Lines Matching +full:0 +full:x8000000a
30 * ntfs.sys used 500 maximum links on-disk struct allows up to 0xffff.
55 * at offset 0x40.
86 MFT_REC_MFT = 0,
104 ATTR_ZERO = cpu_to_le32(0x00),
105 ATTR_STD = cpu_to_le32(0x10),
106 ATTR_LIST = cpu_to_le32(0x20),
107 ATTR_NAME = cpu_to_le32(0x30),
108 ATTR_ID = cpu_to_le32(0x40),
109 ATTR_SECURE = cpu_to_le32(0x50),
110 ATTR_LABEL = cpu_to_le32(0x60),
111 ATTR_VOL_INFO = cpu_to_le32(0x70),
112 ATTR_DATA = cpu_to_le32(0x80),
113 ATTR_ROOT = cpu_to_le32(0x90),
114 ATTR_ALLOC = cpu_to_le32(0xA0),
115 ATTR_BITMAP = cpu_to_le32(0xB0),
116 ATTR_REPARSE = cpu_to_le32(0xC0),
117 ATTR_EA_INFO = cpu_to_le32(0xD0),
118 ATTR_EA = cpu_to_le32(0xE0),
119 ATTR_PROPERTYSET = cpu_to_le32(0xF0),
120 ATTR_LOGGED_UTILITY_STREAM = cpu_to_le32(0x100),
121 ATTR_END = cpu_to_le32(0xFFFFFFFF)
127 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = cpu_to_le32(0x00000001),
128 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = cpu_to_le32(0x00000002),
129 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = cpu_to_le32(0x00000004),
130 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = cpu_to_le32(0x00000020),
131 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE = cpu_to_le32(0x00000040),
132 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = cpu_to_le32(0x00000100),
133 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE = cpu_to_le32(0x00000200),
134 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT = cpu_to_le32(0x00000400),
135 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = cpu_to_le32(0x00000800),
136 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE = cpu_to_le32(0x00001000),
137 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_CONTENT_INDEXED = cpu_to_le32(0x00002000),
138 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED = cpu_to_le32(0x00004000),
139 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VALID_FLAGS = cpu_to_le32(0x00007fb7),
140 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = cpu_to_le32(0x10000000),
141 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_INDEX = cpu_to_le32(0x20000000)
193 u8 jump_code[3]; // 0x00: Jump to boot code.
194 u8 system_id[8]; // 0x03: System ID, equals "NTFS "
197 // bytes_per_sector[0] must be 0.
199 u8 bytes_per_sector[2]; // 0x0B: Bytes per sector.
201 u8 sectors_per_clusters;// 0x0D: Sectors per cluster.
203 u8 media_type; // 0x15: Media type (0xF8 - harddisk)
205 __le16 sct_per_track; // 0x18: number of sectors per track.
206 __le16 heads; // 0x1A: number of heads per cylinder.
207 __le32 hidden_sectors; // 0x1C: number of 'hidden' sectors.
209 u8 bios_drive_num; // 0x24: BIOS drive number =0x80.
211 u8 signature_ex; // 0x26: Extended BOOT signature =0x80.
213 __le64 sectors_per_volume;// 0x28: Size of volume in sectors.
214 __le64 mft_clst; // 0x30: First cluster of $MFT
215 __le64 mft2_clst; // 0x38: First cluster of $MFTMirr
216 s8 record_size; // 0x40: Size of MFT record in clusters(sectors).
218 s8 index_size; // 0x44: Size of INDX record in clusters(sectors).
