) "tab=%s, x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d"
25 …_keycode, int qkeycode, const char *action) "tab=%s, translated GDK keycode %d to QKeyCode %d (%s)"
29 gd_gl_area_create_context(void *ctx, int major, int minor) "ctx=%p, major=%d, minor=%d"
31 gd_motion_event(int ww, int wh, int ws, int x, int y) "ww=%d, wh=%d, ws=%d, x=%d, y=%d"
37 vnc_key_guest_leds(bool caps, bool num, bool scroll) "caps %d, num %d, scroll %d"
39 vnc_key_event_ext(bool down, int sym, int keycode, const char *name) "down %d, sym 0x%x, keycode 0x…
40 vnc_key_event_map(bool down, int sym, int keycode, const char *name) "down %d, sym 0x%x -> keycode …
41 vnc_key_sync_numlock(bool on) "%d"
42 vnc_key_sync_capslock(bool on) "%d"
46 …id *state, void *ioc, int width, int height) "VNC server msg ext resize state=%p ioc=%p size=%dx%d"
47 …int width, int height, int reason) "VNC server msg ext resize state=%p ioc=%p size=%dx%d reason=%d"
50 …t, int channels, int freq) "VNC client msg audio format state=%p ioc=%p fmt=%d channels=%d freq=%d"
51 …, int height, int screens) "VNC client msg set desktop size state=%p ioc=%p size=%dx%d screens=%d"
58 … throttle threshold state=%p ioc=%p oldoffset=%zu newoffset=%zu width=%d height=%d bpp=%d audio=%p"
59 …b_update, size_t offset) "VNC client throttle incremental state=%p ioc=%p job-update=%d offset=%zu"
60 …nt job_update, size_t offset) "VNC client throttle forced state=%p ioc=%p job-update=%d offset=%zu"
65 …r_dpy_pageflip(void *dpy, int w, int h, int fmt) "VNC server dpy pageflip dpy=%p size=%dx%d fmt=%d"
66 …r_dpy_recreate(void *dpy, int w, int h, int fmt) "VNC server dpy recreate dpy=%p size=%dx%d fmt=%d"
67 …tate, void *job, int x, int y, int w, int h) "VNC add rect state=%p job=%p offset=%d,%d size=%dx%d"
68 …id *job, int x, int y, int w, int h) "VNC job discard rect state=%p job=%p offset=%d,%d size=%dx%d"
69 …void *job, int x, int y, int w, int h) "VNC job clamp rect state=%p job=%p offset=%d,%d size=%dx%d"
70 …void *job, int x, int y, int w, int h) "VNC job clamp rect state=%p job=%p offset=%d,%d size=%dx%d"
71 vnc_job_nrects(void *state, void *job, int nrects) "VNC job state=%p job=%p nrects=%d"
72 …display, int websock, int auth, int subauth) "VNC auth init state=%p websock=%d auth=%d subauth=%d"
73 vnc_auth_start(void *state, int method) "VNC client auth start state=%p method=%d"
74 vnc_auth_pass(void *state, int method) "VNC client auth passed state=%p method=%d"
75 …char *message, const char *reason) "VNC client auth failed state=%p method=%d message=%s reason=%s"
76 …ect(void *state, int expect, int got) "VNC client auth rejected state=%p method expected=%d got=%d"
77 …on(void *state, int major, int minor) "VNC client auth vencrypt version state=%p major=%d minor=%d"
78 vnc_auth_vencrypt_subauth(void *state, int auth) "VNC client auth vencrypt subauth state=%p auth=%d"
81 …VNC client auth SASL start state=%p clientdata=%p clientlen=%zu serverdata=%p serverlen=%zu ret=%d"
82 …"VNC client auth SASL step state=%p clientdata=%p clientlen=%zu serverdata=%p serverlen=%zu ret=%d"
83 vnc_auth_sasl_ssf(void *state, int ssf) "VNC client auth SASL SSF state=%p size=%d"
85 vnc_auth_sasl_acl(void *state, int allow) "VNC client auth SASL ACL state=%p allow=%d"
