b53fa1b8 |
| 26-May-2022 |
Sui Chen <suichen@google.com> |
dbus-vis: Use IPC for open file dialog
Previously, the "open file" dialog is opened in the renderer thread running "initialization.js".
This change moves the dialog to the main thread (main.js) so
dbus-vis: Use IPC for open file dialog
Previously, the "open file" dialog is opened in the renderer thread running "initialization.js".
This change moves the dialog to the main thread (main.js) so that the renderer thread emits a "file-request" request and the main thread answers with a "filename" response.
This IPC paradigm is required for newer versions of Electron, because the "dialog" module cannot be imported in renderer threads in those newer versions.
Signed-off-by: Sui Chen <suichen@google.com> Change-Id: Ifd324688bb8a4dbdc6a5f86082fb3d205af0d77a
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27cf9332 |
| 03-Nov-2021 |
Sui Chen <suichen@google.com> |
dbus-vis: fix errors and clean up preload.js
This change fixes two errors and does some clean-up:
1. After updating Electron to 11.5.0, "enableRemoteModule: true" is needed for require('electron').
dbus-vis: fix errors and clean up preload.js
This change fixes two errors and does some clean-up:
1. After updating Electron to 11.5.0, "enableRemoteModule: true" is needed for require('electron').remote to work.
2. Add handler for stderr in parsing output
Sometimes when a Malformed packet is encountered, the error message does not get out and the parsing process gets stuck. Adding the handlers can enable the processes to continue executing in these situations.
3. Removed the unused "preload.js" file.
4. Now clicking the time line after panning the time axis will not cause an accidental zoom-in to an interval starting with -999.
The cause of this bug is due to HighlightedRegion.t1 being set to the current mouse location by the OnMouseMove function. This can be fixed by ensuring that MouseState.hoveredSide must be "timeline".
Signed-off-by: Sui Chen <suichen@google.com> Change-Id: Ib07cf7a33591ee506ab502b206f0351063ef6eea
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b65280ff |
| 30-Jun-2020 |
Sui Chen <suichen@google.com> |
dbus-vis: Initial commit
dbus-vis visualizes PCAP files captured by busctl as well as text-format outputs from busctl.
dbus-vis displays the visualized results in horizontal timelines, where each h
dbus-vis: Initial commit
dbus-vis visualizes PCAP files captured by busctl as well as text-format outputs from busctl.
dbus-vis displays the visualized results in horizontal timelines, where each horizontal bar represents a DBus request, or an IPMI request (an IPMI request is a specific kind of DBus request sent to the IPMI daemon.) The requests may be grouped by one or more fields including type, sender, destination, path, interface, member.
In addition, if the BMC console is available, dbus-vis can connect to the BMC console and capture DBus/IPMI requests in real time.
dbus-vis is in the form of a web page and is wrapped using Electron to run as a desktop app.
Basic usage: * Mouse click and drag: * If mouse is over time axis: drag timeline horizontally * If mouse is over vertical scroll bar: scroll up/down * Otherwise: select a region for measuring time & zooming in * Mouse Scroll wheel: * If mouse is over time axis: zoom in/out * Otherwise: scroll up/down * Click on the expandable headers will expand/collapse the entries under that particular header.
Signed-off-by: Sui Chen <suichen@google.com> Change-Id: I863c2ba80025d10efb44fd12868e37912fae9a47
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