220 __le64 serial_num; // 0x48: Volume serial number
221 __le32 check_sum; // 0x50: Simple additive checksum of all
224 u8 boot_code[0x200 - 0x50 - 2 - 4]; // 0x54:
225 u8 boot_magic[2]; // 0x1FE: Boot signature =0x55 + 0xAA
228 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_BOOT) == 0x200);
231 NTFS_FILE_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x454C4946), // 'FILE'
232 NTFS_INDX_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x58444E49), // 'INDX'
233 NTFS_CHKD_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x444B4843), // 'CHKD'
234 NTFS_RSTR_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x52545352), // 'RSTR'
235 NTFS_RCRD_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x44524352), // 'RCRD'
236 NTFS_BAAD_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x44414142), // 'BAAD'
237 NTFS_HOLE_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0x454C4F48), // 'HOLE'
238 NTFS_FFFF_SIGNATURE = cpu_to_le32(0xffffffff),
246 enum NTFS_SIGNATURE sign; // 0x00:
247 __le16 fix_off; // 0x04:
248 __le16 fix_num; // 0x06:
249 __le64 lsn; // 0x08: Log file sequence number,
252 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_RECORD_HEADER) == 0x10);
261 RECORD_FLAG_IN_USE = cpu_to_le16(0x0001),
262 RECORD_FLAG_DIR = cpu_to_le16(0x0002),
263 RECORD_FLAG_SYSTEM = cpu_to_le16(0x0004),
264 RECORD_FLAG_INDEX = cpu_to_le16(0x0008),
271 __le16 seq; // 0x10: Sequence number for this record.
272 __le16 hard_links; // 0x12: The number of hard links to record.
273 __le16 attr_off; // 0x14: Offset to attributes.
274 __le16 flags; // 0x16: See RECORD_FLAG.
275 __le32 used; // 0x18: The size of used part.
276 __le32 total; // 0x1C: Total record size.
278 struct MFT_REF parent_ref; // 0x20: Parent MFT record.
279 __le16 next_attr_id; // 0x28: The next attribute Id.
281 __le16 res; // 0x2A: High part of MFT record?
282 __le32 mft_record; // 0x2C: Current MFT record number.
283 __le16 fixups[]; // 0x30:
298 static_assert(MFTRECORD_FIXUP_OFFSET_1 == 0x2A);
299 static_assert(MFTRECORD_FIXUP_OFFSET_3 == 0x30);
325 #define RESIDENT_FLAG_INDEXED 0x01
328 __le32 data_size; // 0x10: The size of data.
329 __le16 data_off; // 0x14: Offset to data.
330 u8 flags; // 0x16: Resident flags ( 1 - indexed ).
331 u8 res; // 0x17:
332 }; // sizeof() = 0x18
335 __le64 svcn; // 0x10: Starting VCN of this segment.
336 __le64 evcn; // 0x18: End VCN of this segment.
337 __le16 run_off; // 0x20: Offset to packed runs.
341 // 0 means file is not compressed
350 u8 c_unit; // 0x22:
351 u8 res1[5]; // 0x23:
352 __le64 alloc_size; // 0x28: The allocated size of attribute in bytes.
354 __le64 data_size; // 0x30: The size of attribute in bytes <= alloc_size.
355 __le64 valid_size; // 0x38: The size of valid part in bytes <= data_size.
356 __le64 total_size; // 0x40: The sum of the allocated clusters for a file.
357 // (present only for the first segment (0 == vcn)
360 }; // sizeof()=0x40 or 0x48 (if compressed)
363 #define ATTR_FLAG_COMPRESSED cpu_to_le16(0x0001)
364 #define ATTR_FLAG_COMPRESSED_MASK cpu_to_le16(0x00FF)
365 #define ATTR_FLAG_ENCRYPTED cpu_to_le16(0x4000)
366 #define ATTR_FLAG_SPARSED cpu_to_le16(0x8000)
369 enum ATTR_TYPE type; // 0x00: The type of this attribute.
370 __le32 size; // 0x04: The size of this attribute.
371 u8 non_res; // 0x08: Is this attribute non-resident?
372 u8 name_len; // 0x09: This attribute name length.
373 __le16 name_off; // 0x0A: Offset to the attribute name.
374 __le16 flags; // 0x0C: See ATTR_FLAG_XXX.
375 __le16 id; // 0x0E: Unique id (per record).
