xref: /openbmc/openbmc/poky/scripts/lib/devtool/sdk.py (revision 5082cc7f)
1# Development tool - sdk-update command plugin
3# Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Intel Corporation
5# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
8import os
9import subprocess
10import logging
11import glob
12import shutil
13import errno
14import sys
15import tempfile
16import re
17from devtool import exec_build_env_command, setup_tinfoil, parse_recipe, DevtoolError
19logger = logging.getLogger('devtool')
21def parse_locked_sigs(sigfile_path):
22    """Return <pn:task>:<hash> dictionary"""
23    sig_dict = {}
24    with open(sigfile_path) as f:
25        lines = f.readlines()
26        for line in lines:
27            if ':' in line:
28                taskkey, _, hashval = line.rpartition(':')
29                sig_dict[taskkey.strip()] = hashval.split()[0]
30    return sig_dict
32def generate_update_dict(sigfile_new, sigfile_old):
33    """Return a dict containing <pn:task>:<hash> which indicates what need to be updated"""
34    update_dict = {}
35    sigdict_new = parse_locked_sigs(sigfile_new)
36    sigdict_old = parse_locked_sigs(sigfile_old)
37    for k in sigdict_new:
38        if k not in sigdict_old:
39            update_dict[k] = sigdict_new[k]
40            continue
41        if sigdict_new[k] != sigdict_old[k]:
42            update_dict[k] = sigdict_new[k]
43            continue
44    return update_dict
46def get_sstate_objects(update_dict, sstate_dir):
47    """Return a list containing sstate objects which are to be installed"""
48    sstate_objects = []
49    for k in update_dict:
50        files = set()
51        hashval = update_dict[k]
52        p = sstate_dir + '/' + hashval[:2] + '/*' + hashval + '*.tgz'
53        files |= set(glob.glob(p))
54        p = sstate_dir + '/*/' + hashval[:2] + '/*' + hashval + '*.tgz'
55        files |= set(glob.glob(p))
56        files = list(files)
57        if len(files) == 1:
58            sstate_objects.extend(files)
59        elif len(files) > 1:
60            logger.error("More than one matching sstate object found for %s" % hashval)
62    return sstate_objects
64def mkdir(d):
65    try:
66        os.makedirs(d)
67    except OSError as e:
68        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
69            raise e
71def install_sstate_objects(sstate_objects, src_sdk, dest_sdk):
72    """Install sstate objects into destination SDK"""
73    sstate_dir = os.path.join(dest_sdk, 'sstate-cache')
74    if not os.path.exists(sstate_dir):
75        logger.error("Missing sstate-cache directory in %s, it might not be an extensible SDK." % dest_sdk)
76        raise
77    for sb in sstate_objects:
78        dst = sb.replace(src_sdk, dest_sdk)
79        destdir = os.path.dirname(dst)
80        mkdir(destdir)
81        logger.debug("Copying %s to %s" % (sb, dst))
82        shutil.copy(sb, dst)
84def check_manifest(fn, basepath):
85    import bb.utils
86    changedfiles = []
87    with open(fn, 'r') as f:
88        for line in f:
89            splitline = line.split()
90            if len(splitline) > 1:
91                chksum = splitline[0]
92                fpath = splitline[1]
93                curr_chksum = bb.utils.sha256_file(os.path.join(basepath, fpath))
94                if chksum != curr_chksum:
95                    logger.debug('File %s changed: old csum = %s, new = %s' % (os.path.join(basepath, fpath), curr_chksum, chksum))
96                    changedfiles.append(fpath)
97    return changedfiles
99def sdk_update(args, config, basepath, workspace):
100    """Entry point for devtool sdk-update command"""
101    updateserver = args.updateserver
102    if not updateserver:
103        updateserver = config.get('SDK', 'updateserver', '')
104    logger.debug("updateserver: %s" % updateserver)
106    # Make sure we are using sdk-update from within SDK
107    logger.debug("basepath = %s" % basepath)
108    old_locked_sig_file_path = os.path.join(basepath, 'conf/locked-sigs.inc')
109    if not os.path.exists(old_locked_sig_file_path):
110        logger.error("Not using devtool's sdk-update command from within an extensible SDK. Please specify correct basepath via --basepath option")
111        return -1
112    else:
113        logger.debug("Found conf/locked-sigs.inc in %s" % basepath)
115    if not '://' in updateserver:
116        logger.error("Update server must be a URL")
117        return -1
119    layers_dir = os.path.join(basepath, 'layers')
120    conf_dir = os.path.join(basepath, 'conf')
122    # Grab variable values
123    tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=True, basepath=basepath)
124    try:
125        stamps_dir = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('STAMPS_DIR')
126        sstate_mirrors = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('SSTATE_MIRRORS')
127        site_conf_version = tinfoil.config_data.getVar('SITE_CONF_VERSION')
128    finally:
129        tinfoil.shutdown()
131    tmpsdk_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
132    try:
133        os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, 'conf'))
134        new_locked_sig_file_path = os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, 'conf', 'locked-sigs.inc')
135        # Fetch manifest from server
136        tmpmanifest = os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, 'conf', 'sdk-conf-manifest')
137        ret = subprocess.call("wget -q -O %s %s/conf/sdk-conf-manifest" % (tmpmanifest, updateserver), shell=True)
138        if ret != 0:
139            logger.error("Cannot dowload files from %s" % updateserver)
140            return ret
141        changedfiles = check_manifest(tmpmanifest, basepath)
142        if not changedfiles:
143            logger.info("Already up-to-date")
144            return 0
145        # Update metadata
146        logger.debug("Updating metadata via git ...")
