Lines Matching +full:5 +full:w

55 #define FS_SFRMTY1	(1<<5)		/* frame-type bit (impementor) */
67 #define FRM_LLCS (5)
147 #define RD_FRM_LLCS (unsigned long)(5<<20)
235 * FORMAC+ read/write (r/w) registers
243 #define FM_IMSK1U 0x04 /* r/w upper 16-bit of IMSK 1 */
244 #define FM_IMSK1L 0x05 /* r/w lower 16-bit of IMSK 1 */
245 #define FM_IMSK2U 0x06 /* r/w upper 16-bit of IMSK 2 */
246 #define FM_IMSK2L 0x07 /* r/w lower 16-bit of IMSK 2 */
247 #define FM_SAID 0x08 /* r/w short addr.-individual */
248 #define FM_LAIM 0x09 /* r/w long addr.-ind. (MSW of LAID) */
249 #define FM_LAIC 0x0a /* r/w long addr.-ind. (middle)*/
250 #define FM_LAIL 0x0b /* r/w long addr.-ind. (LSW) */
251 #define FM_SAGP 0x0c /* r/w short address-group */
252 #define FM_LAGM 0x0d /* r/w long addr.-gr. (MSW of LAGP) */
253 #define FM_LAGC 0x0e /* r/w long addr.-gr. (middle) */
254 #define FM_LAGL 0x0f /* r/w long addr.-gr. (LSW) */
255 #define FM_MDREG1 0x10 /* r/w 16-bit mode reg 1 */
259 #define FM_TMAX 0x14 /* r/w 16-bit TMAX reg */
262 #define FM_TRT 0x16 /* r/w upper 16-bit of TRT timer */
263 #define FM_THT 0x17 /* r/w upper 16-bit of THT timer */
265 #define FM_TMRS 0x19 /* read lower 5-bit of TNEG,TRT,THT */
266 /* F E D C B A 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
268 #define FM_TREQ0 0x1a /* r/w 16-bit TREQ0 reg (LSW of TRT) */
269 #define FM_TREQ1 0x1b /* r/w 16-bit TREQ1 reg (MSW of TRT) */
270 #define FM_PRI0 0x1c /* r/w priority r. for asyn.-queue 0 */
271 #define FM_PRI1 0x1d /* r/w priority r. for asyn.-queue 1 */
272 #define FM_PRI2 0x1e /* r/w priority r. for asyn.-queue 2 */
273 #define FM_TSYNC 0x1f /* r/w 16-bit of the TSYNC register */
274 #define FM_MDREG2 0x20 /* r/w 16-bit mode reg 2 */
275 #define FM_FRMTHR 0x21 /* r/w the frame threshold register */
276 #define FM_EACB 0x22 /* r/w end addr of claim/beacon area */
277 #define FM_EARV 0x23 /* r/w end addr of receive queue */
281 #define FM_EAS 0x24 /* r/w end addr of synchr. queue */
282 #define FM_EAA0 0x25 /* r/w end addr of asyn. queue 0 */
283 #define FM_EAA1 0x26 /* r/w end addr of asyn. queue 1 */
284 #define FM_EAA2 0x27 /* r/w end addr of asyn. queue 2 */
285 #define FM_SACL 0x28 /* r/w start addr of claim frame */
286 #define FM_SABC 0x29 /* r/w start addr of beacon frame */
287 #define FM_WPXSF 0x2a /* r/w the write ptr. for special fr.*/
288 #define FM_RPXSF 0x2b /* r/w the read ptr. for special fr. */
289 #define FM_RPR 0x2d /* r/w the read ptr. for receive qu. */
290 #define FM_WPR 0x2e /* r/w the write ptr. for receive qu.*/
291 #define FM_SWPR 0x2f /* r/w the shadow wr.-ptr. for rec.q.*/
297 #define FM_WPXS 0x30 /* r/w the write ptr. for synchr. qu.*/
298 #define FM_WPXA0 0x31 /* r/w the write ptr. for asyn. qu.0 */
299 #define FM_WPXA1 0x32 /* r/w the write ptr. for asyn. qu.1 */
300 #define FM_WPXA2 0x33 /* r/w the write ptr. for asyn. qu.2 */
301 #define FM_SWPXS 0x34 /* r/w the shadow wr.-ptr. for syn.q.*/
302 #define FM_SWPXA0 0x35 /* r/w the shad. wr.-ptr. for asyn.q0*/
303 #define FM_SWPXA1 0x36 /* r/w the shad. wr.-ptr. for asyn.q1*/
304 #define FM_SWPXA2 0x37 /* r/w the shad. wr.-ptr. for asyn.q2*/
305 #define FM_RPXS 0x38 /* r/w the read ptr. for synchr. qu. */
306 #define FM_RPXA0 0x39 /* r/w the read ptr. for asyn. qu. 0 */
307 #define FM_RPXA1 0x3a /* r/w the read ptr. for asyn. qu. 1 */
308 #define FM_RPXA2 0x3b /* r/w the read ptr. for asyn. qu. 2 */
309 #define FM_MARR 0x3c /* r/w the memory read addr register */
310 #define FM_MARW 0x3d /* r/w the memory write addr register*/
311 #define FM_MDRU 0x3e /* r/w upper 16-bit of mem. data reg */
312 #define FM_MDRL 0x3f /* r/w lower 16-bit of mem. data reg */
315 #define FM_TMSYNC 0x40 /* r/w upper 16 bits of TMSYNC timer */
316 #define FM_FCNTR 0x41 /* r/w the 16-bit frame counter */
317 #define FM_LCNTR 0x42 /* r/w the 16-bit lost counter */
318 #define FM_ECNTR 0x43 /* r/w the 16-bit error counter */
322 #define FM_FRSELREG 0x45 /* r/w Frame Selection Register */