378 struct ATTR_RESIDENT res; // 0x10
379 struct ATTR_NONRESIDENT nres; // 0x10
384 #define SIZEOF_RESIDENT 0x18
385 #define SIZEOF_NONRESIDENT_EX 0x48
386 #define SIZEOF_NONRESIDENT 0x40
388 #define SIZEOF_RESIDENT_LE cpu_to_le16(0x18)
389 #define SIZEOF_NONRESIDENT_EX_LE cpu_to_le16(0x48)
390 #define SIZEOF_NONRESIDENT_LE cpu_to_le16(0x40)
439 return attr->non_res ? le64_to_cpu(attr->nres.svcn) : 0; in attr_svcn()
442 static_assert(sizeof(struct ATTRIB) == 0x48);
443 static_assert(sizeof(((struct ATTRIB *)NULL)->res) == 0x08);
444 static_assert(sizeof(((struct ATTRIB *)NULL)->nres) == 0x38);
477 /* Standard information attribute (0x10). */
479 __le64 cr_time; // 0x00: File creation file.
480 __le64 m_time; // 0x08: File modification time.
481 __le64 c_time; // 0x10: Last time any attribute was modified.
482 __le64 a_time; // 0x18: File last access time.
483 enum FILE_ATTRIBUTE fa; // 0x20: Standard DOS attributes & more.
484 __le32 max_ver_num; // 0x24: Maximum Number of Versions.
485 __le32 ver_num; // 0x28: Version Number.
486 __le32 class_id; // 0x2C: Class Id from bidirectional Class Id index.
489 static_assert(sizeof(struct ATTR_STD_INFO) == 0x30);
491 #define SECURITY_ID_INVALID 0x00000000
492 #define SECURITY_ID_FIRST 0x00000100
495 __le64 cr_time; // 0x00: File creation file.
496 __le64 m_time; // 0x08: File modification time.
497 __le64 c_time; // 0x10: Last time any attribute was modified.
498 __le64 a_time; // 0x18: File last access time.
499 enum FILE_ATTRIBUTE fa; // 0x20: Standard DOS attributes & more.
500 __le32 max_ver_num; // 0x24: Maximum Number of Versions.
501 __le32 ver_num; // 0x28: Version Number.
502 __le32 class_id; // 0x2C: Class Id from bidirectional Class Id index.
504 __le32 owner_id; // 0x30: Owner Id of the user owning the file.
505 __le32 security_id; // 0x34: The Security Id is a key in the $SII Index and $SDS.
506 __le64 quota_charge; // 0x38:
507 __le64 usn; // 0x40: Last Update Sequence Number of the file. This is a direct
512 static_assert(sizeof(struct ATTR_STD_INFO5) == 0x48);
514 /* Attribute list entry structure (0x20) */
516 enum ATTR_TYPE type; // 0x00: The type of attribute.
517 __le16 size; // 0x04: The size of this record.
518 u8 name_len; // 0x06: The length of attribute name.
519 u8 name_off; // 0x07: The offset to attribute name.
520 __le64 vcn; // 0x08: Starting VCN of this attribute.
521 struct MFT_REF ref; // 0x10: MFT record number with attribute.
522 __le16 id; // 0x18: struct ATTRIB ID.
523 __le16 name[]; // 0x1A: Just to align. To get real name can use name_off.
525 }; // sizeof(0x20)
533 /* Returns 0 if 'attr' has the same type and name. */
550 #define FILE_NAME_POSIX 0
555 /* Filename attribute structure (0x30). */
557 __le64 cr_time; // 0x00: File creation file.
558 __le64 m_time; // 0x08: File modification time.
559 __le64 c_time; // 0x10: Last time any attribute was modified.
560 __le64 a_time; // 0x18: File last access time.
561 __le64 alloc_size; // 0x20: Data attribute allocated size, multiple of cluster size.
562 __le64 data_size; // 0x28: Data attribute size <= Dataalloc_size.
563 enum FILE_ATTRIBUTE fa; // 0x30: Standard DOS attributes & more.
564 __le16 ea_size; // 0x34: Packed EAs.
565 __le16 reparse; // 0x36: Used by Reparse.
567 }; // 0x38
570 struct MFT_REF home; // 0x00: MFT record for directory.
571 struct NTFS_DUP_INFO dup;// 0x08:
572 u8 name_len; // 0x40: File name length in words.
573 u8 type; // 0x41: File name type.
574 __le16 name[]; // 0x42: File name.