147        #Check for the status before doing a fetch and reset
148        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(basepath, 'layers/.git')):
149            out = subprocess.check_output("git status --porcelain", shell=True, cwd=layers_dir)
150            if not out:
151                ret = subprocess.call("git fetch --all; git reset --hard @{u}", shell=True, cwd=layers_dir)
152            else:
153                logger.error("Failed to update metadata as there have been changes made to it. Aborting.");
154                logger.error("Changed files:\n%s" % out);
155                return -1
156        else:
157            ret = -1
158        if ret != 0:
159            ret = subprocess.call("git clone %s/layers/.git" % updateserver, shell=True, cwd=tmpsdk_dir)
160            if ret != 0:
161                logger.error("Updating metadata via git failed")
162                return ret
163        logger.debug("Updating conf files ...")
164        for changedfile in changedfiles:
165            ret = subprocess.call("wget -q -O %s %s/%s" % (changedfile, updateserver, changedfile), shell=True, cwd=tmpsdk_dir)
166            if ret != 0:
167                logger.error("Updating %s failed" % changedfile)
168                return ret
170        # Check if UNINATIVE_CHECKSUM changed
171        uninative = False
172        if 'conf/local.conf' in changedfiles:
173            def read_uninative_checksums(fn):
174                chksumitems = []
175                with open(fn, 'r') as f:
176                    for line in f:
177                        if line.startswith('UNINATIVE_CHECKSUM'):
178                            splitline = re.split(r'[\[\]"\']', line)
179                            if len(splitline) > 3:
180                                chksumitems.append((splitline[1], splitline[3]))
181                return chksumitems
183            oldsums = read_uninative_checksums(os.path.join(basepath, 'conf/local.conf'))
184            newsums = read_uninative_checksums(os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, 'conf/local.conf'))
185            if oldsums != newsums:
186                uninative = True
187                for buildarch, chksum in newsums:
188                    uninative_file = os.path.join('downloads', 'uninative', chksum, '%s-nativesdk-libc.tar.bz2' % buildarch)
189                    mkdir(os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, os.path.dirname(uninative_file)))
190                    ret = subprocess.call("wget -q -O %s %s/%s" % (uninative_file, updateserver, uninative_file), shell=True, cwd=tmpsdk_dir)
192        # Ok, all is well at this point - move everything over
193        tmplayers_dir = os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, 'layers')
194        if os.path.exists(tmplayers_dir):
195            shutil.rmtree(layers_dir)
196            shutil.move(tmplayers_dir, layers_dir)
197        for changedfile in changedfiles:
198            destfile = os.path.join(basepath, changedfile)
199            os.remove(destfile)
200            shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, changedfile), destfile)
201        os.remove(os.path.join(conf_dir, 'sdk-conf-manifest'))
202        shutil.move(tmpmanifest, conf_dir)
203        if uninative:
204            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(basepath, 'downloads', 'uninative'))
205            shutil.move(os.path.join(tmpsdk_dir, 'downloads', 'uninative'), os.path.join(basepath, 'downloads'))
207        if not sstate_mirrors:
208            with open(os.path.join(conf_dir, 'site.conf'), 'a') as f:
209                f.write('SCONF_VERSION = "%s"\n' % site_conf_version)
210                f.write('SSTATE_MIRRORS:append = " file://.* %s/sstate-cache/PATH"\n' % updateserver)
211    finally:
212        shutil.rmtree(tmpsdk_dir)
214    if not args.skip_prepare:
215        # Find all potentially updateable tasks
216        sdk_update_targets = []
217        tasks = ['do_populate_sysroot', 'do_packagedata']
218        for root, _, files in os.walk(stamps_dir):
219            for fn in files:
220                if not '.sigdata.' in fn:
221                    for task in tasks:
222                        if '.%s.' % task in fn or '.%s_setscene.' % task in fn:
223                            sdk_update_targets.append('%s:%s' % (os.path.basename(root), task))
224        # Run bitbake command for the whole SDK
225        logger.info("Preparing build system... (This may take some time.)")
