Lines Matching refs:review
10 | Designated Reviewer | Review contributions from other members | History of review …
19 helped with review workflow, and directed to relevant documentation and
45 - Contributing to design review, subproject, or community discussions (e.g.
89 - May also review for more holistic issues, but not a requirement
90 - Expected to be responsive to review requests as per [community expectations]
91 - Assigned changes to review related to subproject of expertise
96 Platform maintainers are able to review configuration changes for quality and
129 - Expected to be responsive to review requests as per [community expectations]
130 - Assigned changes to review and test related to the platform
137 Code approvers are able to both review and approve code contributions. While
138 code review is focused on code quality and correctness, approval is focused on
162 code/design/proposal review, coordinating on issues, etc.
179 - Expected to be responsive to review requests as per [community expectations]
216 - Directly contributed to the subproject through implementation and/or review
265 - Directly contributed to the project through implementation and/or review