577 static_assert(sizeof(((struct ATTR_FILE_NAME *)NULL)->dup) == 0x38);
578 static_assert(offsetof(struct ATTR_FILE_NAME, name) == 0x42);
580 #define SIZEOF_ATTRIBUTE_FILENAME_MAX (0x42 + 255 * 2)
610 struct MFT_REF ref; // 0x00: MFT record number with this file.
612 __le16 data_off; // 0x00:
613 __le16 data_size; // 0x02:
614 __le32 res; // 0x04: Must be 0.
617 __le16 size; // 0x08: The size of this entry.
618 __le16 key_size; // 0x0A: The size of File name length in bytes + 0x42.
619 __le16 flags; // 0x0C: Entry flags: NTFS_IE_XXX.
620 __le16 res; // 0x0E:
634 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_DE) == 0x10);
699 __le32 de_off; // 0x00: The offset from the start of this structure
701 __le32 used; // 0x04: The size of this structure plus all
703 __le32 total; // 0x08: The allocated size of for this structure plus all entries.
704 __le32 flags; // 0x0C: 0x00 = Small directory, 0x01 = Large directory.
711 static_assert(sizeof(struct INDEX_HDR) == 0x10);
757 __le64 vbn; // 0x10: vcn if index >= cluster or vsn id index < cluster
758 struct INDEX_HDR ihdr; // 0x18:
761 static_assert(sizeof(struct INDEX_BUFFER) == 0x28);
775 /* Index root structure ( 0x90 ). */
777 NTFS_COLLATION_TYPE_BINARY = cpu_to_le32(0),
779 NTFS_COLLATION_TYPE_FILENAME = cpu_to_le32(0x01),
781 NTFS_COLLATION_TYPE_UINT = cpu_to_le32(0x10),
783 NTFS_COLLATION_TYPE_SID = cpu_to_le32(0x11),
785 NTFS_COLLATION_TYPE_SECURITY_HASH = cpu_to_le32(0x12),
787 NTFS_COLLATION_TYPE_UINTS = cpu_to_le32(0x13)
794 enum ATTR_TYPE type; // 0x00: The type of attribute to index on.
795 enum COLLATION_RULE rule; // 0x04: The rule.
796 __le32 index_block_size;// 0x08: The size of index record.
797 u8 index_block_clst; // 0x0C: The number of clusters or sectors per index.
799 struct INDEX_HDR ihdr; // 0x10:
802 static_assert(sizeof(struct INDEX_ROOT) == 0x20);
803 static_assert(offsetof(struct INDEX_ROOT, ihdr) == 0x10);
805 #define VOLUME_FLAG_DIRTY cpu_to_le16(0x0001)
806 #define VOLUME_FLAG_RESIZE_LOG_FILE cpu_to_le16(0x0002)
809 __le64 res1; // 0x00
810 u8 major_ver; // 0x08: NTFS major version number (before .)
811 u8 minor_ver; // 0x09: NTFS minor version number (after .)
812 __le16 flags; // 0x0A: Volume flags, see VOLUME_FLAG_XXX
814 }; // sizeof=0xC
818 #define NTFS_LABEL_MAX_LENGTH (0x100 / sizeof(short))
819 #define NTFS_ATTR_INDEXABLE cpu_to_le32(0x00000002)
820 #define NTFS_ATTR_DUPALLOWED cpu_to_le32(0x00000004)
821 #define NTFS_ATTR_MUST_BE_INDEXED cpu_to_le32(0x00000010)
822 #define NTFS_ATTR_MUST_BE_NAMED cpu_to_le32(0x00000020)
823 #define NTFS_ATTR_MUST_BE_RESIDENT cpu_to_le32(0x00000040)
824 #define NTFS_ATTR_LOG_ALWAYS cpu_to_le32(0x00000080)
828 __le16 name[0x40]; // 0x00: Attr name.
829 enum ATTR_TYPE type; // 0x80: struct ATTRIB type.
830 __le32 res; // 0x84:
831 enum COLLATION_RULE rule; // 0x88:
832 __le32 flags; // 0x8C: NTFS_ATTR_XXX (see above).
833 __le64 min_sz; // 0x90: Minimum attribute data size.