89 …umber(int conidx, int number, const char *qcode, bool down) "con %d, key number 0x%x [%s], down %d"
90 input_event_key_qcode(int conidx, const char *qcode, bool down) "con %d, key qcode %s, down %d"
91 input_event_btn(int conidx, const char *btn, bool down) "con %d, button %s, down %d"
92 input_event_rel(int conidx, const char *axis, int value) "con %d, axis %s, value %d"
93 input_event_abs(int conidx, const char *axis, int value) "con %d, axis %s, value 0x%x"
94 input_event_mtt(int conidx, const char *axis, int value) "con %d, axis %s, value 0x%x"
98 …y(int sdl_scancode, int qcode, const char *action) "translated SDL scancode %d to QKeyCode %d (%s)"
101 …igned long virt_start, unsigned long virt_end, int async) "%d %u: host virt 0x%lx - 0x%lx async=%d"
102 qemu_spice_del_memslot(int qid, uint32_t gid, uint32_t slot_id) "%d gid=%u sid=%u"
103 …te_primary_surface(int qid, uint32_t sid, void *surface, int async) "%d sid=%u surface=%p async=%d"
104 qemu_spice_destroy_primary_surface(int qid, uint32_t sid, int async) "%d sid=%u async=%d"
105 qemu_spice_wakeup(uint32_t qid) "%d"
106 …update(uint32_t left, uint32_t right, uint32_t top, uint32_t bottom) "lr %d -> %d, tb -> %d -> %d"
107 qemu_spice_display_update(int qid, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) "%d +%d+%d %dx%d"
108 qemu_spice_display_surface(int qid, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, int fast) "%d %dx%d, fast %d"
109 qemu_spice_display_refresh(int qid, int notify) "%d notify %d"
110 qemu_spice_ui_info(int qid, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) "%d %dx%d"
112 qemu_spice_gl_surface(int qid, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t fourcc) "%d %dx%d, fourcc 0x%x"
113 qemu_spice_gl_scanout_disable(int qid) "%d"
114 qemu_spice_gl_scanout_texture(int qid, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t fourcc) "%d %dx%d, fourcc 0…
115 qemu_spice_gl_cursor(int qid, bool enabled, bool hotspot) "%d enabled %d, hotspot %d"
116 qemu_spice_gl_forward_dmabuf(int qid, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) "%d %dx%d"
117 qemu_spice_gl_render_dmabuf(int qid, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) "%d %dx%d"
118 qemu_spice_gl_update(int qid, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) "%d +%d+%d %dx%d"
132 clipboard_check_serial(int cur, int recv, bool ok) "cur:%d recv:%d %d"
136 vdagent_fe_open(bool fe_open) "fe_open=%d"
141 vdagent_recv_chunk(uint32_t size) "size %d"
142 vdagent_recv_msg(const char *name, uint32_t size) "msg %s, size %d"
145 vdagent_cb_grab_discard(const char *name, int cur, int recv) "selection %s, cur:%d recv:%d"
157 dbus_mouse_rel_motion(int dx, int dy) "dx=%d, dy=%d"
158 …nt(unsigned int kind, uint32_t num_slot, uint32_t x, uint32_t y) "kind=%u, num_slot=%u, x=%d, y=%d"
159 dbus_update(int x, int y, int w, int h) "x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d"
160 dbus_update_gl(int x, int y, int w, int h) "x=%d, y=%d, w=%d, h=%d"
161 dbus_clipboard_grab(int selection, unsigned int serial) "selection=%d serial=%u"
163 dbus_clipboard_qemu_request(int type) "type=%d"
166 …g_height, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h) "tex_id:%u y0top:%d back:%ux%u %u+%u-%ux…
169 dbus_can_share_map(bool share) "can_share_map: %d"