226        try:
227            exec_build_env_command(config.init_path, basepath, 'bitbake --setscene-only %s' % ' '.join(sdk_update_targets), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
228            output, _ = exec_build_env_command(config.init_path, basepath, 'bitbake -n %s' % ' '.join(sdk_update_targets), stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
229            runlines = []
230            for line in output.splitlines():
231                if 'Running task ' in line:
232                    runlines.append(line)
233            if runlines:
234                logger.error('Unexecuted tasks found in preparation log:\n  %s' % '\n  '.join(runlines))
235                return -1
236        except bb.process.ExecutionError as e:
237            logger.error('Preparation failed:\n%s' % e.stdout)
238            return -1
239    return 0
241def sdk_install(args, config, basepath, workspace):
242    """Entry point for the devtool sdk-install command"""
244    import oe.recipeutils
245    import bb.process
247    for recipe in args.recipename:
248        if recipe in workspace:
249            raise DevtoolError('recipe %s is a recipe in your workspace' % recipe)
251    tasks = ['do_populate_sysroot', 'do_packagedata']
252    stampprefixes = {}
253    def checkstamp(recipe):
254        stampprefix = stampprefixes[recipe]
255        stamps = glob.glob(stampprefix + '*')
256        for stamp in stamps:
257            if '.sigdata.' not in stamp and stamp.startswith((stampprefix + '.', stampprefix + '_setscene.')):
258                return True
259        else:
260            return False
262    install_recipes = []
263    tinfoil = setup_tinfoil(config_only=False, basepath=basepath)
264    try:
265        for recipe in args.recipename:
266            rd = parse_recipe(config, tinfoil, recipe, True)
267            if not rd:
268                return 1
269            stampprefixes[recipe] = '%s.%s' % (rd.getVar('STAMP'), tasks[0])
270            if checkstamp(recipe):
271                logger.info('%s is already installed' % recipe)
272            else:
273                install_recipes.append(recipe)
274    finally:
275        tinfoil.shutdown()
277    if install_recipes:
278        logger.info('Installing %s...' % ', '.join(install_recipes))
279        install_tasks = []
280        for recipe in install_recipes:
281            for task in tasks:
282                if recipe.endswith('-native') and 'package' in task:
283                    continue
284                install_tasks.append('%s:%s' % (recipe, task))
285        options = ''
286        if not args.allow_build:
287            options += ' --setscene-only'
288        try:
289            exec_build_env_command(config.init_path, basepath, 'bitbake %s %s' % (options, ' '.join(install_tasks)), watch=True)
290        except bb.process.ExecutionError as e:
291            raise DevtoolError('Failed to install %s:\n%s' % (recipe, str(e)))
292        failed = False
293        for recipe in install_recipes:
294            if checkstamp(recipe):
295                logger.info('Successfully installed %s' % recipe)
296            else:
297                raise DevtoolError('Failed to install %s - unavailable' % recipe)
298                failed = True
299        if failed:
300            return 2
302        try:
303            exec_build_env_command(config.init_path, basepath, 'bitbake build-sysroots -c build_native_sysroot', watch=True)
304            exec_build_env_command(config.init_path, basepath, 'bitbake build-sysroots -c build_target_sysroot', watch=True)
305        except bb.process.ExecutionError as e:
306            raise DevtoolError('Failed to bitbake build-sysroots:\n%s' % (str(e)))
309def register_commands(subparsers, context):
310    """Register devtool subcommands from the sdk plugin"""
311    if context.fixed_setup:
312        parser_sdk = subparsers.add_parser('sdk-update',
313                                           help='Update SDK components',
314                                           description='Updates installed SDK components from a remote server',
315                                           group='sdk')
316        updateserver = context.config.get('SDK', 'updateserver', '')
317        if updateserver:
318            parser_sdk.add_argument('updateserver', help='The update server to fetch latest SDK components from (default %s)' % updateserver, nargs='?')
319        else:
320            parser_sdk.add_argument('updateserver', help='The update server to fetch latest SDK components from')
321        parser_sdk.add_argument('--skip-prepare', action="store_true", help='Skip re-preparing the build system after updating (for debugging only)')
322        parser_sdk.set_defaults(func=sdk_update)
324        parser_sdk_install = subparsers.add_parser('sdk-install',
325                                                   help='Install additional SDK components',
326                                                   description='Installs additional recipe development files into the SDK. (You can use "devtool search" to find available recipes.)',
327                                                   group='sdk')
328        parser_sdk_install.add_argument('recipename', help='Name of the recipe to install the development artifacts for', nargs='+')
329        parser_sdk_install.add_argument('-s', '--allow-build', help='Allow building requested item(s) from source', action='store_true')
330        parser_sdk_install.set_defaults(func=sdk_install)