834 __le64 max_sz; // 0x98: Maximum attribute data size.
837 static_assert(sizeof(struct ATTR_DEF_ENTRY) == 0xa0);
839 /* Object ID (0x40) */
841 struct GUID ObjId; // 0x00: Unique Id assigned to file.
845 struct GUID BirthVolumeId; //0x10:
851 struct GUID BirthObjectId; // 0x20:
857 struct GUID DomainId; // 0x30:
860 static_assert(sizeof(struct OBJECT_ID) == 0x40);
862 /* O Directory entry structure ( rule = 0x13 ) */
865 struct GUID ObjId; // 0x10: Unique Id assigned to file.
866 struct MFT_REF ref; // 0x20: MFT record number with this file.
870 struct GUID BirthVolumeId; // 0x28:
876 // This field is valid if data_size == 0x48.
877 struct GUID BirthObjectId; // 0x38:
883 struct GUID BirthDomainId; // 0x48:
886 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_DE_O) == 0x58);
888 /* Q Directory entry structure ( rule = 0x11 ) */
891 __le32 owner_id; // 0x10: Unique Id assigned to file
893 /* here is 0x30 bytes of user quota. NOTE: 4 byte aligned! */
894 __le32 Version; // 0x14: 0x02
895 __le32 Flags; // 0x18: Quota flags, see above
896 __le64 BytesUsed; // 0x1C:
897 __le64 ChangeTime; // 0x24:
898 __le64 WarningLimit; // 0x28:
899 __le64 HardLimit; // 0x34:
900 __le64 ExceededTime; // 0x3C:
903 }__packed; // sizeof() = 0x44
905 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_DE_Q) == 0x44);
907 #define SecurityDescriptorsBlockSize 0x40000 // 256K
908 #define SecurityDescriptorMaxSize 0x20000 // 128K
918 struct SECURITY_KEY key; // 0x00: Security Key.
919 __le64 off; // 0x08: Offset of this entry in the file.
920 __le32 size; // 0x10: Size of this entry, 8 byte aligned.
927 static_assert(sizeof(struct SECURITY_HDR) == 0x14);
932 __le32 sec_id; // 0x10: Key: sizeof(security_id) = wKeySize
933 struct SECURITY_HDR sec_hdr; // 0x14:
936 static_assert(offsetof(struct NTFS_DE_SII, sec_hdr) == 0x14);
937 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_DE_SII) == 0x28);
942 struct SECURITY_KEY key; // 0x10: Key
943 struct SECURITY_HDR sec_hdr; // 0x18: Data
944 __le16 magic[2]; // 0x2C: 0x00490049 "I I"
947 #define SIZEOF_SDH_DIRENTRY 0x30
950 __le32 ReparseTag; // 0x00: Reparse Tag
951 struct MFT_REF ref; // 0x04: MFT record number with this file
952 }; // sizeof() = 0x0C
954 static_assert(offsetof(struct REPARSE_KEY, ref) == 0x04);
955 #define SIZEOF_REPARSE_KEY 0x0C
960 struct REPARSE_KEY key; // 0x10: Reparse Key.
961 u32 zero; // 0x1c:
962 }; // sizeof() = 0x20
964 static_assert(sizeof(struct NTFS_DE_R) == 0x20);
975 #define WOF_COMPRESSION_XPRESS4K cpu_to_le32(0) // 4k
981 * ATTR_REPARSE (0xC0)
990 __le32 ReparseTag; // 0x00:
991 __le16 ReparseDataLength;// 0x04:
994 struct GUID Guid; // 0x08:
1001 static_assert(sizeof(struct REPARSE_POINT) == 0x18);
1018 * 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1024 * All ISVs must use a tag with a 0 in this position.