325 #define FM_MDREG3 0x60 /* r/w Mode Register 3 */
328 #define FM_IMSK3U 0x63 /* r/w upper 16-bit of IMSK reg 3 */
329 #define FM_IMSK3L 0x64 /* r/w lower 16-bit of IMSK reg 3 */
331 #define FM_IMR 0x66 /* r/w Interrupt mask register */
333 #define FM_RPR2 0x68 /* r/w the read ptr. for rec. qu. 2 */
334 #define FM_WPR2 0x69 /* r/w the write ptr. for rec. qu. 2 */
335 #define FM_SWPR2 0x6a /* r/w the shadow wptr. for rec. q. 2 */
336 #define FM_EARV2 0x6b /* r/w end addr of rec. qu. 2 */
337 #define FM_UNLCKDLY 0x6c /* r/w Auto Unlock Delay register */
341 #define FM_LTDPA1 0x79 /* r/w Last Trans desc ptr for A1 qu. */
345 #define FM_AFCMD 0xb0 /* r/w Address Filter Command Reg */
346 #define FM_AFSTAT 0xb2 /* r/w Address Filter Status Reg */
347 #define FM_AFBIST 0xb4 /* r/w Address Filter BIST signature */
348 #define FM_AFCOMP2 0xb6 /* r/w Address Filter Comparand 2 */
349 #define FM_AFCOMP1 0xb8 /* r/w Address Filter Comparand 1 */
350 #define FM_AFCOMP0 0xba /* r/w Address Filter Comparand 0 */
351 #define FM_AFMASK2 0xbc /* r/w Address Filter Mask 2 */
352 #define FM_AFMASK1 0xbe /* r/w Address Filter Mask 1 */
353 #define FM_AFMASK0 0xc0 /* r/w Address Filter Mask 0 */
354 #define FM_AFPERS 0xc2 /* r/w Address Filter Personality Reg */
357 #define FM_ORBIST 0xd0 /* r/w Orion BIST signature */
358 #define FM_ORSTAT 0xd2 /* r/w Orion Status Register */
383 #define FM_MRES0 (5<<8) /* reserve */
395 #define FM_MRES1 (5<<12) /* reserved */
552 #define FM_SNPPND 0x0008 /* r/w from buffer mem. is pending */
588 #define FM_RCV1_MAC (5<<0) /* rec all MAC frames */
599 #define FM_RCV2_MAC (5<<4) /* rec all MAC frames */
617 #define FM_IINV (5<<0) /* Invalidate */
706 * PLC read/write (r/w) registers
708 #define PL_CNTRL_A 0x00 /* control register A (r/w) */
709 #define PL_CNTRL_B 0x01 /* control register B (r/w) */
710 #define PL_INTR_MASK 0x02 /* interrupt mask (r/w) */
711 #define PL_XMIT_VECTOR 0x03 /* transmit vector register (r/w) */
712 #define PL_VECTOR_LEN 0x04 /* transmit vector length (r/w) */
713 #define PL_LE_THRESHOLD 0x05 /* link error event threshold (r/w) */
714 #define PL_C_MIN 0x06 /* minimum connect state time (r/w) */
715 #define PL_TL_MIN 0x07 /* min. line state transmit t. (r/w) */
716 #define PL_TB_MIN 0x08 /* minimum break time (r/w) */
717 #define PL_T_OUT 0x09 /* signal timeout (r/w) */
718 #define PL_CNTRL_C 0x0a /* control register C (r/w) */
719 #define PL_LC_LENGTH 0x0b /* link confidence test time (r/w) */
720 #define PL_T_SCRUB 0x0c /* scrub time = MAC TVX (r/w) */
721 #define PL_NS_MAX 0x0d /* max. noise time before break (r/w)*/
745 #define QELM_XBAR_W 0x80 /* Crossbar Control ELM W */
753 #define QELM_CTR_W 0x88 /* Counter W */
799 #define PL_NOLCT (0<<5) /* no LCT is performed */
800 #define PL_TPDR (1<<5) /* PCM asserts transmit PDR */
801 #define PL_TIDLE (2<<5) /* PCM asserts transmit idle */
802 #define PL_RLBP (3<<5) /* trans. PDR & remote loopb. path */
812 #define PL_M_QUI2 (5<<8) /* transmit QUIET line state */
839 #define PL_C_RXDATA_EN (1<<5) /* Rec scr data forced to 0 */
884 #define PL_L_NLS (0<<5) /* noise line state */
885 #define PL_L_ALS (1<<5) /* activ line state */
886 #define PL_L_UND (2<<5) /* undefined */
887 #define PL_L_ILS4 (3<<5) /* idle l. s. (after 4 idle symbols) */
888 #define PL_L_QLS (4<<5) /* quiet line state */
889 #define PL_L_MLS (5<<5) /* master line state */
890 #define PL_L_HLS (6<<5) /* halt line state */
891 #define PL_L_ILS16 (7<<5) /* idle line state (after 16 idle s.)*/
912 #define PL_B_ILS (5) /* idle line state detected */
926 #define PL_PC5 (5<<7) /* SIGNAL - PCM trans/rec. bit infos*/
968 #define PL_NP_ERR 0x8000 /* NP has requested to r/w an inv. r.*/
984 #define QELM_XOUT_W 0x0004 /* Output to: ELM W */
995 #define QELM_COUNT_X (1<<5) /* Counter X Interrupt */
996 #define QELM_COUNT_W (1<<4) /* Counter W Interrupt */
1000 #define QELM_ELM_W (1<<0) /* ELM W Interrupt */
1007 #define TP_TB_MIN 0xff10 /* 5 ms */
1040 #define RQ_WA0 5 /* write requ.: asynchronous queue 0 */