1062 IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMBOLIC_LINK = cpu_to_le32(0),
1063 IO_REPARSE_TAG_NAME_SURROGATE = cpu_to_le32(0x20000000),
1064 IO_REPARSE_TAG_MICROSOFT = cpu_to_le32(0x80000000),
1065 IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT = cpu_to_le32(0xA0000003),
1066 IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK = cpu_to_le32(0xA000000C),
1067 IO_REPARSE_TAG_HSM = cpu_to_le32(0xC0000004),
1068 IO_REPARSE_TAG_SIS = cpu_to_le32(0x80000007),
1069 IO_REPARSE_TAG_DEDUP = cpu_to_le32(0x80000013),
1070 IO_REPARSE_TAG_COMPRESS = cpu_to_le32(0x80000017),
1073 * The reparse tag 0x80000008 is reserved for Microsoft internal use.
1078 IO_REPARSE_TAG_DFS = cpu_to_le32(0x8000000A),
1081 IO_REPARSE_TAG_FILTER_MANAGER = cpu_to_le32(0x8000000B),
1086 IO_REPARSE_TAG_IFSTEST_CONGRUENT = cpu_to_le32(0x00000009),
1089 IO_REPARSE_TAG_ARKIVIO = cpu_to_le32(0x0000000C),
1092 IO_REPARSE_TAG_SOLUTIONSOFT = cpu_to_le32(0x2000000D),
1095 IO_REPARSE_TAG_COMMVAULT = cpu_to_le32(0x0000000E),
1098 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD = cpu_to_le32(0x9000001A),
1099 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_1 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000101A),
1100 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_2 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000201A),
1101 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_3 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000301A),
1102 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_4 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000401A),
1103 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_5 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000501A),
1104 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_6 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000601A),
1105 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_7 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000701A),
1106 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_8 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000801A),
1107 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_9 = cpu_to_le32(0x9000901A),
1108 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_A = cpu_to_le32(0x9000A01A),
1109 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_B = cpu_to_le32(0x9000B01A),
1110 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_C = cpu_to_le32(0x9000C01A),
1111 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_D = cpu_to_le32(0x9000D01A),
1112 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_E = cpu_to_le32(0x9000E01A),
1113 IO_REPARSE_TAG_CLOUD_F = cpu_to_le32(0x9000F01A),
1121 __le32 ReparseTag; // 0x00:
1122 __le16 ReparseDataLength; // 0x04:
1126 /* If ReparseTag == 0xA0000003 (IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT) */
1128 __le16 SubstituteNameOffset; // 0x08
1129 __le16 SubstituteNameLength; // 0x0A
1130 __le16 PrintNameOffset; // 0x0C
1131 __le16 PrintNameLength; // 0x0E
1132 __le16 PathBuffer[]; // 0x10
1136 * If ReparseTag == 0xA000000C (IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK)
1140 __le16 SubstituteNameOffset; // 0x08
1141 __le16 SubstituteNameLength; // 0x0A
1142 __le16 PrintNameOffset; // 0x0C
1143 __le16 PrintNameLength; // 0x0E
1144 // 0-absolute path 1- relative path, SYMLINK_FLAG_RELATIVE
1145 __le32 Flags; // 0x10
1146 __le16 PathBuffer[]; // 0x14
1149 /* If ReparseTag == 0x80000017U */
1151 __le32 WofVersion; // 0x08 == 1
1156 __le32 WofProvider; // 0x0C:
1157 __le32 ProviderVer; // 0x10: == 1 WOF_FILE_PROVIDER_CURRENT_VERSION == 1
1158 __le32 CompressionFormat; // 0x14: 0, 1, 2, 3. See WOF_COMPRESSION_XXX
1162 u8 DataBuffer[1]; // 0x08:
1167 /* ATTR_EA_INFO (0xD0) */
1169 #define FILE_NEED_EA 0x80 // See ntifs.h
1175 __le16 size_pack; // 0x00: Size of buffer to hold in packed form.
1176 __le16 count; // 0x02: Count of EA's with FILE_NEED_EA bit set.
1177 __le32 size; // 0x04: Size of buffer to hold in unpacked form.
1182 /* ATTR_EA (0xE0) */
1184 __le32 size; // 0x00: (not in packed)
1185 u8 flags; // 0x04:
1186 u8 name_len; // 0x05:
1187 __le16 elength; // 0x06:
1188 u8 name[]; // 0x08:
1196 #define SE_SELF_RELATIVE cpu_to_le16(0x8000)
1207 static_assert(sizeof(struct SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE) == 0x14);